Exponential values manipulation in perl - perl

I have a select statement which return capacity as exponential value e.g.
in Perl code
I am using a db2 database, and if I explicitly run a query in database it returns
but when I use next select query when I use capacity value in condition it doesn't match
e.g. pseudo code is as below,
my $capacity = 'SELECT capacity FROM table';
# it returns $capacity = 5.4835615662E+003
Here $capacity is 5.4835615662E+003, so it does not match any row in the table. It should be 5483.5615662.
How to convert exponential value to float without rounding off?

You are interpolating the value of $capacity into a string. Instead, you should use placeholders as in:
It is hard to say if there are any other problems because the code snippets you provide don't really do anything.
It is likely that the number stored in the database is not exactly 5483.5615662 and that is just the displayed string when you query it.
If possible, I would recommend taking #Сухой27's advice and letting the database do the work for you:
Alternatively, decide ahead of time how many digits past the decimal point really matter and use ROUND or similar functionality:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{

Please take a look at Why doesn't this sql query return any results comparing floating point numbers?
I'm concerned about the 5.4835615662+003 that you show in your question. That isn't a valid representation of a number, and it means just 5.4835615662 + 3. You need an E or an e before the exponent to use it as it is
There is also an issue with comparing floating-point values, whereby two numbers that are essentially equal may have a slightly different binary representation, and so will not compare as equal. If your value has been converted to a string (and that seems highly likely, as Perl will not use an exponent to display 5483.5615662 unless told to do so) and back again to floating point, then it is extremely unlikely to result in exactly the same value. Your comparisons will always fail
In Perl, and most other languages, a numeric values has no specific format. For example, if I run this
perl -E 'say 5.4835615662E+003'
I get the output
showing that the two string representations are equivalent
It would help to see exactly how you got the value of $capacity from the database, because if it were a simple number then it wouldn't use the scientific representation. You would have to use sprintf to get what you have shown
SQL is the same and doesn't care about the format of the number as long as it's valid, so if you wrote
SELECT measurement FROM table WHERE capacity = 5.4835615662E+003
then you would get a result where capacity is exactly equal to that value. But since it has been trimmed to eleven significant digits, you are hugely unlikely to find the record that the value came from, unless it contains 5483.56156620000000000
If I run
perl -MMath::Trig=pi -E 'for (0 .. 20) { $x = pi * 10**$_; say qq{$x}; }'
I get this result
So by default Perl won't resort to using scientific notation until the value reaches 1015. It clearly doesn't apply to 5483.5615662. Something has coerced the floating-point value in the question to a much less precise string in scientific notation. Comparing that for equality doesn't stand a chance of succeeding


perl - int() decrementing an integer

Before I get flamed, I want to say I do understand floating point numbers and things of the sort, but that doesn't seem to be my issue.
To simplify things, I'm trying to determine if a number has more than 2 decimal places. I'm doing this by multiplying the number by 100 (stored under variable "test1") and then truncating it with int() ($test2) and comparing it with an if.
$test1 = $number * 100;
$test2 = int($test1);
unless ($test1 == $test2) {
die ("test1:$test1, test2:$test2");
The initial $number comes from a whole series of other functions and should realistically be only two decimals, hence I'm trying to catch those that aren't (as a few entries seem to have very many decimals).
However, I just got:
test1:15, test2:14
from my die().
Can someone explain how that would happen? How can int(15) be 14?
From perldoc:
machine representations of floating-point numbers can sometimes produce counterintuitive results. For example, int(-6.725/0.025) produces -268 rather than the correct -269; that's because it's really more like -268.99999999999994315658 instead
So, the machine representation of "15" is probably something like 14.9999999999999999 and, therefore, int truncates it to 14.
Note that perldoc suggests using the POSIX functions floor or ceil instead.
In a simple, one off, case adding 0.5 to your value before int-ing it will give you what you want.
int(14.99 + 0.5)
it becomes 15.49 and is int-ed "down" to 15, whereas:
int( 14.45 + 0.5 )
still gets int'ed "down" to 14.0. This is a handy trick but doesn't self document as nicely as using floor and ceil.
As a side note, the Goldberg paper on floating point arithmetic always reminds me how useful it sometimes is to have brains that are not as mindlessly precise as a computer :-)
If I wanted to check if a number had more than two decimal places, I wouldn't do math on it.
my $more_than_two = $number =~ /\d+\.\d{2}\d+\z/;
Before I do that, I might use Scalar::Util's looks_like_a_number. This method will still fail with floating point squishiness if you were expecting 14.99999 to be 15.0.
However, you should tell us what you are trying to do instead of how you are trying to do that. It's easier to give better answers.
For your questions about int, I think it's documentation tell you what you need to know. The rest is answered in the first couple of questions in perlfaq4.

What does this piece of perl code mean?

I'm dealing with a Perl script. Perl is quite new to me.
Does anybody have an idea what this code does?
$pval = sprintf("%0.1e", Statistics::Distributions::uprob($z));
Where :
my $z= ($all{key} - $mu) / ${sigma};
$pval is assigned a formatted string in the shape of a floating-point number in scientific notation. Presumably the function uprob from the Statistics module returns such a number.
$z is passed as argument to that function, and it seems to be a number calculated from a value in the hash %all with the key key, minus $mu, divided by $sigma. Pretty straightforward.

reading and storing numbers in perl without a loss of percision (Perl)

I have a few numbers in a file in a variety of formats: 8.3, 0.001, 9e-18. I'm looking for an easy way to read them in and store them without any loss of precision. This would be easy in AWK, but how's it done in Perl? I'm only open to using Perl. Thanks!
Also, I was wondering if there's an easy way to print them in an appropriate format. For example, 8.3 should be printed as "8.3" not "8.3e0"
If they're text strings, then reading them into Perl as strings and writing them back out as strings shouldn't result in any loss of precision. If you have to do arithmetic on them, then I suggest installing the CPAN module Math::BigFloat to ensure that you don't lose any precision to rounding.
As to your second question, Perl doesn't do any reformatting unless you ask it to:
$ perl -le 'print 8.3'
Am I missing something?
From http://perldoc.perl.org/perlnumber.html:
Perl can internally represent numbers in 3 different ways: as native
integers, as native floating point numbers, and as decimal strings.
Decimal strings may have an exponential notation part, as in
"12.34e-56" . Native here means "a format supported by the C compiler
which was used to build perl".
This means that printing the number out depends on how the number is stored internal to perl, which means, in turn, that you have to know how the number is represented on input.
By and large, Perl will just do the right thing, but you should know how what compiler was used, how it represents numbers internally, and how to print those numbers. For example:
$ perldoc -f int
int EXPR
int Returns the integer portion of EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_. You should
not use this function for rounding: one because it truncates towards 0, and two
because machine representations of floating-point numbers can sometimes produce
counterintuitive results. For example, "int(-6.725/0.025)" produces -268 rather than
the correct -269; that's because it's really more like -268.99999999999994315658
instead. Usually, the "sprintf", "printf", or the "POSIX::floor" and
"POSIX::ceil" functions will serve you better than will int().
I think that if you want to read a number in explicitly as a string, your best bet would be to use unpack() with the 'A*' format.

Error: Can't take log of -9.4351e+0.007

I am creating a mini search engine using Perl.While doing so I am using a formula with log to the base 10. However for some value I am getting an error:
Can't take log of -9.4351e+0.007.
It is impossible to track where I am getting this error from. I just want to ignore this case. How can this be handled in Perl. Subroutine for finding log to the base 10 is like this:
sub log10 {
my $n=shift;
return log($n)/log(10);
So probably i am looking for a check which says if so and so value dont find log.
You cannot take the log of negative numbers.
See Wolfram MathWorld for more details.
Apart from the value being negative, the string -9.4351e+0.007 is not a valid number as the exponent part of a floating-point constant can be only an integer.
You must be passing strings to your log10 function as Perl would not complain about a number in this format.
You need to look at the source of these values as something is going wrong before your function is called, and it will probably give you incorrect results even for those values that can be passed to log without error.
"ln y" means "find the x where ex equals y".
e is a positive number (near 2.17828), so no matter how many times you multiply e with itself, you'll never get a negative number.
You cannot find the log of negative numbers.
As Borodin also points out that -9.4351e+0.007 isn't recognized as a number by Perl.
>perl -wE"say 0+'-9.4351e+0.007'"
Argument "-9.4351e+0.007" isn't numeric in addition (+) at -e line 1.

Float comparison issues in Perl [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I fix this Perl code so that 1.1 + 2.2 == 3.3?
I'm working on a Perl script that compares strings representing gene models and prints out a summary of the comparison. If the gene models match perfectly, I print out a very terse summary, but if they are different, the summary is quite verbose.
The script looks at the value of a variable to determine whether it should do the terse or verbose summary--if the variable is equal to 1, it should print the terse summary; otherwise, it should print the verbose summary.
Since the value is numeric (a float), I've been using the == operator to do the comparison.
if($stats->{overall_simple_matching_coefficient} == 1)
print "Gene structures match perfectly!\n";
This worked correctly for all of my tests and even for most of the new cases I am running now, but I found a weird case where the value was equal to 1 but the above comparison failed. I have not been able to figure out why the comparison failed, and stranger yet, when I changed the == operator to the eq operator, it seemed to work fine.
I thought the == was for numerical comparison and eq was for string comparison. Am I missing something here?
Update: If I print out the value right before the comparison...
printf("Test: '%f', '%d', '%s'\n", $stats->{overall_simple_matching_coefficient}, $stats->{overall_simple_matching_coefficient}, $stats->{overall_simple_matching_coefficient});
...I get this.
Test: '1.000000', '0', '1'
The first thing any computer language teacher should teach you about any computer language is that YOU CANNOT COMPARE FLOATS FOR EQUALITY. This is true of any language. Floating point arithmetic is not exact, and two floats that look like they're the same will be different in the insignificant digits somewhere where you can't see it. Instead, you can only compare that they are close to each other - like
if (abs(stats->{overall_simple_matching_coefficient)-1) < 0.0001)
What do you get if you print the value of $stats->{overall_simple_matching_coefficient} just before the comparison? If it's 1, try printf with a format of "%20.10f". I strongly suspect you have some rounding error (less then 1e-6) accumulated in the variable and it's not comparing equal numerically. However when converted to string, since the error is right of the 6th decimal place, and the default string format is to six places, it compares equal.