Jwplayer audio/video & Fetch as Google - streaming

I'm trying to render webpages using Fetch as Google. Our media pages use jwplayer 7. I use different streaming formats (hls, progressive download, ...) but no files are correctly rendererd in Desktop mode using the 'Fetch as Google' option (Google Webmaster).
Googlebot can fetch all important files (in both desktop/mobile mode)
Google shows the player with error message, depending on the type of streaming / file used and differently for desktop/mobile):
[hls / live mp4] (desktop / mobile) error playing file: unknown playback error
[mp3] (desktop) error loading player: no playable sources found
[mp3] (mobile) works!
[hls / m4a] (mobile) works!
[hls / m4a] (desktop) error playing file: unknown playback error
[hls / mp4] (mobile) works!
[hls / mp4] (desktop) error playing file: unknown playback error
Do you know any reason for different streaming media support using Fetch as Google?
UPDATE/SOLUTION: The issue occurs when 'autostart' is set to 'true'. For this reason the mobile render works good: on mobile device our site sets 'autostart' to 'false'. JwPlayer works good with Fetch as Google only with 'autostart: false'.

Have you tried adding the appropriate schema.org tags so Googlebot can render the video?


How to listen to audio stream in flutter web

I'm working on an app that works with audio in real time measuring things such as intensity. I need it to run on Android, IOS and web. I already covered Android and IOS using flutter_sound package, which allows me to access the byte stream and do stuff from there. However this is not possible for web, since the codec used by flutter_sound that gives access to stream is not supported by web browsers.
Is there any package for web that allows byte handling or any workaround to this?
I've been searching with no success. So far all packages that I found that support web only allow to access data through files

how to let Iphone load videojs using "vhs.xhr.beforeRequest"?

Facing an issue with Iphone only, that can't process what inside "beforeRequest", on any browser including chrome and firefox, otherwise on Ipad and android works as a rock.
I tried to use true and false for "overrideNative" also nothing.
tried to console inside "beforeRequest" on Iphone and there is no return.
I found this error on debugger:
ERRORVIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:3 MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support. [object Object]
player.tech({ IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true }).vhs.xhr.beforeRequest = (options)=> console.log('beforeRequest'))
anyone has a solution ?
Unfortunately you can't. VHS is used to play HLS with Media Source Extensions, which iPhone doesn't not support. Only native playback is possible.

Adaptive Resolution Error in Unity when using Vimeo SDK and AVPro Video

I'm working on an app in Unity that needs to stream video from Vimeo. I have the Vimeo SDK set up, and am using the AVPro video plugin. Videos stream just fine in any resolution I set them to in the Vimeo Player component, but if I choose "adaptive" resolution, the video won't play and gives me an error saying:
[AVProVideo] Error: Loading failed. File not found, codec not supported, video resolution too high or insufficient system resources.
Any idea why this is happening?
Sorry for the trouble. This is a known issue on Windows and is a problem with the way Vimeo has structured its DASH manifest files. We are working on a fix. We also have a thread going about it here https://github.com/vimeo/vimeo-unity-sdk/issues/56

Unity3D: Cross Platform Video Streaming?

We are working on a prototyp application using unity3d. Your goal is to create a fluid and fun to use cross platform app.
The problem we facing right now is streaming (h.264 - mp4) video content over the web. This will be a major feature of our app.
I have already tried MovieTextures and the www class but it seems the files must be in ogg format which we can not provide. On the other hand handheld.playfullscreenmovie seems to be an android and ios only feature which uses the build in video player. This would be great if it would be supported on other platforms (e.g. Win8-Phone) as well.
Is there another cross platform option to stream (h.264 - mp4) video content over the web and display in full screen or as gui object? Or are there any plans to support something like this in the near future? Or is there a stable plugin for such a task?
As of Unity 5 Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie supports Windows Phone and Windows Store as per http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie.html
On Windows Phone 8, Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie internally uses Microsoft Media Foundation for movie playback. On this platform, calling Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie with full or minimal control mode is not supported.
On Windows Store Apps and Windows Phone 8.1, Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie internally uses XAML MediaElement control.
On Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps, there generally isn't movie resolution or bitrate limit, however, higher resolution or bitrate movies will consume more memory for decoding. Weaker devices will also start skipping frames much sooner at extremely high resolutions. For example, Nokia Lumia 620 can only play videos smoothly up to 1920x1080. For these platforms, you can find list of supported formats here: Supported audio and video formats on Windows Store
mp4 is not a streamable container. If you read the ISO specification, you will see that MP4 can not be streamed. This is because the MOOV atom can not be written until all frames are know and accounted for. This 100% incompatible for live video. There are supersets of MP4 used in DASH that make this possible. Essentially, they create a little mp4 (called a fragment) file every couple seconds. Alternatively you can use a container designed for streaming such as FLV or TS.
You will probably need to step outside the unity sdk a bit to enable this.

Media player via flash stream attachment

I'm trying to post a Flash media player (not Facebook's default MP3 player) as an attachment to a stream post. I can get the flash app to load, but it won't load the media file. Both the media file and .swf are hosted on my server. It works fine if I load the .swf from a test page hosted on my own server instead of in a Facebook feed.
The attachment is defined like this:
I'm not up on cross-domain Flash permissions; is there a recipe for getting this to work? Any way even to get debugging info on the Flash app in Firefox?
Do be able debug flash movie in Firefox you need:
Debug Flash Player
Flash Bug (not sure if this addon will work with latest version of FF)
Some errors like broken link to media assets (audio, fonts, images), could be seen on Net tab of firebug. Debug Flash Player allow you to see errors of Flash movies, and if .swf was compiled in debug mode, you will be able to see all traces in the log of Flash Bug.