Get the 5 most similar images - classification

I would like to compare which are the 5 most similar images to an input image.
To do this I thought to use the SIFT (VLFeat library) and compare the respective descriptors.
So I use the vl_ubcmatch (doc here) method to calculate the similarity measurement between the images.
This is the code:
path_dir = './img/';
imgs = dir(path_dir);
imgs = imgs(3 : end);
numImgs = size(imgs);
numImgs = numImgs(1);
path1 = './img/car01.jpg';
Ia = imread(path1);
Ia = single(rgb2gray(Ia));
[fa, da] = vl_sift(Ia);
results = struct;
m = 0;
j = 1; % indice dell'img (del for)
for img = imgs'
path = strcat(path_dir,;
if(strcmp(path1, path) == 0)
Ib = imread(path);
Ib = single(rgb2gray(Ib));
[fb, db] = vl_sift(Ib);
[matches, scores] = vl_ubcmatch(da, db);
s = sum(scores);
[r, c] = size(scores);
m = s ./ c;
results(j).measure = m;
results(j).img = path;
j = j + 1;
As you can see from the code, I thought I would use the mean as a measure of similarity but the results I get are not satisfactory (for example, it tells me that the input image of a cup is more similar to a tree than another cup).
According to you, is it better to have more equal descriptors but with low similar or less similar descriptors but with greater similarity?
I have 50 images of 5 different categories (cups, trees, people, tables and cars) and, given an image as input, the program will return the 5 most similar images to it and preferably belonging to the same category.
What measurement can I use instead of the mean to get a more precise classification?

According to your code you measure the similarity between image (Ia) and all other images (Ib). Therefore you compare the SIFT descriptors of Ia with those of all Ib's - which gives you a list of feature matches for each image pair (matches) and the Euclidean distance of each feature pair (scores).
Now using the mean of all scores of an image pair as a measure of similarity is not a very robust approach because an image pair with only one feature match could (by chance) lead to a better "similarity" than an image pair with many features - which I guess is an unrealistic solution for your task.
Concerning your question it is always better to have meaningful/robust descriptors, even if there are only a few (of course the more the better!), than having a lot of meaningless descriptors.
Proposal: why don't you just count the number of inliers (= number of feature matches for each image pair, numel(matches))?
With this it should give more inliers between images of the same object than different objects, so taking those pairs which have the 5 most inliers should be the most similar ones.
If you just want to distinguish a cup from a tree it should work. If your classification task is getting more difficult and you need to distinguish different types of trees, SIFT is not the best algorithm to use. A learning approach will give better results... but depends on your task.


How to perform fuzzy clustering method on Qualitative Bankruptcy dataset

We are required to build a fuzzy system with MATLAB on Qualitative_Bankruptcy Data Set and we were advised to implement Fuzzy Clustering Method on it.
There are 7 attributes (6+1) on the dataset (250 instances) and each independent attribute has 3 possible values, which are Positive, Average, and Negative. Please refer to the dataset for more.
From our understanding, clustering is about grouping instances that exhibit similar properties by calculating the distances between the parameters. So the data could be like this. Picture below is just a dummy data, not relevant to my project.
The question is, how is it possible to implement a cluster analysis on a dataset like this.
Since you asked about fuzzy clustering, you are contradicting yourself.
In fuzzy clustering, every object belongs to every cluster, just to a varying degree (the cluster assignment is "fuzzy").
It's mostly used with numerical data, where you can assume the measurements are not precise either, but come with a fuzzy error, too. So I don't think it makes as much sense on categoricial data.
Now categoricial data tends to cluster really bad beyond counting duplicates. It just has a too coarse resolution. People do all kind of crazy hacks like running k-means on dummy variables, and never seem to question what they actually compute/optimize by doing this. Nor test their result...
Well, let's start from reading your data:
close all;
opts = detectImportOptions('');
opts.DataLine = 1;
opts.MissingRule = 'omitrow';
opts.VariableNamesLine = 0;
opts.VariableNames = {'IR' 'MR' 'FF' 'CR' 'CO' 'OR' 'Class'};
opts.VariableTypes = repmat({'categorical'},1,7);
opts = setvaropts(opts,'Categories',{'P' 'A' 'N'});
opts = setvaropts(opts,'Class','Categories',{'B' 'NB'});
data = readtable('',opts);
data = rmmissing(data);
data_len = height(data);
Now, since the kmeans function (reference here) accepts only numeric values, we need to convert a table of categorical values into a matrix:
x = double(table2array(data));
And finally, we apply the function:
[idx,c] = kmeans(x,number_of_clusters);
Now comes the problem. The k-means clustering can be performed using a wide variety of distance measures together with a wide variety of options. You have to play with those parameters in order to obtain the clustering that better approximates your available output.
Since k-means clustering organizes your data into n clusters, this means that your output defines more than 3 clusters because 46 + 71 + 61 = 178... and since your data contains 250 observations, 72 of them are assigned to one or more clusters that are unknown to me (and maybe to you too).
If you want to replicate that output, or to find the clustering that better approximate your output... you have to find, if available, an algorithm that minimize the error... or alternatively you can try to brute-force it, for example:
% ...
x = double(table2array(data));
cl1_targ = 46;
cl2_targ = 71;
cl3_targ = 61;
dist = {'sqeuclidean' 'cityblock' 'cosine' 'correlation'};
res = cell(16,3);
res_off = 1;
for i = 1:numel(dist)
dist_curr = dist{i};
for j = 3:6
idx = kmeans(x,j,'Distance',dist_curr); % start parameter needed
cl1 = sum(idx == 1);
cl2 = sum(idx == 2);
cl3 = sum(idx == 3);
err = abs(cl1 - cl1_targ) + abs(cl2 - cl2_targ) + abs(cl3 - cl3_targ);
res(res_off,:) = {dist_curr j err};
res_off = res_off + 1;
[min_val,min_idx] = min([res{:,3}]);
best = res(min_idx,1:2);
Don't forget to remember that the kmeans function uses a randomly-chosen starting configuration... so it will end up delivering different solutions for different starting points. Define fixed starting points (means) using the Start parameter, otherwise a different result will be produced every time your run the kmeans function.

HOG features MATLAB visualization code

I found here How are HoG features represented graphically? code to visualize HOG features; it is done by 2 files in, visualizeHOG.m and
HOGpicture.m that is
(below code is released under an MIT license)
function im = HOGpicture(w, bs)
% Make picture of positive HOG weights.
% im = HOGpicture(w, bs)
% construct a "glyph" for each orientation
bim1 = zeros(bs, bs);
bim1(:,round(bs/2):round(bs/2)+1) = 1;
bim = zeros([size(bim1) 9]);
bim(:,:,1) = bim1;
for i = 2:9,
bim(:,:,i) = imrotate(bim1, -(i-1)*20, 'crop');
% make pictures of positive weights bs adding up weighted glyphs
s = size(w);
w(w < 0) = 0;
im = zeros(bs*s(1), bs*s(2));
for i = 1:s(1),
iis = (i-1)*bs+1:i*bs;
for j = 1:s(2),
jjs = (j-1)*bs+1:j*bs;
for k = 1:9,
im(iis,jjs) = im(iis,jjs) + bim(:,:,k) * w(i,j,k);
I don't undestand what is the bs parameter and what means..anycan can help me?
If you looking for visualizing HOG, you can have a look here,
It was recently published in iccv 2013
If you want to visualize HOG features, then use VLFeat (there is a option called render which allows you to do this). The ICCV paper mentioned in the answer below reconstructs HOG features into an image. It tries to show you, "what computers would have seen"? Both are different, you may want to try both.
bs stands for bin size. Usually 8x8 (therefore, bs=8) is used but you should know what was the value of the bin size because that is a necessary parameter in computing HOG itself.
The extractHOGFeatures function in the Computer Vision System Toolbox for MATLAB optionally returns a visualization object that lets you visualize the features.

Bag of words not correctly labeling responses

I am trying to implement Bag of Words in opencv and has come with the implementation below. I am using Caltech 101 database. However, since its my first time and not being familiar, I have planned to used two image sets from the database, the chair image set and the soccer ball image set. I have coded for the svm using this.
Everything went allright, except when I call classifier.predict(descriptor) , I do not get the label vale as intended. I always get a0 instead of '1', irrespective of my test image. The number of images in the chair dataset is 10 and in the soccer ball dataset is 10. I labelled chair as 0 and soccer ball as 1 . The links represent the samples of each categories, the top 10 is of chairs, the bottom 10 is of soccer balls
function hello
clear all; close all; clc;
detector = cv.FeatureDetector('SURF');
extractor = cv.DescriptorExtractor('SURF');
links = {
N = numel(links);
trainer = cv.BOWKMeansTrainer(100);
train = struct('val',repmat({' '},N,1),'img',cell(N,1), 'pts',cell(N,1), 'feat',cell(N,1));
for i=1:N
train(i).val = links{i};
train(i).img = imread(links{i});
if ndims(train(i).img > 2)
train(i).img = rgb2gray(train(i).img);
train(i).pts = detector.detect(train(i).img);
train(i).feat = extractor.compute(train(i).img,train(i).pts);
for i=1:N
dictionary = trainer.cluster();
extractor = cv.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor('SURF','BruteForce');
for i=1:N
desc(i,:) = extractor.compute(train(i).img,train(i).pts);
a = zeros(1,10)';
b = ones(1,10)';
labels = [a;b];
classifier = cv.SVM;
test_im =rgb2gray(imread('D:\ball1.jpg'));
test_pts = detector.detect(test_im);
test_feat = extractor.compute(test_im,test_pts);
val = classifier.predict(test_feat);
disp('Value is: ')
These are my test samples:
Soccer Ball
Searching through this site I think that my algorithm is okay, even though I am not quite confident about it. If anybody can help me in finding the bug, it will be appreciable.
Following Amro's code , this was my result:
Distribution of classes:
Value Count Percent
1 62 49.21%
2 64 50.79%
Number of training instances = 61
Number of testing instances = 65
Number of keypoints detected = 38845
Codebook size = 100
SVM model parameters:
svm_type: 'C_SVC'
kernel_type: 'RBF'
degree: 0
gamma: 0.5063
coef0: 0
C: 62.5000
nu: 0
p: 0
class_weights: 0
term_crit: [1x1 struct]
Confusion matrix:
ans =
29 1
1 34
Accuracy = 96.92 %
Your logic looks fine to me.
Now I guess you'll have to tweak the various parameters if you want to improve the classification accuracy. This includes the clustering algorithm parameters (such as the vocabulary size, clusters initialization, termination criteria, etc..), the SVM parameters (kernel type, the C coefficient, ..), the local features algorithm used (SIFT, SURF, ..).
Ideally, whenever you want to perform parameter selection, you ought to use cross-validation. Some methods already have such mechanism embedded (CvSVM::train_auto for instance), but for the most part you'll have to do this manually...
Finally you should follow general machine learning guidelines; see the whole bias-variance tradeoff dilemma. The online Coursera ML class discusses this topic in detail in week 6, and explains how to perform error analysis and use learning curves to decide what to try next (do we need to add more instances, increase model complexity, and so on..).
With that said, I wrote my own version of the code. You might wanna compare it with your code:
% dataset of images
% I previously saved them as: chair1.jpg, ..., ball1.jpg, ball2.jpg, ...
d = [
dir(fullfile('images','chair*.jpg')) ;
% local-features algorithm used
detector = cv.FeatureDetector('SURF');
extractor = cv.DescriptorExtractor('SURF');
% extract local features from images
t = struct();
for i=1:numel(d)
% load image as grayscale
img = imread(fullfile('images', d(i).name));
if ~ismatrix(img), img = rgb2gray(img); end
% extract local features
pts = detector.detect(img);
feat = extractor.compute(img, pts);
% store along with class label
t(i).img = img;
t(i).class = find(strncmp(d(i).name,{'chair','ball'},4));
t(i).pts = pts;
t(i).feat = feat;
% split into training/testing sets
% (a better way would be to use cvpartition from Statistics toolbox)
disp('Distribution of classes:')
tTrain = t([1:7 11:17]);
tTest = t([8:10 18:20]);
fprintf('Number of training instances = %d\n', numel(tTrain));
fprintf('Number of testing instances = %d\n', numel(tTest));
% build visual vocabulary (by clustering training descriptors)
K = 100;
bowTrainer = cv.BOWKMeansTrainer(K, 'Attempts',5, 'Initialization','PP');
clust = bowTrainer.cluster(vertcat(tTrain.feat));
fprintf('Number of keypoints detected = %d\n', numel([tTrain.pts]));
fprintf('Codebook size = %d\n', K);
% compute histograms of visual words for each training image
bowExtractor = cv.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor('SURF', 'BruteForce');
M = zeros(numel(tTrain), K);
for i=1:numel(tTrain)
M(i,:) = bowExtractor.compute(tTrain(i).img, tTrain(i).pts);
labels = vertcat(tTrain.class);
% train an SVM model (perform paramter selection using cross-validation)
svm = cv.SVM();
svm.train_auto(M, labels, 'SvmType','C_SVC', 'KernelType','RBF');
disp('SVM model parameters:'); disp(svm.Params)
% evaluate classifier using testing images
actual = vertcat(tTest.class);
pred = zeros(size(actual));
for i=1:numel(tTest)
descs = bowExtractor.compute(tTest(i).img, tTest(i).pts);
pred(i) = svm.predict(descs);
% report performance
disp('Confusion matrix:')
confusionmat(actual, pred)
fprintf('Accuracy = %.2f %%\n', 100*nnz(pred==actual)./numel(pred));
Here are the output:
Distribution of classes:
Value Count Percent
1 10 50.00%
2 10 50.00%
Number of training instances = 14
Number of testing instances = 6
Number of keypoints detected = 6300
Codebook size = 100
SVM model parameters:
svm_type: 'C_SVC'
kernel_type: 'RBF'
degree: 0
gamma: 0.5063
coef0: 0
C: 312.5000
nu: 0
p: 0
class_weights: []
term_crit: [1x1 struct]
Confusion matrix:
ans =
3 0
1 2
Accuracy = 83.33 %
So the classifier correctly labels 5 out of 6 images from the test set, which is not bad for a start :) Obviously you'll get different results each time you run the code due to the inherent randomness of the clustering step.
What is the number of images you are using to build your dictionary i.e. what is N? From your code, it seems that you are only using a 10 images (those listed in links). I hope this list is truncated down for this post else that would be too few. Typically you need in the order of 1000 or much more images to build the dictionary and the images need not be restricted to only these 2 classes that you are classifying. Otherwise, with only 10 images and 100 clusters your dictionary is likely to be messed up.
Also, you might want to use SIFT as a first choice as it tends to perform better than the other descriptors.
Lastly, you can also debug by checking the detected keypoints. You can get OpenCV to draw the keypoints. Sometimes your keypoint detector parameters are not set properly, resulting in too few keypoints getting detected, which in turn gives poor feature vectors.
To understand more about the BOW algorithm, you can take a look at these posts here and here. The second post has a link to a free pdf for an O'Reilley book on computer vision using python. The BOW model (and other useful stuff) is described in more details inside that book.
Hope this helps.

Matlab: Avoid for-loop by using clever matrix indexing & find? How?

I've been getting into Matlab more and more lately and another question came up during my latest project.
I generate several rectangles (or meshs) within an overall boundary.
These meshs can have varying spacings/intervals.
I do so, because I want to decrease the mesh/pixel resolution of certain areas of a digital elevation model. So far, everything works fine.
But because the rectangles can be chosen in a GUI, it might happen that the rectangles overlap. This overlap is what I want to find, and remove. Would they have the same spacing, e.g. rectangle 1&2 would look something like this:
[t1x, t1y] = meshgrid(1:1:9,1:1:9);
[t2x, t2y] = meshgrid(7:1:15,7:1:15);
[t3x, t3y] = meshgrid(5:1:17,7:1:24);
In this case, I could just use unique, to find the overlapping areas.
However, they look more like this:
[t1x, t1y] = meshgrid(1:2:9,1:2:9);
[t2x, t2y] = meshgrid(7:3:15,7:3:15);
[t3x, t3y] = meshgrid(5:4:17,7:4:24);
Therefore, unique cannot be applied, because mesh 1 might very well overlap with mesh 2 without having the same nodes. For convenience and further processing, all rectangles / meshes are brought into column notation and put in one result matrix within my code:
result = [[t1x(:), t1y(:)]; [t2x(:), t2y(:)]; [t3x(:), t3y(:)]];
Now I was thinking about using 2 nested for-loops to solve this problem, sth like this (which does not quite work yet):
res = zeros(length(result),1);
for i=1:length(result)
currX = result(i,1);
currY = result(i,2);
for j=1:length(result)
if result(j,1)< currX < result(j+1,1) && result(j,2)< currY < result(j+1,2)
res(j) = 1;
BUT: First of all, this does not quite work yet, because I get an out of bounds error due to length(result)=j+1 and moreover, res(j) = 1 seems to get overwritten by the loop.
But this was just for testing and demonstratin anyway.
Because the meshes shown here are just examples, and the ones I use are fairly big, the result Matrix contains up to 2000x2000 = 4 mio nodes --> lenght(result) ~4mio.
Putting this into a nested for-loop running over the entire length will most likely kill my memory.
Therefore I was hoping to find a sophisticade solution which does not require a nested loop, but takes advantage of Matlabs find and clever matrix indexing.
I am not able to think of something, but was hoping to get help here.
Discussions and help is very much appreciated!
Here follows a quick stab (not extensively tested):
% Example meshes
[t1x, t1y] = meshgrid(1:2:9,1:2:9);
[t2x, t2y] = meshgrid(7:3:15,7:3:15);
% Group points for convenience
A = [t1x(:), t1y(:)];
B = [t2x(:), t2y(:)];
% Compare which points of A within edges of B (and viceversa)
idxA = A(:,1) >= B(1,1) & A(:,1) <= B(end,1) & A(:,2) >= B(1,2) & A(:,2) <= B(end,2);
idxB = B(:,1) >= A(1,1) & B(:,1) <= A(end,1) & B(:,2) >= A(1,2) & B(:,2) <= A(end,2);
% Plot result of identified points
plot(A(:,1),A(:,2), '*r')
hold on
plot(B(:,1),B(:,2), '*b')
plot([A(idxA,1); B(idxB,1)], [A(idxA,2); B(idxB,2)], 'sk')
I squared the points that were identified as overlapping:
Also, related to your question is this Puzzler: overlapping rectangles by Doug Hull of TMW.

Adjacency matrix from edge list (preferrably in Matlab)

I have a list of triads (vertex1, vertex2, weight) representing the edges of a weighted directed graph. Since prototype implementation is going on in Matlab, these are imported as a Nx3 matrix, where N is the number of edges. So the naive implementation of this is
id1 = L(:,1);
id2 = L(:,2);
weight = L(:,3);
m = max(max(id1, id2)) % to find the necessary size
V = zeros(m,m)
for i=1:m
V(id1(i),id2(i)) = weight(i)
The trouble with tribbles is that "id1" and "id2" are nonconsecutive; they're codes. This gives me three problems. (1) Huge matrices with way too many "phantom", spurious vertices, which distorts the results of algorithms to be used with that matrix and (2) I need to recover the codes in the results of said algorithms (suffice to say this would be trivial if id codes where consecutive 1:m).
Answers in Matlab are preferrable, but I think I can hack back from answers in other languages (as long as they're not pre-packaged solutions of the kind "R has a library that does this").
I'm new to StackOverflow, and I hope to be contributing meaningfully to the community soon. For the time being, thanks in advance!
Edit: This would be a solution, if we didn't have vertices at the origin of multiple vertices. (This implies a 1:1 match between the list of edge origins and the list of identities)
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
if id1(i) >0 & i2(j) > 0
V(i,j) = weight(i);
You can use the function sparse:
If your problem is that the node ID numbers are nonconsecutive, why not re-map them onto consecutive integers? All you need to do is create a dictionary of all unique node ID's and their correspondence to new IDs.
This is really no different to the case where you're asked to work with named nodes (Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark...) - you would map these onto consecutive integers first.
You can use GRP2IDX function to convert your id codes to consecutive numbers, and ids can be either numerical or not, does not matter. Just keep the mapping information.
[idx1, gname1, gmap1] = grp2idx(id1);
[idx2, gname2, gmap2] = grp2idx(id2);
You can recover the original ids with gmap1(idx1).
If your id1 and id2 are from the same set you can apply grp2idx to their union:
[idx, gname,gmap] = grp2idx([id1; id2]);
idx1 = idx(1:numel(id1));
idx2 = idx(numel(id1)+1:end);
For the reordering see a recent question - how to assign a set of coordinates in Matlab?
You can use ACCUMARRAY or SUB2IND to solve this problem.
V = accumarray([idx1 idx2], weight);
V = zeros(max(idx1),max(idx2)); %# or V = zeros(max(idx));
V(sub2ind(size(V),idx1,idx2)) = weight;
Confirm if you have non-unique combinations of id1 and id2. You will have to take care of that.
Here is another solution:
First put together all your vertex ids since there might a sink vertex in your graph:
v_id_from = edge_list(:,1);
v_id_to = edge_list(:,2);
v_id_all = [v_id_from; v_id_to];
Then find the unique vertex ids:
v_id_unique = unique(v_id_all);
Now you can use the ismember function to get the mapping between your vertex ids and their consecutive index mappings:
[~,from] = ismember(v_id_from, v_id_unique);
[~,to] = ismember(v_id_to, v_id_unique);
Now you can use sub2ind to populate your adjacency matrix:
adjacency_matrix = zeros(length(from), length(to));
linear_ind = sub2ind(size(adjacency_matrix), from, to);
adjacency_matrix(linear_ind) = edge_list(:,3);
You can always go back from the mapped consecutive id to the original vertex id:
original_vertex_id = v_id_unique(mapped_consecutive_id);
Hope this helps.
Your first solution is close to what you want. However it is probably best to iterate over your edge list instead of the adjacency matrix.
edge_indexes = edge_list(:, 1:2);
n_edges = max(edge_indexes(:));
adj_matrix = zeros(n_edges);
for local_edge = edge_list' %transpose in order to iterate by edge
adj_matrix(local_edge(1), local_edge(2)) = local_edge(3);