How to import models from Speed tree to Unity? - unity3d

I create a tree model in Speed tree.
There are three materials I used in those leaves.
There are four groups of flower with three different materials.
However, I only got one material of leaves when I open this model file in Unity environment.
The second question is the texture mapping is on the wrong position.
It looks like the uv mapping problem.
How can I solve these two problems?


How do I batch trees with optimized bark and leaf materials?

I have some problems with batching trees. I'm using the default unity terrain system and trees. My problem is that trees won't get batched together (I've set up static, dynamic, and GPU instancing) and as I've inspected the frame debugger I've come to these results:
I used trees with the optimized bark material and optimized leaf material
What causes distinct draw call:
1- Wind
2- color and size variations for trees
draw call reason: non instanced properties set for instanced shader
if I remove Wind or variations the GPU instancing would work (I don't want to remove wind and variations), Is there any way to batch trees in this case?
One of the best solution is that using the trees from the Unity not importing trees from outside the Unity.

How to import complex .dae model to SceneKit?

I know how to export a single model (like a car) from Blender as a .dae file, and then import it and show it using SceneKit. And also with an animation for that model.
But I'm wondering what the best way to import more complex model's. Like a small part of a city. Like a scene with multiple cars and, buildings and people, with different animations.
Is there a way to do this without exporting everything as one model with one animation, and then through code in SceneKit comebine and place everything? So that as much as possible is defined in Blender/other 3D tool.
It's obvious that you must export complex models from 3D packages divided into smaller parts. And, of course, you do not necessarily need to export all your 3D models separately (per one model basis). In any case, a preparation of all your 3D models for using in Game Engine is extremely time consuming process. There's no one button solution.
Complex scenes like city could be logically divided to groups of static objects: skyscrapers, posts, asphalt, houses, benches, etc. But animated objects, like people, trees or cars, must be exported from Blender and imported into SceneKit separately.
Remember, all corresponding textures for these 3D objects (whether it's a single object or a group of objects) must be saved as UV-mapped square jpeg or png files (like 512x512 or 1024x1024 pix). And do not forget about low-poly collision meshes for dynamics.
Look at WWDC 2015 SceneKit session. You'll see how to build 3D scene in Xcode's Scene Editor.
To accomplish your goal you need to export smaller parts (logically divided, as I mentioned earlier) of your 3D scene from Blender, import all the parts into SceneKit's (ARKit) project and then combine them all through Swift code. Also, many 3D packages can export multiple animations as a single animation with, so called, sub-animations. In this SO post you can find how to handle it.
Actually, there is a way to do this.
If you watch the WWDC video about Model I/O, the guy demonstrates how to iterate through a .USD file to easily capture the nodes, geometries, associated hierarchies, materials, animations, etc.
Unfortunately, he didn’t do this for a .dae file.
The process goes like this:
Create an array of the nodes in the scene file.
Create an array that describes the parent nodes of each node.
Create an array that describes the instances of those nodes.
Create an array that describes the materials for the nodes...
Create an array that describes the animations... do this by creating an array of the bones, their attached vertices, transforms, etc.
After all that, you have to code a function that reassembles the scene that has been described as an array of arrays.
I’m not skilled enough to do this... and I hope somebody creates an example so I can study it.
But that’s the logic.

How to bake static Unit scene into one big mesh and texture

I have a big complex unity scene including terrain, trees, grass, flowers and many other objects.
I'm having performance problems and i was wondering if its possible to bake all static objects that never move or change like terrain trees, houses, and other props etc, into one big static object to increase performance?
Check out the Unity documentation on Static Objects here.
Many optimisations need to know if an object can move during gameplay. Information about a Static (ie, non-moving) object can often be precomputed in the editor in the knowledge that it will not be invalidated by a change in the object’s position. For example, rendering can be optimised by combining several static objects into a single, large object known as a batch.
To mark a GameObject as static, you simply need to check the Static box in the inspector window with the desired GameObject selected.
That wouldn't be a good idea. Having separate meshes is much more beneficial and efficient than combining them all into one huge mesh. This will allow you to set different LOD systems for the objects, billboarding of trees and detail objects, and will allow for finer control over your scene without having to rebuild that huge object again and again.
For large scenes, it is important that you set up a Level Of Detail (LOD) system. What it essentially means is that based on the distance of the object from the camera, a higher or lower quality model of that object will be rendered. At close distances, the highest polygon model will be rendered. At huge distances where detail is not required, lower polygon count models can be used. Consult the Unity Manual for more details. You can also look for scripts and tutorials on the internet.
Also, make sure that your terrain settings are reasonable. Setting the Pixel Error of the terrain to 1 is overkill, something like 4-5 is more than enough. Detail Density, Billboard Start, Detail and Tree Distance all these can be toned down.
Or just check for an unoptimized script or shader gone awry, that's usually the problem. Unoptimized 3d models are hell too. You'll have to do more than just pick up a model from Sketchup's 3D warehouse (speaking from personal experience). You will have to pay an artist to get high quality, optimized models with their LOD meshes also unless you have the skills yourself.

How can I make dynamically generated terrain segments fit together Unity

I'm creating my game with dynamicly generated terrain. It is very simple idea. There are always three parts of terrain: segment on which stands a player and two next to it. When the player is moving(always forward) to the next segment new one is generated and the last one is cut off. It works wit flat planes, but i don't know how to do it with more complex terrain. Should I just make it have the same edge from both sides(for creating assets I'm using blender)? Or is there any other option? Please note that I'm starting to make games with unity.
It depends on what you would like your terrain to look like. If you want to create the terrain pieces in something external, like Blender, then yes all those pieces will have to fit together seamlessly. But that is a lot of work as you will have to create a lot of pieces that fit together for the landscape to remain interesting.
I would suggest that you rather generate the terrain dynamically in Unity. You can create your own mesh using code. You start by creating an object (in code), and then generating vertex and triangle arrays to assign to the object, for it to have a visible and sensible mesh. You first create vertices at specific positions and then add triangles that consist of 3 vertices at a time. If you want a smooth look instead of a low poly look, you will reuse some vertices for the next triangle, which is a little trickier.
Once you have created your block's mesh, you can begin to change your code to specify how the height of the vertices could be changed, to give you interesting terrain. As long as the first vertices on your new block are at the same height (say y position) as the last vertices on your current block (assuming they have the same x and z positions), they will line up. That said, you could make it even simpler by not using separate blocks, but by rather updating your object mesh to add new vertices and triangles, so that you are creating a terrain that is just one part that changes, rather than have separate blocks.
There are many ways to create interesting terrain. One of the most often used functions to generate semi-random and interesting terrain, is Perlin Noise. Another is his more recent Simplex noise. Like most random generator functions, it has a seed value, which you can keep track of so that you can create interesting terrain AND get your block edges to line up, should you still want to use separate blocks rather than a single mesh which dynamically expands.
I am sure there are many tutorials online about noise functions for procedural landscape generation. Amit Patel's tutorials are good visual and interactive explanations, here is one of his tutorials about noise-based landscapes. Take a look at his other great tutorials as well. There will be many tutorials on dynamic mesh generation as well, just do a google search -- a quick look tells me that CatLikeCoding's Procedural Grid tutorial will probably be all you need.

Tile Grid Data storage for 3D Space in Unity

This question is (mostly) game engine independent but I have been unable to find a good answer.
I'm creating a turn-based tile game in 3D space using Unity. The levels will have slopes, occasional non-planar geometry, depressions, tunnels, stairs etc. Each level is static/handcrafted so tiles should never move. I need a good way to keep track of tile-specific variables for static levels and i'd like to verify if my approaches make sense.
My ideas are:
Create 2 Meshes - 1 is the complex game world, the second is a reference mesh overlay that will have minimal geometry; it will not be rendered and will only be used for the tiles. I would then Overlay the two and use the 2nd mesh as a grid reference.
Hard-code the tiles for each level. While tedious it will work as a brute force approach. I would, however, like to avoid this since it's not very easy to deal with visually.
Workaround approach - Convert the 3d to 2D textures and only use 1 mesh.
"Project" a plane down onto the level and record height/slope to minimize complexity. Also not ideal.
Create individual tile objects for each tile manually (non-rendered). Easiest solution i could think of.
Now for the Unity3D specific question:
Does unity allow selecting and assigning individual Verts/Triangles/Squares of a mesh and adding componenets, scripts, or variables to those selections; for example, selecting 1 square in the 10x10 unity plane and telling unity the square of that plane now has a new boolean attached to it? This question mostly refers to idea #1 above, where i would use a reference mesh for positional and variable information that were directly assigned to the mesh. I have a feeling that if i do choose to have a reference mesh, i'd need to have the tiles be individual objects, snap them in place using the reference, then attach relevant scripts to those tiles.
I have found a ton of excellent resources (like on tile generation (mostly procedural), i'm a bit stuck on the basics due to being new to unity and im not looking for procedural design.