Create a function handle within a structure, given some coefficients - matlab

I have a vector of coefficients available, which are the coefficients of an interpolating polynomial. I want to create a field in a structure as follows:
p.val =#(y) polynomial
Here polynomial is the polynomial with my coefficients in the indeterminate y. I'm not sure how to do this. The field has to contain a function handle like this.
The user has to be able to call this as follows:
pval = p.val(y)
where, y can be a vector of any length, supplied by the user (which contains values where the polynomial needs to be evaluated). So, this output has to be a column vector, such that every cell contains the specific function value.
Any help on how this can be done is appreciated!

I am not sure what function you want to implement, but the length of the vector you are including does not matter.
example.a = 3; % Any variable
example.b = #(s) mean(s);
The function mean here can be anything from a built-in function to a custom function you just made.
You can call it by:
result = example.b(rand(1000,1);


Matlab fit with function returning vector with all the y(x_i) values

I am working on something and I haven't found any solution, maybe I didn't know how to correctly search for it...
I have two arrays of experimental data (x and y). x is a list of certain energies (512 values from 0 to 100 kev) and I want to fit them to a function which returns a vector of values of y for every x in the list (the energies are always the same, 512 certain values). This is because my function model contains several matrix and other functions.
So, I can't evaluate my function as f(x,a,b,c...) (with a,b,c the parameters to fit) and expect a single scalar, but I have to evaluate f(a,b,c...), and it returns a vector of y(x1),y(x2)...
Now, I want to fit my data to my model. But lsqcurvefit needs a function of the form f(x), I suppose that it evaluates every f(x). I could write my function so that every time it is called it evaluates the vector result, and then returns y for the given x, but it would be quite inefficient... And I'm sure there must be another way.
Any idea?
Maybe you can do an fminsearch on the sum of square errors? It is best to put all fitting parameters into one vector. Here I call it p.
f = #(x,p) (p(3)+p(1)*x.^p(2)).^(1/p(4); %example function with four free parameters
sqerr = #(x,y,p) sum((y-f(x,p)).^2); %sum of squared errors
p = [1,1,1,1]; %four starting conditions
p = fminsearch(#(p) sqerr(x,y,p),p); %fit
Then you can find your y(x_i) values by calling the function with the fitted paramters

apply function to each column of a matrix (Vectorizing)

What is fastest way of applying function on each column of a matrix without looping through it?
The function I am using is pwelch but the concept should be the same for any function.
Currently I am looping though my matrix as such.
X = ones(5);
for i = 1:5 % length of the number of columns
result = somefunction(X(:,i))
Is there a way to vectorize this code?
You say
the concept should be the same for any function
Actually that's not the case. Depending on the function, the code that calls it can be made vectorized or not. It depends on how the function is written internally. From outside the function there's nothing you can do to make it vectorized. Vectorization is done within the function, not from the outside.
If the function is vectorized, you simply call it with a matrix, and the function works on each column. For example, that's what sum does.
In the case of pwelch, you are lucky: according to the documentation (emphasis added),
Pxx = pwelch(X) returns the Power Spectral Density (PSD) estimate, Pxx, ...
When X is a matrix, the PSD is
computed independently for each column and stored in the corresponding
column of Pxx.
So pwelch is a vectorized function.

How can I use NxM matrix to be my initial condition in `pdepe`

I solved a PDE using Matlab solver, pdepe. The initial condition is the solution of an ODE, which I solved in a different m.file. Now, I have the ODE solution in a matrix form of size NxM. How I can use that to be my IC in pdepe? Is that even possible? When I use for loop, pdepe takes only the last iteration to be the initial condition. Any help is appreciated.
Per the pdepe documentation, the initial condition function for the solver has the syntax:
u = icFun(x);
where the initial value of the PDE at a specified value of x is returned in the column vector u.
So the only time an initial condition will be a N x M matrix is when the PDE is a system of N unknowns with M spatial mesh points.
Therefore, an N x M matrix could be used to populate the initial condition, but there would need to be some mapping that associates a given column with a specific value of x. For instance, in the main function that calls pdepe, there could be
% icData is the NxM matrix of data
% xMesh is an 1xM row vector that has the spatial value for each column of icData
icFun = #(x) icData(:,x==xMesh);
The only shortcoming of this approach is that the mesh of the initial condition, and therefore the pdepe solution, is constrained by the initial data. This can be overcome by using an interpolation scheme like:
% icData is the NxM matrix of data
% xMesh is an 1xM row vector that has the spatial value for each column of icData
icFun = #(x) interp1(xMesh,icData',x,'pchip')';
where the transposes are present to conform to the interpretation of the data by interp1.
it is easier for u to use 'method of line' style to define different conditions on each mesh rather than using pdepe
MOL is also more flexible to use in different situation like 3D problem
just saying :))
My experience is that the function defining the initial conditions must return a column vector, i.e. Nx1 matrix if you have N equations. Even if your xmesh is an array of M numbers, the matrix corresponding to the initial condition is still Nx1. You can still return a spatially varying initial condition, and my solution was the following.
I defined an anonymous function, pdeic, which was passed as an argument to pdepe:
pdeic=#(x) pdeic2(x,p1,p2,p3);
And I also defined pdeic2, which always returns a 3x1 column vector, but depending on x, the value is different:
function u0=pdeic2(x,extrap1,extrap2,extrap3)
if x==extrap3
So going back to your original question, my guess would be that you have to pass the solution of your ODE to what is named 'pdeic2' in my example, and depending on X, return a column vector.

Using a Function handle in Matlab

I would like to use knnimpute to fill some missing values in my dataset. Thing is, I would like to use my own distance function, instead of the typical ones (Euclidean, Manhattan...).
For what I've read, knnimpute allows me to use a function handle, that calculates the distance according to Heterogeneous Euclidean-Overlap Metric (HEOM)
I've implemented this function as a regular function, but not as a handle function. So, I cannot use the distance matrix from my "normal" function, because this has to be done inside knnimpute, somehow, as a handler...
I'm confuse, can someone help me understand what I need to do?
As long as your implementation of a distance function has the same signature as the standard distance functions, then you should be able to easily pass your function in.
From the knnimpute documentation (matlab knnimpute) it states that you can pass "A handle to a distance function, specified using #, for example, #distfun." It then refers the reader to the pdist function which provides more details (matlab pdist) about the custom distance function:
A distance function specified using #:
D = pdist(X,#distfun)
A distance function must be of form
d2 = distfun(XI,XJ)
taking as arguments a 1-by-n vector XI, corresponding to a single row of X, and an m2-by-n matrix XJ, corresponding to multiple rows of X. distfun must accept a matrix XJ with an arbitrary number of rows. distfun must return an m2-by-1 vector of distances d2, whose kth element is the distance between XI and XJ(k,:).
So as long as your distance function, as defined in your *.m file matches this signature and so can support these inputs, then there shouldn't be any problems.
Suppose that your distance function is in the mydistFunc.m file, and it's signature matches the above requirements, then all you should need to do is:
% call knnimpute with the data and your function

How to retrieve accelerations from ode

As the title says I'd like to know how to retrieve the 2nd order derivative from a Matlab ode.
The system i'm trying to simulate is described by 12 1st order differential equations.
Let's explain:
[T,Y] = ode113(#sixdofsolver,time,Y0,options,settings);
T = 1700x1 vector
Y = 1700x12 matrix
Now if i do:
[dY] = sixdofsolver(T,Y,settings)
dY = 12x1 vector
I'd have expected to have a same-size matrix like Y.
What am I doing wrong?
You're on the right track. Your integration function sixdofsolver is likely designed first for used by Matlab's ODE solvers. These functions evaluate the function at one point in time (and a single state value) rather than across a range of times.
You either need to rewrite your sixdofsolver function so that it can handle more than a single time or your need to create a new function based on it that does that. In other words you need to vectorize the integration function. You probably have variable like y(1), y(2), ..., y(12). Well, now the input state vector is a matrix so you need to use something likey(:,1),y(:,2), ..., y(:,12). You may need to do other things like switch to element-wise operators. I can't help you more from what you've provided.