Ignoring blank lines in Sublimerge - merge

I'm loving sublimerge. But after looking through the docs I can't find any way to ignore blank lines.
In the image below, you can see a difference indicated by the green and pink arrows. The description just says "Right Line Missing". As you can see, the only difference here is that the file on the right does not have this blank line.
How can I make sublimerge ignore these blank lines? I've tried just removing all the blank lines in each file using search and replace in sublime and then running sublimerge, and that works.. but this isn't the optimal solution for me as I like having blank lines in between functions, etc.


How can I go to red line of error in Eclipse?

My question is if there is any command that allows me to go to the red error line in Eclipse. For example, I am in line 1 of my file and there is an error in line 1200 – is there any way to go directly to that line? (Obviously, I don't know the line number, so I don't use ctrl + L.)
As the commenter said, you can do this from the problems view, but there are ways to navigate somewhat efficiently in the source view.
While your cursor is in a file in the source view, the function "next" might be bound to "Ctrl+." (control-period). This is implemented in various scopes to do different things, but in the source view, it goes to the next "issue" in the file. If your only issue in the file is the error, then that keypress will bring you to that line.
In addition, the right-hand margin of the source view contains a column that spans the entire file. If there is an error on a line, you'll see a red horizontal block in that column. The height of the block would likely be relative to the size of the file. You can click on points in that column to go to that portion of the file, so if you click on the red mark, it will land close to that line.

Line wrapping TeX from Visual Studio Code

I'm seeking a command that when I highlight a paragraph of text in Visual Studio Code will let me remove all line breaks, and correspondingly a command that if I highlight a paragraph without line breaks will insert them at the end of the display width.
It wont be enough to just use Alt-Z because that just makes the display show the line wrapping but doesn't actually insert the line breaks.
For context: I'm using a VS Code latex plugin which is a compiled text editor format. Errors in this system trace back to line numbers so if you don't have line breaks you have to hunt down the error somewhere in a large paragraph. But of course this being a text document there you often have to edit paragraphs and end-of-lines become jagged and hard to read/update.
You can set this behavior searching for "Word Wrap" in the settings. Set to "on" to wrap the words.
Found a solution, maybe it will help someone in the future.: install "rewrap" extension. Select portion of text, and use Alt-q. Seems to work like Emacs' M-q command. (Thx Grant)

Changing the default display of line breaks in search window?

I recently switched from Textwrangler to BBEdit. I use these editors to perform large multi-file GREP-search mainly. But in BBEdit I noticed that line breaks automatically get converted to \n in the search window, and that makes in very hard for me to get an overview of the search I'm about to perform, when everything is on one line.
When I copy a text with line breaks, for example
and paste it in the search window, it looks like this:
In TextWrangler I was able to see the line breaks as line breaks, not \n. How can I change that in BBEdit?

Trouble Removing Highlight from Bullet Points and Numbered Lists

I edited a document from a client with some highlights then later decided to remove the highlights for comments instead.
For whatever reason, the document highlighted a number of bullet point and numbered list sections which I could not revert when I attempted to select the entire document and change the highlighting to 'No Fill'.
The highlighted bullet point/number lists did not allow me to select them to revert.
Searches on Google seemed to result in a ton of convoluted "[Solved]" responses on their forum which didn't fix the issue for me (or resulted in a TLDR response from my brain...):
Google Search: open office remove highlight bullet lists
[Solved] Yellow highlighting won't go away
[Solved] Bullet highlighting will not go away.
[Solved] Surprise Yellow Highlighting on Bullets & Numbers
Permanently highlighted bullets.
[Solved] Oddities Involving Bullets/Outlines & Font Styles
[Solved] Bullet color
Seriously... what the heck!? How can this be so hard? So I decided this issue needed some serious StackOverflow help...
Version info:
Apache OpenOffice-4.1.4
AOO414m5(Build:9788) - Rev. 1811857
2017-10-11 20:12
So after all that...
I figured it out. But its still crazy how it's not answered very clearly in the resources above... I hope this helps someone not spend as much time on this in the future.
If you double-click the first bullet/number of the list... it appears to select the first word of the first item of the list, BUT you'll see that it also selects the list bullets/numbers with a dark gray highlight.
Now selected, you can remove the highlight from the list.
Selecting all of the document doesn't select the numbered/bulleted lists.
Well, most of this solutions didnt helped me.
But I found a simple way to fix it:
Select Highlight option.
Position to the left of the bullet until the cursor converts to a white arrow.
One click to highlight entire text line. One click again to un-highlight the entire text line (including the bullet).
Select the highlighted area, rather "highlight" the highlighted area and press CTRL+Q, it is a paragraph formatting issue and this should remove all formatting from the selected area.
The answers above didn't work. Try this (mouse-select means left-click and drag the selection of words, aka highlighting but wanted to avoid confusion):
Turn on paragraph marks ¶ in Word
Add a clean paragraph before the highlighted-bullet sentence. (Clean means it's unbulleted, without colour highlight, unformatted)
Mouse-select the entire bulleted sentence containing the highlighted bullet. Make sure the selection also goes left before the highlighted bullet to include the clean paragraph above it i.e. your selection should include the ''¶'' mark of the clean paragraph you created in 2.
Apply white/clear/no-colour highlighting.
It's actually pretty simple though I was having trouble with it myself. Just select all the items of that particular bulleted/numbered list and highlight them. Then select the items again and remove the highlight. Doing that removed the highlights from the bullets too for me.
Super frustrating but here's the fix that's always worked for me (even with .doc or .docx file):
Double click the bulleted/numbered list item so they all highlight
Ctrl + Spacebar (resets character formatting)
Apply any needed formatting (font type, bold, etc.)
This will keep the formatting on the paragraph (indents, header type, etc.) but will just allow you to change the format of the actual text that is highlighted - which is likely all you want.
Hope that works for you!
The highlighted text in the paragraph that you have highlighted past the period id causing this issue. If you want to keep the last sentence highlighted but remove the highlight bullet just remove highlight on the period at the end of the paragraph and the highlighted bullet goes away :)
(If you can) Start from above, add in a new clean bullet point, copy/paste the desired text from the problematic highlighted bullet point, then delete the problematic highlighted bullet point altogether.

Comparing files in eclipse show same whitespaces as different

Why does the compare files in Eclipse show difference between an identical line that starts and/or stops with white spaces?
Why would anyone ever want this "feature" anyway, all lines become marked as different. Must be a bug.
I know I can use the ignore white spaces setting, but then it ignores the differens in block indentation as well and I don't want that.
Forgot to answer this one.
It was an extra carriage return on one side (PC newline, and the other had Mac/*nix), that would make it ignore the "ignore whitespace" setting for those lines.