Pivotal server is hanging when trying to start - spring-tool-suite

The computer is Windows7 64bit Family Edition. I unzipped the downloaded Spring-Tool-Suite 3.8.1 , there are jdk 1.8 and jre 1.6 , java_home is on jre 1.6 because the Spring project java runtime build path is 1.6
I imported a project , built it and dragged it into the pivotal server. But when I started the pivotal server by clicking the green start button then it is always mentionned "starting" through 2 minutes , then an alert error is shown. So how to make the server start ?


How to configure JBoss 5.1.0GA using JDK1.6 on Eclipse 2018-12 and Fedora 29?

I'm trying to configure JBoss AS Server on Eclipse 2018-12, but I can not create a server Jboss 5.1.0.GA using Jboss Tools 4.9.0.Final. The Error message is: 'This server requires an execution environment from J2SE-1.4 through JavaSE-1.8, but no valid JRE was found. Caution is advised.'
Error Message - Add Server
Even Though I have changed the Execution Environment, I can not find a compatible JRE Execution (JDK 1.6) for the Environment Execution.
Compatible JRE Execution
Previously I have configured the Installed JRE with a JDK 6.0, but I have noticed that some jars files are not present at moment of config, that are:
Libs not present
These jars present on oracle jdk_1.6.0_45 are visible at moment of config in the case of Ubuntu 18.04, but on Fedora 29, it is not present.
How can I configure to make possible to add JBoss server, and make it running on JDK1.6?
I tried your configuration on a F29 VM.
Here's what I did:
installed JDK1.6.0_45 (from Oracle)
installed 2018-12
launched 2018-12
installed JBoss Tools server adapters
tried to add a JBoss 5.1 but noticed it was not possible
removed Java 11 (sudo yum remove java-11-openjdk-headless)
installed Java 8 (sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel)
relanched 2018-12
got an error while creating the JBoss 5.1 server
noticed in the error log JDK1.6.0 is missing the libnsl.so.1)
installed libnsl (sudo yum install libnsl)
create and start server were now successful
Hope this helps

Apache Tomcat 8.5 is not available in Eclipse EE IDE (Kepler) for Ubuntu 18.04

I've installed Eclipse Java EE IDE (Kepler) for Web Developers in Ubuntu 18.04. I also have Apache Tomcat 8.5 running and add this to my Eclipse. However, when I go to Preferences > Server > Runtime environments I can only see up to Tomcat 7 for selection, how do I add Tomcat versions above this?

Eclipse Mars Tomcat 8 server disappeared

I'm trying to define a Tomcat 8.5.16 server but everytime I use the 7 I get an error and when I go into preference to use the newer server it tells me the v8 installation is expecting an 8 server although I am pointing it to my tomcat 8. Please help.
I click OK and get "The Apache Tomcat installation at this directory is version 8.5.16. A Tomcat 8.0 installation is expected."
This is under windows->preferences-> Adding a server.
I think Tomcat 8.5.16 cannot be added as Tomcat 8.0.
See also:
You may have to upgrade your eclipse or apply a patch, for example,

How to configure Tomcat v8.0 server in Eclipse IDE?

I am using Eclipse Juno and I've installed Apache Tomcat/8.0.0-RC5 in my PC via windows installer. When I try to define a new server in Eclipse, under Apache, I don't have Tomcat v8.0 option. It stops at Tomcat v7.0. How can I get Apache Tomcat v8.0 running in Eclipse?
Keep an eye on http://bugs.eclipse.org/422298 . Support for 8.0 hasn't been added just yet.

Jboss 7 and eclipse indigo plug in giving error while starting server?

I installed Eclipse indigo and jboss 7 server and jboss server plugins installed for struts2 application.
I created simple application with jsp page and deployed in to jboss7 server ( i installed server ,run from out side of eclipse and i saw new features of jboss 7 ) after deploying application .
I want to start the server but server giving error like " Error:no server JVM at c:\java\jre1.6\bin\server\jvmdll"
help me for this issue.
I also had this problem and did not find where I could set the JVM for JBoss in Eclipse Indigo. I got JBoss 7 working by removing the JRE6 from installed JREs in Eclipse and only having JDK6 there. I also changed JRE6 to JDK6 by double clicking the JBoss server -> Open launch configuration -> Classpath -> Bootstrap Entries.
After this I readded JRE6 to Eclipse for the projects that used it.
change jvm in jboss's tomcat conf from
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server\jvm.dll
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
I posted the below answer here
I've just been struggling with this same problem in Eclipse and I noted that as suggested by the answer above the JBoss site has a thread on this issue saying the same as the answer above to copy files from the jdk to the jre folder.
I noticed that you can avoid having to do this if you define the runtime to be the jdk when you create the server. I didn't find how to edit an existing server though.