Bluemix dev-ops services Web API? - ibm-cloud

I thought I'd read that there was an entire web services API for automating the latest Bluemix DevOps tooling? I don't see anything obvious in the documentation

You're right. You can choose to create a toolchain or start from a toolchain template.
You may find this microservices devops toolchain template tutorial helpful.
By default, the toolchain comes with these tool integrations:
IBM-hosted Git Repos and Issue Tracking repositories (repos)
Delivery pipelines
IBM Cloud DevOps Insights
The Eclipse Orion Web IDE
Sauce Labs

This is where we are defining the API. Since SO won't let us have a conversation about what you're actual requirements are, feel free to create an issue on the repo to capture them.


How do you increase # of self-hosted parallel jobs on Azure DevOps Services using an associated VS Enterprise subscription?

I have a Visual Studio (formally MSDN) Enterprise License.
My newly created Azure DevOps Service does not reflect this when looking at the self-hosted pipeline configuration under Project Settings > Pipelines > Retention and parallel jobs.
According the the (i) info button:
Visual Studio Enterprise subscribers get one self-hosted parallel job
as a subscriber benefit.
Anyone know how I can get my Enterprise Subscription to show through to Azure DevOps Services (formally VSTS)? It was pretty simple to do with TFS, but am drawing blanks on ADOS.
My user account for both my Enterprise account and ADOS are one and the same - I was rather hoping it would just show through - apparently that's not the case.
The best I found was this page - but it's only for TFS and explicitly warns that:
The requested page is not available for Azure DevOps Services. You have been redirected to the newest product version this page is available for.
My initial attempt at asking MS through their online chat "Concierge Service" was met with apathy and a suggestion I ask elsewhere...
Apparently patience is a virtue.
It took several days but eventually (or was it because I also raised this issue on the Azure Developer Community site?) it correctly shows my associated Enterprise Subscription.

How to export all the comments added as part of a merge request on git - ibm bluemix

How can i export or get all the comments added as part of merge request on git - IBM Bluemix.
I got options from gitlab.
Any API is available from ibm bluemix git ?
Yes, I think this is the API you are looking for: (ng might be different depending on your region)
Here's an example request:
The version of Git used by the IBM Cloud is based on GitLab Community Edition. You should be able to use the GitLab API, to do anything you want to automate.

Bluemix devops insight: Integration with sonarQube

I have started using Bluemix devops insights service available as part of Bluemix toolchain. I am not able to see any documentation on integration of SonarQube with the tool. The one available in the service is a bit misleading as it only talks about UT, code cov. & FVT but not on how to publish SonarQube static code analysis reports to Devops insight, can someone pl. help?
Check the documentation pages on Publishing Test Results. If you're using DevOps Pipelines, go into the scripts for your builds, and integrate in the idra command as shown in the example. Also spend some time reading that npm package, which goes over how to do this within a Continuous delivery pipeline, or from the CLI.

Cannot enable Slack for Bluemix DevOps services beta

I wanted to take advantage of the Slack communications beta for Bluemix DevOps services, but in my IBM restricted DevOps project I do not see any option to enable it..
What am I missing?
This is explained at Integrating Slack with Bluemix DevOps Services BETA - Integrations - IBM Bluemix DevOps Services:
Project's Overview page->Integrated Tools section->Integrate with a tool->SLACK.
You may want to instead use the next evolution of Bluemix DevOps Services, which has Slack integration, in addition to several other ones.
Please see

Is it possible to have code review workflows in Bluemix Devops Services?

We are used to running Java development projects, typically using Atlassian products including Stash. We're now trying to use Bluemix Devops Services instead.
One limitation we have found is that you cannot create Pull Requests, meaning we can't review changes to source code before it is merged.
Is this the case? And what do others do for source code review workflow in Bluemix Devops?
At this time no you can not do code reviews through Bluemix. You can however attached the DevOps pipeline to a Github project though.