how to improve performance of writing data to MongoDB using Spark? - mongodb

I use python Spark to run a heavy iterative computing job and write data to MongoDB. In each iteration, there may contain 0.01 ~ 1 billion data in RDD or DataFrame to be computed(this procedure is simple and relatively fast) and about 100,000 data to be written to MongoDb. The problem is that procedure seems get stuck in MongoSpark Job every iteration(see image below). I don't know what is going on in this job. The computing part seems already have finished(see Job "runJob at PythonRDD.scala"). MongoDB, however, doesn't receive any data in most time of this job. In my estimation, writing 100,000 data to MongoDB directly only cost tiny time.
Can you explain what costs most time of this job, and how to improve the performance of this ?
Thanks for your help.


Writing wide table (40,000+ columns) to Databricks Hive Metastore for use with AutoML

I want to train a regression prediction model with Azure Databricks AutoML using the GUI. The training data is very wide. All of the columns except for the response variable will be used as features.
To use the Databricks AutoML GUI I have to store the data as a table in the Hive metastore. I have a large DataFrame df with more than 40,000 columns.
print((df.count(), len(df.columns)))
(33030, 45502)
This data is written to a table in Hive using the following PySpark command (I believe this is standard):
Unfortunately this job does not finish within 'acceptable' time (10 hours). I cancel and hence don't have an error message.
When I reduce the number of columns with[:500]).write.mode('overwrite').saveAsTable("WIDE_TABLE")
it fares better and finishes in 9.87 minutes, so the method should work.
Can this be solved:
With a better compute instance?
With a better script?
Not at all and if so, is there another approach?
[EDIT to address questions in comments]
Runtime and driver summary:
2-16 Workers 112-896 GB Memory 32-256 Cores (Standard_DS5_v2)
1 Driver 56 GB Memory, 16 Cores (Same as worker)
To give an impression of the timings I've added a table below.
time (mins)
Data type of the remaining columns is Integer.
As far as I know I'm writing the table on the same environment that I am working on. Data flow: Azure Blob CSV -> Data read and wrangling -> PySpark DataFrame -> Hive Table. Last three steps are on the same cloud machine.
Hope this helps!
I think your case is not related to either Spark resource configuration or network connection, it's related to Spark design itself.
Long in short, Spark is designed for long and narrow data, which is exactly opposite of your dataframe. When you look at your experiment, the time consuming is in exponential growth when your column size increase. Although it's about reading the csv but not writing table, you can check this post for a good explanation on why Spark is not good at handling wide dataframe: Spark csv reading speed is very slow although I increased the number of nodes
Although I didn't use the Azure AutoML before, based on the dataset to achieve your goal, I think you can try:
Try to use python pandas dataframe and Hive connection library to see if there is any performance enhancement
Concatenate all your column into a single Array / Vector before you write to Hive

sparksql with dataset of several GBs size

I didn't found the answer for this question in the web or other questions, so I'm trying here:
The size of my dataset is several GB's (~5GB to ~15GB).
I have multiple tables, some of them contains ~50M rows
I'm using postgresSQL which has it's own query optimization (parallel workers and indexing).
50% of my queries take advantages the indexing and multiple workers to finish the query faster.
Some of my queries use join command
I read that sparkSQL intends to run on huge datasets.
If I have multiple servers to run sparkSQL on, can I get better performance with sparkSQL ?
Does 15GB of datasets fit to work with sparkSQL or postgresSQL ?
When it will be best to choose sparkSQL over postgresSQL ?
If I have multiple servers to run sparkSQL on, can I get better performance with sparkSQL ?
-> If your data does not havea lot of skew, SparkSQL will give better performance in terms of query speeds as the query wold run on the spark cluster.
Does 15GB of datasets fit to work with sparkSQL or postgresSQL ?
-> SparkSQL is simply a Query Engine that is built into Apache Spark so it will process the data, and will allow you to create Views in-memory but that is it. Once the Application terminates, the view is removed.
PostgreSQL, on teh other hand is a, and I quote, a DATABASE. It will let you query data and store the results in its own native format.
Now coming to your question, 15GB of Data is not a lot to process for wither of the Engines, and your query performance would depend upon the data model.
When it will be best to choose sparkSQL over postgresSQL ?
-> Choose SparkSQL, when you wish to perform AD-HOC queries, and the dataset sizes range in the TeraByte range.
Choose PostgreSQL, when you wish to store transactional data, or datasets that are simply being used to drive BI tools, custom UIs or Applications.

Why Parquet over some RDBMS like Postgres

I'm working to build a data architecture for my company. A simple ETL with internal and external data with the aim to build static dashboard and other to search trend.
I try to think about every step of the ETL process one by one and now I'm questioning about the Load part.
I plan to use Spark (LocalExcecutor on dev and a service on Azure for production) so I started to think about using Parquet into a Blob service. I know all the advantage of Parquet over CSV or other storage format and I really love this piece of technology. Most of the articles I read about Spark finish with a df.write.parquet(...).
But I cannot figure it out why can I just start a Postgres and save everything here. I understand that we are not producing 100Go per day of data but I want to build something future proof in a fast growing company that gonna produce exponentially data by the business and by the logs and metrics we start recording more and more.
Any pros/cons by more experienced dev ?
EDIT : What also make me questioning this is this tweet :
The main trade-off is one of cost and transactional semantics.
Using a DBMS means you can load data transactionally. You also pay for both storage and compute on an on-going basis. The storage costs for the same amount of data are going to be more expensive in a managed DBMS vs a blob store.
It is also harder to scale out processing on a DBMS (it appears the largest size Postgres server Azure offers has 64 vcpus). By storing data into an RDBMs you are likely going to run-up against IO or compute bottlenecks more quickly then you would with Spark + blob storage. However, for many datasets this might not be an issue and as the tweet points out if you can accomplish everything inside a the DB with SQL then it is a much simpler architecture.
If you store Parquet files on a blob-store, updating existing data is difficult without regenerating a large segment of your data (and I don't know the details of Azure but generally can't be done transactionally). The compute costs are separate from the storage costs.
Storing data in Hadoop using raw file formats is terribly inefficient. Parquet is a Row Columnar file format well suited for querying large amounts of data in quick time. As you said above, writing data to Parquet from Spark is pretty easy. Also writing data using a distributed processing engine (Spark) to a distributed file system (Parquet+HDFS) makes the entire flow seamless. This architecture is well suited for OLAP type data.
Postgres on the other hand is a relational database. While it is good for storing and analyzing transactional data, it cannot be scaled horizontally as easily as HDFS can be. Hence when writing/querying large amount of data from Spark to/on Postgres, the database can become a bottleneck. But if the data you are processing is OLTP type, then you can consider this architecture.
Hope this helps
One of the issues I have with a dedicated Postgres server is that it's a fixed resource that's on 24/7. If it's idle for 22 hours per day and under heavy load 2 hours per day (in particular if the hours aren't
continuous and are unpredictable)
then the server sizing during those 2 hours is going to be too low whereas during the other 22 hours it's too high.
If you store your data as parquet on Azure Data Lake Gen 2 and then use Serverless Synapse for SQL queries then you don't pay for anything on a 24/7 basis. When under heavy load, everything scales automatically.
The other benefit is that parquet files are compressed whereas Postgres doesn't store data compressed.
The downfall is "latency" (probably not the right term but it's how I think of it). If you want to query a small amount of data then, in my experience, it's slower with the file + Serverless approach compared to a well indexed clustered or partitioned Postgres table. Additionally, it's really hard to forecast your bill with the Serverless model coming from the server model. There's definitely going to be usage patterns where Serverless is going to be more expensive than a dedicated server. In particular if you do a lot of queries that have to read all or most of the data.
It's easier/faster to save a parquet than to do a lot of inserts. This is a double edged sword because the db guarantees acidity whereas saving parquet files doesn't.
Parquet storage optimization is its own task. Postgres has autovacuum. If the data you're consuming is published daily but you want it on a node/attribute/feature partition scheme then you need to do that manually (perhaps with spark pools).

Apache spark streaming - cache dataset for joining

I'm considering using Apache Spark streaming for some real-time work but I'm not sure how to cache a dataset for use in a join/lookup.
The main input will be json records coming from Kafka that contain an Id, I want to translate that id into a name using a lookup dataset. The lookup dataset resides in Mongo Db but I want to be able to cache it inside the spark process as the dataset changes very rarely (once every couple of hours) so I don't want to hit mongo for every input record or reload all the records in every spark batch but I need to be able to update the data held in spark periodically (e.g. every 2 hours).
What is the best way to do this?
I've thought long and hard about this myself. In particular I've wondered is it possible to actually implement a database DB in Spark of sorts.
Well the answer is kind of yes. First you want a program that first caches the main data set into memory, then every couple of hours does an optimized join-with-tiny to update the main data set. Now apparently Spark will have a method that does a join-with-tiny (maybe it's already out in 1.0.0 - my stack is stuck on 0.9.0 until CDH 5.1.0 is out).
Anyway, you can manually implement a join-with-tiny, by taking the periodic bi-hourly dataset and turning it into a HashMap then broadcasting it as a broadcast variable. What this means is that the HashMap will be copied, but only once per node (compare this with just referencing the Map - it would be copied once per task - a much greater cost). Then you take your main dataset and add on the new records using the broadcasted map. You can then periodically (nightly) save to hdfs or something.
So here is some scruffy pseudo code to elucidate:
var mainDataSet: RDD[KeyType, DataType] = sc.textFile("/path/to/main/dataset")
everyTwoHoursDo {
val newData: Map[KeyType, DataType] = sc.textFile("/path/to/last/two/hours")
val mainDataSetNew =, oldValue) => (key,
newData.get(key).map(newDataValue =>
update(oldValue, newDataValue))
mainDataSetNew.someAction() // to force execution
mainDataSet = mainDataSetNew
I've also thought that you could be very clever and use a custom partioner with your own custom index, and then use a custom way of updating the partitions so that each partition itself holds a submap. Then you can skip updating partitions that you know won't hold any keys that occur in the newData, and also optimize the updating process.
I personally think this is a really cool idea, and the nice thing is your dataset is already ready in memory for some analysis / machine learning. The down side is your kinda reinventing the wheel a bit. It might be a better idea to look at using Cassandra as Datastax is partnering with Databricks (people who make Spark) and might end up supporting some kind of thing like this out of box.
Further reading:
Here is a fairly simple work-flow:
For each batch of data:
Convert the batch of JSON data to a DataFrame (b_df).
Read the lookup dataset from MongoDB as a DataFrame (m_df). Then cache, m_df.cache()
Join the data using b_df.join(m_df, "join_field")
Perform your required aggregation and then write to a data source.

no sql read and write intensive bigdata table

I am having 10 different queries and a total of 40 columns.
Looking for solutions in available Big data noSQL data bases that will perform read and write intensive jobs (multiple queries with SLA).
Tried with HBase but its fast only for rowkey (scan) search ,for other queries (not running on row key) query response time is quite high.Making data duplication with different row keys is the only option for quick response but for 10 queries making 10 different tables is not a good idea.
Please suggest the alternatives.
Have you tried Druid? It is inspired on Dremel, precursor of Google BigQuery.
From the documentation:
Druid is a good fit for products that require real-time data ingestion of a single, large data stream. Especially if you are targeting no-downtime operation and are building your product on top of a time-oriented summarization of the incoming data stream. When talking about query speed it is important to clarify what "fast" means: with Druid it is entirely within the realm of possibility (we have done it) to achieve queries that run in less than a second across trillions of rows of data.