ScalaTest: Marking a scenario test as an expected failure - scala

When working through testing with FeatureSpec and using scenario, I have part of my code that sends a "failure" case class (i.e. ApplesNotAllowed) and is used via a scalaz disjunction.
Quick example:
val result = if (order.value != 10) {
} else {
In my test suite, I can easily test for the case where I receive an Option.empty[Orange] by expecting that it shouldBe None. However, I do run into a problem when I want to test for the ApplesNotSupported case class being returned. How would I expect this "failure" that will acknowledge the test as passing since we want the "failure" to happen? Whenever I try to run my scenario, I get the error:
Validation is not success ApplesNotSupported(orderNumber)
Tried using interrupt does not solve the issue since it is not an exception, nor do we want to deliberately fail the test. Could it be an issue with using scalaz and ScalaTest?
I am fairly new to functional programming and programming in Scala overall, so any resources or suggestions help as I do have trouble searching for documentation.

You may want to look in to using disjunction matchers when testing disjunctions:
This is the best way to test based on the result of a disjunction.
You can match based on the disjunction itself:
must be_\/-
must be_-\/
Or go a step further and match on the result of the disjunction and the value it contains:
must be_\/-(value)
must be_-\/(value)
I don't personally use ScalaTest, but it looks like it should be the same as it is in specs2.

What about wrapping it in Try and do something like this:
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
import org.specs2.mock.Mockito
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Created by ssharma on 4/18/17.
class UnitTest extends FunSuite with Matchers{
class A {
def t1(x: Int): Try[Int] = Try(t(x))
private def t(x: Int): Int = {
x match {
case 1 => 1
case _ => throw new RuntimeException
test("A") {
val b = new A
test("A fail") {
val b = new A

I am not familiar with either scalaz or disjunctions but it sounds like the intercept functionality in scalatest's assertions ( may help.
You define the type of exception you are expecting with intercept and you run the code that will throw the exception within the function. You can assign the result of intercept to a val which then you can compare to the expected value using assert or assertResult from scalatest.
Hope this can help! :)


Option and null in Scala

If I have the following function:
def getOrNull[T >: Null](f: => T): T = {
try { f } catch { case _: NullPointerException => null }
And I want to use it with Option like so:
val r = Option(getOrNull(someString.split("/")(0)))
I get:
Error:(25, 19) Option.type does not take parameters
What is going on, and how can I overcome this?
You might wonder what Option you are referring to.
From sbt console, use //print<tab>:
scala> Option //print
scala.Option // : Option.type
For better context:
package nooption
class Option(arg: String) // some other option on class path
object Option
object Test {
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println {
The class name for the companion object has a dollar at the end.
Your IDE might "go to definition."
If you started a REPL at the command line, class files in the current directory are on its class path. If you previously compiled an Option in the default or "empty" package, it will hide scala.Option.
As noted in the comments, this code does compile OK, but you really shouldn't use null in Scala unless you are interfacing with Java.
This is a better way of implementing your code:
val r = Try{ someString.split("/")(0) }.toOption
Try is widely used in Scala so this code is clear to anyone experienced with the language, so there is no need for a separate function.

Require user to call a method eventually

Assume I have a class like this:
case class Test(pars: Seq[Int] = Seq()) {
def require(p: Int) = copy(pars = p +: pars)
def execute() = {assert(???)}
It is intended to be used like this:
I am using this in tests. Sometimes it happens I forget to call execute() which makes the test to pass, as the testing code is not executed at all.
Would it be possible to create a check to notify me about this? I have tried an implicit conversion to unit, but it was not applied, default compiler one is used:
implicit def toUnit(setup: Test): Unit = setup.execute() // or ???
It is not a big issue, I can solve it by being more careful, but having a compiler (or even runtime) to warn me would make it easier. The actual way to how create or execute the test is not important and can be changed, it does not have to be a case class and its member.
A possible solution might be refactoring to something along these lines:
sealed abstract class Test private (pars: Seq[Int] = Seq()) {
def require(p: Int): Test = new Test.Impl(pars = p +: pars)
private def execute(): Unit = println("Execute!")
object Test {
def apply(f: Test => Test) = f(new Test.Impl()).execute()
private class Impl(pars: Seq[Int] = Seq()) extends Test(pars)
Test {
The idea of the solution is to hide the Test constructor, so that the one able to call it can guarantee execute is always paired with it.
You can do it for all (non-Unit) types by using the -Ywarn-value-discard compiler option. If you want to limit it to Test, this should be doable with Wart Remover.
After some experimentation I came with a solution which allows me to write the execute before the test setup instead of after it, this way it is easier for me not to forget:
object execute {
def --(setup: Test) = setup.execute()
execute -- Test().require(1)

How to chain Futures for async database I/O handling?

I recently started developing an Application in Play Scala. Although I have used Play Java for several applications already, I am also new to Scala and Play Scala.
I use DAO pattern to abstract the database interaction. The DAO contains methods for insert, update delete. After reading async and thread-pool related documentation, I figured that making database interaction async was highly important, unless you tweak the Play default thread pool to have many threads.
To ensure that all database calls are handled asynchronously, I made all the call to return a Future instead of a value directly. I have created a separate execution context for the database interactions.
trait Dao[K, V] {
def findById(id: K): Future[Option[V]]
def update(v: V): Future[Boolean]
This has lead to very complex and deeply nested code in actions.
trait UserDao extends Dao[Long, User] {
def existsWithEmail(email: String): Future[Boolean]
def insert(u: User) Future[Boolean]
object UserController extends Controller {
def register = Action {
userDao.existsWithEmail(email).flatMap { exists =>
exits match {
case true =>
userDao.insert(new User("foo", "bar")).map { created =>
created match {
case true => Ok("Created!")
case false => BadRequest("Failed creation")
case false =>
Future(BadRequest("User exists with same email"))
Above is a sample of simplest of actions. Level of nesting gets deeper as I have more database calls involved. Although I figured that some of the nesting can be reduced with the use of for comprehension, I am doubting if my approach itself is fundamentally wrong?
Consider a case where I need to create a user,
a. If none exists already with same email address.
b. If none exists already with same mobile number.
I can create two futures,
f(a) checking if user exists with email.
f(b) checking if user exists with mobile.
I cannot go and insert a new user unless I verify that both conditions evaluate false. I can actually have f(a) and f(b) running in parallel. The parallel execution maybe undesirable in case f(a) evaluates to true, and may work in favor otherwise. Step 3 of creating user depends on both these futures, so I wonder if following is equally good?
trait UserDao extends Dao[Long, User] {
def existsWithEmail(email: String): Boolean
def existsWithMobile(mobile: String): Boolean
def insert(u: User): Unit
def register = Action {
implicit val dbExecutionContext = myconcurrent.Context.dbExceutionContext
Future {
if (!userDao.existsWithEmail(email) && !userDao.existsWithMobile(mobile) {
userDao.insert(new User("foo", "bar")
} else {
BadRequest("Already exists!")
Which one is a better approach? Does the approach of using a single Future with multiple calls to database have any downside?
You are correct when you say that a for comprehension can make for less nesting.
To solve the dual-future problem, consider:
existsWithEmail(email).zip(existsWithMobile(mobile)) map {
case (false, false) => // create user
case _ => // already exists
If you have a lot of these, you can use Future.sequence( Seq(future1, future2, ...) ) to turn a sequence of futures into a future sequence.
You may want to take a look at more functional idioms for DB access than DAO, e.g., Slick or Anorm. Usually those will compose better and end up being more flexible than DAO.
A side note: it is more efficient to use if/else for a simple true/false test than it is to use match/case, and is the preferred style.
I solved this problem using for comprehension in scala. I added a few implicit type converters to help with error handling.
Initially I did something like,
def someAction = Action.async {
val result =
for {
student <- studentDao.findById(studentId)
if (student.isDefined)
parent <- parentDao.findById(student.get.parentId)
if (parent.isDefined)
address <- addressDao.findById(parent.get.addressId)
if (address.isDefined)
} yield {
// business logic
result fallbackTo Future.successful(BadRequest("Something went wrong"))
This is how the code was initially structured to counter the dependency between futures. Note that each subsequent future depends on the previous future. Also, each findById is returning a Future[Option[T]] so if within for comprehension is required to handle cases where the methods return None. I used fallbackTo method on the Future to fallback to a BadRequest result if any of the futures evaluated to None (In event of any if condition failing within for comprehension, it returns a failed future) Another issue with above approach was that it would suppress any kind of exception encountered (even exceptions as trivial as NPE) and simply fallback to BadRequest instead, which was very bad.
Above method was able to counter future of options and handle the failed cases, although it was not helpful to figure out exactly which of the futures in the for comprehension had failed. To overcome this limitation, I used implicit type converters.
object FutureUtils {
class FutureProcessingException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
class MissingOptionValueException(msg: String) extends FutureProcessingException(msg)
protected final class OptionFutureToOptionValueFuture[T](f: Future[Option[T]]) {
def whenUndefined(error: String)(implicit context: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = { { value =>
if (value.isDefined) value.get else throw new MissingOptionValueException(error)
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def optionFutureToValueFutureConverter[T](f: Future[Option[T]]) = new OptionFutureToOptionValueFuture(f)
The above implicit conversions allowed me to write readable for comprehensions chaining multiple futures.
import FutureUtils._
def someAction = Action.async {
val result =
for {
student <- studentDao.findById(studentId) whenUndefined "Invalid student id"
parent <- parentDao.findById(student.get.parentId) whenUndefined "Invalid parent id"
address <- addressDao.findById(parent.get.addressId) whenUndefined "Invalid address id"
} yield {
// business logic
result.recover {
case fpe: FutureProcessingException => BadRequest(fpe.getMessage)
case t: Throwable => InternalServerError
The above approach ensured that all exceptions caused by missing Option value are handled as a BadRequest with specific message about what exactly failed. All other failures are treated as InternalServerError. You can log the exact exception with stack trace in order to help debug.

How to do setup/teardown in specs2 when using "in new WithApplication"

I am using Specs2 with play 2.2.1 built with Scala 2.10.2 (running Java 1.7.0_51). I have been reading about how to do setup/teardown with Specs2. I have seen examples using the "After" trait as follows:
class Specs2Play extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification {
"this is the first example" in new SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount {
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends org.specs2.mutable.After {
def after = println("teardown ")
This works fine, except that all of my tests are using "in new WithApplication". It seems what I need is to have an object which is both a "WithApplication" and an "After". Below does not compile, but is essentially what I want:
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends org.specs2.mutable.After with WithApplication
So, my question is, how do I add setup/teardown to my tests which are already using "in WithApplication"? My primary concern is that all of our tests make use of fake routing like this (so they need the With Application).
val aFakeRequest = FakeRequest(method, url).withHeaders(headers).withBody(jsonBody)
val Some(result) = play.api.test.Helpers.route(aFakeRequest)
This is the code for WithApplication:
abstract class WithApplication(val app: FakeApplication = FakeApplication()) extends Around with Scope {
implicit def implicitApp = app
override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
It's actually quite easy to modify this to suit your needs without creating a bunch of other traits. The missing piece here is the anonymous function t, which you provide the implementation for in your tests (using WithApplication). It would be nice to make WithApplication a little more robust to be able to execute arbitrary blocks of code before and after the tests, if necessary.
One approach could be to create a similar class to WithApplication that accepts two anonymous functions setup and teardown that both return Unit. All I really need to do is modify what's happening inside AsResult.effectively(t). To keep this simple, I'm going to remove the app parameter from the parameter list, and use FakeApplication always. You don't seem to be providing a different configuration, and it can always be added back.
abstract class WithEnv(setup: => Unit, teardown: => Unit) extends Around with Scope {
implicit def implicitApp = app
override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
try {
} finally {
Instead of simply calling the anonymous function t, I first call setup, then t, then teardown. The try/finally block is important because failed tests in specs2 throw exceptions, and we want to be sure that teardown will be executed no matter what the outcome.
Now you can easily setup test environments using functions.
import java.nio.files.{Files, Paths}
def createFolder: Unit = Files.createDirectories(Paths.get("temp/test"))
def deleteFolder: Unit = Files.delete("temp/test")
"check if a file exists" in new WithEnv(createFolder, deleteFolder) {
Files.exists(Paths.get("temp/test")) must beTrue
(This might not compile, but you get the idea.)
If your after method doesn't need anything from the WithApplication trait you can mix in your specification the AfterExample trait and define the after behaviour for the whole spec:
import org.specs2.specification._
class Specs2Play extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification with AfterExample {
"this is the first example" in new SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount {
trait SetupAndTeardownPasswordAccount extends WithApplication
def after = println("cleanup")

Failing a scalatest when akka actor throws exception outside of the test thread

I've had a situation come up and bite me a few times where I'm testing an Actor and the Actor throws an exception unexpectedly (due to a bug), but the test still passes. Now most of the time the exception in the Actor means that whatever the test is verifying won't come out properly so it the test fails, but in rare cases that's not true. The exception occurs in a different thread than the test runner so the test runner knows nothing about it.
One example is when I'm using a mock to verify some dependency gets called, and due to a mistake in the Actor code I call an unexpected method in the mock. That causes the mock to throw an exception which blows up the actor but not the test. Sometimes this can even cause downstream tests to fail mysteriously because of how the Actor blew up. For example:
// using scala 2.10, akka 2.1.1, scalatest 1.9.1, easymock 3.1
// (FunSpec and TestKit)
class SomeAPI {
def foo(x: String) = println(x)
def bar(y: String) = println(y)
class SomeActor(someApi: SomeAPI) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case x:String =>
describe("problem example") {
it("calls foo only when it receives a message") {
val mockAPI = mock[SomeAPI]
val ref = TestActorRef(new SomeActor(mockAPI))
expecting {"Hi").once()
whenExecuting(mockAPI) {
ref.tell("Hi", testActor)
it("ok actor") {
val ref = TestActorRef(new Actor {
def receive = {
case "Hi" => sender ! "Hello"
ref.tell("Hi", testActor)
"problemExample" passes, but then downstream "ok actor" fails for some reason I don't really understand... with this exception:
cannot reserve actor name '$$b': already terminated
java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot reserve actor name '$$b': already terminated
at akka.testkit.TestActorRef.<init>(TestActorRef.scala:29)
So, I can see ways of catching this sort of thing by examining the logger output in afterEach handlers. Definitely doable, although a little complicated in cases where I actually expect an exception and that's what I'm trying to test. But is there any more direct way of handling this and making the test fail?
Addendum: I have looked at the TestEventListener and suspect there's maybe something there that would help, but I can't see it. The only documentation I could find was about using it to check for expected exceptions, not unexpected ones.
Thinking in Actors there is also another solution: failures travel to the supervisor, so that is the perfect place to catch them and feed them into the test procedure:
val failures = TestProbe()
val props = ... // description for the actor under test
val failureParent = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
val child = context.actorOf(props, "child")
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case f => failures.ref ! f; Stop // or whichever directive is appropriate
def receive = {
case msg => child forward msg
You can send to the actor under test by sending to failureParent and all failures—expected or not—go to the failures probe for inspection.
Other than examining the logs, I can think of two ways to fail tests when an actor crashes:
Ensure that no Terminated message is received
Check the TestActorRef.isTerminated property
The latter option is deprecated, so I'll ignore it.
Watching Other Actors from Probes describes how to setup a TestProbe. In this case it might look something like:
val probe = TestProbe()
probe watch ref
// Actual test goes here ...
If the actor dies due to an exception it will generate the Terminated message. If that happens during the test and you expect something else, the test will fail. If it happens after your last message expectation, then the expectNoMessage() should fail when Terminated is received.
Okay, I've had a little time to play with this. I've got a nice solution that uses an event listener and filter to catch errors. (Checking isTerminated or using TestProbes is probably good in more focused cases but seems awkward when trying to make something to mix into any old test.)
import{Props, Actor, ActorSystem}
import akka.event.Logging.Error
import akka.testkit._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.mock.EasyMockSugar
import scala.collection.mutable
trait AkkaErrorChecking extends ShouldMatchers {
val system:ActorSystem
val errors:mutable.MutableList[Error] = new mutable.MutableList[Error]
val errorCaptureFilter = EventFilter.custom {
case e: Error =>
errors += e
false // don't actually filter out this event - it's nice to see the full output in console.
lazy val testListener = system.actorOf(Props(new akka.testkit.TestEventListener {
def withErrorChecking[T](block: => T) = {
try {
system.eventStream.subscribe(testListener, classOf[Error])
withClue(errors.mkString("Akka error(s):\n", "\n", ""))(errors should be('empty))
} finally {
You can just use withErrorChecking inline at specific spots, or mix it into a Suite and use withFixture to do it globally across all tests, like this:
trait AkkaErrorCheckingSuite extends AkkaErrorChecking with FunSpec {
override protected def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) {
If you use this in my original example, then you will get the first test "calls foo only when it receives a message" to fail, which is nice because that's where the real failure is. But the downstream test will still fail as well due to the system blowing up. To fix that, I went a step further and used a fixture.Suite to instance a separate TestKit for each test. That solves lots of other potential test isolation issues when you have noisy actors. It requires a little more ceremony declaring each test but I think it's well worth it. Using this trait with my original example I get the first test failing and the second one passing which is just what I want!
trait IsolatedTestKit extends ShouldMatchers { this: fixture.Suite =>
type FixtureParam = TestKit
// override this if you want to pass a Config to the actor system instead of using default reference configuration
val actorSystemConfig: Option[Config] = None
private val systemNameRegex = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]".r
override protected def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) {
val fixtureSystem = => ActorSystem(systemNameRegex.replaceAllIn(, "-"), config))
.getOrElse (ActorSystem (systemNameRegex.replaceAllIn(, "-")))
try {
val errorCheck = new AkkaErrorChecking {
val system = fixtureSystem
errorCheck.withErrorChecking {
test(new TestKit(fixtureSystem))
finally {