Why do I get an unsupported on-disk structure error when opening a Firebird database? - firebird

I'm trying to open a .fdb (Firebird) database using FlameRobin but it is giving me the following error message:
*** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Database::Connect
Message: isc_attach_database_failed
SQL Message: -820
wrong or obsolete version
Engine Code:335544379
Engine Message:
unsupported on-disk structure for file c:\ccmb\cm.fdb; found 11.2, support 11.1
Now it looks like it is telling me the .fdb is an older version (I assume it is referring to the database file and not FlameRobin!) so I now need to determine what version it is.
The software using the .fdb database was released around 2015 but I'm not sure of which version of Firebird was around then.
Since I cannot open the file, and I'm not sure it would tell me even if I could, how do I find out what version it is and once I've found out what version it is, what do I need to do with FlameRobin in order to get it to connect? Do I need an older version of FlameRobin (currently or is are there settings which allow opening of older files?

The error tells you that your Firebird version does not understand the on-disk structure (ODS) version of the database file. The database file has ODS 11.2, while your Firebird understands ODS 11.1 (and lower).
ODS 11.2 means it is a Firebird 2.5 database, while support for ODS 11.1 indicates you are currently using a Firebird 2.1 server. To be able to read the database, you will need to install Firebird 2.5.
See also All Firebird and InterBase On-Disk-Structure (ODS) versions.
Note that this is unrelated to the version of FlameRobin.

In FlameRobin and IBOConsole I got the error 'unsupported on-disk structure for file D:\Firebird\Example.fdb; found 11.2, support 12.2'. This error occured after a migration from FB2.5 to FB3.0. The error was gone after changing the 'Database path' in FlameRobin 'Database Registration Info' to just: 'Example' (without the quotes). This is probably the alias for the Firebird database (that our supplier configured) after the upgrade, so a full path and the file-extension was no longer needed. See Firebird configuration file: 'Aliases.conf'.


gbak installed through firebird3.0-utils restoring a backup gives error when trying to open it

I have a backup file. I did apt-get install firebird3.0-utils to get gbak. I am restored a database that is Firebird 2.5 and I am also running Firebird 2.5 locally. When I try to open the restored database, I get an error "structure found 12.1, support 11.2."
Put it another way
I have Firebird 2.5 running locally
database.bkp (file to restore, Firebid 2.5)
apt get install firebird3.0-utils
I executed gbak to restore the database, fdb generated successfully
But I cannot open the file "structure found 12.1, support 11.2."
When you restored the database using a Firebird 3.0 gbak, it restored the database in Firebird 3.0 format (ODS 12.1 in your case), and Firebird 2.5 cannot read that ODS format (it supports versions 10 - 11.2). You need to restore using a Firebird 2.5 gbak, or upgrade to Firebird 3.0.
You can also use the service manager to restore the database using your Firebird server itself. The gbak tool allows you to do this type of restore through the service manager, see Remote Backups & Restores in the gbak documentation.
Other alternatives are using tools that utilize the service manager (e.g. FlameRobin, fbsvcmgr, and others), or libraries that provide programmatic access to this (e.g. Jaybird's FBBackupManager, FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient's FbBackup and others).

Identify the postgres extension version shows different versions

Have a postgres database with extensions
If I do psql>\dx it shows
oracle_fdw, 1.1, foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
But if I do psql>SELECT oracle_diag('oraclegwserver'); it says
oracle_fdw 2.0.0, PostgreSQL 10.0, Oracle client, Oracle server
Which version is correct or used?
The first is the extension version, which changes only if the extension's objects change. The second is the version of oracle_fdw.
See the documentation:
Note that the extension version as shown by the psql command \x or the system catalog pg_available_extensions is not the installed version of oracle_fdw. To get the oracle_fdw version, use the function oracle_diag.

DBeaver PostgreSQL Database - SCRAM authentication is not supported by this driver

I am trying to add a PostgreSQL database to DBeaver and am getting the following error when I try to connect to the database. I'm using DBeaver Version And after receiving this message I installed the latest version of the JDK (11.0.9) and pgJDBC (postgresql-42.2.18.jar). I've not had PostgreSQL on this machine yet, so it's a fresh install of the latest version (v13). Any suggestions?
SCRAM authentication is not supported by this driver. You need JDK >= 8 and pgjdbc >= 42.2.0 (not ".jre" vesions)
I had same error and in my situation I had old database drivers. These steps fixed it for me:
Go to Database Driver Manager
Select PostgreSQL (either double click or single select and then "Edit ...")
Click on "Download/Update"
Choose newer version (see bold version text) e.g. 42.2.18 for org.postgresql:postgresql:RELEASE
Press "Download"
Even using all the tips and tricks found on SO I was not able to connect to PGSQL 14 DBs.
I fixed it by using PostgreSQL (Old) driver, and it now works.
The problem I faced was identical, and what resolved it for me was:
Removing the previous PostgreSQL JDBC from the lib folder.
Downloading the latest PostgreSQL JDBC.
Substituting the old JDBC with the new one.
I had a problem similar to yours. This is the way to fix it:
open folder PostgreSQL\14\data, edit postgresql.config fix password_encryption to md5
alter all METHOD value to password in pg_hba.conf
restart postgres server
In my case, JRE version postgres being used in Pom.xml. Update it to the latest version and it should work

ORACLE 12.2 - Invalid string conversion from CLOB fiel using JDBC THIN driver

we have ORACLE database in charset WIN1250 (EE8MSWIN1250). Until ORACLE version 12.1 was everything Ok. But now we have installed ORACLE 12.2 and same data which are read from database contains invalid characters. For example, i show screenshot from DBeaver (It is something like SQLDeveloper - but it universal and for connection to ORACLE have used same THIN driver as we) Firs two pictures are from ORACLE 12.1 (settings and data from table with CLOB field) and second two pictures are from ORACLE 12.2 (settings and same data)
Does anybody know what difference is between 12.1 and 12.2 version? I have read many documents on ORACLE website but no result.
Data from ORACLE 12.1 - correct characters
Data from ORACLE 12.2 - contains invalid characters
It is issue in ORACLE 12cR2. It is necessary to apply patch number 27002286.
For my case it was "Patch 27002286: WINDOWS DB BUNDLE PATCH"
It will solve the problem.
Quite an older thread, but I think that we do have a similar problem ...
While (finally) upgrading from Oracle 11 to Oracle 12 we experience the same problems as described above.
Our Java-based application did well connecting to the Oracle 11 DB but with Oracle 12 some characters (especially in German e.g. ä,ü,ö) are corrupt when stored in CLOB fields.
Browsing the internet I haven't found anything that addresses this problem directly.
Do other people have or had the same problems and what is/was your solution?
I had the same problem and solved it by applying Patch 26380097 for Oracle DB on Linux x86_64.
This is documented in Oracle Doc ID 2377078.

Firebird upgrade from 2.1.3 to 2.5?

Is there a list anywhere or best practice instructions for update firebird databases from one version to another (in my case 2.1.3 to 2.5.2)?
I have seen backup and restore mentioned. I have updated from 1.5 to 2.1 in the past but that just worked i.e. I just installed the new firebird version, however I aware that this was probably just luck.
The Firebird 2.5.2 release notes has a section on compatibility issues that you need to be aware of when upgrading. Also the Firebird install directory contains additional info on upgrading in misc/upgrade/metadata/metadata_charset.txt. If your database has the incorrect metadata charset things might break (but AFAIK they would have been broken under Firebird 2.1 as well).
Technically you can upgrade to 2.5 without a backup and restore cycle on your database, but that means the On Disk Structure (ODS) of the database isn't upgraded to ODS 11.2, which could mean that you can't actually use some of the new features (or: performance improvements) introduced with the newer version. This could be worse if you are actually still on ODS 10.1 from Firebird 1.5.