Checking for whitespace in a string typed array - Swift - swift

In a string typed array how can I achieve the functionality as I would for checking whitespace in a string? I'd like to check if the array contains only whitespace
var stringExample: String!
var stringArrayExample: [String]!
if stringExample.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty{
//string contains whitespace characters

Swift 3 would look something like this if I'm understanding what you're wanting:
var someStrings = [" ", "foo", "bar", "\t"]
let result = someStrings.filter { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty }
print(result) // [" ", "\t"]
If you're just wanting to know if the array of strings are all whitespace-only strings you could change the last two lines to:
let result = someStrings.filter { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty == false }
print(result.isEmpty) // false
Note that both these use .whitespacesAndNewlines if you don't want new lines, just use .whitespaces like you do in your original example.

I've created an extension for String which returns whether it's empty or contains only whitespace:
extension String {
var isEmptyOrWhitespace : Bool {
return self.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty
And since I'm also a .NET developer and like the methods Any, All etc. I've also created an extension for the Array type, which lets me check a condition for every element in the array, leveraging the reduce function:
extension Array {
func all(test: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
return self.reduce(true) { $0 && test($1) }
Then you can combine these two to get a fairly nice syntax, which is also fairly performant, since it "breaks" when it stumbles upon an element that does not comply with the provided test (using a for instead of reduce would probably be even more efficient).
let strings1 = [" ", "", "\t"]
print(strings1.all { $0.isEmptyOrWhitespace }) // true
print(strings1.all { !$0.isEmptyOrWhitespace }) // false
By printing within the test, you can see it no longer executes the tests for elements when it finds the first non-compliant one.
let strings2 = [" ", "x", "\t"]
print(strings2.all(test: { (str) -> Bool in
let e = str.isEmptyOrWhitespace
print ("[\(str)]: \(e)")
return e
[ ]: true
[x]: false


How to check if a specific array element contains a specific word?

This function aims to take an array of strings and sort them into two separate arrays—one with elements that contain the word "gold" and one with elements that do not.
The error I get is on line 7 "if i.contains("gold") {". What is the proper way to execute this?
func findgold(_ list: [String]) -> (gold: [String], nogold: [String]) {
var gold = [String]()
var nogold = [String]()
for i in list {
if i.contains("gold") {
} else {
return (gold, nogold)
print(findgold(["golden glove", "mold", "ladder", "gold nugget", "taco"]))
contains method was introduced in Swift 3.
Here is solution for Swift 2:
if i.contains("gold") {
if i.rangeOfString("gold") != nil {

Trim only trailing whitespace from end of string in Swift 3

Every example of trimming strings in Swift remove both leading and trailing whitespace, but how can only trailing whitespace be removed?
For example, if I have a string:
" example "
How can I end up with:
" example"
Every solution I've found shows trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespaces), but I want to retain the leading whitespace.
RegEx is a possibility, or a range can be derived to determine index of characters to remove, but I can't seem to find an elegant solution for this.
With regular expressions:
let string = " example "
let trimmed = string.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\s+$", with: "", options: .regularExpression)
print(">" + trimmed + "<")
// > example<
\s+ matches one or more whitespace characters, and $ matches
the end of the string.
In Swift 4 & Swift 5
This code will also remove trailing new lines.
It works based on a Character struct's method .isWhitespace
var trailingSpacesTrimmed: String {
var newString = self
while newString.last?.isWhitespace == true {
newString = String(newString.dropLast())
return newString
This short Swift 3 extension of string uses the .anchored and .backwards option of rangeOfCharacter and then calls itself recursively if it needs to loop. Because the compiler is expecting a CharacterSet as the parameter, you can just supply the static when calling, e.g. "1234 ".trailing(.whitespaces) will return "1234". (I've not done timings, but would expect faster than regex.)
extension String {
func trailingTrim(_ characterSet : CharacterSet) -> String {
if let range = rangeOfCharacter(from: characterSet, options: [.anchored, .backwards]) {
return self.substring(to: range.lowerBound).trailingTrim(characterSet)
return self
In Foundation you can get ranges of indices matching a regular expression. You can also replace subranges. Combining this, we get:
import Foundation
extension String {
func trimTrailingWhitespace() -> String {
if let trailingWs = self.range(of: "\\s+$", options: .regularExpression) {
return self.replacingCharacters(in: trailingWs, with: "")
} else {
return self
You can also have a mutating version of this:
import Foundation
extension String {
mutating func trimTrailingWhitespace() {
if let trailingWs = self.range(of: "\\s+$", options: .regularExpression) {
self.replaceSubrange(trailingWs, with: "")
If we match against \s* (as Martin R. did at first) we can skip the if let guard and force-unwrap the optional since there will always be a match. I think this is nicer since it's obviously safe, and remains safe if you change the regexp. I did not think about performance.
Handy String extension In Swift 4
extension String {
func trimmingTrailingSpaces() -> String {
var t = self
while t.hasSuffix(" ") {
t = "" + t.dropLast()
return t
mutating func trimmedTrailingSpaces() {
self = self.trimmingTrailingSpaces()
Swift 4
extension String {
var trimmingTrailingSpaces: String {
if let range = rangeOfCharacter(from: .whitespacesAndNewlines, options: [.anchored, .backwards]) {
return String(self[..<range.lowerBound]).trimmingTrailingSpaces
return self
Demosthese's answer is a useful solution to the problem, but it's not particularly efficient. This is an upgrade to their answer, extending StringProtocol instead, and utilizing Substring to remove the need for repeated copying.
extension StringProtocol {
var trailingSpacesTrimmed: Self.SubSequence {
var view = self[...]
while view.last?.isWhitespace == true {
view = view.dropLast()
return view
No need to create a new string when dropping from the end each time.
extension String {
func trimRight() -> String {
String(reversed().drop { $0.isWhitespace }.reversed())
This operates on the collection and only converts the result back into a string once.
It's a little bit hacky :D
let message = " example "
var trimmed = ("s" + message).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
trimmed = trimmed.substring(from: trimmed.index(after: trimmed.startIndex))
Without regular expression there is not direct way to achieve that.Alternatively you can use the below function to achieve your required result :
func removeTrailingSpaces(with spaces : String) -> String{
var spaceCount = 0
for characters in spaces.characters{
if characters == " "{
print("Space Encountered")
spaceCount = spaceCount + 1
var finalString = ""
let duplicateString = spaces.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
while spaceCount != 0 {
finalString = finalString + " "
spaceCount = spaceCount - 1
return (finalString + duplicateString)
You can use this function by following way :-
let str = " Himanshu "
print(removeTrailingSpaces(with : str))
One line solution with Swift 4 & 5
As a beginner in Swift and iOS programming I really like #demosthese's solution above with the while loop as it's very easy to understand. However the example code seems longer than necessary. The following uses essentially the same logic but implements it as a single line while loop.
// Remove trailing spaces from myString
while myString.last == " " { myString = String(myString.dropLast()) }
This can also be written using the .isWhitespace property, as in #demosthese's solution, as follows:
while myString.last?.isWhitespace == true { myString = String(myString.dropLast()) }
This has the benefit (or disadvantage, depending on your point of view) that this removes all types of whitespace, not just spaces but (according to Apple docs) also including newlines, and specifically the following characters:
“ “ (U+0020 SPACE)
Note: Even though .isWhitespace is a Boolean it can't be used directly in the while loop as it ends up being optional ? due to the chaining of the optional .last property, which returns nil if the String (or collection) is empty. The == true logic gets around this since nil != true.
I'd love to get some feedback on this, esp. in case anyone sees any issues or drawbacks with this simple single line approach.
Swift 5
extension String {
func trimTrailingWhiteSpace() -> String {
guard self.last == " " else { return self }
var tmp = self
repeat {
tmp = String(tmp.dropLast())
} while tmp.last == " "
return tmp

How to find if a string contains all the characters of a string for live searching in Swift?

I'm trying to implement search inside my app that I'm making. I have an array that I'm trying to search and I find this code online:
func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String) {
filteredCandies = candies.filter({( candy : Candies) -> Bool in
if == true {
return true
} else {
return false
The issue is that the database that I'm trying to implement search on has text that is all scrambled because it was supposed to shortened. How can I make it so that the search will check if all the letters are there instead of searching exactly the right name. Example of object from database (USDA): CRAB, DUNGINESS, RAW
If you have an answer, please make it fast enough for live searching. Non live searching makes searching terrible (at least for me)!
I'm using Swift 2.2 and Xcode 7
As an improvement to #appzYourLife's solution, you could do this with a native Swift Set, as a counted set isn't necessarily needed in this case. This will save having to map(_:) over the characters of each name and bridging them to Objective-C. You can now just use a set of Characters, as they're Hashable.
For example:
struct Candy {
let name: String
let candies = [Candy(name: "CRAB"), Candy(name: "DUNGINESS"), Candy(name: "RAW")]
var filteredCandies = [Candy]()
func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String) {
let searchCharacters = Set(searchText.lowercaseString.characters)
filteredCandies = candies.filter {Set($}
print(filteredCandies) // [Candy(name: "CRAB"), Candy(name: "RAW")]
print(filteredCandies) // Candy(name: "DUNGINESS")]
Also depending on whether you can identify this as a performance bottleneck (you should do some profiling first) – you could potentially optimise the above further by caching the sets containing the characters of your 'candy' names, saving from having to recreate them at each search (although you'll have to ensure that they're updated if you update your candies data).
When you come to search, you can then use zip(_:_:) and flatMap(_:) in order to filter out the corresponding candies.
let candies = [Candy(name: "CRAB"), Candy(name: "DUNGINESS"), Candy(name: "RAW")]
// cached sets of (lowercased) candy name characters
let candyNameCharacterSets = {Set($}
var filteredCandies = [Candy]()
func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String) {
let searchCharacters = Set(searchText.lowercaseString.characters)
filteredCandies = zip(candyNameCharacterSets, candies).flatMap {$0.isSupersetOf(searchCharacters) ? $1 : nil}
First of all a block of code like this
if someCondition == true {
return true
} else {
return false
can also be written this ways
return someCondition
right? :)
So your original code would look like this
func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String) {
filteredCandies = candies.filter { $ }
Scrambled search
Now, given a string A, your want to know if another string B contains all the character of A right?
For this we need CountedSet which is available from Swift 3. Since you are using Swift 2.2 we'll use the old NSCountedSet but some bridging to Objective-C is needed.
Here's the code.
struct Candy {
let name: String
let candies = [Candy]()
var filteredCandies = [Candy]()
func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String) {
let keywordChars = NSCountedSet(array:Array(searchText.lowercaseString.characters).map { String($0) })
filteredCandies = candies.filter {
let candyChars = NSCountedSet(array:Array($ { String($0) }) as Set<NSObject>
return keywordChars.isSubsetOfSet(candyChars)
Swift 3 code update :
func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String, scope: String = "All") {
filteredCandies = candies.filter { candy in

Swift filter array of objects

class book{
var nameOfBook: String!
var englishBooks=[book(),book(),book()]
var arr = englishBooks.filter {
contains($0.nameOfBook, "rt")
I'm using this filter but with error cannot invoke filter with an argument
contains() checks if a sequence contains a given element, e.g.
if a String contains a given Character.
If your intention is to find all books where the name contains the substring "rt", then you can use rangeOfString():
var arr = englishBooks.filter {
$0.nameOfBook.rangeOfString("rt") != nil
or for case-insensitive comparison:
var arr = englishBooks.filter {
$0.nameOfBook.rangeOfString("rt", options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch) != nil
As of Swift 2, you can use
nameOfBook.containsString("rt") // or
and in Swift 3 this is
nameOfBook.contains("rt") // or
nameOfBook.localizedStandardContains("rt") // or
nameOfBook.range(of: "rt", options: .caseInsensitive) != nil
Sorry this is an old thread. Change you code slightly to properly init your variable 'nameOfBook'.
class book{
var nameOfBook: String!
init(name: String) {
nameOfBook = name
Then we can create an array of books.
var englishBooks = [book(name: "Big Nose"), book(name: "English Future
Prime Minister"), book(name: "Phenomenon")]
The array's 'filter' function takes one argument and some logics, 'contains' function can take a simplest form of a string you are searching for.
let list1 = englishBooks.filter { (name) -> Bool in
You can then print out list1 like so:
let list2 ={ (book) -> String in
return book.nameOfBook
// print ["English Future Prime Minister"]
Above two snippets can be written short hand like so:
let list3 = englishBooks.filter{ ($0.nameOfBook.contains("English")) }
In order to filter objects and get resultant array you can use this
self.resultArray = self.upcomingAuctions.filter {
$0.auctionStatus == "waiting"
in case you want to delete an interval of object which has specific IDs (matchIDsToDelete) from an array of object (matches)
var matches = [Match]
var matchIDsToDelete = [String]
matches = matches.filter { !matchIDsToDelete.contains($0.matchID) }
2020 | SWIFT 5.1:
short answer:
books.filter { $0.alias.range(of: filterStr, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil }
long sample:
public filterStr = ""
public var books: [Book] = []
public var booksFiltered: [Book] {
get {
(filterStr.isEmpty )
? books
: books.filter { $0.alias.range(of: filterStr, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil }
I think this is more useful for lack of wrong typing situation.
englishBooks.filter( { $0.nameOfBook.range(of: searchText, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil}
In Swift 4.2 use the remove(where:) functionality. filter isn't doing well with memory, remove(where:) does the job better.
To do what you want:
englishBooks.removeAll { !$0.nameOfBook.contains("English") }

What's the best way to convert String into [Character] in Swift?

I would like to run a filter on a string. My first attempt failed as string is not automagically converted to Character[].
var s: String = "abc"
s.filter { $0 != "b" }
If I clumsily convert the String to Character[] with following code, it works as expected. But surely there has to be a neater way?
var cs:Character[] = []
for c in s {
cs = cs + [c]
cs = cs.filter { $0 != "b" }
String conforms to the CollectionType protocol, so you can pass it directly to the function forms of map and filter without converting it at all:
let cs = filter(s) { $0 != "f" }
cs here is an Array of Characters. You can turn it into a String by using the String(seq:) initializer, which constructs a String from any SequenceType of Characters. (SequenceType is a protocol that all lists conform to; for loops use them, among many other things.)
let filteredString = String(seq: cs)
Of course, you can just as easily put those two things in one statement:
let filteredString = String(seq: filter(s) { $0 != "f" })
Or, if you want to make a convenience filter method like the one on Array, you can use an extension:
extension String {
func filter(includeElement: Character -> Bool) -> String {
return String(seq: Swift.filter(self, includeElement))
(You write it "Swift.filter" so the compiler doesn't think you're trying to recursively call the filter method you're currently writing.)
As long as we're hiding how the filtering is performed, we might as well use a lazy filter, which should avoid constructing the temporary array at all:
extension String {
func filter(includeElement: Character -> Bool) -> String {
return String(seq: lazy(self).filter(includeElement))
I don't know of a built in way to do it, but you could write your own filter method for String:
extension String {
func filter(f: (Character) -> Bool) -> String {
var ret = ""
for character in self {
if (f(character)) {
ret += character
return ret
If you don't want to use an extension you could do this:
Array(s).filter({ $0 != "b" }).reduce("", combine: +)
You can use this syntax:
var chars = Character[]("abc")
I'm not 100% sure if the result is an array of Characters or not but works for my use case.
var str = "abc"
var chars = Character[](str)
var result = { char in "char is \(char)" }
The easiest way to convert a char to string is using the backslash (), for example I have a function to reverse a string, like so.
var identityNumber:String = id
for char in identityNumber{
reversedString = "\(char)" + reversedString