I have an array column I want to unnest, split the element values, and copy into another table. For example:
id | col1
1 | '{"a:1", "b:2"}'
I'd like to insert into a new table that looks like:
table1_id | col1 | col2
1 | 'a' | 1
1 | 'b' | 2
You can issue an insert from this select:
select id as table1_id,
(string_to_array(ary, ':'))[1] as col1,
(string_to_array(ary, ':'))[2] as col2
from table1
cross join lateral unnest(col1) as u(ary);
db<>fiddle here
I want compare two table's all column values.The two table is identical tables means column number is same and primary key is same. can any one suggest query which compare such two tables in postgres.
The query should give the column name and what is the two different value of two tables.Like this
pkey | column_name | table1_value | table2_value
123 | bonus | 1 | 0
To get all different rows you can use:
select *
from table_1 t1
join table_2 t2 on t1.pkey = t2.pkey
where t1 is distinct from t2;
This will only compare rows that exist in both tables. If you also want to find those that are missing in on of them use a full outer join:
select coalesce(t1.pkey, t2.pkey) as pkey,
when t1.pkey is null then 'Missing in table_1'
when t2.pkey is null then 'Missing in table_2'
else 'At least one column is different'
end as status,
from table_1 t1
full ojoin table_2 t2 on t1.pkey = t2.pkey
where (t1 is distinct from t2)
or (t1.pkey is null)
or (t2.pkey is null);
If you install the hstore extension, you can view the differences as a key/value map:
select coalesce(t1.pkey, t2.pkey) as pkey,
when t1.pkey is null then 'Missing in table_1'
when t2.pkey is null then 'Missing in table_2'
else 'At least one column is different'
end as status,
hstore(t1) - hstore(t2) as values_in_table_1,
hstore(t2) - hstore(t1) as values_in_table_2
from table_1 t1
full ojoin table_2 t2 on t1.pkey = t2.pkey
where (t1 is distinct from t2)
or (t1.pkey is null)
or (t2.pkey is null);
Using this sample data:
create table table_1 (pkey integer primary key, col_1 text, col_2 int);
insert into table_1 (pkey, col_1, col_2)
values (1, 'a', 1), (2, 'b', 2), (3, 'c', 3), (5, 'e', 42);
create table table_2 (pkey integer primary key, col_1 text, col_2 int);
insert into table_2 (pkey, col_1, col_2)
values (1,'a', 1), (2, 'x', 2), (3, 'c', 33), (4, 'd', 52);
A possible result would be:
pkey | status | values_in_table_1 | values_in_table_2
2 | At least one column is different | "col_1"=>"b" | "col_1"=>"x"
3 | At least one column is different | "col_2"=>"3" | "col_2"=>"33"
4 | Missing in table_1 | |
5 | Missing in table_2 | |
Example data:
create table test1(pkey serial primary key, str text, val int);
insert into test1 (str, val) values ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3);
create table test2(pkey serial primary key, str text, val int);
insert into test2 (str, val) values ('a', 1), ('x', 2), ('c', 33);
This simple query gives a complete information on differences of two tables (including rows missing in one of them):
(select 1 t, * from test1
select 1 t, * from test2)
union all
(select 2 t, * from test2
select 2 t, * from test1)
order by pkey, t;
t | pkey | str | val
1 | 2 | b | 2
2 | 2 | x | 2
1 | 3 | c | 3
2 | 3 | c | 33
(4 rows)
In Postgres 9.5+ you can transpose the result to the expected format using jsonb functions:
select pkey, key as column, val[1] as value_1, val[2] as value_2
from (
select pkey, key, array_agg(value order by t) val
from (
select t, pkey, key, value
from (
(select 1 t, * from test1
select 1 t, * from test2)
union all
(select 2 t, * from test2
select 2 t, * from test1)
) s,
lateral jsonb_each_text(to_jsonb(s))
group by 1, 2, 3, 4
) s
group by 1, 2
) s
where key <> 't' and val[1] <> val[2]
order by pkey;
pkey | column | value_1 | value_2
2 | str | b | x
3 | val | 3 | 33
(2 rows)
I tried all of the above answer.Thanks guys for your help.Bot after googling I found a simple query.
SELECT <common_column_list> from table1
SELECT <common_column_list> from table2.
It shows all the row of table1 if any table1 column value is different from table2 column value.
Not very nice but fun and it works :o)
Just replace public.mytable1 and public.mytable2 by correct tables and
update the " where table_schema='public' and table_name='mytable1'"
select * from (
select pkey,column_name,t1.col_value table1_value,t2.col_value table2_value from (
select pkey,generate_subscripts(t,1) ordinal_position,unnest(t) col_value from (
select pkey,
replace(regexp_replace( -- null fields
'{'||substring(a::character varying,'^.(.*).$') ||'}' -- {} instead of ()
)::TEXT[] t
from public.mytable1 a
) a) t1
left join (
select pkey,generate_subscripts(t,1) ordinal_position,unnest(t) col_value from (
select pkey,
replace(regexp_replace( -- null fields
'{'||substring(a::character varying,'^.(.*).$') ||'}' -- {} instead of ()
)::TEXT[] t
from public.mytable2 a
) a) t2 using (pkey,ordinal_position)
join (select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema='public' and table_name='mytable1') c using (ordinal_position)
) final where COALESCE(table1_value,'')!=COALESCE(table2_value,'')
I have a simple problem that I have not been able to find a solution to and I'm hoping someone on StackOverflow can help.
I currently have an example query as shown below
, ColumnName
FROM Table
If I run this query I get the following result:
ID | ColumnName
1 | One_Two_Three
2 | Four_Five_Six
The result I'm after is as follows:
ID | Col1 | Col2 | Col3
1 | One | Two | Three
2 | Four | Five | Six
Your assistence is appreciated.
Have a look at this example
([ID] int, [ColumnName] varchar(13))
([ID], [ColumnName])
(1, 'One_Two_Three'),
(2, 'Four_Five_Six')
;WITH Vals AS (
CAST('<d>' + REPLACE([ColumnName], '_', '</d><d>') + '</d>' AS XML) ColumnValue
FROM #Table1
A.B.value('.', 'varchar(max)')
ColumnValue.nodes('/d') A(B)
I have a table A as:
Col1 Col2
1 D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb
2 D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb
I want select output a table has data as
Col1 Col2
1 ExtractText.vb
2 ExtractText.vb
Select in postgresql,
Can you help me ?
Something like
SELECT RIGHT('D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb', POSITION('\' in REVERSE('D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb')) -1 );
On PostgreSQL.
mole=> INSERT INTO A VALUES (1, 'D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb');
mole=> INSERT INTO A VALUES (2, 'D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb');
mole=> SELECT * FROM A;
col1 | col2
1 | D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb
2 | D:\Akagane2\Source\SubModule\ExtractText.vb
(2 rows)
mole=> SELECT Col1, REGEXP_REPLACE(Col2, '.*\\', '') AS col2 FROM A;
col1 | col2
1 | ExtractText.vb
2 | ExtractText.vb
(2 rows)
I'm trying to get the output of queries within the with clause of my final query as csv or some sort of text files. I only have query access, I'm not allowed to create tables for this database. I have a set of queries that do some calculations on a data set, another set of queries that compute on the previous set and yet another that calculates on the final set. I don't want to run all of it as three seperate queries because the results from the first two are actually in the last one.
Q1 AS(
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7
FROM table1
Q2 AS(
SELECT AVG(col1) as col1Avg, MAX(col1) as col1Max, col2, col3,col4
GROUP BY col2, col3, col4
AVG(col1AVG), col3
I would like the results from Q1, Q2 and the final select statement as preferably 3 csv files but I could live with all of it in one csv file. Is this possible?
Edit: Just to clarify, the columns from the queries are very different. I'm definitely pulling more columns from my first query than my second. I've edited the above code a bit to make this more clear.
To combine all the results together you'd use UNION ALL, but the number and data types of the columns must match.
select col1, col2, col2
from blah
union all
select col1, col2, col2
from blah2
union all
... etc
You can reference CTE's in there of course ...
cte_1 as (
select ... from ...),
cte_2 as (
select ... from ... cte_1),
cte_3 as (
select ... from ... cte_2)
select col1, col2, col2
from cte_1
union all
select col1, col2, col2
from cte_2
union all
select col1, col2, col2
from cte_3
If your final output is a csv then it looks like you have multiple row formats in there -- checksums? If so, in the queries that you union all together you might like to combine all the columns from each query into one string ...
cte_1 as (
select ... from ...),
cte_2 as (
select ... from ... cte_1),
cte_3 as (
select ... from ... cte_2)
select col1||','||col2||','||col2
from cte_1
union all
select col1||','||col2
from cte_2
union all
select col1
from cte_3