Extract unique elements from each row of a matrix (Matlab) - matlab

I would like to apply the function unique to each row of a given matrix, without involving any for loop. Suppose I have the following 4-by-5 matrix
full(A) = [0 1 0 0 1
2 1 0 3 0
1 2 0 0 2
0 3 1 0 0]
where A is the corresponding sparse matrix. As an example using a for loop, I can do
uniq = cell(4,1);
for i = 1:4
uniq{i} = unique(A(i,:));
and I would obtain the cell structure uniq given by
uniq{1} = {1}
uniq{2} = {[1 2 3]}
uniq{3} = {[1 2]}
uniq{4} = {[1 3]}
Is there a quicker way to vectorize this and avoid for loops?
I need to apply this to matrices M-by-5 with M large.
Note that I'm not interested in the number of unique elements per row (I know there are around answers for such a problem).

You can use accumarray with a custom function:
A = sparse([0 1 0 0 1; 2 1 0 3 0; 1 2 0 0 2; 0 3 1 0 0]); % data
[ii, ~, vv] = find(A);
uniq = accumarray(ii(:), vv(:), [], #(x){unique(x.')});
This gives:
>> celldisp(uniq)
uniq{1} =
uniq{2} =
1 2 3
uniq{3} =
1 2
uniq{4} =
1 3

you can use num2cell(A,2) to convert each row into cell and then cellfun with unique to get cell array of unique values from each row:
% generate large nX5 matrix
n = 5000;
A = randi(5,n,5);
% convert each row into cell
C = num2cell(A,2);
% take unique values from each cell
U = cellfun(#unique,C,'UniformOutput',0);


Cartesian product of row-indices in Matlab

I have a binary matrix A of dimension mxn with m>n in Matlab. I want to construct a matrix B of dimension cxn listing row wise each element of the Cartesian product of the row indices of the ones contained in A. To be more clear consider the following example.
A=[1 0 1;
0 0 1;
1 1 0;
0 0 1];
%column 1: "1" are at rows {1,3}
%column 2: "1" are at row {3}
%column 3: "1" are at rows {1,2,4}
%Hence, the Cartesian product {1,3}x{3}x{1,2,4} is
%I construct B by disposing row-wise each 3-tuple in the Cartesian product
B=[1 3 1;
1 3 2;
1 3 4;
3 3 1;
3 3 2;
3 3 4];
You can get the cartesian product with the combvec command, for your example:
A=[1 0 1;...
0 0 1;...
1 1 0;...
0 0 1];
[x y]=find(A);
% B =
% 1 3 1
% 3 3 1
% 1 3 2
% 3 3 2
% 1 3 4
% 3 3 4
You can expand this to an unknown number of columns by using the associative property of the product.
[x y]=find(A);
for i=2:length(u_y)
B=combvec(B, x(y==u_y(i)).');
One solution (without toolbox):
A= [1 0 1;
0 0 1;
1 1 0;
0 0 1];
[ii,jj] = find(A)
kk = unique(jj);
for i = 1:length(kk)
v{i} = ii(jj==kk(i));
[t{:}]= ndgrid(v{:});
product = []
for i = 1:length(kk)
product = [product,t{i}(:)];
You can use use accumarray to obtain vectors with the row indices of nonzero elements for each column. This works for an arbitrary number of columns:
[ii, jj] = find(A);
vectors = accumarray(jj, ii, [], #(x){sort(x.')});
Then apply this answer to efficiently compute the Cartesian product of those vectors:
n = numel(vectors);
B = cell(1,n);
[B{end:-1:1}] = ndgrid(vectors{end:-1:1});
B = cat(n+1, B{:});
B = reshape(B,[],n);
In your example, this gives
B =
1 3 1
1 3 2
1 3 4
3 3 1
3 3 2
3 3 4
In short, I would use find to generate the indices needed for the Cartesian product and then use ndgrid to perform the Cartesian product of these indices. The code to do so is:
close all
A = [1 0 1;
0 0 1;
1 1 0;
0 0 1];
[row,col] = find(A);
[~,ia,~] = unique(col);
n_cols = size(A,2);
indices = cell(n_cols,1);
for ii = 1:n_cols-1
indices{ii} = row(ia(ii):ia(ii+1)-1);
indices{end} = row(ia(end):end);
cp_temp = cell(n_cols,1);
[cp_temp{:}] = ndgrid(indices{:});
cp = NaN(numel(cp_temp{1}),n_cols);
for ii = 1:n_cols
cp(:,ii) = cp_temp{ii}(:);
cp = sortrows(cp);

Fastest way of generating a logical matrix by given row indices of true values?

What is the most efficient way of generating
>> A
A =
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 0 0
>> B = [2 3; 1 2; 1 3]
B =
2 3
1 2
1 3
E.g., B(1, :), which is [2 3], means that A(2, 1) and A(3, 1) are true.
My attempt still requires one for loop, iterating through B's row. Is there a loop-free or more efficient way of doing this?
This is one way of many, though sub2ind is the dedicated function for that:
%// given row indices
B = [2 3; 1 2; 1 3]
%// size of row index matrix
[n,m] = size(B)
%// size of output matrix
[N,M] = deal( max(B(:)), n)
%// preallocation of output matrix
A = zeros(N,M)
%// get col indices to given row indices
cols = bsxfun(#times, ones(n,m),(1:n).')
%// set values
A( sub2ind([N,M],B,cols) ) = 1
A =
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
If you want a logical matrix, change the following to lines
A = false(N,M)
A( sub2ind([N,M],B,cols) ) = true
Alternative solution
%// given row indices
B = [2 3; 1 2; 1 3];
%// number if rows
r = 4; %// e.g. = max(B(:))
%// number if cols
c = 3; %// size(B,1)
%// preallocation of output matrix
A = zeros(r,c);
%// set values
A( bsxfun(#plus, B.', 0:r:(r*(c-1))) ) = 1;
Here's a way, using the sparse function:
A = full(sparse(cumsum(ones(size(B))), B, 1));
This gives
A =
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
If you need a predefined number of rows in the output, say r (in your example r = 4):
A = full(sparse(cumsum(ones(size(B))), B, 1, 4, size(B,1)));
which gives
A =
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 0 0
You can equivalently use the accumarrray function:
A = accumarray([repmat((1:size(B,1)).',size(B,2),1), B(:)], 1);
A =
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
Or with a predefined number of rows, r = 4,
A = accumarray([repmat((1:size(B,1)).',size(B,2),1), B(:)], 1, [r size(B,1)]);
A =
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 0 0

Want to Create A Combination of Non-Decreasing Elements with Condition

I want to create a combination of non-decreasing elements. The combination will be like,
If i=10 and w=5, then the elements of the combination can be any value from 1 to w and the sum will be equal to i.
Possible combinations are like,
But 1+1+1+7 is not a desired combination because 7 is greater than w
How to get the combinations using MatLab? I need to get the combinations for higher values of i and w like may be i=20 and w=8.
Thank You
You can do it with a recursive function. The following code contains a wrapper function and the recursive function which does the actual work:
function result = partitions(s,M)
%// s: desired sum; M: maximum value
result = partitions_rec(s,1,M,s);
function mat = partitions_rec(s,m,M,n)
%// s: desired sum, m: minimum value; M: maximum value; n: number of entries
M = min(M,s);
if s==0
mat = zeros(1,n);
mat = [];
for ii = m:M;
aux = partitions_rec(s-ii,ii,M,n-1);
if size(aux,1)
mat = [ mat; ii*ones(size(aux,1),1) aux ];
>> result = partitions(5,3)
ans =
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 2 0
1 1 3 0 0
1 2 2 0 0
2 3 0 0 0
A 0 indicates no number. If you want to remove the zeros, you need to put the result in the form of a cell array, where each cell is a vector with nonzero values:
result_cell = arrayfun(#(ii) result(ii, logical(result(ii,:))), 1:size(result,1), 'uniformoutput', 0);
In the example, this would give
>> result_cell{:}
ans =
1 1 1 1 1
ans =
1 1 1 2
ans =
1 1 3
ans =
1 2 2
ans =
2 3

How to shift zero in the last column of a matrix

I have one matrix like below-
A=[1 1 1 1 1;
0 1 1 1 2;
0 0 1 1 3]
But I want to place all the 0 at the end of the row, so A should be like-
A=[1 1 1 1 1;
1 1 1 2 0;
1 1 3 0 0]
How can I do this? Matlab experts please help me.
There you go. Whole matrix, no loops, works even for non-contiguous zeros:
A = [1 1 1 1 1; 0 1 1 1 2; 0 0 1 1 3];
At = A.'; %// It's easier to work with the transpose
[~, rows] = sort(At~=0,'descend'); %// This is the important part.
%// It sends the zeros to the end of each column
cols = repmat(1:size(At,2),size(At,1),1);
ind = sub2ind(size(At),rows(:),cols(:));
sol = repmat(NaN,size(At,1),size(At,2));
sol(:) = At(ind);
sol = sol.'; %'// undo transpose
As usual, for Matlab versions that do not support the ~ symbol on function return, change ~ by a dummy variable, for example:
[nada, rows] = sort(At~=0,'descend'); %// This is the important part.
A more generic example:
A = [1 3 0 1 1;
0 1 1 1 2;
0 0 1 1 3]
% Sort columns directly
[~,srtcol] = sort(A == 0,2);
% Sorted positions
sz = size(A);
pos = bsxfun(#plus, (srtcol-1)*sz(1), (1:sz(1))'); % or use sub2ind
The result
B = A(pos)
B =
1 3 1 1 0
1 1 1 2 0
1 1 3 0 0
there are many ways to do this. one fast way can be easily like this:
a = [1 2 3 4 0 5 7 0];
idx =
5 8
b=a; % save a new copy of the vector
b(idx)=[]; % remove zero elements
b =
1 2 3 4 5 7
c=[b zeros(size(idx))]
c =
1 2 3 4 5 7 0 0
You may modify this code as well.
If your zeros are always together, you could use the circshift command. This shifts values in an array by a specified number of places, and wraps values that run off the edge over to the other side. It looks like you would need to do this separately for each row in A, so in your example above you could try:
A(2,:) = circshift(A(2,:), [1 -1]); % shift the second row one to the left with wrapping
A(3,:) = circshift(A(3,:), [1 -2]); % shift the third row two to the left with wrapping
In general, if your zeros are always at the front of the row in A, you could try something like:
for ii = 1:size(A,1) % iterate over rows in A
numShift = numel(find(A(ii,:) == 0)); % assuming zeros at the front of the row, this is how many times we have to shift the row.
A(ii,:) = circshift(A(ii,:), [1 -numShift]); % shift it
Try this (just a fast hack):
for row_k = 1:size(A, 1)
[A_sorted, A_sortmap] = sort(A(row_k, :) == 0, 'ascend');
% update row in A:
A(row_k, :) = A(row_k, A_sortmap);
Now optimized for versions of MATLAB not supporting ~ as garbage lhs-identifier.
#LuisMendo's answer is inspiring in its elegance, but I couldn't get it to work (perhaps a matlab version thing). The following (based on his answer) worked for me:
Aaux = fliplr(reshape([1:numel(A)],size(A)));
[Asort iso]=sort(Aaux.',1,'descend');
iso = iso + repmat([0:size(A,1)-1]*size(A,2),size(A,2),1);
I've also asked this question and got a super elegant answer (non of above answers is same) here:
Optimize deleting matrix leading zeros in MATLAB

MATLAB: Fastest Way to Count Unique # of 2 Number Combinations in a Vector of Integers

Given a vector of integers such as:
X = [1 2 3 4 5 1 2]
I would like to find a really fast way to count the number of unique combinations with 2-elements.
In this case the two-number combinations are:
[1 2] (occurs twice)
[2 3] (occurs once)
[3 4] (occurs once)
[4 5] (occurs once)
[5 1] (occurs once)
As it stands, I am currently doing this in MATLAB as follows
X = [1 2 3 4 5 1 2];
N = length(X)
X_max = max(X);
COUNTS = nan(X_max); %store as a X_max x X_max matrix
for i = 1:X_max
first_number_indices = find(X==1)
second_number_indices = first_number_indices + 1;
second_number_indices(second_number_indices>N) = [] %just in case last entry = 1
second_number_vals = X(second_number_indices);
for j = 1:X_max
COUNTS(i,j) = sum(second_number_vals==j)
Is there a faster/smarter way of doing this?
Here is a super fast way:
>> counts = sparse(x(1:end-1),x(2:end),1)
counts =
(5,1) 1
(1,2) 2
(2,3) 1
(3,4) 1
(4,5) 1
You could convert to a full matrix simply as: full(counts)
Here is an equivalent solution using accumarray:
>> counts = accumarray([x(1:end-1);x(2:end)]', 1)
counts =
0 2 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0
EDIT: #Amro has provided a much better solution (well, better in the vast majority of cases, I suspect my method would work better if MaxX is very large and X contains zeros - this is because the presence of zeros will rule out the use of sparse while a large MaxX will slow down the accumarray approach as it creates a matrix of size MaxX by MaxX).
EDIT: Thanks to #EitanT for pointing out an improvement that can be made using accumarray.
Here is how I would solve it:
%Generate some random data
T = 20;
MaxX = 3;
X = randi(MaxX, T, 1);
%Get the unique combinations and an index. Note, I am assuming X is a column vector.
[UniqueComb, ~, Ind] = unique([X(1:end-1), X(2:end)], 'rows');
NumComb = size(UniqueComb, 1);
%Count the number of occurrences of each combination
Count = accumarray(Ind, 1);
All unique sequential two element combinations are now stored in UniqueComb, while the corresponding counts for each unique combination are stored in Count.