Ensure instance of typeclass - scala

if I have an ADT and a type class, is there a way for me to ensure at compile time that there is an instance of the type class for every subtype of the ADT?
Just to give an example - I'd really like this to not compile as there isn't an instance of A for Baz
sealed trait Foo
final case class Bar(s: String) extends Foo
final case class Baz(i: Int) extends Foo
trait A[T <: Foo] {
type O
def f(t: T): O
implicit val barA = new A[Bar] {
type O = String
def f(t: Bar): O = t.s
This is all my own code, so I'm happy to change the encoding of Foo if required (maybe a shapeless coproduct can help me out here?)
Sorry, should have mentioned - I have a function a bit like this I'd like to implement (lets assume my instances are in an object I've imported and they are the only implementations in scope)
def g[T <: Foo](fs: List[T])(implicit a: A[T]): List[a.O] = fs.map(a.f(_))
From the comments below, it looks like I should also have said that the thing that calls g can do so with a List of any subclass of Foo (I have no control over that part other than to change g I guess). Here, I'm trying to ensure that if someone changes Foo later on, then there will be a compiler error letting the user know that they need to implement an appropriate A

You can use F-bounded polymorphism (aka Curiously Recurrent Template Pattern):
sealed abstract class Foo[Self <: Foo](implicit val hasA: A[Self])
final case class Bar(s: String) extends Foo[Bar]
final case class Baz(i: Int) extends Foo[Baz]
abstract class is used instead of trait so the implicit is picked up automatically.
However, for this specific A and g, you may not really need a type class:
sealed trait Foo[O] {
def f(): O
final case class Bar(s: String) extends Foo[String] {
def f() = s
def g(fs: List[Foo[O]]): List[O] = fs.map(_.f())

trait Foo[T] {
this: ImplementThis[T] =>
case class Bar() extends Foo[String] with ImplementThis[String] {
override def f(t: String): String = {
case class Baz() extends Foo[Int] with ImplementThis[Int] {
override def f(t: Int): Int = {
trait ImplementThis[T] {
type O
def f(t: T): O
Try something like this. This will enforce implementation of def f(t: T):O for any subclass of Foo that's defined.
def g[T <: Foo](fs: List[T])(implicit a: A[T]): List[a.O] = fs.map(a.f(_))
From this, I assume you want all the child classes of your Foo to have a def f so that they dont fail at runtime. I think my above suggestion will enforce that def f implementation and solve this problem.


Getting type class instance through a parent type

I need to provide type class instances for a bunch of case classes all derived from a single trait, but as far as I understand Scala compiler expects an instance for a specific class and doesn't go up the inheritance hierarchy. So this code:
trait Base
sealed trait Child extends Base
case class Concrete() extends Child
trait Printable[A] {
def print(value: A): String
object WtfTrait {
def print[A](x: A)(implicit ev: Printable[A]) = {
implicit val printableBase = new Printable[Base] {
override def print(value: Base): String = value.toString
val x = Concrete()
doesn't compile with an error reading could not find implicit value for parameter ev: Printable[Impl]. Is there a way to define a single type class instance for the base trait and avoid repitition maybe by using Shapeless or something.
Guess you mean Printable[Concrete] (that's to say a Show typeclass instance).
Need to update to printableBase definition as bellow:
trait Base
sealed trait Child extends Base
case class Concrete() extends Child
trait Printable[A] {
def print(value: A): String
object WtfTrait {
def print[A](x: A)(implicit ev: Printable[A]) = {
implicit def printableBase[T <: Base] = new Printable[T] {
override def print(value: T): String = value.toString
val x = Concrete()
Printable can be made contravariant by adding a - sign:
trait Printable[-A]
This makes Printable[X] a subtype of Printable[Y] if Y is a subtype of X. In particular, Printable[Base] is a subtype of Printable[Concrete] and can be used when the compiler looks for an implicit of that type.

Scala factory for generic types using the apply method?

Suppose that I have the following trait that defines an interface and takes a couple of type parameters...
trait Foo[A, B] {
// implementation details not important
I want to use the companion object as a factory for concrete implementations of the trait. I also want to force users to use the Foo interface instead of sub-classing So I hide the concrete implementations in the companion object like so:
object Foo {
def apply[A, B](thing: Thing): Foo[A, B] = {
private case class FooImpl[A1, B1](thing: Thing) extends Foo[A1, B1]
private case class AnotherFooImpl[A2, B1](thing: Thing) extends Foo[A2, B1]
I want to be able to use the factory as follows:
val foo = Foo[A1, B1](thing) // should be an instance of FooImpl
val anotherFoo = Foo[A2, B1](thing) // should be an instance of AnotherFooImpl
How do I implement the apply method to make this happen? This SO post seems close to the mark.
How about:
trait Foo[A, B]
trait Factory[A, B] {
def make(thing: Thing): Foo[A, B]
class Thing
object Foo {
def apply[A, B](thing: Thing)(implicit ev: Factory[A, B]) = ev.make(thing)
private case class FooImpl[A, B](thing: Thing) extends Foo[A, B]
private case class AnotherFooImpl[A, B](thing: Thing) extends Foo[A, B]
implicit val fooImplFactory: Factory[Int, String] = new Factory[Int, String] {
override def make(thing: Thing): Foo[Int, String] = new FooImpl[Int, String](thing)
implicit val anotherFooImplFactory: Factory[String, String] = new Factory[String, String] {
override def make(thing: Thing): Foo[String, String] = new AnotherFooImpl[String, String](thing)
And now:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
import Foo._
val fooImpl = Foo[Int, String](new Thing)
val anotherFooImpl = Foo[String, String](new Thing)
Using TypeTags (to overcome erasure of type parameters), we can call the respective hidden implementations based on the type parameters passed in to the apply method like below. It correctly instantiates the respective implementations but the type information for Foo is lost, in fact its coming some garbage like _202 etc? I don't know why that is happening and how to retain the correct types for Foo. Maybe someone can throw light on this.
trait Foo[A,B]
object Foo {
def apply[A: TypeTag, B: TypeTag](thing: Thing) =
if(typeTag[A] == typeTag[Int])
else if(typeTag[A] == typeTag[String])
new Foo[Double,Double] {}
private case class FooImpl(thing: Thing) extends Foo[Int, String]
private case class AnotherFooImpl(thing: Thing) extends Foo[String, String]
Foo[Int,String](new Thing) // Foo[_202, _203] = FooImpl($sess.cmd123$Thing#50350b75)
The actual types for _203 and _203 are: ???
// type _203 >: String with _201, type _202 >: Int with _200
Foo[String,String](new Thing) //Foo[_202, _203] = AnotherFooImpl($sess.cmd123$Thing#51d80d6)

How to remove repetitive case statements for implementations of a sealed trait

I often find that I need to extract the type of a sealed trait before doing the same thing to each implementation:
sealed trait Trait
case class Foo() extends Trait
case class Bar() extends Trait
// ... lots of other implementations
// *must* take a `Trait`, not a `T <: Trait`
def thing(t: Trait): ??? = t match {
case f: Foo => // something with the instance and specific type
case b: Bar => // something with the instance and specific type
// ... same thing again for other implementations
for example
// typically provided by somebody else...
trait Thing[T] { def thingy: String }
implicit def thing[T]: Thing[T] = new Thing[T] { def thingy = "stuff" }
def thing(t: Trait): String = t match {
case Foo() => implicitly[Thing[Foo]].thingy
case Bar() => implicitly[Thing[Bar]].thingy
// ...
I'd like to reduce the boilerplate involved in doing this.
UPDATE: nowadays we'd use typeclass derivation via shapeless. e.g. https://github.com/fommil/shapeless-for-mortals
It turns out that you can use shapeless' polymorphic functions and co-product to do this:
object thing extends Poly1 {
implicit def action[T <: Trait: Thing] = at[T](
a => implicitly[Thing[T]].thingy
// magic that makes it work at the sealed trait level
def apply(t: Trait): String =
which can then be used like
println(thing(Foo(): Trait))
I'd like to make this easier to write via an abstract class (let's forget about passing on implicit parameters to action for now), e.g.
abstract class MatchSealed[In, Out] extends Poly1 {
implicit def poly[T <: In] = at[T](action)
def action[T <: In](t: T): Out
import ops.coproduct.Mapper
def apply[R <: HList](in: In)(
g: Generic.Aux[In, R],
m: Mapper[this.type, R]
): Out = {
val self: this.type = this
but this is failing with a missing Mapper[self.type, g.Repr] on the final line. I don't know which implicit is missing, but I suspect it is the self.type. I really want to capture realisedSelf.type but I don't know how to do that.
UPDATE: it turns out that it is not possible to obtain the Mapper because it needs access to the realised object Unable to map on HList

Abstract Over TypeClass

Starting with some simple code:
trait Moveable[A] {
def move(a: A): A
trait Animal {
def kick[A <: Animal: Moveable](a: A): A = implicitly[Moveable[A]] move a
object Cat {
implicit object CatMoveable extends Moveable[Cat] {
def move(cat: Cat): Cat = cat copy (pos = cat.pos + 4)
case class Cat(pos: Int) extends Animal
case class Dog(pos: Int) extends Animal
val someAnimal: Animal = Dog(0)
val kickedCat: Cat = someAnimal kick Cat(0)
println(kickedCat) // Cat(4)
I decided to distinguish between, let´s say, Quadruped and Biped animals:
trait FourFeetMoveable[A] {
def moveWithFourFeets(a: A): A
trait TwoFeetMoveable[A] {
def moveWithTwoFeets(a: A): A
trait Animal {
def kick[A <: Animal /*: ??? */](a: A): A
trait Quadruped extends Animal {
def kick[A <: Animal: FourFeetMoveable](a: A): A = implicitly[FourFeetMoveable[A]] moveWithFourFeets a
trait Biped extends Animal {
def kick[A <: Animal: TwoFeetMoveable](a: A): A = implicitly[TwoFeetMoveable[A]] moveWithTwoFeets a
object Chicken {
implicit object ChickenTwoFeetMoveable extends TwoFeetMoveable[Chicken] {
def moveWithTwoFeets(chicken: Chicken): Chicken = chicken copy (pos = chicken.pos + 2)
case class Dog(pos: Int) extends Quadruped
case class Chicken(pos: Int) extends Biped
val someAnimal: Animal = Dog(0)
val kickedChicken: Chicken = someAnimal kick Chicken(0)
println(kickedChicken) // Chicken(2)
A must have is to have two totally different typeclasses FourFeetMoveable and TwoFeetMoveable, so I can´t abstract over them with something like this:
trait Moveable[A] {
def move(a: A): A
So how can I abstract over the typeclasses used as a context bound at method kick in trait Animal(see the ???)?
Sorry, I should have made my example clearer. Lets say the effect of being kicked can be some movement or some other action. I wanted to abstract over that effect with a typeclass.
In the following code I am showing what I mean and also used an abstract type member KickingEffect to abstract over the required typeclass, as 0__ proposed:
trait StumbleEffect[A <: Animal] {
def stumble(a: A): A
trait GlideEffect[A <: Animal] {
def glide(a: A): A
trait Animal {
type KickingEffect[A <: Animal]
def kick[A <: Animal: KickingEffect](a: A): A
trait Biped extends Animal {
type KickingEffect[A <: Animal] = StumbleEffect[A]
override def kick[A <: Animal: StumbleEffect](a: A): A = implicitly[StumbleEffect[A]] stumble a
trait Quadruped extends Animal {
type KickingEffect[A <: Animal] = GlideEffect[A]
override def kick[A <: Animal: GlideEffect](a: A): A = implicitly[GlideEffect[A]] glide a
object Dog {
implicit object DogGlideEffect extends GlideEffect[Dog] {
def glide(dog: Dog): Dog = dog copy (pos = dog.pos + 4)
case class Dog(pos: Int) extends Quadruped
case class Cat(pos: Int) extends Quadruped
case class Chicken(pos: Int) extends Biped
But then I ran into another problem, when it comes to sequences of animals:
type Beast[A <: Animal, KE[_ <: Animal]] = A { type KickingEffect[X <: Animal] = KE[X] }
val dogBeast: Beast[Dog, GlideEffect] = Dog(0) // fine
type GlideBeasts[A <: Quadruped] = Beast[A, GlideEffect]
val glideBeasts: Seq[GlideBeasts[Quadruped]] = Seq(Dog(0), Cat(0)) // fine
def kickAll[A <: Animal, KE[_ <: Animal], KA <: Animal](kicker: Beast[A, KE])(animals: Seq[KA])(implicit ev: kicker.KickingEffect[KA]): Seq[KA] = {
for (a <- animals) yield kicker kick a
val cat = Cat(0)
val dog = Dog(0)
kickAll(cat)(Seq(dog)) // wrong inferred kinds of type arguments
kickAll[Cat, GlideEffect, Dog](cat)(Seq(dog)) // missing implicit evidence
Like this?
trait Moveable[A] {
def move(a: A): A
trait FourFeetMoveable[A] extends Moveable[A]
trait TwoFeetMoveable[A] extends Moveable[A]
trait Animal {
type CanKick[A] <: Moveable[A]
def kick[A <: Animal : CanKick](a: A): A = implicitly[CanKick[A]] move a
trait Quadruped extends Animal {
type CanKick[A] = FourFeetMoveable[A]
trait Biped extends Animal {
type CanKick[A] = TwoFeetMoveable[A]
Regarding your edit: I would recommend at this point not to further try to model that with types, unless it is really an extremely crucial point in your application or a pure thought experiment. You can get easily overambitious with type-safe design, then the ratio between design effort and application value is getting to big; I would just drop some compile-time safety and go for pattern matching and runtime errors.
If you do want to follow the types route, as soon as you have collections, you will need something like HLists to preserve the individual types of the collection members.
Anyway, you can make your example work (with explicit type parameters):
def kickAll[A <: Animal, KE[_ <: Animal], KA <: Animal](
kicker: Beast[A, KE])(animals: Seq[KA])(implicit effect: KE[KA]): Seq[KA] = {
for (a <- animals) yield kicker kick a
val cat = Cat(0)
val dog = Dog(0)
kickAll(cat)(Seq(dog)) // still doesn't figure out the types
kickAll[Cat, GlideEffect, Dog](cat)(Seq(dog)) // ok!
As said, the tricky or impossible part comes when you try to do this with heterogeneous lists (e.g. requiring different effects). You might get away with using a helper type class for the elements of the sequence, instead, so that implicits can be resolved per item before.
As a side note, I found it always useful to not introduce type bounds till the moment they are really needed. Not only do you safe a lot of typing (no pun intended), but you keep options open (e.g. for later variance annotations). The following is totally sufficient:
trait StumbleEffect[A] {
def stumble(a: A): A
trait GlideEffect[A] {
def glide(a: A): A
trait Animal {
type KickingEffect[A]
def kick[A : KickingEffect](a: A): A
trait Biped extends Animal {
type KickingEffect[A] = StumbleEffect[A]
override def kick[A : StumbleEffect](a: A): A =
implicitly[StumbleEffect[A]] stumble a
trait Quadruped extends Animal {
type KickingEffect[A] = GlideEffect[A]
override def kick[A : GlideEffect](a: A): A = implicitly[GlideEffect[A]] glide a

Extending a trait and types

I would like to have a sealed trait which have a declared method that returns the
actual class that extends the trait. Should I use an abstract type, a parameter type or
is there any other nice way to solve this?
sealed trait Foo {
type T
def doit(other: T): T
sealed trait Foo[T] {
def doit(other: T): T
Note that T must be a subtype of Foo in this example. If I do it like this the type
information feels too repeated:
case class Bar(name: String) extends Foo[Bar] {
def doit(other: Bar): Bar = ...
They are mostly interchangeable. According to Odersky, the reason was mainly for completeness: That similarly to the fact that methods and fields (values) can be either abstract or passed as parameters, so can types.
It is better to use an abstract type when you intend to mix several traits that all use the same type name. With type parameters you need to explicitly pass the type to each
Here's an article explaining all of this: http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=270195
You can cut down on the repetition somewhat by having your doit method return a factory function:
trait Foo[T] {
self: T =>
def doit: T => T
case class Bar(name: String) extends Foo[Bar] {
// note: types omitted
def doit = { other => Bar(name + other.name) }
It's not possible to do the same with an abstract type:
trait Foo {
self: T => // won't compile because T isn't defined yet
type T
def doit: T => T
You can write:
trait Foo[T] {
self:T =>
def doit(other: T): T
case class Bar(name: String) extends Foo[Bar] {
def doit(other: Bar): Bar = ...
The difference to your example is that Bar can't be instantiated in any other way (e.g. case class Bar(name: String) extends Foo[String]).
trait Foo[A <: Foo[A]]
This trait can only be mixed in if A is a subtype of Foo[A] and the only type satisfying that is the class Foo is being mixed into. I saw this solution in the Mapper traits in Lift.
EDIT - Below is my original answer. Your comment indicates that you wish to return an arbitrary instance of a matching type but I don't really believe that this is in any way sensible. Suppose it were, via the T.type syntax:
trait T { def foo : T.type }
trait U extends T { def foo = new U } //must be a U
class W extends U
val w : W = (new W).foo //oh dear.
This is accomplishable via this.type:
scala> trait T {
| def foo : this.type
| }
defined trait T
scala> class W extends T {
| def foo = this
| }
defined class W
scala> (new W).foo
res0: W = W#22652552
scala> res0.foo
res1: res0.type = W#22652552
And then also:
scala> ((new W) : T)
res4: T = W#45ea414e
scala> res4.foo.foo.foo
res5: res4.type = W#45ea414e