Deploy and use LeNet on Matlab using MatCaffe - matlab

I am having issue with MatCaffe. I trained LeNet using my own dataset (2 classification, 0 or 1) in python successfully and trying to deploy it on Matlab now. Net architecture is from caffe/examples/mnist/lenet.prototxt. All the input images I fed into the net always return 1. (i tried using both positive and negative images from training).
Below is my code:
deployNet = 'lenet_deploy.prototxt';
caffeModel = 'weight.caffemodel';
net = caffe.Net(deployNet, caffeModel, 'test');
net.blobs('data').reshape([28 28 1 1]);
patch_data = imread('cropped.jpg'); % already in greyscale
patch_data = imresize(patch_data, [28 28],'bilinear');
input_data = {patch_data};
scores = net.forward(input_data);
highest = max(scores{1});
The highest always return 1 even for negative image. I tried deploying it on python and it works great. I am guessing issue with the way I pre-process the input.

Found out the issue. I forgotten to multiply the image with the training scale and transpose the width and height since Matlab is 1-indexed and column-major, the usual 4 blob dimensions in Matlab are [width, height, channels, num], and width is the fastest dimension. So just add in 2 more line of codes:
deployNet = 'lenet_deploy.prototxt';
caffeModel = 'weight.caffemodel';
net = caffe.Net(deployNet, caffeModel, 'test');
net.blobs('data').reshape([28 28 1 1]);
patch = imread('cropped.jpg'); % already in greyscale
patch = single(patch) * 0.00390625; % multiply with scale
patch = permute(patch, [2,1,3]); %permute width and height
input_data = {patch};
scores = net.forward(input_data);
highest = scores{1};


How do I write a 3D histogram code without the Matlab built in functions?

I want to creat a histogram code, knowing that it'll be counting the number of occurence of 3 values of a pixel.
The idea is I have 3 matrices (L1im, L2im, L3im) representing information extracted from an image, size of each of them is 256*226, and I want to compute how many times a combination of let's say (52,6,40) occurs (each number correspends to a matrix/component but they're all of the same pixel).
I have tried this, but it doesn’t produce the right result:
for i = 1 : 256
for j = 1 : 256
for k = 1 : 256
if (L1im == i) & (L2im == j) & (L3im == k)
myhist(i,j,k)= myhist(i,j,k)+1;
Colour Triplets Histogram
Keeping in mind doing an entire RGB triplet histogram is a large task since you can have 256 × 256 × 256 = 16,777,216 combinations of possible unique colours. A slightly more manageable task I believe is to compute the histogram for the unique RGB values in the image (since the rest will be zero anyways). This is still a fairly large task but might be reasonable if the image is fairly small. Below I believe a decent alternative to binning is to resize the image to a smaller number of pixels. This can be done by using the imresize function. I believe this will decrease fidelity of the image and almost act as a rounding function which can "kinda" simulate the behaviour of binning. In this example I convert the matrices string arrays an concatenate the channels, L1im, L2im and L3im of the image. Below is a demo where I use the image built into MATLAB named saturn.png. A Resize_Factor
of 1 will result in the highest amount of bins and the number of bins will decrease as the Resize_Factor increases. Keep in mind that the histogram might require scaling if the image is being resized with the Resize_Factor.
Resize_Factor = 200;
RGB_Image = imread("saturn.png");
[Image_Height,Image_Width,Number_Of_Colour_Channels] = size(RGB_Image);
Number_Of_Pixels = Image_Height*Image_Width;
RGB_Image = imresize(RGB_Image,[Image_Height/Resize_Factor Image_Width/Resize_Factor]);
L1im = RGB_Image(:,:,1);
L2im = RGB_Image(:,:,2);
L3im = RGB_Image(:,:,3);
L1im_String = string(L1im);
L2im_String = string(L2im);
L3im_String = string(L3im);
RGB_Triplets = L1im_String + "," + L2im_String + "," + L3im_String;
Unique_RGB_Triplets = unique(RGB_Triplets);
for Colour_Index = 1: length(Unique_RGB_Triplets)
RGB_Colour = Unique_RGB_Triplets(Colour_Index);
Unique_RGB_Triplets(Colour_Index,2) = nnz(RGB_Colour == RGB_Triplets);
Counts = str2double(Unique_RGB_Triplets(:,2));
Scaling_Factor = Number_Of_Pixels/sum(Counts);
Counts = Counts.*Scaling_Factor;
if sum(Counts) == Number_Of_Pixels
disp("Sum of histogram is equal to the number of pixels");
title("RGB Triplet Histogram");
xlabel("RGB Triplets"); ylabel("Counts");
Current_Axis = gca;
Scale = (1:length(Unique_RGB_Triplets));
Angle = 90;

Confusion matrix for RCNN Detector in Matlab

I tagged 300 images using the alexnet neural network I completed the training of the rcnn detector object. I can test the pictures one by one, containing 12 different people, 100 of which are not labeled.
testImage = imread('E:.....\....jpg');
[bboxes, score, label] = detect(detector, testImage, 'MiniBatchSize', 128)
T = 0.7;
idx = score >= T;
s = score(idx);
lbl = label(idx);
bbox = bboxes(idx, :);
outputImage = testImage;
for ii = 1 : size(bbox, 1)
annotation = sprintf('%s: (Confidence = %f)', lbl(ii), s(ii));
outputImage = insertObjectAnnotation(outputImage, 'rectangle', bbox(ii,:), annotation);
But for 100 test pictures, each with 12 people (12 labels), I cannot plot confusion matrix that gives the success of the network, the correct number of predictions. There are many examples, which one should I use? For example, in an experiment I get an error like this.
net = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
[XTest,YTest] = trainingData;
YPredicted = classify(net,XTest);
[XTest,YTest] = detector;
Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment.
I have 100 test pictures. There is a rcnn detector trained using Alexnet. How can I see the correct number of tagging of 12 people (12 labels) in 100 images with the confusion matrix? How can I create the success of the RCNN detector for 100 images and 12 different labels?

create training and testing set with ground truth for Hyper spectral satellite imagery

I am trying to create Training and Testing set out of my ground truth(observation) data which are presented in a tif (raster) format.
Actually, I have a hyperspectral image (Satellite image) which has 200 dimensions(channels/bands) along with the corresponding label(17 class) which are stored in another image. Now, my goal is to implement a classification algorithm and then check the accuracy with the testing dataset.
My problem is, that I do not know how can I describe to my algorithm that which pixel belongs to which class and then split them to taring and testing set.
I have provided a face idea of my goal which is as follows:
But I do not want to do this since I have 145 * 145 pixels dim, so it's not easy to define the location of these pixels and manually assign to their corresponding class.
note that the following example is for 3D image and I have 200D image and I have the labels (ground truth) so I do not need to specify them like the following code but I do want to assign them to their pixels member.
% Assigning pixel(by their location)to different groups.
tpix=[1309,640 ,1;... % Group 1
1218,755 ,1;...
1351,1409,2;... % Group 2
673 ,394 ,2;...
285 ,1762,3;... % Group 3
177 ,1542,3;...
538 ,1754,4;... % Group 4
432 ,1811,4;...
1417,2010,5;... % Group 5
163 ,1733,5;...
652 ,677 ,6;... % Group 6
864 ,1032,6];
row=tpix(:,1); % y-value
col=tpix(:,2); % x-value
group=tpix(:,3); % group number
% create trainingset
for i=1:length(group)
train=[train; r(row(i),col(i)), g(row(i),col(i)), b(row(i),col(i))];
end %for
Do I understand this right? At the seconlast line the train variable gets the values it has until now + the pixels in red, green and blue? Like, you want them to be displayed only in red,green and blue? Only certain ones or all of them? I could imagine that we define an image matrix and then place the values in the images red, green and blue layers. Would that help? I'd make you the code if this is you issue :)
Edit: Solution
%download the .mats from the website and put them in folder of script
load 'Indian_pines_corrected.mat';
load 'Indian_pines_gt.mat';
ipc = indian_pines_corrected;
gt = indian_pines_gt;
%initiating cell
train = cell(16,1);
%loop to search class number of the x and y pixel coordinates
for c = 1:16
for i = 1:145
for j = 1:145
% if the classnumber is equal to the number in the gt pixel,
% then place the pixel from ipc(x,y,:) it in the train{classnumber}(x,y,:)
if gt(i,j) == c
train{c}(i,j,:) = ipc(i,j,:);
end %if
end %for j
end %for i
end %for c
Now you get the train cell that has a matrix in each cell. Each cell is one class and has only the pixels inside that you want. You can check for yourself if the classes correspond to the shape.
Eventually, I could solve my problem. The following code reshapes the matrix(Raster) to vector and then I index the Ground Truth data to find the corresponding pixel's location in Hyperspectral image.
Note that I am looking for an efficient way to construct Training and Testing set.
GT = indian_pines_gt;
data = indian_pines_corrected;
data_vec=reshape(data, 145*145,200);
GT_vec = reshape(GT,145*145,1);
[GT_vec_sort,idx] = sort(GT_vec);
index = find(and(GT_vec_sort>0,GT_vec_sort<=16));
classes_num = GT_vec_sort(index);
for k = 1: length(index)
classes(k,:) = data_vec(idx(index(k)),:);
I have done the following for creating Training and Testing set for #Hyperspectral images(Pine dataset). No need to use for loop
clear all
load Indian_pines_gt.mat;
GT = indian_pines_gt;
data = indian_pines_corrected;
%Convert image from raster to vector.
data_vec = reshape(data, 145*145, 200);
%Provide location of the desired classes.
GT_loc = find(and(GT>0,GT<=16));
GT_class = GT(GT_loc)
data_value = data_vec(GT_loc,:)
% explanatories plus Respond variable.
%[200(variable/channel)+1(labels)= 201])
dat = [data_value, GT_class];
% create random Test and Training set.
[m,n] = size(dat);
P = 0.70 ;
idx = randperm(m);
Train = dat(idx(1:round(P*m)),:);
Test = dat(idx(round(P*m)+1:end),:);
X_train = Train(:,1:200); y_train = Train(:, 201);
X_test = Test(:,1:200); y_test = Test(:, 201);

Eigenfaces shows emptyblack image in matlab [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
eigenfaces are not showing correctly and are very dark
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
i have a set of 17 face grayscale pictures..and when try to view it i get a black images instead of ghost like pictures.
input_dir = 'images';
image_dims = [60, 60];
filenames = dir(fullfile(input_dir, '*.jpg'));
num_images = numel(filenames);
images = [];
for n = 1:num_images
filename = fullfile(input_dir, filenames(n).name);
img = imresize(imread(filename),[60,60]);
if n == 1
images = zeros(prod(image_dims), num_images);
images(:, n) = img(:);
% Trainig
% steps 1 and 2: find the mean image and the mean-shifted input images
mean_face = mean(images, 2);
shifted_images = images - repmat(mean_face, 1, num_images);
% steps 3 and 4: calculate the ordered eigenvectors and eigenvalues
[evectors, score, evalues] = princomp(images');
% step 5: only retain the top 'num_eigenfaces' eigenvectors (i.e. the principal components)
num_eigenfaces = 20;
evectors = evectors(:, 1:num_eigenfaces);
% step 6: project the images into the subspace to generate the feature vectors
features = evectors' * shifted_images;
and to see the eignevalues i used this code
for n = 1:num_eigenfaces
subplot(2, ceil(num_eigenfaces/2), n);
evector = reshape(evectors(:,n), image_dims);
i dont think it was suppose to be like this. can someone point out what i did wrong?
You should check each step in the code and make sure they pass sanity checks. My guess is this
features = evectors' * shifted_images;
Should be this
features = shifted_images * evectors;
Which makes me wonder if shifted_images has the correct dimensions. The evectors should be a matrix where each column represents a component vector. The matrix will be [pics x n]. The shifted images should be a [pixcount x pics] matrix. "pixcount" is the amount of pixels in each picture and "pics" is the number of pictures. If evectors' * shifted_images works without a dimensions error, I wonder if one quantity isn't being calculated correctly. I think this transpose is the culprit:
Try scaling the image:
for i=1:num_eigenfaces
image=reshape(evectors(:,i), image_dims);
%scale image to full scale
imshow(image, []);

Nearest-neighbor interpolation algorithm in MATLAB

I am trying to write my own function for scaling up an input image by using the Nearest-neighbor interpolation algorithm. The bad part is I am able to see how it works but cannot find the algorithm itself. I will be grateful for any help.
Here's what I tried for scaling up the input image by a factor of 2:
function output = nearest(input)
output = repmat(uint8(0),x*2,y*2);
for i=1:y
for j=1:x
xloc = round ((j * (newwidth+1)) / (x+1));
yloc = round ((i * (newheight+1)) / (y+1));
output(xloc,yloc) = input(j,i);
Here is the output after Mark's suggestion
This answer is more explanatory than trying to be concise and efficient. I think gnovice's solution is best in that regard. In case you are trying to understand how it works, keep reading...
Now the problem with your code is that you are mapping locations from the input image to the output image, which is why you are getting the spotty output. Consider an example where input image is all white and output initialized to black, we get the following:
What you should be doing is the opposite (from output to input). To illustrate, consider the following notation:
1 c 1 scaleC*c
+-----------+ 1 +----------------------+ 1
| | | | | |
|----o | <=== | | |
| (ii,jj) | |--------o |
+-----------+ r | (i,j) |
inputImage | |
| |
+----------------------+ scaleR*r
Note: I am using matrix notation (row/col), so:
i ranges on [1,scaleR*r] , and j on [1,scaleC*c]
and ii on [1,r], jj on [1,c]
The idea is that for each location (i,j) in the output image, we want to map it to the "nearest" location in the input image coordinates. Since this is a simple mapping we use the formula that maps a given x to y (given all the other params):
x-minX y-minY
--------- = ---------
maxX-minX maxY-minY
in our case, x is the i/j coordinate and y is the ii/jj coordinate. Therefore substituting for each gives us:
jj = (j-1)*(c-1)/(scaleC*c-1) + 1
ii = (i-1)*(r-1)/(scaleR*r-1) + 1
Putting pieces together, we get the following code:
% read a sample image
inputI = imread('coins.png');
[r,c] = size(inputI);
scale = [2 2]; % you could scale each dimension differently
outputI = zeros(scale(1)*r,scale(2)*c, class(inputI));
for i=1:scale(1)*r
for j=1:scale(2)*c
% map from output image location to input image location
ii = round( (i-1)*(r-1)/(scale(1)*r-1)+1 );
jj = round( (j-1)*(c-1)/(scale(2)*c-1)+1 );
% assign value
outputI(i,j) = inputI(ii,jj);
figure(1), imshow(inputI)
figure(2), imshow(outputI)
A while back I went through the code of the imresize function in the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox to create a simplified version for just nearest neighbor interpolation of images. Here's how it would be applied to your problem:
%# Initializations:
scale = [2 2]; %# The resolution scale factors: [rows columns]
oldSize = size(inputImage); %# Get the size of your image
newSize = max(floor(scale.*oldSize(1:2)),1); %# Compute the new image size
%# Compute an upsampled set of indices:
rowIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(1))-0.5)./scale(1)+0.5),oldSize(1));
colIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(2))-0.5)./scale(2)+0.5),oldSize(2));
%# Index old image to get new image:
outputImage = inputImage(rowIndex,colIndex,:);
Another option would be to use the built-in interp2 function, although you mentioned not wanting to use built-in functions in one of your comments.
In case anyone is interested, I thought I'd explain how the solution above works...
newSize = max(floor(scale.*oldSize(1:2)),1);
First, to get the new row and column sizes the old row and column sizes are multiplied by the scale factor. This result is rounded down to the nearest integer with floor. If the scale factor is less than 1 you could end up with a weird case of one of the size values being 0, which is why the call to max is there to replace anything less than 1 with 1.
rowIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(1))-0.5)./scale(1)+0.5),oldSize(1));
colIndex = min(round(((1:newSize(2))-0.5)./scale(2)+0.5),oldSize(2));
Next, a new set of indices is computed for both the rows and columns. First, a set of indices for the upsampled image is computed: 1:newSize(...). Each image pixel is considered as having a given width, such that pixel 1 spans from 0 to 1, pixel 2 spans from 1 to 2, etc.. The "coordinate" of the pixel is thus treated as the center, which is why 0.5 is subtracted from the indices. These coordinates are then divided by the scale factor to give a set of pixel-center coordinates for the original image, which then have 0.5 added to them and are rounded off to get a set of integer indices for the original image. The call to min ensures that none of these indices are larger than the original image size oldSize(...).
outputImage = inputImage(rowIndex,colIndex,:);
Finally, the new upsampled image is created by simply indexing into the original image.
MATLAB has already done it for you. Use imresize:
output = imresize(input,size(input)*2,'nearest');
or if you want to scale both x & y equally,
output = imresize(input,2,'nearest');
You just need a more generalized formula for calculating xloc and yloc.
xloc = (j * (newwidth+1)) / (x+1);
yloc = (i * (newheight+1)) / (y+1);
This assumes your variables have enough range for the multiplication results.