Mechanical Turks and Watson - ibm-cloud

Is there any way we can ask the Mturk Worker to open a Watson Knowledge Studio account and do some task of annotating there?
In such a case, how to monitor the work progress of the turks either through Watson or through Mturks API?
Is there a way we can monitor this task and ensure that the worker does not redo the same task again?
Trying to get some annotation of text done with Watson intelligence and workforce of mturks. Watson has a human annotator module but it seems very contained within its infrastructure.
Any inputs are appreciated.

Using WEP,WLI, etc.
Yes, Connecting options of Watson are available with orchestration tools.


Watson IoT: "Extensions" entry is not available in left menu

I've been following the Gather, visualize, analyze and detect anomalies in IoT data tutorial and, although I was able to go through it flawlessly, I'm stuck in the second step of the "Create a data connector to store the historical data" section. In my Watson IoT left menu, there is no entry called "Extensions", my last option is the "Configuration" one. As far as I know, I have re-checked all the steps twice and I have tried to configure different regions (I'm located in Spain) for both Watson IoT and cloudant services (all within the "Lite" program), but I can't, for the life of me, forward the data received in Watson IoT to Cloudant.
Is there anything that has changed in the Watson IoT platform since the tutorial was written? Do I need to activate anything in my account that allows me to see the "Extensions" option?
Thank you for your support and if you need more information about my setup, don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards,
As mentioned in the Solution tutorial,
Setting up a new connection is a four-step process:
Create a service binding that provides Watson IoT Platform with the necessary information to connect to the Cloudant service.
Create a connector instance for the service binding.
Configure one or more destinations on the connector.
Set up one or more forwarding rules for each destination.
You can refer to the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Historical Data Storage Extension APIs
swagger UI as mentioned in the tutorial.
You can also access the interactive API docs directly from the Watson IoT Platform service dashboard by selecting the menu bar help icon in the upper right corner of the window and then clicking API > historian connector > View APIs. To store the historical data to Cloudant, you will be passing the IBM Cloudant credentials to create a Watson IoT Platform service binding.
You can find the extensions deprecation information in the post here

How make a chatbot with Watson Conversation and Slack?

I want to build a Slack bot that can answer support queries. I've designed the conversation in Watson Conversation, but now I want to deploy it to Slack channels.
Ideally I don't want to have to develop and host an application to broker messages between the two systems.
Is there any platform or solution that I can use?
There are two possible solutions that I can think of.
Watson Conversation offers some basic integration with Slack through an application you can deploy yourself in a container. I believe they have a repo in their github ( You'll have to host this somewhere, though Bluemix offers some basic free hosting for a limited time. There are plenty of tutorials out there for spinning up containers in Bluemix.
An alternative solution (disclosure - this is my company) that wouldn't require hosting or development would be to use Bothaus ( Bothaus lets you configure integration between Slack and Watson Conversation without hosting or coding anything.
In Watson Conversation while in your conversation workspace, click on the Deploy icon.
After that, click deploy on the Slack card. Click "Deploy to Slack App", and follow the steps.
You should not need to code anything, just fill related fields with data.
Just be aware, if your URLs you are requested to enter into slack contain spaces, change them to %20 so that Slack will recognise the URL.

Is there a way to create intents and entities without the IBM Watson Conversation toolkit?

I want to train the Watson Conversation service without using the toolkit? I want the chatbot to be trained by code.
I want to develop a system from which the administrator of a web page can edit or create intents and entities, so that in this way I do not have to be the one to edit if something is wanted to change. IBM Watson Virtual Agent is something similar to what I want to create
You can create your own tooling or integration into conversation using the Workspace API.

Get Watson Conversation Workspaces

I am using Watson Conversation services on Bluemix. We have multiple Conversation workspaces within the service to enable better segmentation of the problem space.
I need to load information on the set of available workspaces within the Conversation service (e.g. name, workspace ID) to allow me to target the appropriate Conversation API endpoint. I've been trying to find a Watson or Bluemix API to allow me to retrieve the information directly but have not had any success.
Does anyone know if it is possible to retrieve this information programmatically and if there are any best practices for doing so?
We don't have an exposed endpoint for this capability at this point. It is something being discussed internally, however.
The API for managing Conversation workspaces is now available. It is possible to list workspaces, to create/update/delete a workspace and to download an entire workspace. The API is supported by the Watson SDKs.
Using the new API, I wrote a small tool for managing Conversation workspaces. The tool shows the API in action. The source is available on GitHub to demonstrate how the API can be of use.

IBM Watson evaluation - is training data uploaded/saved to IBM servers?

Reading the documentation at
it states "Ensure that you have a Bluemix account. While you can do part of this deployment locally, you must still use Bluemix.". If I use a custom dataset will any of this data be sent to IBM's servers ?
Specifically I think im referring to step circled red ('Create or import training data') :
I plan to build a similar app to conversation-enhanced ( but want to ensure local data will not be sent to IBM.
Yes, you will need to send data to IBM.
If you are planning on using the IBM BlueMix services, then I recommend you read the terms of use, found here, to understand your full agreement:$file/i126-6606-08_05-2016_en_US.pdf