Get Name and DHCP status By Powershell - powershell

could you help me with, i'm trying to get the computer name and the output from this command below in a txt file.
for /f %1 in (user_plant.txt) do >>\brspd010\c$\users\machael1\desktop\nic.txt ((wmic /node:%i computersystem get caption | more) & (powershell -command "& {Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter IPEnabled=TRUE -ComputerName %i. | Format-Table -Property IPAddress, DHCPEnabled}))
the command powershell when i run without the rest, it's works fine, but when i try to put together not work.
userplant.txt has:
My needly is: A txt file with Name of machine and IPV4,DHCP status as the same showed when i run only the powershell command.
172 ...
DHCP Enabled
or someone like it.
could you help me?

This is probably better done in pure PowerShell. Assuming one computername per line in user_plant.txt:
foreach ($Computer in (Get-Content -Path user_plant.txt)) {
$c = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = $true"
"ComputerName: {0} IP: {1} DHCPEnabled {2}" -f $Computer,$C.IPAddress[0],$C.DHCPEnabled | Add-Content -Path "\\brspd010\c$\users\machael1\desktop\nic.txt"


Store Each Line of PowerShell Output as same variable

So, I'm trying to remotely remove some manually added printer from a separate machine. Problem is, I don't want to remove all of the printers, only ones that have "HJK" or "LSG" anywhere in the name.
So, to get the list of names, I do:
Invoke-Command AaronsComputer -ScriptBlock {get-printer | select name -expandproperty name}
and to delete the printer, I would do:
Invoke-Command AaronsComputer -ScriptBlock {Remove-Printer -Name "Full Printer Name Here"}
I know I can export the results of get-printer as a CSV to work with it better but I'd rather not do that and have it all happen in Powershell.
I thought something along these lines would work but I don't think PowerShell intelligently sees each line as a variable.
$PrinterResults = Invoke-Command $Computer -ScriptBlock {get-printer | select name -expandproperty name}
foreach $PrinterResults
if ($PrinterResults -contains "HJK") {
Invoke-Command $Computer -ScriptBlock {Remove-Printer -Name "$PrinterResults"}
if ($PrinterResults -contains "LSG") {
Invoke-Command $Computer -ScriptBlock {Remove-Printer -Name "$PrinterResults"}
The end goal is that I can delete all printers that match the criteria in one go.
Managed to get this done in the end with the below:
Invoke-Command $Computer -ScriptBlock {
$Printers = get-printer | Where-Object {($ -like '*HJK*') -or ($ -like '*LSG*')} | Select Name -expandproperty name
foreach ($PrinterName in $Printers)
printui.exe /dl /n $PrinterName

Need to get file info before it will be printed using PowerShell

I need to get the name and size of the file that has been sent to printer. So I need to get info about it BEFORE file is printed.
I have tried to work with files in Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS, but I can't get any info from .SHD and .SPL files even if I pause the print work.
I started to look for some solution using Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Printer.
Is it a correct approach? Maybe I should use some particular methods or something?
I tried this code, but it shows a mistake
$comp = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem).Name
if ( (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -filter 'name="spooler"' -ComputerName $comp | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name StopService | out-null
$name = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_PrintJob).Document
$size = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_PrintJob).Size
$time = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_PrintJob).StartTime
"$comp,$name,$size,$time" | Out-file C:\Scripts\PrintJobs.csv -Append
Set-Service spooler -ComputerName $comp -Status Running
What is wrong?
PowerShell is a new thing for me and for now I'm totally lost with this task
Unless you know when to run the powershell I don't see how you can get this information "Before" the print job is sent. You would have to keep the spooler "Paused" and then when the script is run set it to Running and then pause it again until the next time the script is run.
one thing is that "Get-WmiObject Win32_PrintJob" will most likely return a collection of all current spooled jobs. so your code should look something like this to get the information you are looking for:
$comp = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem).Name
$jobs=Get-WmiObject Win32_PrintJob
$jobInfo = $jobs | ForEach-Object {"$comp,$($_.Document),$($_.Size),$($_.StartTime)"}
$jobInfo | Out-file C:\Scripts\PrintJobs.csv -Append

PowerShell - iterating over computer names in Active Directory

I'm new to PowerShell and I'm attempting to write a script that will query AD for machine names, check which ones are responding and write the output into a file. So far I have this:
$computers = Get-ADComputer -filter {(Name -like "PC*")} | Select-Object -Property Name
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
if((Test-Connection -Cn $computer -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -Ea 0 -Quiet)) {
"Machine $computer connected." | Out-File "out.txt" -Append
} else {
"Machine $computer not connected." | Out-File "out.txt" -Append
} #end if
} #end foreach
What I get in the output text file looks like the following:
Machine #{Name=PC-0649} not connected.
Machine #{Name=PC-1541} not connected.
Machine #{Name=PC-1574} not connected.
I think my problem lies with the Select-Object -Property Name part of the first line. Running the debugger, it looks like PowerShell is formatting each iteration of $computer to include the header line.
[DBG]: PS Y:\>> $computer
What's the best way for me to strip out everything except the PC-#### part in this situation?
I think your problem is that you still have a list of (truncated) computer objects in $computers. Verify this by doing $computers[0].GetType(). If you don't see String, it's not a string. :) Try this instead:
$computers = Get-ADComputer -filter {(Name -like "PC*")} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

Start time of a process running on remote machine using powershell

I want to get the start time of a process running on remote machine using powershell.
On my local computer I get it simply by using get-process $processname | select StartTime.
I tried using get-process $processname -computername $server1 | select StartTime but this is returning me nothing.
Please suggest any better way.
Using WMI. This code return start time of powershell.exe process:
$a = gwmi win32_process -computername $server1| ? { $ -eq "powershell.exe" }
$a | % { $_.ConvertToDateTime( $_.CreationDate )}
PS> $StartTime= #{n='StartTime';e={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.CreationDate)}}
PS> gwmi win32_process -cn $server1 -filter "Name='$processname' AND CreationDate IS NOT NULL" | select Name,$StartTime

Powershell - filtering WMIObject processes by more than one name

I am trying to get a list of running processes and filter by two process names - can any one tell me how to get this working?
I've so far got it working and filtering out one process name:
$rn = Get-WMIObject Win32_Process -computer servername `
-credential mydomain\administrator -filter "Name='program1.exe'" |
select -expand path
$lst = Get-Content “C:\path\path2\List.txt”
Compare-Object $lst $rn
What I want it to do is filter two process names but nothing I've tried works. Any ideas?
Here's how to get a complete set of Process objects which match a list of process names you're interested in.
$ProcessNames = #( 'explorer.exe', 'notepad.exe' )
Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Computer 'localhost' |
Where-Object { $ProcessNames -contains $_.Name } |
Select-Object ProcessID, Name, Path |
Format-Table -AutoSize
This example finds all processes, then filters that list by sending them to a pipeline filter that checks to see if the process name is contained in the list of interesting process names. The main benefit of using the pipeline this way is that you can easily access other attributes (such as ProcessID) of the returned processes.
ProcessID Name Path
--------- ---- ----
5832 explorer.exe C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
4332 notepad.exe C:\Windows\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE
2732 notepad.exe C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe
Use WQL operators like OR, AND, LIKE etc:
Get-WMIObject Win32_Process -computer servername -credential mydomain\administrator -filter "Name='program1.exe' OR Name='program2.exe'"
Create an array of the processes you're after:
$processes = #('winword.exe', 'notepad.exe', 'excel.exe') | `
% {
$rn = Get-WMIObject Win32_Process -computer servername -credential mydomain\admin -filter "Name='$_'" | select -expand path
#$lst = Get-Content “C:\path\path2\List.txt”
#Compare-Object $lst $rn
write-host $rn
I've commented out your compare so you can see how we are looping through the array clearly.
if I understood well try this:
$rn = Get-WMIObject Win32_Process -computer servername -credential mydomain\administrator -filter "Name='program1.exe OR Name='program2.exe'"
Compare-Object $rn[0].path $rn[1].path # if there are only one instance for process with name program1.exe and program2.exe