Using BETWEEN or comparison operators in PostgreSQL - postgresql

I'm having trouble with using the between operator in where clause. I have the following queries:
FROM table
WHERE timestamp_column BETWEEN (current_date - interval '1 day')::date
AND current_date => 500k rows
FROM table
WHERE timestamp_column >= (current_date - interval '1 day')::date => 1 mil rows
Does anyone have any idea why the result set is different? Shouldn't it be the same? I am trying to compare the number of rows from a database in PostgreSQL with data from Sybase ASE. The same 2 queries ran in Sybase give the same results. The expected result set is 1 milion rows. This should be the number of rows that I have between yesterday and today.
PostgreSQL v9.5, timestamp_column = timestamp without time zone
I tried using now(), current_timestamp but same result.
What am I missing here? If I didn't made myself clear let me know.


PostgreSQL What's the difference between NOW() - INTERVAL and its value

I am working with PostgreSQL 12.6 and TimescaleDB.
I have an hypertable raws which contains a field "time" of type timestamp without time zone NOT NULL.
Now I have 2 queries:
select * from raws where time > NOW() - INTERVAL '15 day';
This one gives me this:
2021-04-08 00:00:00
2021-04-08 00:10:00
2021-04-08 00:20:00
And NOW() is equal to: 2021-04-20 16:48:41.575584+02
But now, if I take the value of NOW() - INTERVAL '15 day' which is, at this time 2021-04-05 16:48:41.575584+02, and put it my query like this:
select * from raws where time > '2021-04-05 16:48:41.575584+02';
It doesn't work anymore: I get 0 results, but no errors.
So what is it that makes the second query fail?
Is it something wrong with TimescaleDB or PostgreSQL, or am I missing something with formats?
So I tried to reproduce that bug on a fresh database, and everything worked fine.
The query select * from raws where time > '2021-04-05 16:48:41.575584+02'; stops working when I import all my datas from a dump, so even though I don't know exactly what, there is a problem with that dump.

PostgreSQL: Syntax error at or near "14" when trying to run a delete query

First question here!
So I have a table with a row like this:
I would like to run a query that delete all the data in my table older than 14 days.
This is my query:
DELETE FROM customers WHERE timestamp < NOW() - INTERVAL 14 DAY;
This is the error: syntax error at or near "14"
Anyone knows why this is not working and/or how could I achieve my goal??
Many thanks!!
The interval value must be quoted:
DELETE FROM customers WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '14 DAYS';
See the doc
DELETE FROM customers WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '14 DAY';
Another variation on the existing answers (possibly easier to remember):
DELETE FROM customers WHERE timestamp < NOW() - '14 days'::interval;

How to migrate "as of timestamp" query in PostgreSQL

I want to migrate or write an equivalent query to get the data from table one hr before the current time in PostgreSQL.
oracle query:
select *
from T_DATA as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval '60' minute);
select * from T_DATA where timestamp_column >= now() - interval '1 hour'
Since flashback queries are not supported in postgresql, One approach I tried with temporal tables extension.

Yesterday - in Redshift & PostgreSQL - date addition compatibility

Attempting to write queries that will be compatible with both PostgreSQL and Amazon Redshift.
Reason: Syncing data from PG to RS to perform complex queries, but in dev/QA environments budget (and DB size) dictates to stay with PG only.
Request: return yesterday's date
In PostgreSQL:
In Redshift:
Problem: Neither works in the other platform.
Is there a compatible way to achieve requested action?
ORM is an option we'd like to avoid.
The following works in Postgres and Redshift:
ANSI standard SQL:
SELECT current_date - interval '1' day;
-- 2018-06-19 00:00:00
SELECT current_timestamp - interval '1' day;
-- 2018-06-19 13:40:06.509337+00
Postgres (and I believe Redshift as well) also supports the alternative (non-standard) interval syntax: interval '1 day'
Or more compact (not 100% ANSI SQL but works in both):
SELECT current_date - 1;
-- 2018-06-19 00:00:00
SELECT current_timestamp - 1;
-- 2018-06-19 13:40:06.509337+00

Huge PostgreSQL table - Select, update very slow

I am using PostgreSQL 9.5. I have a table which is almost 20GB's. It has a primary key on the ID column which is an auto-increment column, however I am running my queries on another column which is a timestamp... I am trying to select/update/delete on the basis of a timestamp column but the queries are very slow. For example: A select on this table `where timestamp_column::date (current_date - INTERVAL '10 DAY')::date) is taking more than 15 mins or so..
Can you please help on what kind of Index should I add to this table (if needed) to make it perform faster?
You can create an index with your clause expression:
CREATE INDEX ns_event_last_updated_idx ON ns_event (CAST(last_updated AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AS DATE));
But, keep in mind that you're using timestamp with timezone, cast this type to date can let you get undesirable side effects.
Also, remove all casting in your sql:
select * from ns_event where Last_Updated < (current_date - INTERVAL '25 DAY');