Execute single cucumber test case in a scenario outline using command line command - protractor

I want to execute single test case from a scenario outline using protractor.For example in the below Scenario Outline if I want to execute the test case TCID0002 alone, how I can run the test case TCID0002 using protractor?
Scenario Outline: Test
Given the user navigates to xxx.com
When the user searches for <product>
Then the current page is shopping cart page
|TCID | product|
|TCID0001|soap |
|TCID0002|watch |
|TCID0003|lipstick |
To run all the test case now I use
protractor Config.js --cucumberOpts.tags="#shopping"
Is there any command to execute single test case in the scenario outline ?

You can use tags on the examples table and splitting it into two tables. Then provide the #runone tag to tags option of cucumberOpts in config file.
|TCID | product|
|TCID0001|soap |
|TCID0002|watch |
|TCID0003|lipstick |
|TCID | product|
|TCID0002|watch |

Found solution to execute single test case in cucumber with a help of my team member.
To run single test case follow the below 2 steps
Step 1
Keep TCID in the scenario title as shown below
Scenario Outline: <TCID> test case to validate search
Given the user navigates to xxx.com
When the user searches for <product>
Then the current page is search result page
|TCID | product|
|TCID0001|soap |
|TCID0002|watch |
|TCID0003|lipstick |
Step 2
Use cucumberOpts.name in your command. 'cucumberOpts.name' will filter the scenarios which contain the given string in the scenario title.
--cucumberOpts.name="WAGCAR0002" will filter the WAGCAR0002 scenario alone.
The below command will execute the test case 'WAGCAR0002'
protractor Config/wagConfig.js --cucumberOpts.name="WAGCAR0002"


Aggregating Wildcards in Sumologic

I'm trying to aggregate the API logs based on the different endpoints I have. There are a total of 4 endpoints:
1: /v1/vehicle_locations
2: /v1/vehicle_locations/id
3: /v1/driver_locations
4: /v1/driver_locations/id
The way I'm currently doing this is:
_sourceCategory=production | keyvalue auto | where (path matches "/v1/driver_locations" OR path matches "/v1/driver_locations/*" or path matches "/v1/vehicle_locations" or path matches "/v1/vehicle_locations/*") | count by path
The problem with this is that while I get the correct aggregate for /v1/vehicle_locations and /v1/driver_locations, I get individual results for /v1/driver_locations/id and /v1/vehicle_locations/id since the id is a wildcard. Is there a way I can aggregate these wildcards as well?
There are several ways to achieve what you ask. I think the most straightforward one and suggested is to use | parse operator so that you can treat the top-most element of your path as a field, e.g.
| keyvalue auto
| parse field=path "*/*" as topmost, rest
| where (topmost = "vehicle_locations" or topmost = "driver_locations")
| count by topmost
Note that by default | parse operator works on the raw message (e.g. the original log line), but you can make it parse a field - using the field= syntax and this is what it's used above.
You might want to tweak the parse expression or use a regex depending on the actual paths you encounter.
(Disclaimer: I am currently employed by Sumo Logic)

Storing text and using only part of it later

Incredibly new to Selenium IDE / Automating tests and currently I am trying to store part of a text, which is a variable to use in later in another web page.
I haven't actually tried much but have been reading quite a few threads but I'm just not grasping the concepts I guess
<tr align=center> <td><font size='+1' color='white'><b>Authorization Request - Confirmation Number: 219927</b> </font></td></tr>
In this example, I need to be able to store 219927 to use later on another site
The below has passed all of the tests but I seem to not be able to echo the output back on another site:
store | xpath=//b[contains(.,'Authorization Request - Confirmation Number: 135085')] | string
store | 1 | delimiter store | javascript{storedVars['string'].split('- ')[storedVars['delimiter']]} | test
store | 0 | delimiter1
store | javascript{storedVars['test'].split(',')[storedVars['delimiter1']]} | output
echo | ${output}

Selenium ide: already logged in or not?

I'm working with Selenium Ide 2.9.1.
The problem is to check if, beginning the automatic process, the user has already logged in.
So, on the first page of www.pageexample.com I need to check if id=welcome is JOHN SMITH.
If yes, the user has already logged in and then it's possible to go on with the following instruction (clickandwait | id=button10).
If not (I mean id=welcome is not present in the page), the login is needed (and in this case I've already built the instuctions).
I've installed Selenium IDE: flow control.
Taking a cue from the suggestion, I've elaborate the following code that seems to work:
storeElementPresent | id=loginbutton | x
storeElementPresent | id=sitename | y
gotoIf | x=y | z
....... operations of log in .......
label | z |
loginbutton is present only if the users has not logged in, sitename is always present (therefore always true): so, comparing the two values, in case of correspondence Selenium proceeds with the operation of log in, otherwise jumps to label z.
I know, it's an escamotage that can surely be improuved.

Serenity jbehave issue when using multiple scenario outlines in a single .feature file

We are using Serenity with JBehave. We are facing issues when we have multiple scenario outlines with examples table in a single .feature file.
We have something like this in our Feature file:
Scenario Outline: title 1
Scenario Outline: title 2
Given 2
When 2
Then 2
In this case after executing Examples of Scenario 1, it is considering Scenario outline 2 also as an input to scenario 1 example table, instead of treating it as a new scenario.
This is how the output looks like:
Scenario Outline: title 1
|Scenario Outline: title 2|
|Given 2|
|When 2|
|Then 2|
Here are the versions of plugins:
jbehave.core.version - 3.9.5;
serenity.version - 1.0.47;
serenity.jbehave.version - 1.0.21
Can someone please help resolve this?
Note: I have seen posts where people had same issues when using scenario with examples table rather than using scenario outline with examples. Here I am using scenario outline only, but still have the same issue.

Using DBFit variables for other Fixtures

Is it possible to use a DbFit variable in another fixture? For example, if I create a query in dbfit with a variable <<firstname as follows:
SELECT * FROM System.Columns Where ColumnName= 'FirstName' | <<firstname |
Is it possible to include a reference to that page in another suite of tests that use a column fixture or RestFixture and call the variable name to check against the database?
In the RestFixture, I'm checking a database column name against a node so can I do something like:
| GET | /resources/6 | | //${firstname} |
Where I'm checking if an xml node named FirstName exists in the database.
With fitSharp (.NET), it is. With Java, I'm not sure.
I was struggling with the same issue, imo it's hard to find any good documentation. I stumbled upon the answer skimming some arbitrary tests somewhere.
You can access the symbol in RESTFixture using %variablename%.
| GET | /resources/6 | | //%firstname% |