How do I remove a project from netbeans without deleting files? - netbeans

I've got some projects in Netbeans that I don't want it to be aware of anymore since they're slowing down load time. Unfortunately, I've previously made the mistake of right clicking on the project in Netbeans and selecting "delete". When you do that, it gives this scary message:
"This will delete project "MyProject" so that it cannot be opened in the NetBeans IDE anymore."
If you select yes, it makes damn sure you can't open the project in Netbeans anymore by DELETING the project file that's inside the directory.
So my question is: How do I remove a project from NetBeans (8.2) project list WITHOUT losing my project file?

Just click on Close instead of Delete.

Go to File and close project what you want.


Eclipse project already exists

I deleted a project in my workspace, then tried to create a new project with the same name. Eclipse told me that it overlaps the location of another project (the one I just deleted). How do I fix this?
This is what I did.
Go to Window --> Show View --> Project Explorer
Then right click on the project name that you want to delete and Click Delete.
In the dialogue box, check 'Delete Project Contents on disk'
It worked. I was able to create the project with same name again.
I had the same problem with the IBM Integration Toolkit, which is based on Eclipse. The problem also occurs in Android Studio, which is also based on Eclipse. crazyscot seems to have the right answer at A project with that name already exists in the workspace eclipse and his solution worked for me.
You need to open up the Project Explorer view (it may already be open) and delete the project from within there.
Go to Window >> Preferences >> General >> startup and shutdown >> workspace
theen select Recent work space then click Remove and close the program and open it again
You have to manually delete the project folder from your "workspace" directory (wherever you have defined it to be).
there will be a file .project xml file in the project and its content looks like
here ProjectName is the name of project you can change it to whatever you want.
First you create a project in some other location with the same name of your project as before.
Now delete this project by right clicking on project > Delete.
Do not check the dialog "Delete Project Contents on Disk".
Now you move your newly created project through file manager to the original location(location where you are not able to import your project).
Then import the project from the newly moved location(location where you are not able to import your project).
After deleting the project from Eclipse IDE(Project Explorer), remove it from work space folder as well. Workspace folder path - C:\Users\username\workspace (it can be different for your system).
try moving the project and try importing
go to tab window>preferences>search workspace> then make sure in last / is not in your recent workspace. Example-:/var/www/html
your url should like above.
With the same problem, I did a text search and found an XML file containing the name of the project.
I had copied the project from another project. Let's say that I copied project A to project B. Although the XML file in the new project (B) was named for project B, it had an entry which still referred to project A. When I edited it, the problem went away.
Simply remove the .classpath and .project files and try.
Go to create new project. Once there, select the project type. Mine was PHP project. The new PHP project screen will popup. There, click create a new project and give the project name which you used before. Then press finish.
If you need a 100% risk-free strategy, just right click the project and select 'export', and put it back where it was. Then, you can either continue using the project in your current directory (with no more popups) or switch over to the directory you were working in before. The side effect of the former is that you will have a duplicate project taking up a small amount of space. If anything, finish up what you need to do in the current directory, then pull (via git) from the original directory. Or, delete the project in the current directory, and import from the original directory to the target directory for the second time - though now, since it is the proper way, the issue will be resolved.
I met this problem just and I just figure out the main reason cause this problem is your copying pom.xml from another already existing project in your workspace.
So the way is find the pom.xml in your project folder and rename <name>conflicted Project name</name>.
In 2021, Using Ubuntu 20 here is simple way to remove it.
In Eclipse main Menu
Window -> Preferences
In the search type recent workspaces
Select and delete the project. click apply changes
Removing a project from an Eclipse workspace does not delete the files by default. You have to check a checkbox for that. This is a Good Thing. As you have not checked the checkbox, you have to delete the files manually using e.g. a file manager.
Note that there are files starting with . in an Eclipse project directory, such as .project. They are considered hidden files on Unices.
go to the folder and delete the file .project. This worked for me.

Can't Open Existing Project in Eclipse

I'm trying to open an existing Android project in Eclipse. I've gone to File > Import > General > Existing Project (or something like that). I've chosen the file project folder. But every time I try to open the folder, all I get is an error.
Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace*
Is there any other way of opening my project?
You cannot import a project with a name already present in your current Eclipse workspace.
The surest way to work around that is to switch workspace (menu File / Switch workspace), and create a new workspace (in which you will be able to import that project).
A more complex solution would be to try and rename an existing project in your current workspace.
Check other causes in:
"Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace error in Eclipse"
"Erased project from Project Explorer and cannot re-import it"
"How to import a project which you just deleted in eclipse"
I faced the same issue, But it is as designed. When people close the project, It simply makes the project unavailable in the eclipse project view. This is why people thinks that it has been completely removed from the view.
So All you have to do is to go to
Window -> Show view -> Project Explorer
Now you will see your project in the Project Explorer sidebar with a different closed folder Icon as shown in this image.
Once you right click and open project you will see the magic you are looking for.
I had the same problem and I solved it finally.
So, lets say you want to open "TEST" project on eclipse. And you project is in this path: C:\Users\Sabina Comp\Desktop then your workspace should be C:\Users\Sabina Comp\Desktop not C:\Users\Sabina Comp\Desktop\TEST.
You can switch workspace by going to File->Switch workspace->other
I hope it will help you!
Just delete the .project file and try to open the project again in Eclipse File Explorer :)
I faced the same problem. Maybe the cause of your problem is as simple as mine.
I closed (not delete) my project in the Java Browsing view. Unlike the Java view, the project becomes invisible in the Java Browsing view. So I thought I deleted the project. But turns out my project is still in use when I try to import it.
So I went to Java Browsing view and right click the blank space in the Projects panel, click Open Project and the project is back!
Right click on a working set --> properties.
You should be able to see all the projects that are available in your workspace. Select it.
Next all the projects should be listed in your working set.
Here's what worked for me:
Right click on the project > Source > Format
I guess you want to create a copy of the existing project and make changes to the new one. Or you have got a project whose name matches the name of the existing project and you want to import the new project as well.
In the first case , you just need to simply copy(Ctrl+C) and paste(Ctrl+P) in the package or project explorer in the eclipse and it will ask you for a new project name -- rather than copying the project folder in the windows explorer and renaming the project folder name.
If you have copied the project in windows explorer and tried importing the project in eclipse you will get the above error Or if u have got a project whose name matches the name of the existing project in eclipse also you will get the above error.
Solution for both -- is to delete the .project , .classpath and .settings files and import the project. It will successfully import if u have changed the folder name.
Tip: If its a maven project , you can import it as a Java Project and then RightClick on the project and Configure->Convert To maven project.
In my case, problem was -
I deleted the code directory from its location.
And at the same time I closed Eclipse.
So when I reopened Eclipse, it searched for project and couldnt get it.
I restored the code directory at original place.
Opened Eclipse.
When tried to import project again I found it in closed condition.
I opened it and it started working properly.

Eclipse won't show files in package explorer

I don't know what went wrong, because this was working before, but all of the sudden I don't have any files in my eclipse package explorer.
The workspace path appears to be correct and the file permissions are correct.
Can anyone think of what's wrong?
Refresh the project
If that does not work, close and open the project again.
I had the same problem (Probably caused when I cancelled a copying to my Dropbox folder)
I only needed to click File → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace and select the missing projects in the window that appeared.
Create a blank workspace
Navigate to (File > Switch to workplace > Other)
Clik Browse > Make new folder
Click Ok in browse window
Click ok in create workspace window
Import your existing project into the new workspace
Navigate to File > Import
Click General > Existing project into workspace
Click Next
Browse and select your previous project
Click on Finish
Congrats! Now you can see your project in the package explorer by importing it.
Project Explorer -> click on "View Menu"
-> Top Level Elements -> Click on "Projects"
Don't know what causes the problem, but found a way to get the files back into the package explorer.
If you go into the path of your workspace and find your projects, then you can pack them all into a zip archive file, and from this zip archive file you can import your projects again by using the File → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace menu.
I don't know what causes the problem, but in my case I think it have something to do with me having my workspace in a dropbox folder.
ps. I don't know if you actually can take more than one project into one zip file and make it work, I have only tried it with one project pr. ZIP-file, but it shouldn't matter.
In 2020 on OSX I just went to Project -> Refresh and wham! my files appeared.
I had started the wrong installation of eclipse. When I started the correct installation my code showed up fine. I have both C++ and Java EE installs.
Just refresh all the projects, you able to see all missed files after you import from a workspace.
1) Make sure that you use the right workspace.
2) Choose your "workspace"-Folder "/YourWorkspace",
NOT your project folder"/YourWorkspace/yourProject"
Alternatively delete your project from your
and restart.
Hope this helps
I had the same problem. I was not able to see the imported files in Eclipse, but there were visible in File Explorer.
After a while, I noticed that all the files were imported. They had their names changed from myFile.class to ._myFile.class.
I deleted all the imported files from my workspace by using File Explorer.
By using the same File Explorer, I copy-pasted the folders/files in the workspace.
Then in Eclipse, I refreshed the project (F5 or click-right -> Refresh or File -> Refresh)
I faced the same issue and the reason was that I choose double click on Eclipse Icon, then I need to choose Work Space.
Here I made mistake. You do not need to select folder in which has all your project files
e.g //Desktop//User//Selenium//S1A//all files related to project
In that case for workspace you choose //Desktop//User//Selenium, import your project by clicking Import for eclipse 2020 and choosing File path //Desktop//User//Selenium//S1A.
may be a rare case like in mine, but if you played with colors this may be an issue and especially, if you changed theming and did not restart, which may correct some problematic visual stuff.
Import>Existing Projects into Workspace> Select root directory> Select the folder
The solution that helped me:
create a new folder (=Java-Package) with a new name. I used the System-Filemanager.
copy the disappearing files to the new folder (=Java-Package).
correct the links (JavaCommand 'import') to the new folder.
delete the old files and the old folder.
As the problem happened in my case:
I am using Eclipse IDE 2021-12 (4.22.0) for my Java project.
After importing an existing Project into Workspace all was fine.
While building the project, same files disappeared from the 'Project Explorer'-Tree.
These files still do exist as the System-File-Explorer shows. So no file got deleted. But no more listed.
After Refresh (F5) most of the files got listed again in the 'Project Explorer'-Tree.
Without doing anything an Eclipse background process let files again disappear from the 'Project Explorer' - Tree. Compilation of the project leads to missing files.
Sometimes 3 files disappeared. Some seconds later more files disappeared. Sometimes it leads to an empty Java-Package.
This disappearance of some files happened without any input from me. It was done by the Eclipse background process. It felt like watching a movie.
What does not help in my case: Restarting of eclipse, Close and Open the project, editing the files.
In my case, the problem was due to an unwanted nested project in a subfolder. There is a pre-set filter that hides folders in that case.
For some reasons, the sub project was not shown in Project Explorer.
My solution :
delete the project (without deleting project contents on disk)
import existing projects into workspace, and do not import nested project.
You might have filtered the resource out of the project.
Select the project, right click, choose properties.
Under Resource, choose "Resource filters" - check that the name of the folder or the files was not filtered in the list under "Exclude all" (if there is one)

Eclipse: fully remove an old project?

I run eclipse on Ubuntu 11.10. I originally created a project in folder foo. I subsequently deleted that project to re-organise folders and I now want to create a new project in folder foo/bar but Eclipse won't let me because it says the the new directory is a sub-directory of an existing project.
How can I force Eclipse to forget about the original project so that I can create the new one?
In general, the deleting the project from the "/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects" should work, but if you're using 'working sets', you might have the problem I had once, which is basically have a 'ghost' project in your workspace that you can't delete because it says "this project doesn't exist anymore".
If this is your problem, try to delete an entry for your 'ghost project' in the file:
"/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workingsets.xml" (on MacOS).
Delete the project from /.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects and not the whole .metadata folder will save all other projects and config.
I have also encountered this problem, except it's been in Windows. I didn't want to completely remove the .metadata folder and none of the other solutions fixed it.
I managed to fix it by removing the file workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.safetable\org.eclipse.core.resources while Eclipse was closed. The file gets saved when closing Eclipse so I guess it is cached while Eclipse is open.
Go to your workspace folder using some file manager (you can find your workspace location, be clicking File -> Swich Workspace...) and delete your foo folder, or simple remove its contents (.project file being most important). Then you should be able to create your new project.
I finally managed to fix it by deleting the workspace/.metadata directory. This resolves the problem but has the side effect of making eclipse forget everything about the workspace so I'm not sure it's a recommended way of fixing the problem.
I am running Eclipse Kepler on OS X Mountain Lion, and I had a similar problem. I deleted a project and tried to recreate it in the same location. Eclipse gave me an error saying that the project already existed. I discovered that if I close Eclipse after deleting a project, then reopen it, Eclipse finally 'forgets' the deleted project and allows me to re-create it.
(This question was posted over 1.5 years ago, and I'm guessing that Bruno already tried this and it didn't work. I just want to let others know that this solution worked for me now on Kepler.)
I had the same problem, with Egit and repositories that I deleted and imported back again, instead of importing as general project choose import as existing project.
maybe you can try to delete the folders:
If the Project was in a working set before you deleted it, you might have to manually remove it from the set.
Instead of deleting any file, rename it, so if whatever you try doesn't work, you can revert.

Eclipse hangs while opening workspace after upgrading to GWT 2.0/Google app engine 1.2.8

After upgrading to the newest GWT/Google app engine I have problems opening my workspace in Eclipse. On startup, Eclipse hangs almost immediately and needs to be closed. This happens only in the workspace where I use GWT with app engine, and I weren't able to consistently reproduce it - sometimes it starts normally, and sometimes I need to kill the proces and restart it. There is nothing in Eclipse error log. Eclipse version is Galileo, running on Windows 7 RC.
Anyone else had similar problems? I googled but Google is not my friend today.
EDIT: Still happens after upgrading to GWT 2.0.1.
I got frustrated with not being able to open my workspace today, and finally solved this by importing projects into a new clean workspace.
Create new workspace and open it in Eclipse (to create .metadata folder).
Close Eclipse.
Manually copy all settings from old workspace (the most important settings are stored in the .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings directory). Alternatively, you could use File / Export / General / Preferences in Eclipse, and then File / Import them, but I wasn't able to open workspace to do that.
Open the new workspace.
File / Import / General / Existing projects into workspace. Select root folder of your old workspace, and take care to check "Copy project into workspace".
Restart Eclipse and check that everything in the new workspace is working as it should.
Delete your old workspace.
EDIT: Another, and a bit better workaround which apparently works:
Close Eclipse.
Temporary move offending project somewhere out of the workspace.
Start Eclipse, wait for workspace to load (it should).
Close Eclipse again.
Move the project back to workspace.
I used "eclipse -refresh". Apparently it hangs on refresh something, the lower right corner tells you, what it's doing. For me it was refreshing the gwt runtime in a specific project, maybe trying to find an update or something. If you don't want to reimport your whole workspace, try -refresh or move this project temporarily out of the way.
I just deleted the state.dat file in the GWT project metadata, which seemed to remove the blocking and then triggered a recompilation.
<workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/<GWT project>/org.eclipse.jdt.core/state.dat
This probably won't serve as a general solution, but it worked for me and it's a lot quicker than having to copy whole projects. Maybe another file will have the same effect. I think the trick is just to "damage" the GWT project metadata enough to have it rebuilt.