Can kafka producers supply data at quota rate in presence of replicas? - apache-kafka

I have a kafka producer belonging to client with clientid - "p1" and quota as 50 MBps.
Now I tested the performance of my producer using "bin/" and I was able to get throughput close to 50 MBps when writing to a partition without a replica.
I tried the same experiment on a partition with three replicas. But this time the throughput got reduced to 30 MBps.
My question is that shouldn't kafka allow the producer to still get a throughput of 50 MBps even in presence of replicas? There is nothing else running in the system, so I am not sure why this is happening?

Did you change the acks config of producer? From you description it seems that acks is set to all, so producer waits untill the sent data will be replicated among three brokers which affects throughput. If you didn't change the acks try to set it to 0, so producer will not wait for any acknowledgment from the server at all, just to see if it affects throughput.


Increase in Consumer Groups will increase delay in Producer Response?

I have an use case where i have to test the saturation point of my Kafka (3 node) Cluster with high no of Consumer groups.(To find the saturation point for our production use case) Producer ack=all.
I created many consumer groups more than 10000 , there is no Problem(No load Just created Consumer groups not consuming).
So i started load testing, I created 3 topics (1 partition) with 3 replication factor,Each broker is leader for a topic(i made sure by kafka-topic describe).
I planned to constantly produce 4.5MBps for each topic and increase consumer groups from zero.100KB size of 45 records to a topic.
When i produce data for no consumer groups in the cluster the producer response time is just 2 ms/record.
For 100 Consumer groups per record it taking 7ms.
When increasing consumer groups for a topic to 200 the time increasing to 28-30ms with that i cant able to produce 4.5MBps .When increasing more Consumer groups the producer response is decreasing.
The broker have 15 I/O threads and 10 Network threads.
Analysis done for above scenario
With grafana JMX metrics there is no spike in request and response queue.
There is no delay in I/O picking up by checking request queue time.
The network thread average idle percentage is 0.7 so network thread is not a bottleneck.
When reading some articles Socket buffer can be bottle neck for high bandwidth throughput so increased it from 100KB to 4MB but no use.
There is no spike in GC,file descriptor,heap space
By this there is no problem with I/O threads,Network Threads,Socket Buffer
So what can be a bottleneck here?
I thought it would be because of producing data to single partition. So i created more topic with 1 partition and parallel try to produced 4.5MBps per each topic ended up same delay in producer response.
What can be really bottleneck here? Because producer is decoupled from Consumer.
But when i increasing more no of Consumer groups to broker, The producer response why affecting?
As we know the common link between the Producer and consumer is Partition where the data remains and is being read and Write by consumers and producers respectively There are 3 things that we need to consider here
Relationship between Producer to Partition : I understand that you need to have the correct no. of partition created to send some message with consistent speed and here is the calculation we use to optimize the number of partitions for a Kafka implementation.
Partitions = Desired Throughput / Partition Speed
Conservatively, you can estimate that a single partition for a single Kafka topic runs at 10 MB/s.
As an example, if your desired throughput is 5 TB per day. That figure comes out to about 58 MB/s. Using the estimate of 10 MB/s per partition, this example implementation would require 6 partitions. I believe its not about creating more topics with one partition but it is about creating a topic with optimized no of partitions
Since you are sending the message consistently with 1 partition then this could be the issue. Also since you have chosen acks=all, this can be the reason for increased latency that every message that you pass to the topic has to make sure that it gets the acknowledgment from leader as well as the followers hence introducing the latency. As the message keeps on increasing, its likely that there must be some increase in latency factor as well. This could be in actual the reason for increased response time for producer. To have that addressed you can do below things:
a) Send the Messages in Batch
b) Compress the Data
Partition : Each partition has a leader. Also, with multiple replicas, most partitions are written into leaders. However, if the leaders are not balanced properly, it might be possible that one might be overworked, compared to others causing the latency again. So again the optimized number of partitions are the key factors.
Relationship between consumer to Partition : From your example I understand that you are increasing the consumer groups from Zero to some number. Please note that when you keep on increasing the consumer group , there is the rebalancing of the partition that takes place.
Rebalancing is the process to map each partition to precisely one consumer. While Kafka is rebalancing, all involved consumers processing is blocked
If you want to get more details
And when that rebalancing happens, there is the partition movement as well that happens which is nothing but again an overhead.
In conclusion I understand that the producer throughput might have been increasing because of below factors
a) No of partitions not getting created correctly w.r.t. messaging speed
b) Messages not being send in Batches with proper size and with a proper compression type
c) Increase in consumer group causing more of rebalancing hence movement of partition
d) Since due to rebalancing the consumer, the consumer blocks the functioning for partition reassignment we can say the message fetching also gets stopped hence causing the partition to store more of the data while accepting the new Data.
e) Acks= all which should be causing latency as well
In continuation to your query, trying to visualize it
Let us assume as per your condition
1 Topic having 1 partition(with RF as 3) and 1 to 100/500 consumers groups having 1 single consumer in each group(No rebalancing) subscribing to same topic
Here only one server(Being leader) in the cluster would be actively participating to do following functions that can result in the processing delays since the other 2 brokers are just the followers and will act if the leader goes down.

Kafka Reduce Lag for Consumer

I am setting up the new Kafka cluster and for testing purpose I created the topic with 1 partition and 3 replicas.
Now, I am firing the messages via producer in parallel say 50K messages per Second. And I have create One Consumer inside a Group and its only able to fetch 30K messages per second.
I can change topic level, partition level, consumer level configurations.
I am monitoring everything via grafana + prometheus.
Any Idea which configuration or something else can help me to consumer more data??
Thanks In Advance
A Kafka consumer polls the broker for messages and fetches whatever messages are available for consumption, depending upon the consumer configuration used. In general, it is efficient to transfer as much data is possible in a single poll request if increasing throughput is your aim. But how much data is transferred in a single poll is determined by the size of messages, number of records and some parameters which control how much time to wait for messages to be available.
In general, you can influence throughput using one or more of the following consumer configurations:

Kafka Broker and Consumer optimization

We have 25Million records written to the Kafka topic.
The topic is having 24 Partitions and 24 Consumers.
Each message is 1KB. And these messages are wrapped with Avro for serialization and Deserialization.
Replication Factor is 2.
The fetch size is 50000 and the Poll interval is 50ms.
Right now during the load test to consume and process 1Million, it takes 40mins on an average. But, we want to process the 25Million records in less than 20 to 30mins.
Broker configs:
background.threads = 10 = 7 = 8
Set = 500
Set replica.lag.max.messages = 4
Set to default value as per logs
Used G1 collector instead of MarkSweepGC
Changed Xms to 4G and Xmx to 4G
our setup has 8 brokers each with 3 disks and with 10GBPS ethernet with simplex network.
Consumer Configs:
We are using Java Consumer API to consume the messages. We made the swappiness to 1 and using 200 threads to process the data within the consumer. Inside the consumer we are picking up the message and hitting Redis, MaprDB to perform some business logic. Once, the logic is completed we are committing the message using Kafka Commit Sync.
Each consumer is running with -xms 4G and -xmx 4G. What are the other aspects we need to consider in order to increase the read throughput?
I won't provide you an exact answer to your problem, but more a roadmap and methodological help.
10 min for 1Million message is indeed slow IF everything works fine AND the consumer's task is light.
First thing you need to know is what is your bottle neck.
It could be:
the Kafka cluster itself: messages are long to be pulled out of the cluster. T test that, you should check with a simple consumer (the one provided with Kafka CLI for example), running directly on a machine where you have a broker (or close), to avoid network latency. How fast is that?
the network between the brokers and the consumer
the consumer: what does it do? Maybe the processing is really long. Then optimisation should run there. Can you monitor the ressources (CPU, RAM) required for your consumer? Maybe one good test you could do is create a test consumer, in which you load 10k messages in memory, then do your business logic and time it. How long does it last? This will tell you the max throughput of your consumer, irrespective of Kafka's speed.

How to set Kafka Producer message rate per second?

I am reading a csv file and giving the rows of this input to my Kafka Producer. now I want my Kafka Producer to produce messages at a rate of 100 messages per second.
Take a look at and batch.size properties of Kafka Producer.
You have to adjust these properties correspondingly to get desired rate.
The producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request. Normally this occurs only under load when records arrive faster than they can be sent out. However in some circumstances the client may want to reduce the number of requests even under moderate load. This setting accomplishes this by adding a small amount of artificial delay—that is, rather than immediately sending out a record the producer will wait for up to the given delay to allow other records to be sent so that the sends can be batched together. This can be thought of as analogous to Nagle's algorithm in TCP. This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once we get batch.size worth of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of this setting, however if we have fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition we will 'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay). Setting, for example, would have the effect of reducing the number of requests sent but would add up to 5ms of latency to records sent in the absense of load.
If you like stream processing then akka-streams has nice support for throttling:
Then the akka-stream-kafka (aka reactive-kafka) library allows you to connect the two together:
In Kafka JVM Producer, the throughput depends upon multiple factors. And most commonly it's calculated in MB/sec rather than Msg/sec. In your example, if let's say each of your row in CSV is 1MB in size then you need to tune your producer configs to achieve 100MB/sec, so that you can achieve your target throughput of 100 Msg/sec. While tuning producer configs, you have to take into the consideration what's your batch.size ( measured in bytes ) config value? If it's set too low then producer will try to send messages more often and wait for reply from server. This will improve the producer's throughput. But would impact the latency. If you are using async callback based producer then in this case your overall throughput will be limited by how many number of messages producer can send before waiting for reply from server determined by
If you keep batch.size too high then producer throughput will get affected since after waiting for period kafka producer will send the all messages in a batch to broker for that particular partition at once. But having bigger batch.size means bigger buffer.memory which might put pressure on GC.

How to set the max queue time in Kafka 0.9 producer?

How to setup the max queue time in Kafka v0.9?
My understanding is that the Kafka producer will try to buffer the messages in a queue to a certain size and then send the messages in the queue as batch to broker. However in Kafka v0.8, the configuration of "" will send the messages in the queue when it reaches the time limit, even if they are smaller than the buffer size.
The batching can be configured to accumulate no more than a fixed number of messages and to wait no longer than some fixed latency bound (say 64k or 10 ms).
from Kafka 0.9 document: (This section is the same as Kafka 0.8.2)
But I didn't find the configuration of "" or equivalent in the v0.9 producer configuration section
Is there still a way to configure this in Kafka v0.9 or I have to call KafkaProducer.close() or KafkaProducer.flush() to do so?
For that configuration use batch.size and
You need to use batch.size and queue.time, NOT as stated in the accepted answer. is the delay before sending out a batch of requests, but is defaulted to zero and not the max time before sending out a batch.
See: for more details.