Service Fabric: Change settings during continuous deployment - azure-service-fabric

I have a SFC that getting deployed to different staging environments. The services have some settings parameters on the settings files. The values of these settings change depending on the staging variables.
I've read this article Manage application parameters for multiple environments but there is not clear what with is meant with Environment. Is it number and type of nodes or the staging env.
How I can change those values from a Release/Build definition? Is there ApplicationParameters transformation just like in Web.config?

In service fabric, your Application will have one ApplicationParameter file per environment, and also, one PublishProfile.
Your publish profile will define some deployment configurations, one of these configurations is the ApplicationParameter file.
I'll assume you are using VSTS to deploy your cluster.
You will add a service fabric deployment step, it will require a few settings, one of these is the publish profile path.
To make it dynamic, I'd recommend you to name your PublishProfile the same way you name your environments, and use the environment name to get the publish profile.
VSTS Release will run the Service Fabric Deployment Step.
SF Dep. Step will use the environment name to find the publish profile(Example: Environment=Prod -> PublishProfile=Prod.xml)
PublishProfile will point to an application parameter file
The application parameter file will have the settings applicable to that environment(I recommend to use the same naming pattern here Prod.xml, to ease maintenance)
With this configuration, you can use the same release definition to deploy the application into multiple environments, if a new environment is created, the only thing you have to define is the PublishProfile and ApplicationParamenter files.


Skaffold config dependencies with profiles

I have a microservice application in one repo that communicates with another service that's managed by another repo.
This is not an issue when deploying to cloud, however, when devving locally the other service needs to be deployed too.
I've read this documentation: and this seems like a clean solution, but I only want it to depend on the git skaffold config if deploying locally (i.e. current context is "minikube").
Is there a way to do this?
Profiles can be automatically activated based on criteria such as environment variables, kube-context names, and the Skaffold command being run.
Profiles are processed after resolving the config dependencies though. But you could have your remote config include a profile that is contingent on a kubeContext: minikube.
Another alternative is to have several skaffold.yamls: one for prod, one for dev.

Should ARM Template be ran on every deployment

When using template to deploy infrastructure.Is it expected to run your arm template on every deployment or are you suppose run the arm template once to setup infrastructure and create a another pipeline that deploy to the infrastructure that was setup by ARM.
Run ARM -> Once,
deploy build artifacts -> Repeat
Run ARM then deploy build artifacts -> Repeat
Depends how you want to setup your test environments. In my system I deploy each branch to a new test environment, instead of using a single instance of a resource as "test" instance and deploy to that. So I do run ARM template deployments as part of the deployment pipeline. I place the deployment scripts and ARM templates for a microservice in the same repository as the code. This makes the coherence I am looking for as infra, backend, frontend all live together in one repository for a microservice.
Wanted to throw an opinion for the other side. I highly recommend rerunning your ARM infrastructure deployments every release or at least setting up a scheduled deployment. The reason being, yes it may take a little more time...or a few extra minutes depending on your resources. However, in larger organizations and in particular in lower environments where developers or others may have at least contributor access, there is the risk of drift. By rerunning the ARM templates for each deployment you are guaranteeing the state matches your template, without having to add or setup any policy logic.
Plus I'd say it's the ultimate confidence in your Infrastructure as code. You are 100% confident your template is rerunable.
well, there is no answer to this one, but in my book it doesnt make sense to run the arm template if there are no changes to it. you should have a separate repo for IaC code or a separate build for arm template
From my point of view, re-running the arm template depends on whether your project’s infrastructure and configuration are updated.
If the structure and configuration of the project you build is not updated, you do not need to run the arm template multiple times. You could directly deploy the build artifacts to the same resource.
On the other hand, if your project requires new resources or parameters, you can update or create new resources by editing the Template configuration file (generally a json file). This allows the deployed environment to meet the needs of your project.
In short, there is no absolute answer to this topic, it only depends on your needs.

How to get bamboo use different config file on deployment depending on environment

I have different config files for each different deployment environments I have. Dev, QA and live are those environments.
How do i get bamboo to use the right config file for each environment when deploying?
So when deploying the dev environment bamboo use the dev config file and change name on it and put it on the right place.
I assume that artifacts can fix this? But how?
I solved it. I simply used artifacts and pointed directly to the file. Then in deploy i made a ps script for deploying the right artifact to the right deployment environment.
I also made the file changing depending on environment so i don't need separately config files.
Just hit me up if you are having the same problem, Atlassian documentation on this is terrible.

Using VSTS Release Management, how can I modify the configuration of an Azure Web App for each environment?

I'm using Visual Studio Team Services and I'm trying to set up Release Management to allow automated deployments for our Azure Web App to multiple environments. I would like the same source to be deployed to each environment, but with modified configuration settings.
I was hoping that I could create a single Build for my application, and then modify the configuration at deployment time for each environment. I'm aware that this can be done for appSettings and connectionStrings (either through Tokenization, or even managing those settings via the Azure portal), but I'd like to be able to make more general changes to the web.config file. For example, I want to be able to:
Update 'simple' settings such as appSettings/connectionStrings
Update multiple attributes on elements (like httpErrors)
Insert or rewrite sections of the config file itself (for example to add IIS rewrite rules, or to remove unwanted HTTP handlers for production)
Currently we achieve this by using config file transformations and separate publish profiles for each environment (manual deployment). I can't see a way to re-use this if I want a single release pipeline.
I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction. I'm also happy to accept alternative solutions - ultimately I just want to be able to deploy the same source (e.g. from the same commit in source control) to multiple environments, with different configuration, while keeping some kind of flow from dev, to test, to eventually production.
You can use Tokenization Task to update the files base on the environment variables.
More similar extensions: Replace Tokens and Colin's ALM Corner Build & Release Tools.

CI and Deployment with TFS and Powershell

I am working on a CI process with automated deployment. TFS Build is building the solution, and it then uses an InvokeProcess task to kick off a Powershell script. The Powershell script deploys the database changes as a dacpac using sqlpackage, reporting services reports using the web service, fonts to the SSRS server, and the website itself to 1 or more web servers - the whole process uses a deployment configuration file to define drop paths, server ips, installation folders etc. There will be one of these per environment.
I would like to be able to build the solution and deploy to an internal server to run automated tests as part of the automated build. Once tests are completed, and the build has been manually checked, I'd then like to be able to kick off another Build definition which only has the deployment portion of the standard build template, which will simply take a build number or build drop location, and deploy the same build to a different environment (i.e. staging, prod etc.)
The issue I have is that I'm currently managing most of my web/app configuration using config file transformation - i.e. I have build definitions for Debug, Test, Prod etc. and then Web.Debug.config, Web.Test.config etc. I only want to carry out one build, and then deploy that same build to different environments, however at the moment the build will only generate configuration files for one environment - i.e. whatever the build configuration is.
Would the best approach be to generate all config files (or actually pre-createg complete config files for each environment), and then just choose the appropriate one for the specific deployment? Or should I store the env specific config in my deployment configuration file and update the appropriate keys using powershell when deploying?
What would be the normal/recommended approach here?
I'd suggest creating new Configurations for each target environment (e.g. by default you have Debug/Release, create some more). Then use the built-in web.config transforms, for non web-projects use Slow Cheetah
This will spit out pre-configured build outputs for each configuration you specify you want build (in your Build Definition).