Access WildFly10 with JMX fails - wildfly

I'm trying to acces a virtualbox machine with a WildFly10 via JMX from my local machine. In the JConsole I'm using the following parameters:
remote process: service:jmx:http-remoting-jmx://
username: test
password: test
Both username and password works, because I can acces WildFly with that username/password on
The message is the following:
Secure connection failed. Retry insecurely?
If i click yes, then this appears:
Connection failed: Retry?
What am I missing?
I've seen that if I execute Jconsole.exe -debug I can see this error at the connection time: Unsupported protocol: http-remoting-jmx

You need to include the $JBOSS_HOME/bin/client/jboss-client.jar in the JConsole class path:
[steve#steves-mbp wildfly-10.1.0.Final]$ jconsole \
Your service:jmx:http-remoting-jmx:// URL will then work, or at least something similar did it for me.


How to resolver Arquilian on wildfly test problem under windows

I have a problem related to testing in windows operating system using Idea, I use Arquilian on wildfly server, the error i'm getting is this [CIRCULAR WFLYPRT0023: Could not connect to remote+http://localhost:33390. The connection timed out]
[CIRCULAR WFLYPRT0023: Could not connect to remote+http://localhost:33390. The connection timed out]
[] WARN: Cannot undeploy: project-in-ear.ear
Hmm, what I see is that the problem is with firewall rules; you can try to add the ip and port authorization and see if this work

Not able to post MQ message from Websphere Application Server image using docker image

I have an legacy application that uses websphere application server 9.0.0 , I want to containerize it using docker, but I am putting the message on MQ , it is giving me below error:
Unwrapping Non-DiagnosticException:
Exception Type :
Exception Message: JMSWMQ0018: Failed to connect to queue manager 'MQGWD2' with connection mode 'Client' and host name ''.
Begin Stack Trace: JMSWMQ0018: Failed to connect to queue manager 'MQGWD2' with connection mode 'Client' and host name ''.
Check the queue manager is started and if running in client mode, check there is a listener running. Please see the linked exception for more information.
My docker-compose.yml looks like:
version: "3.9"
build: .
- "9043:9043"
- "9443:9443"
- "9083:9083"
To run this application without container, I didn't install any MQ separately, I am just using the one the is there already in websphere server, the same doesn't work with the containerized image. I have compared all the connection factories through admin console and they are looking ok. The same configuration works on non-containerized version of this application

WLST - Cannot connect() with HTTPS - T3S Protocol - Port 9002

We changed the configuration of our WebLogic servers to use HTTPS and T3S for connections and use the secure encrypted port 9002 instead of cleartext port 7001. However when using the Web Logic Scripting Tool (WLST)'s connect() function, errors are thrown. One such error is as follows:
WLSTException: Error occurred while performing connect : Cannot connect via t3s or https. If using demo certs, verify that the system property is set. : t3s://DatServer:9002: Destination, 9002 unreachable; nested exception is: General SSLEngine problem; No available router to destination
Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace :
The syntax of the connect function is: connect('user', 'password', 't3s://host:9002')
This connect() function works fine before the switch from HTTP to HTTPS. Now we cannot connect to the remote admin server using the connect command. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
I read some interesting help options but none of them seemed to work. These help suggestions and tips are located here:
We were able to connect to the remote host and port via telnet. We saw that the port is open and listening for connections on the loop back address with netstat. We tried adding these options to the script invocation: java -cp /path/to/weblogic.jar weblogic.WLST -Dssl.debug=true but this also did not work.
We enabled tunneling in the General tab of WebLogic but not in the HTTP tab. I am not the one in control of the server so I just have to suggest things and hope that the instructions are followed.
I get it running in 12.2. by adding to
at the end the following lines (youu need to customize line 5 und 6, the values in brackets):
JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dweblogic.ssl.JSSEEnabled=true ${JAVA_OPTIONS}"
and modifying in
the line starting with
eval '"${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"' ${JVM_ARGS} ...
by adding ${JAVA_OPTIONS}
so that it looks as follows:
eval '"${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"' ${JVM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} weblogic.WLST '"$#"'
Hope this helps, allthough modifying scripts that are named "..internal.." doesn´t give me a good feeling
export this before running
export WLST_PROPERTIES=" " ;

jetty error starting on Mac

Hello Ive downloaded jetty and whenever I try to start it it generate the following log and gives an error so I can't use it, can somebody tell me whats wrong or whats missing
Im starting on terminal in the bin folder with the "./ start"
Here's the error on localhost:8080
Error 404 - Not Found.
No context on this server matched or handled this request.
Contexts known to this server are:
Powered by Jetty Java Web Server
Heres the log:
Looks like that port 8080 is already in use: " Address already in use
Try an different port or don't declare a port and use logic like this to figure out what you are bound to:
Server server = new Server(0);
int port = ((ServerConnector) server.getConnectors()[0]).getLocalPort();

JBoss 5.1 binds to host address while run in vserver with -b <guest address>

while starting JBoss 5.1.0.GA in virtual server machine on Debian (linux-VServer technology) I get the following error:
ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] (main) Error installing to Start: name=jboss.remoting:protocol=rmi,service=JMXConnectorServer state=Create mode=Manual requiredState=Installed Cannot bind to URL [rmi://]: javax.naming.NoPermissionException [Root exception is java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.AccessException: Registry.Registry.bind disallowed; origin /AA.BB.CC.DD is non-local host]
where AA.BB.CC.DD is host machine name, is vserver guest with JBoss and JBoss is started with -b (I also tried -Djboss.bind.address= - the same result). is bound to dummy2 interface on host (serving network).
The root exception is strange - why JBoss wants to bind to host address AA.BB.CC.DD? There were no problems with 4.2.3.GA on the same machine, also started with -b
It starts correctly when no params present - binds to localhost and everything is ok, but it MUST be bound to to be visible by Apache on another vserver guest, acting as proxy.
I thought that it can be fixed by setting net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1 via sysctl (was 0) but it didn't help much.
Has anyone had such problem?
Could you confirm if The port // isn't being used by another process (even a zombie one : P)?
There was a problem similar at JbossJIRA a couple of years ago... But i though it was already fixed.