PreloadJS - Loading an image from a URL without file format - easeljs

I'm trying to use PreloadJS to load an image. I took the getting started code from so,
function loadImage() {
var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue();
preload.addEventListener("fileload", handleFileComplete);
function handleFileComplete(event) {
Which works great, but changing the URL to a custom one doesn't play so nice:
I'm unable to render the image. I'm guessing the loadFile function parses the file type in the provided URL string. Is there a way to tell PreloadJS the provided asset is indeed an image and render it?

According to LoadQueue's documentation, the file type of an item is determined by it's file extension. If it doesn't have an extension, then you can pass in a type property:
preload.loadFile({src:"hello", type:createjs.AbstractLoader.IMAGE});


Is it possible on monogame to load content files to the Content Manager at run time?

The reason I want to do this is that I'd like users to be able to create their own racetrack and save it as an image. Users would then be able to select their image and race on their track.
I'm thinking of using the following code to test if the file exists
using System.IO;
public static bool TrackExists(string fileName)
return File.Exists($#"Content\Tracks\{fileName}.xnb");
If it doesn't exist in the pipeline, I'd like it to be added and built so it can then be used in the project.
How should I go about doing this?
if (File.Exists(path))
tex.FromFile(_graphicsDevice, path);
_game.ChangeState(new RaceState(_game, _graphicsDevice, _content, tex));
If you need to load an image file as a Texture2D, you need to use the static method Texture2D.FromFile() as follows
myTex2D = Texture2D.FromFile(GraphicsDevice, "path/to/file");
As a rule of thumb, you cannot use the pipeline to load files dynamically. Nevertheless, it is not necessary that you have to use it. AFAIK the pipeline is the best and fastest way to load the static content of your game. There will be methods to import your custom files as content dynamically, so don't worry just because you're not using the pipeline. There are many types in Monogame (like Texture2D) that support dynamic loading from files.
Just to clarify, The method is a static member of Texture2D class, so you should be using it as follows:
if (File.Exists(path))
tex = Texture2D.FromFile(_graphicsDevice, path);
//...Rest of your code

Zend Form file input set required false is not working

I'm having the following code to render a zend form file input
$pd_photo = new Zend_Form_Element_File('photo');
$pd_photo->setDestination(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../uploads');
$pd_photo->addValidator('Count', false, 1);
$pd_photo->addValidator('Size', false, 2097156672);
$pd_photo->addValidator('Extension', false, 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp');
->setMessage('You can upload only one file');
->setMessage('Your file size cannot upload file size limit of 1 MB');
->setMessage('Invalid file extension, only valid image extensions are
(jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp) allowed.');
All is working fine but when I leave the file filed empty then, it does not work. The zend form validator returns an empty error string message.
What wrong am doing??
This is my first answer, this might be right because,
I also once had the similar problem, I saw that you have used both
In this case you should also define for 'NotEmpty' => 'false'
Try defining the above property for file element this should solve your problem, mine was resolved by this.

Check for Valid Image using getFilesAsync()

Using WinJS, while looping through a directory, how to retrieve only images in that particular directory and ignoring any other file extension, including the DoubleDots .. and the SingleDot . etc?
Something like:
var dir = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.picturesLibrary;
dir.getFilesAsync().done(function (filesFound) {
for(var i=0; i < filesFound.length; i++){}
if(filesFound[i] IS_REALLY_AN_IMAGE_(jpeg,jpg,png,gif Only)){
//Retrieve it now!
//Escape it.
Instead of trying to process pathnames, it will work much better to use a file query, which lets the file system do the search/filtering for you. A query also allows you to listen for the query's contentschanged event if you want to dynamically track the folder contents rather than explicitly enumerating again.
A query is created via StorageFolder.createFileQuery, createFolderQuery, or other variants. In your particular case, where you want to filter by file types, you can use createFileQueryWithOptions. This function takes a QueryOptions object which you can initialize with an array of file types. For example:
var picturesLibrary = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.picturesLibrary;
var options = new Windows.Storage.Search.QueryOptions(
Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFileQuery.orderByName, [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif"]);
//Could also use orderByDate instead of orderByName
if (picturesLibrary.areQueryOptionsSupported(options)) {
var query = picturesLibrary.createFileQueryWithOptions(options);
where showResults is some function that takes the promise from query.getFilesAsync and iterates as needed.
I go into this subject at length in Chapter 11 of my free ebook, Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2nd Edition, in the section "Folders and Folder Queries". Also refer to the Programmatic file search sample, as I do in the book.
When you want to display the image files, be sure to use thumbnails instead of loading the whole image (images are typically much larger than a display). That is, for each StorageFile, call its getThumbnailAsync or getScaledImageAsThumbnailAsync method. Pass the resulting thumbnail (blob) to URL.createObjectURL which returns a URL you can assign to an img.src attribute. Or you can use a WinJS.UI.ListView control, but that's another topic altogether (see Chapter 7 of my book).

BlackBerry 10: Load GroupDataModel data into a JSON file?

I have a ListView in QML using a cpp GroupDataModel that is created from a .json file in the assets folder. Items from this ListView are removed and added to. In cpp how do I get the GroupDataModel data into the JSON file?
I know there is this:
JsonDataAccess jda;, "/app/native/assets/employees.json");
How do I get the GroupDataModel data into a QVariant to put in the first parameter of that function? I can't just stick my m_model GroupDataModel in there; it causes an error.
You have to iterate over your model with GroupDataModel::data() and GroupDataModel::childCount() to create your resulting QVariant, then store it. As far as I know, there's no automatic way to do this.
Edit: there is one.
for loading groupdatamodel content in to json file, you have to do:
QList<QVariantMap> myList = m_model->toListOfMaps();
QVariantList membersList;
foreach(QVariantMap s, myList){
membersList << s;
JsonDataAccess jda;,path);

How do I format HTML code in Code Mirror when the value is set to it?

I am using the Code Mirror plugin to edit HTML source of a page. The HTML code is fetched from database and set as value in Code Mirror. But, after setting the value it is displayed in the same format in which it was saved in the database. How can I display it in proper format? Thanks in advance.
There is a function called autoFormatRange
This fragment from the CodeMirror Group might be what you need:
function autoFormat() {
var totalLines = editor.lineCount();
var totalChars = editor.getTextArea().value.length;
editor.autoFormatRange({line:0, ch:0}, {line:totalLines, ch:totalChars});