How do I prove the following question
Prove that in any partition of N9 (The first nine natural numbers) into three sets, there will be at least one set whose product of numbers is greater than or equal to 72.
I would go for a proof by contradiction.
Note that the product of the first nine natural numbers is 9! = 362880. Furthermore, if we multiply the products of the different sets, we should arrive at the same answer.
Now, assume that every product of the sets in the partition is less than 72. I.e the products could be at most 71. Even if all of the three products is the maximum allowed value, the product of all the numbers would be at most 71 * 71 * 71 = 357911.
This falls short of the known value of 362880. So we find a contradiction.
The contradiction occurs because of our assumption, i.e. that all of the sets in the partition have a product less than 72. Therefore, this assumption can not be true. Hence there must be at least one set with a product equal to or bigger than 72.
We track an internal entity with java.util generated UUID. New requirement is to pass this object to a third party who requires a unique identifier with a max character limit of 11. In lieu of generating, tracking and mapping an entirely new unique ID we are wondering if it is viable to use a substring of the UUID as a calculated field. The number of records is at most 10 million.
java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString() // code used to generate
Quotes from other resources (incl. SOF):
"....only after generating 1 billion UUIDs every second for approximately 100 years would the probability of creating a single duplicate reach 50%."
"Also be careful with generating longer UUIDs and substring-ing them, since some parts of the ID may contain fixed bytes (e.g. this is the case with MAC, DCE and MD5 UUIDs)."
We will check out existing IDs' substrings for duplicates. What are the chances the substring would generate a duplicate?
This is an instance of the Birthday Problem. One formulation of B.P.: Given a choice of n values sampled randomly with replacement, how many values can we sample before the same value will be seen at least twice with probability p?
For the classic instance of the problem,
p = 0.5, n = the 365 days of the year
and the answer is 23. In other words, the odds are 50% that two people share the same birthday when you are surveying 23 people.
You can plug in
n = the number of possible UUIDs
instead to get that kind of cosmically large sample size required for a 50% probability of a collision — something like the billion-per-second figure. It is
n = 16^32
for a 32-character string of 16 case-insensitive hex digits.
B.P. a relatively expensive problem to compute, as there is no known closed-form formula for it. In fact, I just tried it for your 11-character substring (n = 16^11) on Wolfram Alpha Pro, and it timed out.
However, I found an efficient implementation of a closed-form estimate here. And here's my adaptation of the Python.
import math
def find(p, n):
return math.ceil(math.sqrt(2 * n * math.log(1/(1-p))))
If I plug in the classic B.P. numbers, I get an answer of 23, which is right. For the full UUID numbers,
find(.5, math.pow(16, 32)) / 365 / 24 / 60 / 60 / 100
my result is actually close to 7 billion UUID per second for 100 years! Maybe this estimate is too coarse for large numbers, though I don't know what method your source used.
For the 11-character string? You only have to generate about 5 million IDs total to reach the 50% chance of a collision. For 1%, it's only about 600,000 total. And that's probably overestimating safety, compared to your source (and which we are already guilty of by assuming the substring is random).
My engineering advice: Do you really need the guarantees that UUIDs provide aside from uniqueness, such as non-enumerability, and assurance against collisions in a distributed context? If not, then just use a sequential ID, and avoid these complications.
I have a total number of W workers with long worker IDs. They work in groups, with a maximum of M members in each group.
To generate a unique group name for each worker combination, concantating the IDs is not feasible. I am think of doing a MD5() on the flattened sorted worker id list. I am not sure how many digits should I keep for it to be memorable to humans while safe from collision.
Will log( (26+10), W^M ) be enough ? How many redundent chars should I keep ? I there any other specialized hash function that works better for this scenario ?
The total number of combinations of 500 objects taken by up to 10 would be approximately 2.5091E+20, which would fit in 68 bits (about 13 characters in base36), but I don't see an easy algorithm to assign each combination a number. An easier algorithm would be like this: if you assign each person a 9-bit number (0 to 511) and concatenate up to 10 numbers, you would get 90 bits. To encode those in base36, you would need 18 characters.
If you want to use a hash that with just 6 characters in base36 (about 31 bits), the probability of a collision depends on the total number of groups used during the lifetime of the application. If we assume that each day there are 10 new groups (that were not encountered before) and that the application will be used for 10 years, we would get 36500 groups. Using the calculator provided by Nick Barnes shows that there is a 27% chance of a collision in this case. You can adjust the assumptions to your particular situation and then change the hash length to fit your desired maximum chance of a collision.
I still confuse how to find hash table probability. I have hash table of size 20 with open addressing uses the hash function
hash(int x) = x % 20
How many elements need to be inserted in the hash table so that the probability of the next element hitting a collision exceeds 50%.
I use birthday paradox concerns to find it and seems get an incorrect answer. Where is my mistake?
How many elements need to be inserted in the hash table so that the probability of the next element hitting a collision exceeds 50%.
Well, it depends on a few things.
The simple case is that you've already performed 11 inserts with distinct and effectively random integer keys, such that 11 of the buckets are in use, and your next insertion uses another distinct and effectively random key so it will hash to any bucket with equal probability: clearly there's only a 9/20 chance of that bucket being unused which means your chance of a collision during that 12th insertion exceeds 50% for the first time. This is the answer most formulas, textbooks, people etc. will give you, as it's the most meaningful for situations where hash tables are used with strong hash functions and/or prime numbers of buckets etc. - the scenarios where hash tables shine and are particularly elegant.
Another not-uncommon scenario is that you're putting say customer ids for a business into the hash table, and you're assigning the customers incrementing id numbers starting at 1. Even if you've already inserted customers with ids 1 to 19, you know they're in buckets [1] to [19] with no collisions - your hash just passes the keys through without the mod kicking in. You can then insert customer 20 into bucket [0] (after the mod operation) without a collision. Then, the 21st customer has 100% chance of a collision. (But, if your data's like this, please use an array and index directly using the customer id, or customer_id - 1 if you don't want to waste bucket [0].)
There are many other possible patterns in the keys that can affect when you exceed a 50% probability of a collision: e.g. all the keys being odd or multiples of some value, or being say ages or heights with a particular distribution curve.
The mistake with your use of the Birthday Paradox is thinking it answers your question. When you put "1/2" and "20" into the formula, it's telling you that the point at which your cumulative probability of a collision reaches 1/2, but your question is "the probability of the next element hitting a collision exceeds 50%" (emphasis mine).
How to use Morton Order in range search?
From the wiki, In the paragraph "Use with one-dimensional data structures for range searching",
it says
"the range being queried (x = 2, ..., 3, y = 2, ..., 6) is indicated
by the dotted rectangle. Its highest Z-value (MAX) is 45. In this
example, the value F = 19 is encountered when searching a data
structure in increasing Z-value direction. ......BIGMIN (36 in the
example).....only search in the interval between BIGMIN and MAX...."
My questions are:
1) why the F is 19? Why the F should not be 16?
2) How to get the BIGMIN?
3) Are there any web blogs demonstrate how to do the range search?
EDIT: The AWS Database Blog now has a detailed introduction to this subject.
This blog post does a reasonable job of illustrating the process.
When searching the rectangular space x=[2,3], y=[2,6]:
The minimum Z Value (12) is found by interleaving the bits of the lowest x and y values: 2 and 2, respectively.
The maximum Z value (45) is found by interleaving the bits of the highest x and y values: 3 and 6, respectively.
Having found the min and max Z values (12 and 45), we now have a linear range that we can iterate across that is guaranteed to contain all of the entries inside of our rectangular space. The data within the linear range is going to be a superset of the data we actually care about: the data in the rectangular space. If we simply iterate across the entire range, we are going to find all of the data we care about and then some. You can test each value you visit to see if it's relevant or not.
An obvious optimization is to try to minimize the amount of superfluous data that you must traverse. This is largely a function of the number of 'seams' that you cross in the data -- places where the 'Z' curve has to make large jumps to continue its path (e.g. from Z value 31 to 32 below).
This can be mitigated by employing the BIGMIN and LITMAX functions to identify these seams and navigate back to the rectangle. To minimize the amount of irrelevant data we evaluate, we can:
Keep a count of the number of consecutive pieces of junk data we've visited.
Decide on a maximum allowable value (maxConsecutiveJunkData) for this count. The blog post linked at the top uses 3 for this value.
If we encounter maxConsecutiveJunkData pieces of irrelevant data in a row, we initiate BIGMIN and LITMAX. Importantly, at the point at which we've decided to use them, we're now somewhere within our linear search space (Z values 12 to 45) but outside the rectangular search space. In the Wikipedia article, they appear to have chosen a maxConsecutiveJunkData value of 4; they started at Z=12 and walked until they were 4 values outside of the rectangle (beyond 15) before deciding that it was now time to use BIGMIN. Because maxConsecutiveJunkData is left to your tastes, BIGMIN can be used on any value in the linear range (Z values 12 to 45). Somewhat confusingly, the article only shows the area from 19 on as crosshatched because that is the subrange of the search that will be optimized out when we use BIGMIN with a maxConsecutiveJunkData of 4.
When we realize that we've wandered outside of the rectangle too far, we can conclude that the rectangle in non-contiguous. BIGMIN and LITMAX are used to identify the nature of the split. BIGMIN is designed to, given any value in the linear search space (e.g. 19), find the next smallest value that will be back inside the half of the split rectangle with larger Z values (i.e. jumping us from 19 to 36). LITMAX is similar, helping us to find the largest value that will be inside the half of the split rectangle with smaller Z values. The implementations of BIGMIN and LITMAX are explained in depth in the zdivide function explanation in the linked blog post.
It appears that the quoted example in the Wikipedia article has not been edited to clarify the context and assumptions. The approach used in that example is applicable to linear data structures that only allow sequential (forward and backward) seeking; that is, it is assumed that one cannot randomly seek to a storage cell in constant time using its morton index alone.
With that constraint, one's strategy begins with a full range that is the mininum morton index (16) and the maximum morton index (45). To make optimizations, one tries to find and eliminate large swaths of subranges that are outside the query rectangle. The hatched area in the diagram refers to what would have been accessed (sequentially) if such optimization (eliminating subranges) had not been applied.
After discussing the main optimization strategy for linear sequential data structures, it goes on to talk about other data structures with better seeking capability.
I'm working in assembly on a homework problem, and each word is 16bit. So I have a two word 32 bit integer. The high order bits are in R1 (register 1) and the lower order bits are in R0 (register 0). So the number is just "R1R0". I'm supposed to treat it as a continuous number so imagine the number is just both combined. So I want to work with R1R0 as a positive number, so if it is negative I want to take the NOT of R1R0 and add 1 because it is a 2's complement number and doing so would turn it into a positive number. My problem is that if you took the NOT of R1R0 and R0 was a positive number previous and then became a negative number from the NOT what should I do? Should I carry over from the R1 and subtract 1 from R1?