Cannot import external JAVA library using Jython in Eclipse - eclipse

I'm new to Jython and to Eclipse. I'm trying to use the JGraphX JAVA library. I've created a new PyDev project and package. I've right-clicked on the project properties in Eclipse, selected "PyDev - PYTHONPATH" and added jgraphx.jar. In the file, I've tried:
import jgraphx as jgx
from jgraphx import *
Neither approach works. The code is underlined as an error in Eclipse. When I run, I get "ImportError: No module named jgraphx". What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,

I'm not familiar with the JGraphX library.
To import a java class
you need to use from my.project.package import someclass


Scala/Spark/Databricks: How to import code from user-created JAR?

I have a JAR that I created with intellij and sbt, that defines a case class and Object. I've uploaded it to my databricks workspace, and attached it to a cluster as a library.
How do I actually import code from it/reference it in my notebook? So far all I can think of is to try
import NameOfJar._
which gives
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: DataFrameComparison$
Do I need to have built the jar differently somehow? (Package statement or something?)
you should import import packageName._, jar name is not used in import statement. It should work the same as in usual local java/scala code.
You can check this article for details -
Btw, does your notebook fail on import itself, or later, when you're trying to use class, that exists inside jar?

Selenium package "com.thoughtworks" cannot be resolved in Eclipse

I want to make a Selenium project with Eclipse. I have added the reference to the selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar file but I cannot import the package com.thoughtworks so the following lines produce an error:
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
Selenium RC has become obsolete in the newer selenium versions.
Download Selenium server 2.43 jar file, include it in your project and your issue will be gone.

org.apache.commons.codec Cannot be resolved

I'm trying to import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64, but Eclipse keeps telling me this import cannot be resolved, even though I've added the apache commons codec jar file to both the lib file of my project and also as an Eclipse plugin. What could be causing this issue?
org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64 is a method. You import Types, like org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.

Lift Framework with Eclipse IDE errors

I am trying out Lift Framework, however I am unable to get it working properly with eclipse.
I get the following error:
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.{Handler, Server}
import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext
object eclipse is not a member of package org on resource: RunWebApp.scala
Your classpath is incomplete. How do you import the project in Eclipse? Are you using Sbt and one of the plugins for exporting an Eclipse project?
Check out this tutorial on the Scala IDE website: Setup and use Lift framework 2.4 in Scala IDE 2.0.

Scala eclipse plugin java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I am using eclipse Version: 3.7.2 with the Scala IDE for Eclipse 2.1.0.nightly-2_09-201203121521-6e8582e. The java version is 1.6.0_31. The OS is Ubuntu 11.10.
I have looked for solutions to this problem, but I have not found one yet. I hope there is not an obvious answer that I have missed.
I have this class (note the package):
package model.x.y
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
class GibberishTestSuite extends FunSuite {
test("Check Gibberish") {
assert("blah" === "blah")
I am also using gradle and the source path looks like this (note that the package does not match the directory hierarchy):
Eclipse and gradle generate the coresponding class files:
This runs fine through gradle, but when I try to run in eclipse, I get
Class not found model.GibberishTestSuite
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: model.GibberishTestSuite
If I change the package to
package model
so that the directory hierarchy and the package name match, then I am able to run the unit test in eclipse. In scala, it is legal for the package structure and the directory structure not to match. However, the mismatch seems to be confusing eclipse or the plugin.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing some configuration nuance? Is this scala language feature not supported in eclipse? Will it be supported at some point?
Thank you.
This is an Eclipse (JDT) problem rather than a Scala/scala-ide problem.
There was a bug raised against Eclipse (Package Explorer tree does match declared package), but basically, Eclipse assumes that the hierarchy matches the package names. This will be fixed eventually in the Scala-ide, but the model needs to be changed, to remove the dependency on the JDT. If you want this fixed, it's a good idea to add your vote to the above issue.