I've encountered a serious problem whan compiling my math work on matlab so can someone help me with this error so this is the matlab code:
% Main program for solving the system F C
clear X;
clear x;
clear y;
clear z;
clear U;
clear V;
clear W;
clear MSx;
clear MSy;
clear MSz;
% Données du problème
N = input('Donner le nombre des points de discretisation dans le temp N=');
a = 0;
b = 50;
T = b-a;
k = T/N;
x = 1;
y = 1.5;
z = 0.3;
t = zeros(N+1,1);
for n = 1:N+1
t(n) = (n-1)*k;
MSx = zeros(N+1,1);
MSy = zeros(N+1,1);
MSz = zeros(N+1,1);
MSx(1,1) = x;
MSy(1,1) = y;
MSz(1,1) = z;
U = x;
V = y;
W = z;
X = zeros(3,1);
X = [U; V; W];
T1 = 0.2*N/T;
T2 = 0.5*N/T;
for n = 1:T1
t(n) = (n-1)*k;
Un = U;
Vn = V;
Wn = W;
X = [Un; Vn; Wn];
U = U + k*MSy(n,1)-k*8*MSx(n,1);
V = V+k*MSz(n,1)-k*1.02*MSy(n,1);
W = W+ k*[cos(sqrt(2)*t(n))+cos(sqrt(3)*t(n))+1/(1+t(n)^2)-(1/(1+t(n)^2)-3.02)*MSz(n,1)+(9.02*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)-1.02)*MSy(n,1)- 64*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)*MSx(n,1)-0.0004*sin(sqrt(2)*t(n))*(MSy(n,1)-8*MSx(n,1))
MSx(n+1,1) = U;
MSy(n+1,1) = V;
MSz(n+1,1) = W;
%U = MSx(T1+1,1);
%V = MSy(T1+1,1);
%W = MSz(T1+1,1);
for n = T1+1:T2
t(n) = (n-1)*k;
Un = U;
Vn = V;
Wn = W;
X = [Un; Vn; Wn];
U = U+k*(MSy(n,1)-8*MSx(n,1));
V = V+k*(MSz(n,1)-1.02*MSy(n,1));
W = W+ k*[cos(sqrt(2)*t(n))+cos(sqrt(3)*t(n))+1/(1+t(n)^2)-(1/(1+t(n)^2)-3.02)*MSz(n,1)+(9.02*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)-1.02)*MSy(n,1)- 64*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)*MSx(n,1)-0.0004*sin(sqrt(2)*t(n))*(MSy(n,1)-8*MSx(n,1))
-0.0001*cos(sqrt(3)*t(n))*(abs(MSx(1,1)+1)-abs(MSx(1,1)-1)+abs(MSx(n-T1,1)+1)-abs(MSx(n-T1,1)-1))] ;
MSx(n+1,1) = U;
MSy(n+1,1) = V;
MSz(n+1,1) = W;
%V = MSy(T2+1,1);
%W = MSz(T2+1,1);
for n = T2+1:N
t(n) = (n-1)*k;
Un = U;
Vn = V;
Wn = W;
X = [Un;Vn;Wn];
U = U+k*(MSy(n,1)-8*MSx(n,1));
V = V+k*(MSz(n,1)-1.02*MSy(n,1));
W = W+ k*[cos(sqrt(2)*t(n))+cos(sqrt(3)*t(n))+1/(1+t(n)^2)-(1/(1+t(n)^2)-3.02)*MSz(n,1)+(9.02*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)-1.02)*MSy(n,1)- 64*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)*MSx(n,1)-0.0004*sin(sqrt(2)*t(n))*(MSy(n,1)-8*MSx(n,1))
MSx(n+1,1) = U;
MSy(n+1,1) = V;
MSz(n+1,1) = W;
tv = t(1:1:N+1,1);
tv1 = t(1:1:N+1,1);
Su = MSx(1:1:N+1,1);
Sv = MSy(1:1:N+1,1);
Sw = MSz(1:1:N+1,1);
hold all
hold all
plot (tv, Sw,'-')
So when it ask me to give an input like:
"Donner le nombre des points de discretisation dans le temp N="
I give it a number like 50000 so it gives me that error :
Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts
Error in third (line 75)
MSz(n+1,1) = W;
It is because your W is not a singleton, which means a scalar in this case.
You wrote W as
W = W+ k*[cos(sqrt(2)*t(n))+cos(sqrt(3)*t(n))+1/(1+t(n)^2)-(1/(1+t(n)^2)-3.02)*MSz(n,1)+(9.02*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)-1.02)*MSy(n,1)- 64*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)*MSx(n,1)-0.0004*sin(sqrt(2)*t(n))*(MSy(n,1)-8*MSx(n,1))
If you want to change line in the middle of an expression, you need to add three dots, i.e. ... at the end of the line.
So you need to replace the line with:
W = W+ k*[cos(sqrt(2)*t(n))+cos(sqrt(3)*t(n))+1/(1+t(n)^2)-(1/(1+t(n)^2)-3.02)*MSz(n,1)+(9.02*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)-1.02)*MSy(n,1)- 64*(1/(1+t(n)^2)-1)*MSx(n,1)-0.0004*sin(sqrt(2)*t(n))*(MSy(n,1)-8*MSx(n,1))...
You also have a multiplicity of this problem further down.
When I run the code, it shows 'Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.' How to solve this kind of problem? Can someone explain about this? thank you~
Problem of code is in finding RHS
close all;
%%% Data Input
L = 2;
I = 200000;
E = 2000000000
EI = E * I;
%%% Uniform Loading, w
w = 20000;
N = 6;
dx = L/(N-1);
%%% Discretize the bar
x = linspace(0,L,N)
u = zeros(1,N)
%%% Boundary conditions
u(1) = 0;
u(end) = 0;
%u_unknowns = u(2:end-1)
%%% u(i+1)-2*u(i)+U(i-1) = ((L-x)*w*x*dx^2)/2*EI
p = (w.*x).*(L-x).*(dx^2)/2.*EI
% if i = 2
% u(3)-2u(2)+u(1) = ((L-x)*w*x*dx^2)/2*EI
% u(4)-2u(3)+u(2) = ((L-x)*w*x*dx^2)/2*EI
%f = ones(nx,1)*w.*x.*(L-x).*(dx^2)/2*EI;
%%% RHS
RHS = zeros(N-2,1)
for i = 1:N-2
RHS(i) = p;
RHS(1) = RHS(1)-u(1)
RHS(end) = RHS(end)-u(end)
% Stiffness Matrix
stiffness = -2*eye(N-2,N-2);
for i = 1:N-3
if i<N-2
stiffness(i,i+1) = 1;
if i>1
stiffness (i,i-1) = 1;
u_unknowns = stiffness\RHS;
u(2:end-1) = u_unknowns;
The following is my implementation of a paper for cauchy noise removal.
The psnr value of the noisy image is 19 as the paper but when I compute the psnr value for the restored image un, it returns 17 which is even smaller than the psnr value of the noisy image. I guess there is something wrong in psnr computation with my code.
clear memory;
clear all
close all
%% Initialization
refimg = im2double(imread('cameraman256.png')); % original image
img_height = size(refimg,1);
img_width = size(refimg,2);
refimg = refimg(1:img_height,1:img_width);
padNum = 5;
refimg = padarray(refimg,[padNum,padNum],'symmetric');
img_height = size(refimg,1);
img_width = size(refimg,2);
%% Producing the degraded image
A = 1; % A =1 for image denoising
sz = size(refimg);
r1 = randn(sz); % (using randn because I don't have the statistics toolbox)
r2 = randn(sz);
n = 0.02; % the noise level
u0 = refimg + n.*(r1./r2);
u0 = min(u0,1); % clamp large values to 1
u0 = max(u0,0); % clamp small values to 0
figure(1); imshow(u0(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum),'border','tight');
%% Initial values for the primal-dual algorithm
tol = 1e-3;
nIter = 1e3;
options.order = 1; options.bound = 'sym';
un = u0;
wn = u0;
bun = un;
bwn = wn;
pxn = zeros(ny,nx);
pyn = zeros(ny,nx);
q = zeros(ny,nx);
[gxn,gyn] = grad(u0,options);
bgxn = gxn;
bgyn = gyn;
gamma = sqrt(2)/10;
lambda = 0.7;
mu = 6.25;
tau = 0.3;
sigma = 0.3;
%% Primal-dual Algorithm
for j = 1:nIter
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem p
pxn = pxn+sigma*(bgxn-ux);
pyn = pyn+sigma*(bgyn-uy);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem q
AUk = Au(bun);
q = q+sigma*(bwn-AUk);
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem g
goldxn = gxn;
goldyn = gyn;
txn = gxn-tau*pxn;
tyn = gyn-tau*pyn;
sn = max(1e-6,sqrt(txn.^2+tyn.^2));
gxn = txn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
gyn = tyn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem wn
u_medfilter = medfilt2(u0);
wold = wn;
a = mu.*lambda.*tau+1;
b = -(mu.*lambda.*tau.*(2.*u0+u_medfilter)-tau.*q+2.*u0+wold);
c = tau.*lambda+mu.*lambda.*tau.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2+2.*u_medfilter.*u0)-2.*tau.*q.*u0+...
d = -tau.*lambda.*u0-mu.*lambda.*tau.*u_medfilter.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)+tau.*q.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)...
qval = (3.*a.*c-(b.^2))./(9.*(a.^2));
rval = (9.*a.*b.*c-27.*(a.^2).*d-2.*(b.^3))./(54.*(a.^3));
deltaval = qval.^3+rval.^2;
wn = nthroot(rval+real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)+nthroot(rval-real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)-((b)./(3.*a));
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem un
uold = un;
Asqk = Atu(q);
un = un+tau*(Asqk-div(pxn,pyn,options)); % the restored image
% un = min(1,max(0.01,un));
if (norm(un-uold, 'fro')/norm(uold,'fro')<tol)
bun = 2*un-uold;
bwn = 2*wn-wold;
bgxn = 2*gxn-goldxn;
bgyn = 2*gyn-goldyn;
% PSNR_restoredimage = psnr(refimg(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-b
%% Dispaly results
New_un = un;
refimg = refimg(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
u0 = u0(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
u_medfilter = u_medfilter(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
New_un = New_un(padNum+1:mm-padNum,padNum+1:nn-padNum);
PSNR_noisy = psnr(refimg,u0)
PSNR_med = psnr(refimg,u_medfilter)
PSNR_restoredimage = psnr(New_un,refimg)
figure(2); imshow([refimg,u_medfilter,New_un],'border','tight');
The problem was not in psnr computation. The problem with my code in this question was that I was considering the denoising case but I had forgotten to omit the blur kernel in primal-dual algorithm. Also, the initial parameters corresponding to the deblurring case must be zero. The following is the corrected code. Now the psnr value is 28 similar to the paper.
%% Initialization
refimg = im2double(imread('cameraman256.png')); % original image
img_height = size(refimg,1);
img_width = size(refimg,2);
refimg = refimg(1:img_height,1:img_width);
%% Producing the noisy image
sz = size(refimg);
r1 = randn(sz); % (using randn because I don't have the statistics toolbox)
r2 = randn(sz);
n = 0.02; % the noise level
u0 = refimg + n.*(r1./r2);
u0 = min(u0,1); % clamp large values to 1
u0 = max(u0,0); % clamp small values to 0
figure(1); imshow(u0,'border','tight');
%% Initial values for the primal-dual algorithm
init = u0;
[ny,nx] = size(init);
tol = 1e-3;
nIter = 1e3;
options.order = 1; options.bound = 'sym';
un = u0;
wn = zeros(ny,nx);
bun = un;
bwn = zeros(ny,nx);
pxn = zeros(ny,nx);
pyn = zeros(ny,nx);
q = zeros(ny,nx);
[gxn,gyn] = grad(u0,options);
bgxn = gxn;
bgyn = gyn;
gamma = sqrt(2)/10;
lambda = 0.7;
mu = 6.25;
tau = 0.3;
sigma = 0.3;
%% Primal-dual Algorithm
for j = 1:nIter
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem p
pxn = pxn+sigma*(bgxn-ux);
pyn = pyn+sigma*(bgyn-uy);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem q
AUk = bun;
q = q+sigma*(bwn-AUk);
%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem g
goldxn = gxn;
goldyn = gyn;
txn = gxn-tau*pxn;
tyn = gyn-tau*pyn;
sn = max(1e-6,sqrt(txn.^2+tyn.^2));
gxn = txn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
gyn = tyn./sn.*max(0,sn-tau);
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem wn
u_medfilter = medfilt2(u0);
wold = wn;
a = mu.*lambda.*tau+1;
b = -(mu.*lambda.*tau.*(2.*u0+u_medfilter)-tau.*q+2.*u0+wold);
c = tau.*lambda+mu.*lambda.*tau.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2+2.*u_medfilter.*u0)-2.*tau.*q.*u0+...
d = -tau.*lambda.*u0-mu.*lambda.*tau.*u_medfilter.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)+tau.*q.*(gamma.^2+u0.^2)...
qval = (3.*a.*c-(b.^2))./(9.*(a.^2));
rval = (9.*a.*b.*c-27.*(a.^2).*d-2.*(b.^3))./(54.*(a.^3));
deltaval = qval.^3+rval.^2;
wn = nthroot(rval+real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)+nthroot(rval-real(sqrt(deltaval)),3)-((b)./(3.*a));
%%%%%%%%%%%solve the subproblem un
uold = un;
Asqk = q;
un = un+tau*(Asqk-div(pxn,pyn,options)); % the restored image
if (norm(un-uold, 'fro')/norm(uold,'fro')<tol)
bun = 2*un-uold;
bwn = 2*wn-wold;
bgxn = 2*gxn-goldxn;
bgyn = 2*gyn-goldyn;
%% Dispaly results
PSNR_noisy = psnr(u0,refimg)
PSNR_med = psnr(u_medfilter,refimg)
PSNR_restoredimage = psnr(un,refimg)
figure(2); imshow([refimg,u_medfilter,un],'border','tight');
%% Gram—Schmidt as Triangular Orthogonalization
M = [1,1,1; 1,1,0; 1,1,9]
[m,n] = size(M);
Q = M;
Rinv = eye(n);
for i = 1:n
Ri = eye(n);
Ri(i,i) = 1 / norm(Q(:,i));
for j = i+1:n
Ri(i,j) = -Q(:,i)'*Q(:,j) / norm(Q(:,i));
Q = Q*Ri;
Rinv = Rinv*Ri;
R = inv(Rinv)
The question: Q*R gives M butQ is not orthagonal.
This should return the correct result:
M = [1,1,1; 1,1,0; 1,1,9];
[m,n] = size(M);
Q = zeros(m,n);
R = zeros(n,n);
for j = 1:n
v = M(:,j);
for i = 1:j-1
R(i,j) = Q(:,i).' * M(:,j);
v = v - (R(i,j) * Q(:,i));
R(j,j) = norm(v);
Q(:,j) = v / R(j,j);
Alternatively, you could give a try to the following implementation I found on Matlab File Exchange (it contains many know variants of the algorithm): https://it.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/55881-gram-schmidt-orthogonalization
Does anyone know how to make an open active contour? I'm familiar with closed contours and I have several Matlab programs describing them. I've tried to change the matrix P but that was not enough: My Matlab code is as follows:
% Read in the test image
rect=[120 32 340 340];
% Draw the initial snake as a line
snake = brlinexya(a,b,c,d); % startpoints,endpoints
% parameters for the active contour
alpha = 5;
beta = 10;
gamma = 1;
iterations = 50;
% Make a force field
[u,v] = GVF(-grad_mag, 0.2, 80);
%disp(' Normalizing the GVF external force ...');
mag = sqrt(u.*u+v.*v);
px = u./(mag+(1e-10)); py = v./(mag+(1e-10));
% Make the coefficient matrix P
N = length(x0);
a = gamma*(2*alpha+6*beta)+1;
b = gamma*(-alpha-4*beta);
c = gamma*beta;
P = diag(repmat(a,1,N));
P = P + diag(repmat(b,1,N-1), 1) + diag( b, -N+1);
P = P + diag(repmat(b,1,N-1),-1) + diag( b, N-1);
P = P + diag(repmat(c,1,N-2), 2) + diag([c,c],-N+2);
P = P + diag(repmat(c,1,N-2),-2) + diag([c,c], N-2);
P = inv(P);
d = gamma * (-alpha);
e = gamma * (2*alpha);
% Do the modifications to the matrix in order to handle OAC
P(1:2,:) = 0;
P(1,1) = -gamma;
P(2,1) = d;
P(2,2) = e;
P(2,3) = d;
P(N-1:N,:) = 0;
P(N-1,N-2) = d;
P(N-1,N-1) = e;
P(N-1,N) = d;
P(N,N) = -gamma;
hold on, plot([x;x(1)],[y;y(1)],'r');
plot(x([1 end]),y(([1 end])), 'b.','MarkerSize', 20);
for ii = 1:50
% Calculate external force
vfx = interp2(px,x,y,'*linear');
vfy = interp2(py,x,y,'*linear');
if ~isempty(ind)
if ~isempty(ind)
% Move control points
x = P*(x+gamma*vfx);
y = P*(y+gamma*vfy);
%x = P * (gamma* x + gamma*vfx);
%y = P * (gamma* y + gamma*vfy);
if mod(ii,5)==0
I've modified the coefficient matrix P in order to handle cases with open ended active contours, but that is clearly not enough.
My image:
a_1 = 1;
a_2 = sqrt(0.1);
l = -10:10;
t = 1e-6;
N = 10^6 ;
SNR = 0:10; % Valeurs du SNR en dB
a = 1/sqrt(2) ;
Es = 2*a^2 ;
QPSK = [1+1i, 1-1i, -1-1i, -1+1i];
X_QPSK = sqrt(Es/2)*(QPSK(randi(length(QPSK),1,N)));
W = [0, 250000,50000, 500000, 1000000] ; % Vecteur des frequences
H = cell(zeros(1,length(W))) ;
Vecteur_convolution = cell(zeros(1,length(W))) ; % convolution output
Sortie = cell(zeros(1,length(W))) ;
h0 = a_1*sinc(l)+ a_2*sinc(l-t*W(1));
h1 = a_1*sinc(l)+ a_2*sinc(l-t*W(2));
h2 = a_1*sinc(l)+ a_2*sinc(l-t*W(3));
h3 = a_1*sinc(l)+ a_2*sinc(l-t*W(4));
h4 = a_1*sinc(l)+ a_2*sinc(l-t*W(5));
H{1,1} = h0 ;
H{1,2} = h1 ;
H{1,3} = h2 ;
H{1,4} = h3;
H{1,5} = h4;
for i = 1:length(W)
Vecteur_convolution{1,i} = conv(X_QPSK, H{i}) ;
Sortie{1,i} = Vecteur_convolution{i(10:lenght(X_QPSK ))} % Not correct
% By the way, if I write it like this, it works. But I'm trying to make it compact if possible
Sconv0 = conv(x_QPSK,h0);
S0 = Sconv0(length(SNR):length(SNR)+length(X_QPSK) - 1);
% Pour W = 50 KHz
Sconv50K = conv(x_QPSK,h1);
S50K = Sconv50K(length(SNR):length(SNR)+length(X_QPSK) - 1);
% Pour W = 250 KHz
Sconv250K = conv(x_QPSK,h2);
S250K = Sconv250K(length(SNR):length(SNR)+length(X_QPSK) - 1);
% Pour W = 500 KHz
Sconv500K = conv(x_QPSK,h3);
S500K = Sconv500K(length(SNR):length(SNR)+length(X_QPSK) - 1);
% Pour W = 1 MHz
Sconv1M = conv(x_QPSK,4);
S1M = Sconv1M(length(SNR):length(SNR)+length(X_QPSK) - 1);
Good morning folks. I'm not sure what I'm trying to do is possible in Matlab, but here it goes. I'm doing a convolution and storing the output in " Vecteur_convolution", so it's a 1x5 cell. Because the convolution increases the number of points, I only want to retrieve my sample number back (1.000.000) instead of (1000010) and store it into the "Sortie" 1x5 cell.Any help would be appreciated.