Powershell EWS Nested search filter - powershell

I'm trying to perform a search filter using EWS on a function based on Powershell.
I would like to mix AND & OR due i mix different properties, i've tried the method below but it didn't work as expected:
$sfCollectionAND = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+SearchFilterCollection([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.LogicalOperator]::And)
$sfCollectionAND .add($SenderAddress1)
$sfCollectionAND .add($SenderAddress2)
$sfCollectionOR = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+SearchFilterCollection([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.LogicalOperator]::Or)
$sfCollectionOR .add($sfCollectionAND)
$sfCollectionOR .add($ReceiveDate1)
$sfCollectionOR .add($ReceiveDate2)
Basically the filter purpose is 1st gather message between period of time and then exclude 2 senders.


ews GetSearchableMailboxes only return 1500 mailboxes paging

I have this very simple script to get all the searchable mailboxes. I have 2000 mailboxes but this API return only 1500 every time. Wondering if the results are paged but there is no documentation regarding it.
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.2\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll";
$Service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2013_SP1);
#$Service.UseDefaultCredentials = $true;
$Service.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("test#test.com", "test123!");
$Service.Url ="https://exch2013.test.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx";
$Service;$m = $Service.GetSearchableMailboxes([string]::Empty,$false);
$count = 1;
#$m.SearchableMailboxes | %{$_.SmtpAddress; $count++;}#$count;
Sounds like throttling - use a paged search.
See if ECP's ediscovery search repros - if it does then its probably not an issue with your code.
There is an example of paged searches in EWSEdtior's code (you will find the code in Github). Find the form called EDiscoverySearch.cs. The call to GetSearchable Mailboxes does not do paging, however another piece of code in the same form does - you can adapt it for the call to GetSearchableMailboxes.

EWS Category search

i've a script on powershell to manage mailbox using EWS, however i'm not able to user the current filters and filter certain categories.
I would like filter categories that start by _ or * and apply to my current filters
$sfRead = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+IsEqualTo([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessageSchema]::IsRead, $True)
$WIPSubject = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+ContainsSubstring([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemSchema]::Subject, "Assigned")
$sfNot = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+Not($WIPSubject)
$sfCollection = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+SearchFilterCollection([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.LogicalOperator]::And)
If you want to do a wildcard search on the Subject then I would suggest that you use AQS for queries instead https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn579420(v=exchg.150).aspx . SearchFilters don't support wildcards you have the ContainsSubString filter which will find partial string matches https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dd633645(v=exchg.80).aspx which is the closest.

Modify the array text condition in an Outlook rule with PowerShell?

I work on a team, who manage a few hundred servers. We each take primary responsibility for about 100 servers. I am the new person on the team, so I have a rule "MyServers" in outlook that makes a special sound and moves emails in to the folder "MyServers", when an email comes in with the name of one of my servers in the subject or body. Servers come and go, and the responsible person changes occasionally. I can use the GUI to modify the list, but what I want to do is use PowerShell to modify the list of servers based on a data set from a SQL query on our table of whom belongs to what. (also would be helpful when covering for someone else.)
Per PowerShell - Managing an Outlook Mailbox with PowerShell, By Joe Leibowitz, March 2013 it is possible in theory. That article and the post Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Tell Which Outlook Rules I Have Created? December 15, 2009 by ScriptingGuy1 have taught me how to get outlook files into PowerShell to read and or write. The post Multiple Actions for one Outlook rule in Powershell has also been helpful.
I can find several examples of creating rules, mostly around email addresses. As I did more research (below) it seems like the I want to modify 'TextRuleCondition.Text' but I am not finding any example code that gets in to reading OR modifying rule conditions for a single existing rule.
Specifying Rule Conditions
TextRuleCondition Object (Outlook)
TextRuleCondition.Text Property (Outlook)
Optimally: I would like to go to the "MyServers" rule and change the array, from what it is to a new array that I will build with PowerShell, after getting the list from a SQL table.
##source https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2009/12/15/hey-scripting-guy-how-can-i-tell-which-outlook-rules-i-have-created/
## Gets outlook rules on PC
#Requires -version 2.0
Add-Type -AssemblyName microsoft.office.interop.outlook
$olFolders = “Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders” -as [type]
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject outlook.application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace(“mapi”)
$folder = $namespace.getDefaultFolder($olFolders::olFolderInbox)
$rules = $outlook.session.DefaultStore.<Some code here gets TextRuleCondition.Text for just MyServers>
$rules ## this displays the current value
##More code inserts the array that I built earlier (not actually built, yet as I don't know what it should look like)
$rules.Save() ## this saves the changes.
Everything I have found so far programmatically creates an entire new rule from PowerShell. Nothing indicates if it is, or is not possible to modify an existing rule. My Plan "B" would be to read the existing "MyServers" rule, modify the array, and overwrite the old rule with a new one. This is problematic as it limits options, only some conditions and actions can be created programmatically.
Add-Type -AssemblyName microsoft.office.interop.outlook
$olFolders = “Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders” -as [type]
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject outlook.application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace(“mapi”)
#get all of the rules
$rules = $outlook.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules()
#get just the rule I care about
$myRule = $rules | ? { $_.Name -eq 'My Awesome Rule' }
#build my new array of text conditions
$textValues = #('ServerA', 'NewServerB')
#replace the existing value on my rule (this is assuming you are using BodyOrSubject, you can substitute Body, Subject, etc)
$myRule.Conditions.BodyOrSubject.Text = $textValues
#save all the rules

Powershell accessing an object in AD SearchResultCollection

I have the following Powershell code:
$directorySearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$directorySearche.PageSize = 100
$directorySearcher.SearchScope = [System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope]::SubTree
$searchResults = $directorySearcher.FindAll()
If I uncomment #$searchResults then I can see hundreds of entries with "Path" and "Properties" as the objects' properties.
However when $searchResults.Item(0).Path is executed, it just says "Running script/selection. Press ctrl+break to stop." and has been like that for 10 mins so far.
Why can't I access an individual object from the SearchResultCollection ?
Turns out there were just way too many results.
I used a filter to narrow it down and now I can access individual objects since there are now only 347 results.
Before I couldn't even find out the count because there were too many.

How can I use PowerShell to set the default document in IIS?

I'm configuring a web site using PowerShell and I want to set the default document. How do I do this?
This is one way:
$metabasePath = "IIS://Localhost/W3SVC"
$iisNumber = "12345"
$site = new-object
$site.psbase.Properties["DefaultDoc"].Value =
"newdefdoc.htm," + $site.psbase.Properties["DefaultDoc"].Value
The value returned in $site.psbase.Properties["DefaultDoc"].Value is a comma separated list of documents so you may need to re-jig the order to suit your case. The example above just adds a new default document (newdefdoc.htm) to the top of the list.