Can I recursively apply transformations to a Spark dataframe in scala? - scala

Noodling around with Spark, using union to build up a suitably large test dataset. This works OK:
val df ="/opt/spark/examples/src/main/resources/people.json")
But I'd like to do something like this:
val df ="/opt/spark/examples/src/main/resources/people.json")
for (a <- 1 until 10){
df = df.union(df)
that barfs with error
<console>:27: error: reassignment to val
df = df.union(df)
I know this technique would work using python, but this is my first time using scala so I'm unsure of the syntax.
How can I recursively union a dataframe with itself n times?

If you use val on the dataset it becomes an immutable variable. That means you can't do any reassignments. If you change your definition to var df your code should work.
A functional approach without mutable data is:
val df = List(1,2,3,4,5).toDF
val bigDf = ( for (a <- 1 until 10) yield df ) reduce (_ union _)
The for loop will create a IndexedSeq of the specified length containing your DataFrame and the reduce function will take the first DataFrame union it with the second and will start again using the result.
Even shorter without the for loop:
val df = List(1,2,3,4,5).toDF
val bigDf = 1 until 10 map (_ => df) reduce (_ union _)

You could also do this with tail recursion using an arbitrary range:
def bigUnion(rng: Range, df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
if (rng.isEmpty) df
else bigUnion(rng.tail, df.union(df))
val resultingBigDF = bigUnion(, myDataFrame)
Please note this is untested code based on a similar things I had done.


Should I cache or not my unified dataframes?

I am not familiar with caching in Spark.
I need to do multiple DF unions inside a loop. each union adds few million lines. Should I df.cache my result after each union?
var DB_List = List ("Database1", "Database2", "Database3", "Database4", "Database5", "Database6", "Database7", "Database8", "Database9", "Database10")
var df = getDF(spark, DB_List(0)) // this returns a DF.
for(i <- 1 until DB_List.length){
df = df.union(getDF(spark, DB_List(i)))
//df.cache or not?
//Here, I use df.repartition(1) to write resulted DF in a CSV file.
you don't need to cache the intermediate result but only the final one.
instead of for loop you can use fold:
val dfs =, _))
val result = dfs.reduce(_ union _)

Functional way of joining multiple dataframes

I'm learning Spark in Scala coming from heavy Python abuse and I'm getting a java.lang.NullPointerException because I'm doing things the python way.
I have say 3 dataframes of shape 4x2 each, first column is always an index 0,1,2,3 and the second column is some binary feature. The end goal is to have a 4x4 dataframe with a join of all of individual ones. In python I would first define some master df and then loop over the intermediate ones, assigning at each loop the resulting joined dataframe to the master dataframe variable name (ugly):
dataframes = [temp1, temp2, temp3]
df = pd.DataFrame(index=[0,1,2,3]) # Master df
for temp in dataframes:
df = df.join(temp)
In Spark this doesnt play well:
q = "select * from table"
val df = sql(q) Works obviously
scala> val df = df.join(sql(q))
<console>:33: error: recursive value df needs type
val df = df.join(sql(q))
Ok so:
scala> val df:org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = df.join(sql(q))
... 50 elided
I think its highly likely that I'm not doing it the functional way. So I tried (uglyest!):
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
join(sql(q), "device_id").
join(sql(q), "device_id").
join(sql(q), "device_id")
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
res128: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [device_id: string, devtype: int ... 3 more fields]
This just looks ugly and inelegant and beginner. What would be a proper functional Scala way to achieve this?
val dataframes: Seq[String] = ???
val df: Dataset[Row] = ???
dataframes.foldLeft(df)((acc, q) => acc.join(sql(q)))
And if you're looking for imperative equivalent of your Python code:
var dataframes: Seq[String] = ??? // IMPORTANT: var
for (q <- dataframes ) { df = df.join(sql(q)) }
Even simpler,
val dataframes: Seq[String] = ???
dataframes.reduce(_ join _)

Spark Dataframe select based on column index

How do I select all the columns of a dataframe that has certain indexes in Scala?
For example if a dataframe has 100 columns and i want to extract only columns (10,12,13,14,15), how to do the same?
Below selects all columns from dataframe df which has the column name mentioned in the Array colNames:
df =,colNames.tail: _*)
If there is similar, colNos array which has
colNos = Array(10,20,25,45)
How do I transform the above to fetch only those columns at the specific indexes.
You can map over columns:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col map df.columns map col: _*)
or: map (df.columns andThen col): _*)
or: map (col _ compose df.columns): _*)
All the methods shown above are equivalent and don't impose performance penalty. Following mapping:
colNos map df.columns
is just a local Array access (constant time access for each index) and choosing between String or Column based variant of select doesn't affect the execution plan:
val df = Seq((1, 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6)).toDF
val colNos = Seq(0, 3, 5) map df.columns map col: _*).explain
== Physical Plan ==
LocalTableScan [_1#46, _4#49, _6#51]"_1", "_4", "_6").explain
== Physical Plan ==
LocalTableScan [_1#46, _4#49, _6#51]
#user6910411's answer above works like a charm and the number of tasks/logical plan is similar to my approach below. BUT my approach is a bit faster.
I would suggest you to go with the column names rather than column numbers. Column names are much safer and much ligher than using numbers. You can use the following solution :
val colNames = Seq("col1", "col2" ...... "col99", "col100")
val selectColNames = Seq("col1", "col3", .... selected column names ... )
val selectCols = => df.col(name))
df =*)
If you are hesitant to write all the 100 column names then there is a shortcut method too
val colNames = df.schema.fieldNames
Example: Grab first 14 columns of Spark Dataframe by Index using Scala.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
// Gives array of names by index (first 14 cols for example)
val sliceCols = df.columns.slice(0, 14)
// Maps names & selects columns in dataframe
val subset_df =>col(name)):_*)
You cannot simply do this (as I tried and failed):
// Gives array of names by index (first 14 cols for example)
val sliceCols = df.columns.slice(0, 14)
// Maps names & selects columns in dataframe
val subset_df =
The reason is that you have to convert your datatype of Array[String] to Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] in order for the slicing to work.
OR Wrap it in a function using Currying (high five to my colleague for this):
// Subsets Dataframe to using beg_val & end_val index.
def subset_frame(beg_val:Int=0, end_val:Int)(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val sliceCols = df.columns.slice(beg_val, end_val)
return => col(name)):_*)
// Get first 25 columns as subsetted dataframe
val subset_df:DataFrame = df_.transform(subset_frame(0, 25))

How to add corresponding Integer values in 2 different DataFrames

I have two DataFrames in my code with exact same dimensions, let's say 1,000,000 X 50. I need to add corresponding values in both dataframes. How to achieve that.
One option would be to add another column with ids, union both DataFrames and then use reduceByKey. But is there any other more elegent way?
Your approach is good. Another option can be two take the RDD and zip those together and then iterate over those to sum the columns and create a new dataframe using any of the original dataframe schemas.
Assuming the data types for all the columns are integer, this code snippets should work. Please note that, this has been done in spark 2.1.0.
import spark.implicits._
val a: DataFrame = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
(1, 2),
(3, 6)
)).toDF("column_1", "column_2")
val b: DataFrame = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
(3, 4),
(1, 5)
)).toDF("column_1", "column_2")
// Merge rows
val rows ={
case (rowLeft, rowRight) => {
val totalColumns = rowLeft.schema.fields.size
val summedRow = for(i <- (0 until totalColumns)) yield rowLeft.getInt(i) + rowRight.getInt(i)
// Create new data frame
val ab: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(rows, a.schema) // use any of the schemas
So, I tried to experiment with the performance of my solution vs yours. I tested with 100000 rows and each row has 50 columns. In case of your approach it has 51 columns, the extra one is for the ID column. In a single machine(no cluster), my solution seems to work a bit faster.
The union and group by approach takes about 5598 milliseconds.
Where as my solution takes about 5378 milliseconds.
My assumption is the first solution takes a bit more time because of the union operation of the two dataframes.
Here are the methods which I created for testing the approaches.
def option_1()(implicit spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
import spark.implicits._
val a: DataFrame = getDummyData(withId = true)
val b: DataFrame = getDummyData(withId = true)
val allData = a.union(b)
val result = allData.groupBy($"id").agg(allData.columns.collect({ case col if col != "id" => (col, "sum") }).toMap)
def option_2()(implicit spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
val a: DataFrame = getDummyData()
val b: DataFrame = getDummyData()
// Merge rows
val rows = {
case (rowLeft, rowRight) => {
val totalColumns = rowLeft.schema.fields.size
val summedRow = for (i <- (0 until totalColumns)) yield rowLeft.getInt(i) + rowRight.getInt(i)
// Create new data frame
val result: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(rows, a.schema) // use any of the schemas

Spark Scala. Using an external variables "dataframe" in a map

I have two dataframes,
val df1 = sqlContext.csvFile("/data/testData.csv")
val df2 = sqlContext.csvFile("/data/someValues.csv")
startTime name cause1 cause2
15679 CCY 5 7
15683 2 5
15685 1 9
15690 9 6
cause description causeType
3 Xxxxx cause1
1 xxxxx cause1
3 xxxxx cause2
4 xxxxx
2 Xxxxx
and I want to apply a complex function getTimeCust to both cause1 and cause2 to determine a final cause, then match the description of this final cause code in df2. I must have a new df (or rdd) with the following columns:
startTime name cause descriptionCause
My solution was
val rdd2 = => {
val (cause, descriptionCause) = getTimeCust(row.getInt(2), row.getInt(3), df2)
Row (row(0),row(1),cause,descriptionCause)
If a run the code below I have a NullPointerException because the df2 is not visible.
The function getTimeCust(Int, Int, DataFrame) works well outside the map.
Use df1.join(df2, <join condition>) to join your dataframes together then select the fields you need from the joined dataframe.
You can't use spark's distributed structures (rdd, dataframe, etc) in code that runs on an executor (like inside a map).
Try something like this:
def f1(cause1: Int, cause2: Int): Int = some logic to calculate cause
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
val dfCause = df1.withColumn("df1_cause", udf(f1)($"cause1", $"cause2"))
val dfJoined = dfCause.join(df2, on= df1Cause("df1_cause")===df2("cause"))"cause", "description").show()
Thank you #Assaf. Thanks to your answer and the spark udf with data frame. I have resolved the this problem. The solution is:
val getTimeCust= udf((cause1: Any, cause2: Any) => {
var lastCause = 0
var categoryCause=""
var descCause=""
lastCause= .............
categoryCause= ........
(lastCause, categoryCause)
and after call the udf as:
val dfWithCause = df1.withColumn("df1_cause", getTimeCust( $"cause1", $"cause2"))
ANd finally the join
val dfFinale=dfWithCause.join(df2, dfWithCause.col("df1_cause._1") === df2.col("cause") and dfWithCause.col("df1_cause._2") === df2.col("causeType"),'outer' )