Change CPanel Code Editor - plugins

I have been using the CPanel code editor for over a year and I feel the default editor doesn't have enough developer tools for me. Is there a plugin I could use to edit my files more effectively? I've never used any CPanel plugins such as cms.

You might not be able to change the default cPanel code editor straight away it has some language support but I can agree that it's not for Developers.
I would recommend that you try switching over to another Editor / IDE.
A nice free one is Atom - it's a project built on JavaScript (Electron) by GitHub


Is there any eclipse plugin available for React JS

I am planning to use React JS with Rest API But after spending long time on google cant find the best way to start. There are no eclipse plugins available for react js. Please suggest how i can start working on React with eclipse or other open source editors.
i had the same issue and ended up to use the atom editor:
Atom is based on google chrome, but you will not feel using google chrome, but a full featured editor with many cool plugins available.
I know, there is a nodeeclipse project but i was not able to install and run it out-of-the-box and it seems that jsx syntax for ES6 was not supported.
Now i really like atom editor, it is very easy to handle. Of course some shortcuts are different compared to eclipse, but anyway, i was really quickly able to produce code.
atom seems to be pretty lightweight and does not eat so much memory like eclipse. So there is no problem developing your reactjs app in atom and have eclipse as second editor running developing your rest app.
Kind regards
Genuitec has an Eclipse plugin called CodeMix that provides wizards, navigation, content assist, validation, and debugging for ReactJS in Eclipse. You can details for all the features that CodeMix provides for for React development on the Genuitec website.
Angelo Zerr's TypeScript IDE includes a JSX editor and provides some support. Search for it in the Eclipse Marketplace Client or go to
I use vim. Plenty support on syntax highlighting on JSX, ES6. auto formatting, unit test running, etc. There are plenty of vim configurations you can find on github so you can get a quick start. An example of mine:
There is not a proper plugin for eclipse, you can use codemix but the code completion are not proper and it is quite slower but for as if now that is the best for eclipse. Use VS code that is the best .
You can not directly install codemix plugin from marketplace, by drag n drop or by marketplace. To install codemix please follow the below steps:

ColdFusion dev in Eclipse vs Intellij

Getting thrown into ColdFusion dev at work and just starting out, I wonder if there are any advantages (or disadvantages) of using Eclipse vs Intellij. I'm used to working in Intellij on Groovy/Grails and have close to zero hands-on time with Eclipse. The shop I'm in mostly uses Eclipse (I think because it's free and not much else), some use Dreamweaver (1 person me thinks).
Thanks in advance.
I'm a CF Developer that has been playing with intelliJ of late! I must say I do love the smoothness of intelliJ. IntelliJ does has have a CF code library ( ).
I don't use Eclipse for CF Development, but do use CFBuilder, which is based on Eclipse.
I personally prefer intelliJ as an IDE, but prefer CF Builder when working with CF.
There are two options for working with Eclipse for ColdFusion Development:
cfeclipse - an open source, free plugin for Eclipse
cfBuilder - the 'official' IDE, sold and distributed by Adobe.
There is also a plugin for IntelliJ which I have no personal experience using however I note that some highly respected CF devs are using it and preferring it to the Eclipse-based options.
My team and I currently use CFBuilder 2 and find that to be good enough for our needs. The biggest criticism I see about CFBuilder/Eclipse is that it can perform poorly on older PCs and the common solution is to increase the RAM available to it.
The benefit my team finds with CFBuilder is that the full Eclipse plug-in ecosystem is available giving us bundled options for source control and other development tools. (The same may exist for IntelliJ but I have no personal experience with it.)
Dreamweaver, especially a recent version, is an option and many CF devs swear by ColdFusion Studio which is a very old program and might be hard to get your hands on. Finally, there is also a plugin for Notepad++ for the times where you need to make a quick edit to a file and don't require a full IDE.
The editor that a lot of people have been using for ColdFusion lately is SublimeText 2 ( with the official ColdFusion Package ( The link I posted below from Nettuts will help you get up and running with the PackageControl package that makes installing the ColdFusion package very easy.
Sublime is lightweight, powerful, and a pleasure to code in. It has small animations that make it feel responsive, and the birds eye map view of the code can be very useful. It even has some code insite that I find really helpful.
Heres a great post on Nettuts to get you started:

How to use Go language with NetBeans IDE?

How to setup Go language in NetBeans IDE?.
(Like i am already using Python, C/C++, Java, Php, BASH already in one NetBeans IDE).
Although I've never used it, there appears to only be one Go plugin for NetBeans. Their official website says that it provides syntax highlighting and templates for Go. I'm not sure if it's everything you're looking for, but it appears to be the only option at this point in time.
because NetBeans is maven-oriented IDE just out of the box, I use NB with maven through mvn-golang plugin and made some very restricted plugin contains project and file templates, may be in future will make syntax highlighting

what is the correct version of Eclipse for Coldfusion?

Usually when one wants to create a new file in the Eclipse IDE , Java, Javascript, Colsdfusion PHP etc are provided as the options for the new files.
I recently downloaded Eclipse for Coldfusion 8 and excecuted the file "software/dw/java/europa/" .
Now when I want to create a New File "only JAVA " option is available. There is no coldfusion or HTML!
So can any one provide me the Exact/correct link for Codfusion related Eclipse?
(On the Eclipse website there are many Eclipse related downloads but I am not sure which one is specific for Coldfusion.)
There's CFEclipse, a free, open-source Eclipse plug-in for working with CFML. And of course there's Adobe's ColdFusion Builder, a commercial product that works as either a plug-in for an existing Eclipse installation, or as a full stand-alone product (with Eclipse already baked in).
CFEclipse 1.3.6, the current stable version, works with Eclipse 3.4.x or 3.5.x. Here's the CFEclipse wiki.
The stated Eclipse versions required for ColdFusion Builder are 3.4.2 or 3.5. Here's Adobe's requirements page.
If you're using one of these as a plug-in and you don't need a lot of the other Eclipse features, the J2EE version of Eclipse is probably overkill (it's the biggest package). You can try out a more minimal Eclipse install, then update and add plug-ins as you need them. Try the Eclipse Platform Binary, for example.
There's also Adobe's ColdFusion Builder IDE specially created for this purpose. It proposes some features not available in CFEclipse, but not free (though there's a trial version available).
In addition to Ken's answer please note that you can already use preview builds of CFEclipse with latest Eclipse 3.6 Helios. I am using this configuration on daily basis and it is pretty stable and more efficient than previous version for me.
If you will expierience problems with preview builds, feel free to post them into the CFEclipse groups, developers usually react pretty quickly.
One more hint for you. Sometimes after installing the plugin via Add Sofware further updates do not work correcly. I've experienced this issue few times so it can be useful to know the solution.
To fix this check the Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites. If needed entry missing -- create it manually using the same update URL as for installation.
Also there's an Eclipse-based version of Adobe CF manual available, see this help page for details.
Hope this helps.

choose a tool to create/maintain custom eclipse distrib

I would like to settle on a tool to create/maintain my custom eclipse distrib (starting with next 3.6). By studying previous questions main contenders seem:
Google Workspace Mechanic: recently announced
doing it yourself in eclipse
Has anyone experiences in several of them and can comment on advantages etc?? My wishes are:
by 'distrib' I mean: plugins, settings & preferences...
be able to use the same eclipse setup in several workstations
MAYBE sharing with other members of the team
works across 3.5 and next 3.6: I don't know if it's possible. And anyway I would not object to customize the distrib once per new eclipse major release
Basically I was looking for the similar plugin or product. Pulse and Yoxos both supports plugin sync and workspace preference sync which is what i was mostly expecting.
Pulse Explorer let you create new profile easily and share it
Eclipse installation folder is configurable and can be used as standalone installation for each profile
I felt sharing workspace preferences is complicated
Plugins repo search is slow
Replaced default update / install menus with Yoxos update
Very very buggy
I felt importing workspace preferences and save it to your online profile is easy
Search the plugins from public repositories is cool and very easy
Single eclipse installation is shared between all profiles
Yoxos Customizer is very complex (at least in my experience)
Custom added repositories are not
synced with server
Workspace Mechanic
Its very cool, more flexible plugin, but will sync only workspace preferences across eclipse installations
Personally I'm settled with Yoxos now.
Also refer
Same plugins: I would just create update site with my plugins, or composite update site pointing to update sites with plugins you're interested in. Or you can simply use Eclipse Marketplace, which can create such update site for you from plugins you mark as favorite. Yoxos and Pulse should also work fine.
Same settings / preferences: Workspace Mechanic from Google may do the job for you. Beware: it is new project, which was just released into public. Disclaimer: I have no real experience with it :-) Pulse Team Edition should also be able to help (see previous disclaimer though).
I was in search for something like that myself (but more driven by the shared team approach), and I highly recommend the new Yoxos 5 Beta. It features synchronization of plugins and settings, while all your other suggestions only synchronize either plugins or settings, if I remember correctly.
In addition to your list, it might also be interesting to have your own mirrored update site, so its easier to control which version of which plugin can be installed at all (that also being more important in a corporate environment). See Eclipse help for details on how to create that mirrored site.
I think Sonatype Maven Studio leverages Maven to include Eclipse provisioning.