I'm wondering if there is a way to hide the Vive Controller models in SteamVR Lobby.
I'm building an VR overlay app. Which means I have a unity3D project which can access SteamVR and OpenVR APIs etc. Is there something I can do when that project starts to auto-hide my controller models?
So far I have tried using OpenVR.System.CaptureInputFocus() and OpenVR.RenderModels.FreeRenderModel( RenderModel_t *pRenderModel ) to no success.
Has anyone achieved this, know of any VR app that achieves this, or if it is even possible?
Many Thanks,
I'm working in unity(2018) and building for the HTC Vive VR headset. I had an idea to use the small camera on the front of the headset to make an AR system, as in run the video from the headsets camera to the headset view to then be able to overlap things from a unity environment. But unfortunately, I can't seem to find any examples of others doing this (other than the Tron blue outline system that the Vive comes with) though perhaps I'm not looking with the right keywords.
If anyone has seen something like this or know if it can be done I'd greatly appreciate it.
It is registered as a standard WebCam, so you should be able to use Unitys WebCamTexture.
But the resolution of the cameras is very low.
How do you make a unity3D game who support both HTC-Vive headset and mouse controller?
I'm developing a small VR demo for an event with a team, for the controller HTC Vive (steam)
the issue is, we have only one headset for eleven people.
a solution would be to be able to use the mouse instead of the head.
GoogleVR allow to do it(when you press Alt in dev mode), but it don't work with Vive.
Any idea of how and why?
Any plugin who support both, vive and the mouse/waspd?
Well, you can make control with mouse like in first person games. Track your mouse movement and rotate your 'VR' camera.
I am currently working on SteamVR External Camera for the third controller, supporting Mixed Reality in my project for HTC Vive.
But I have a trouble with the Quadratic view, it shows only the HMD:
When I select the camera in the child of third controller, It gives this error :
My hunch for this problem is because the Graphics.drawTexture() in the script, but I don't know the solution for it. I have searched this problem at Unity Forum but no answer there...
Any help will be appreciated.
Notes :
Unity v5.6.1f1
SteamVR v1.2.1
I need to have multiple cameras in a Unity3d scene. However every time i create a camera, SteamVR automatically overrides it so that it is moving with the helmet. I simply need a normal camera without steamVR taking over it. How can that be done?
Note, assuming Unity here:
Simply, don't make it the main camera. You can also disable VR support in project player settings and use the SteamVR plugin's CameraRig.
New to VR development and relatively new to Unity. Anyone know a good/best practice way to find the game object for the left and right controllers?
You can find them in the Vive SDK package for Unity.
It does with some sample scenes and controller models are included.
If you want to know their destination path- just pause the game once SteamVR is up and running, select left or right controller and check model's mesh renderer component - it will point you directly to the place in project where mesh is saved.