Protractor - Cannot read property '$$testability' of undefined - protractor

I am getting an error which reads:
"Error while waiting for Protractor to synce with the page: "Cannot read property '$$testability' of undefined"
Below is my test.
describe('On the MyMoments page', function(){
beforeEach(function() {
var editLocationText = 'Location';
it('The edit button should work', function() {
browser.driver.get('').then(function() {
// browser.waitForAngular();
browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
This is my config file:
exports.config = {
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome',
'chromeOptions': {
args: ['--disable-web-security']
baseUrl: '',
specs: [
jasmineNodeOpts: {
isVerbose: true,
I don't think this is something to do with my test since my test is incredibly simple. Has anybody run into this issue before? I'm a bit stuck.
Downgraded my Protractor version all the way to 4.0.14 in order to fix this error. Now i'm getting:
"Failed: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "[ng:test] no injector found for element argument to getTestability/"
If anyone knows what this is or how to resolve this, let me know!

This is a known issue in Protractor, see here. As mentioned in the issue this is because browser.angularAppRoot() is expected to return the current value of app root if a value isn't passed to it, but currently returns undefined.
A new release is coming that should fix this issue.
Hope it helps

Although it's sometimes caused by documents without an html tag in the root, "Cannot read property '$$testability' of undefined" is more likely to manifest as a symptom of another error that prevented the page from loading, or any interaction with a page that isn't loaded for whatever reason.
Try using a browser.sleep above the line that is throwing the error, to give the page time to load.
A browser.ExpectedConditions clause which is intended to wait for a specific condition can throw this error if the page is not ready for protractor.
Sometimes, hard coded sleeps can not be avoided.
To diagnose and fix it,
Place browser.enterRepl(); into the code just before the line
that seems to be throwing the $$testability error.
If the $$testability error still gets thrown, then move browser.enterRepl(); up a few lines
Each time enterRepl() gets triggered without the $$testability error, then move browser.enterRepl(); down one line
Finally, when enterRepl is moved to the line directly below the line causing the error, you may now see a different error message which is more meaningful.
Place a browser.sleep() or other code to fix your specific issue just prior to the line causing that error.

Changing the browser from chrome to firefox worked for me.
// conf.js
exports.config = {
framework: 'jasmine',
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'firefox'
specs: ['login-spec.js']

I had the same issue with an Angular hybrid app.
In my case the issue was fixed after removing,
rootElement: 'myRootElement'
from the config.


How to click on copy button with cypress

So in my app i have a button and when i click on it, it will save some text into my clipboard, then i can past it by ctrl+v somewhere.
And i am trying to write cypress test for this. Problem is, when i click on that button i got cypress error:
I can´t figured out. Element is clearly viewed on page. I tryied to wait few second before clicking and it didn´t help.
Is there a way how to test it?
Thank you for your answers.
Your application has thrown an error, not cypress. To avoid this, you will want to add this either to your test file or /support/index.js. This code was pulled from this example. Remember cy. requires a test or a hook to work, while Cypress. does not.
// inspect the caught error
cy.on('uncaught:exception', (e) => {
if (e.message.includes('Things went bad')) {
// we expected this error, so let's ignore it
// and let the test continue
return false
// on any other error message the test fails
You can catch exceptions globally by writing this under cypress/support/index.js
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
return false

Protractor Promise Never Resolved During Debugging

I've started my Protractor debugging session with: node --inspect-brk
When I hit a break point I want to be able to manually execute some Protractor commands. However my promises are never resolved. For example if I enter this into the Chrome console:
$('body').isDisplayed().then((displayed) => {console.log('here i am'});
However all I get returned back is "Promise is Pending" and the promise is never resolved.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I got round this with control flow by attaching a breakpoint to the code i want to jump to, in this case the console.log and continuing to it
you are not actually resolving the promise, and don't need the argument either. Try this:
return console.log('here i am');

assert.async() never fails

I am new to OpenUI5/QUnit testing. Sorry for the newbie question.
I have added a very basic async QUnit test into my OpenUI5 project:
QUnit.test( "Test async", function( assert ) {
var done = assert.async();
setTimeout(function() {
This test passes without errors as expected.
Then I have commented out everything except for
var done = assert.async();
The test runs indefinitely without failing. I would expect that it fails after some timeout.
Pressing the "Abort" button just changes the label to "Aborting" but does not fail the test.
I have search the QUnit documentation, that suggest adding
assert.timeout( 1000 ); // Timeout of 1 second
that should be an equivalent to global setting
QUnit.config.testTimeout( 1000 );
But using either crash my test with
assert.timeout is not a function
QUnit.config.testTimeout is not a function
I have tried running the test in Chrome, Firefox and IE11 with the same results.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
I have found the answer myself. The correct syntax is:
QUnit.config.testTimeout = 1000;
It is then valid for all the subsequent tests. Alternatively I can write
at the beginning of the test method - must be before assert.async()

Protractor Failed: element not interactable

I am running an E2E test for an Angular 7.x app. The test runs straight forward on my local machine. But when I push it on the repo (GitLab), then pipeline fails and throws following error:
USER PROFILE - Check and change PROFILE
- Failed: element not interactable
(Session info: chrome=71.0.3578.80)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.45.615279 (12b89733300bd268cff3b78fc76cb8f3a7cc44e5),platform=Linux 4.14.74-coreos x86_64)
Test Case:
it('USER PROFILE - Check and change PROFILE', () => {
expect(element(by.className('logged-as')).getText()).toBe( testEmail );
browser.actions().mouseMove( element.all('editIcon-salutation') ).get(0)).click().perform().then(function () {
element( by.className('mat-select-arrow') ).click().then(function () {
browser.actions().mouseMove( element.all(by.className('option-value mat-option')).get(0)).click().perform();
browser.actions().mouseMove( element.all('saveButton-salutation') ).get(0)).click().perform();
navigateTo() is just a method in profile.po.ts:
navigateTo() {
What's confusing me and where I even can't localize the bug or what's wrong, is that it works fine locally. But once I push to repo, then it fails exactly at that test case. Any Hint please?
The reason element is not interactable could be - performing an action on hidden or obscured element.
You can try -
1. add sleep after by.className('mat-select-arrow') ).click(), as I can see you have not added any waits there.
2. Try to check if you running the test on your local and Jenkins machine with same screen resolution. (this could be the reason of obscured element)
I'd recommend to:
Enable the stacktrace in protractor config: new SpecReporter({ spec: { displayStacktrace: true } }) so you can see exactly what element is throwing the error. This won't solve it but at least should point you in the right direction.
Then if you're using tabs, buttons or other elements that hide/show/disable/enable or change the DOM view, you add a browser.sleep(100) after calling a .click()
I had a same kind of problem and I found this.
I copy pasted that (and some other minor tweaks for example force clicking on previous page in for-loop) and it worked. I believe that the browser.driver.manage().window().maximize(); was part of the solution.
One reason which i figure out is the scroll issue. You need to check the element is displaying properly or not. It may be hidden. So use scrollToTop/scrollToElement/scrollToElementView etc. You can write different scroll methods which suites the condition better.
Another reason is the locator. Try to change the locator, do not trim the locator too much. Just try with full body css locator, if it works then trim properly. Some time in chrome console it may work but not with the test case.

How to stop automatically closing browser when writing protractor test cases

I am new to writing test cases using protractor for non angular application. I wrote a sample test case.Here the browser closes automatically after running test case.How can I prevent this. Here is my code
var submitBtnElm = $('input[data-behavior=saveContribution]');
it('Should Search', function() {
browser.driver.findElement('contributePercentValue')).sendKeys(50); {
I was also struggling with a similar issue where i had a test case flow where we were interacting with multiple application and when using Protractor the browser was closing after executing one conf.js file. Now when I looked into the previous response it was like adding delay which depends on how quick your next action i performed or it was hit or miss case. Even if we think from debugging perspective most of the user would be performing overnight runs and they would want to have browser active for couple of hours before they analyze the issue. So I started looking into the protractor base code and came across a generic solution which can circumvent this issue, independent of any browser. Currently the solution is specific to requirement that browser should not close after one conf.js file is executed, then could be improved if someone could add a config parameter asking the user whether they want to close the browser after their run.
The browser could be reused for future conf.js file run by using tag --seleniumSessionId in command line.
Go to ..\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\built where your
protractor is installed.
Open driverProvider.js file and go to function quitDriver
Replace return driver.quit() by return 0
As far as my current usage there seems to be no side effect of the code change, will update if I came across any other issue due to this change. Snapshot of code snippet below.
Snapshot of code snippet:
Add browser.pause() at the end of your it function. Within the function itself.
I found Gleeson's solution is working, and that really helped me. The solution was...
Go to %APPDATA%Roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\built\driverProviders\
Find driverProviders.js
Open it in notepad or any other text editor
Find and Replace return driver.Quit() to return 0
Save the file
Restart your tests after that.
I am using
node v8.12.0
npm v6.4.1
protractor v5.4.1
This solution will work, only if you installed npm or protractor globally; if you have installed your npm or protractor locally (in your folder) then, you have to go to your local protractor folder and do the same.
I suggest you to use browser.driver.sleep(500); before your click operation.
See this.
element(by.css('your button')).click();
Add a callback function in It block and the browser window doesn't close until you call it.
So perform the action that you need and place the callback at your convenience
var submitBtnElm = $('input[data-behavior=saveContribution]');
it('Should Search', function(callback) {
browser.driver.findElement('contributePercentValue')).sendKeys(50); {
// Have all the logic you need
// Then invoke callback
The best way to make browser NOT to close for some time, Use browser.wait(). Inside the wait function write logic for checking either visibilityOf() or invisibilityOf() of an element, which is not visible or it will take time to become invisible on UI. In this case wait() keep on checking the logic until either condition met or timeout reached. You can increase the timeout if you want browser visible more time.
var EC=protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var submitBtnElm = $('input[data-behavior=saveContribution]');
it('Should Search', function() {
browser.driver.findElement('contributePercentValue')).sendKeys(50); {
return true;
},20000,'error message');
I'm sure there is a change triggered on your page by the button click. It might be something as subtle as a class change on an element or as obvious as a <p></p> element with the text "Saved" displayed. What I would do is, after the test, explicitly wait for this change.
return protractor.browser.wait(function() {
return element(by.cssContainingText('p', 'Saved')).isPresent();
}, 10000);
You could add such a wait mechanism to the afterEach() method of your spec file, so that your tests are separated even without the Protractor Angular implicit waits.
var submitBtnElm = $('input[data-behavior=saveContribution]');
it('Should Search', function() {
browser.driver.findElement('contributePercentValue')).sendKeys(50); {
browser.pause(); // it should leave browser alive after test
browser.pause() should leave browser alive until you let it go.
#Edit Another approach is to set browser.ignoreSynchronization = true before browser.get(...). Protractor wouldn't wait for Angular loaded and you could use usual element(...) syntax.
Protractor will close browsers, that it created, so an approach that I am using is to start the browser via the webdriver-reuse-session npm package.
DISCLAIMER: I am the author of this package
It is a new package, so let me know if it solves your problem. I am using it with great success.