I can't move, rotate, scale GameObject in Unity Editor - unity3d

I can't move, rotate or scale Objects. Why is this?
Note: I am using Unity 4.

From the Screenshot you posted, you are clearly in Pan Mod:
You need to be in Move Mode to move Objects, Rotate Mode to rotate objects, Scale Mode to scale Objects and RectTransform Mode to modify Canvas and UI Object RectTransform.
Move Mode:
Rotate Mode:
Scale Mode:
RectTransform Scale Mode:
I also noticed that you only have the Game View. You should have both Game and Scene views. You need to be in the Scene View in order to move,rotate or scale an Object.
Reset your layout then you will have Scene View. You can use the image below to see how to do that.
You can find more about this here.

I came here from a similar, but different problem. Every time I clicked a tool, it would jump back to the the Pan tool. Couldn't even select the other tools and there were no tool widgets in the viewport.
Turns out it was because I was using ProBuilder add-on and had left it in edge mode rather than object mode. Switching back to object mode solved it immediately.
Just in case someone else comes here from the same frustration as me.

On my Mac, caps lock would prevent most drag features, including this.

Either press G, or click the 3D cube icon circled in the screenshot below:
I find that Unity always cancels the selection. I don't know why, but this always works for me.


Unity: Alternative for camera stacking/layering?

Unity 2021.3.16f1/URP 12.1.8
I've just started with Unity a few weeks ago and am still getting to grips with how everything works. So please don't assume I know everything there is to know about Unity. Treat me as a n00b. 😉
I'm building a VR game for the Quest/Quest2. I have a scene with a keypad on a wall. When the payer "clicks" it, I want the scene to go dark, and a large version of the (3D) keypad to appear with which he can then interact (enter numbers). This keypad must always stay in the middle of his view.
What I did was create a canvas, and added a black plane with 50% transparency and the large version of the keypad. I've set up the canvas as follows:
This works somewhat. It has two major disadvantages: 1) the keypad is receiving lighting from the scene while I want it to be fully lit all the time, and 2) the canvas and all its children clip through walls and objects while I always want it to be rendered in front of everything else (yes I know this will mess with your depth perception in VR, but I already have a solution for that).
So the next thing I tried, was stacking cameras. I created a second camera and set is as an overlay camera. I also set its Culling Mask to UI:
Additionally, I added the new camera to my Main Camera as a stacked camera. I changed the Culling Mask of the Main Camera to everything but UI:
This works they way I want it but at a cost: performance takes a huge hit. My frame rate actually halved. I read everywhere that this is a known problem for mobile devices (which the Quest really is).
Another solution I read about, is using RenderObjects. But I can't really find how to use this. I'm not even sure it really is a solution to what I'm trying to achieve.
So can anyone tell me how I should go about doing this? Thanks in advance!
The solution of lighting is the that you can setup the layer of your keyboard to something like "Keyboard"
And in Directional Light you can uncheck keyboard layer.
The solution of second problem is that you can change culling mask of camera on Run Time Like this:
~(1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Keyboard"))
renders everything except the transparent layer.
1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Keyboard")
renders only the transparent layer.
NOTE: You can set your own layer and check/uncheck what you want it is just a example

Cinemachine: Lock rotation and smooth movement

I'm trying to figure out Cinemachine to create some kind of Top view perspective. I managed to find the setting to make sure the camera keeps it's rotation, and follows the player. My issue now is that little extra movement that happens when the player is moving. Is there a way for me to get rid of it, so that my camera stays still?
What I have
Camera Settings
What I'm trying to achieve
Edit after comment
Camera settings
You can set Body type to transposer and Binding Mode to world space:
Have you tried to change the aim setting to Do Nothing? If you leave it to Hard look at it will always keep your player at the center of the camera.
You can read the documentation here:

Why do certain sprites ,look as if they're further back in the window?

I am learning how to make games using unity, i have used free sprite packs from unity's store.
i have selected each individual sprite and changed its z position to 0, but when the game runs it looks completely different to how it looks in the editing window.
please help.
Here is a video I recorded.
Are your sprites on a prefab, or children of another game object? The Transform of the parent object affects the transform of all children.
It looks like this is a camera problem. Your camera is set to perspective, it is possible to do parallax backgrounds with a perspective camera and you may have already accomodated for it, but that is the first thing I would check.
You can modify this by going to your Main Camera and selecting Orthographic from the Projection drop-down menu.

How can I create a Plane in Unity, that always shows up when using the AR-Camera in an App

I have an AR app, where I want to have a plane with text on it, that is always shown when using the AR-Camera.
The Programm only uses the AR-Camera. The Plane doesn´t show up at all so far, even though it does in the preview.
The Plane doesn´t show up anywhere in the AR environment.
I don´t really know what to add since I think the question is simple. If you need further details just let me know.
Little Update: After the start of the app and after the Unity Logo shows up, the screen is black for a few seconds and during that time I can see my Panel on the black background. As soon as the AR-Camera is activated, the Panel is gone.
Here is how to do it in 3 simple steps:
You need to add a Plane object to your Unity's scene
You have to align the Plane in the view of your main Camera's object, to your liking
You have to set the Plane as a child of your Camera's object by simply dragging your Plane entry to Camera entry in the Scene Tree Editor Pane (located in most cases on the left side of your Editor's window)

How Unity editor shows transform in scene

I'm creating a 2D game. It was configured as a 2D game since it was created.
When I selected a GameObject, in the scene their anchor, their size and their pivots were pointed out.
Suddenly this has changed, and it appears like if it were a 3D project, with a circle and all the axis around it, whatever GameObject I select. (Pic below)
How can I configure my Unity Editor to be like before? Maybe is worth it to say that in the top toolbar of Scene window there's still 2D mode selected:
Version: Unity 2018.3.14f1
You've set the Rotation Tool. I think you were using Move Tool before.
It's just a matter of which gizmo you see in the scene.
You may just press "W" on the keyboard.
Or press the Move Tool (first one in the images).
Further info on Unity Tools.