Verify site ownership in google for Gitbook site - google-search-console

How to do the google verification ownership site in Gitbook, to do for example, the sitemap's uploading to Google?
Google explains many techniques. Apparently the easiest one is to upload an HTML file into the main folder page:
The problem is gitbook doesn't upload files in such a way: But is possible to add in a folder:
I found a gitbook plugin which can be related to the solution:
I searched a lot but no luck in doing this verification, only in how to add google analytics.
Thanks in advance!

Answering my own question, I found a way to validate the site via the HTML meta tag:
Install the plugin gitbook-plugin-meta-single, and then edit the book.json file:
"pluginsConfig": {
"meta-single": {
"name": "google-site-verification",
"content": "here the key string provided by google"
It will add the key inside <HEAD> tag
<TITLE>Your Title</TITLE>
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="here the key string provided by google">
Click on Verify button in google page, so they can re-check the authentication. And that's it!


I lost my tinymce free api key for site now how an i get it back to use it?

this is site
And i tried to search on this site for my api key but i am not be find it someone help me to get my api key back
You should sign up using this link
And then add your API key in your website's <head> tag
<script src=""></script>

Facebook Page Tab external URL

What should contain a HTML file to display it on a Facebook Page's Tab. I have added the tab, but I get blank page, I have tried everything, searched hours, my URL is HTTPS, so I really don't know...
Could you paste anybody a full HTML code that works, appears in a Page's Tab with an app? Thanks!
That would be the minimum, it definitely works:
<!DOCTYPE html>
hello there
As you can see, nothing fancy there. Without any test URL, we can only tell you to open the browser console and search for errors.
We found the answer, the server doesn't enable the iframing, so what I tried was good, but
Console's JavaScript error: Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://www.... does not permit cross-origin framing.
So we contacted to our hosting company to solve this.
UPDATE: Hosting support added the following code to my .htaccess file: Header always unset X-Frame-Options, what solved my problem.

using .php with .css or some thing better?

I have a log in page for my web site. The log in file is "index.php" this will be the first page you come to when comming to my site. The rest of my site is HTML with a style.css file providing the look for my site. Now my questions is how do I get my index.php file too look like the rest of my web site?
Right now when you come to it is just a white page with a log in and password box. I would like my log in page to look like the rest of my web site. Can some one please refer me as how to do this?
I have other .php files that would also need to be linked with the .css such as register.php and so forth. thanks guys.
If there is a different/better method of doing what I need please feel free to chime in, I'm all ears at this point I've been trying to do this for 2 days.
Like you would do in every other html page you will have to link the file the same way.
I guess that you have already seen that in every php file there is html code?
Just stay out of the php brackets
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
"php code in here"
If you don't find the usual html markup somewhere search for a include function in the php file.
Maybe the html header is in other php file and it is being called from there.
They would be included like this
include '_header.php';
You can use the CSS file, similar to how you use it in your HTML files. You can either post the CSS tag below your PHP code, or you can use an echo "cssTagHere"; call within your PHP code.
If you're using a login page, though, are you maintaining that security with the rest of your site by using PHP on your other pages?

Facebook like button fetching wrong information

So I've recently registered a domain at my local domain registration service and I've made a campaign with a facebook like button.
The problem is that when I like my own page (click the facebook like button), the like button partly fetch information from the registration service homepage (title and content but not the URL).
I've check that my domain has propagated correctly and I bought it and fixed the DNS server settings days ago.
This is my page:
Strange... It works for me. I liked you page, and on my FB profile, it shows url correct... Or i dont understand your question?
Next thing, why do you have 2 xmlns:fb="..." attributes in you html element?
Use FB debuger for issues like yourown
Another thing, validate you html ;-) > > too bad HTML isn't strict programming language ;-)
I found the problem, it is your content-type meta tag :
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="uft-8">
it should be :
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

How Do We Let Users Add Our Application As A Tab On Their Profile?

We currently have an iframe-based Facebook canvas application in the works. The canvas portion is working fine and doesn't really touch the Facebook API at all, since we don't really need any permissions from users in terms of accessing their social graph; the data we're using comes entirely from outside of Facebook.
What we would like to do is allow users to add an FBML version of our app to their profiles as a tab. However, it isn't clear how we are supposed to go about enabling that functionality using the current Facebook APIs.
The canvas page and callback settings are set up and working correctly, and we currently have a tab name and URL set up in our Application Settings (and hitting the tab URL directly will load our minimal test page), but there's no obvious way to offer users the ability to add this tab to their profiles.
Our initial thought was that we would need to add our own "Add Profile Tab" button in xfbml as mentioned at
But even when we reduce the iframe to something as barebones as
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
FB.init("<our secret key>", "xd_receiver.htm");
the xfbml element fails to render. Safari and Chrome both list the following error in the console: "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL [our app url on facebook] from frame with URL [URL our iframe loads from]. Domains, protocols and ports must match."
We do have the Connect URL pointing at our app in the Connect tab of the application settings page. The xd_receiver.htm file is located in the same directory as the iframe page and its contents are
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
which seems to be what all of the relevant documentation recommends. The browser is definitely loading it as verified through the relevant debugging panes (web inspector, firebug, etc).
So the question is, is this the proper way of going about adding "add to profile tab" functionality to our application? If so, how do we resolve the cross-domain error? If not, what should we be doing instead? The current documentation seems to focus heavily on the Graph and Authentication APIs, neither of which really mention profile tabs.
In your Application settings, ensure these are set:
Canvas >
Canvas Page URL
Canvas Callback URL
Profiles >
Tab Name
The Tab request will go to {Canvas Callback URL}/{Tab URL}. Then something like this should work:
That's using the updated JS SDK. I can't post more links, but the developer site and github repository have useful information about the SDK.
It turned out that <fb:add-profile-tab> simply doesn't render without the user having first allowed the app to connect to them via something like <fb:login-button>