Install Openfire when port 9090 is already in use? - ubuntu-16.04

I tried to install Openfire on Ubuntu 16.04 it installed fine but when I go to: http://localhost:9090 it shows me "prometheus" graph page
I wanted to know if I could install openfire or configure openfire to use a different port instead?
Thank you

Try finding a file with name openfire.xml. The location of the file differs according to the way of installation. Use the following command for finding it
sudo find / -name openfire.xml
Inside that file there will be a line <port>9090</port> just replace 9090 with the required port no and then restart the application.


Errno 256 No more mirrors to try centos 6.6

I am trying to install metasploit on crentos 6.6 server
now when i tried to yum install or wget or even git any bundle i got errors
then after alot of search i found that it is a problem in the DNS so i tried to edit /etc/resolv.conf
and add as name server it worked fine but after server reboot or even eth0 restart it keeps returning without the modifications i made
this is my /etc/resolv.conf content
# No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your
# ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts like so:
is there any solution for this problem
I remember I got similar errors with CentOS.
Problem was: No internet connection.
First check a network connection:
If there is no connection. You have to debug this first.
You are getting your networking configuration from DHCP but your DHCP server is failing to give you any DNS server addresses.
Did you try doing what that file tells you to do? Because that will "fix" your problem for you (assuming you don't choose to get your DHCP server fixed to provide you with DNS servers correctly).
Check location /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.2.repo
Delete all the irrelevent repositories in that location but be careful at that. Ex:- delete datastax repo which may be present
Run yum clean all
Run yum update

Netbeans IDE8 Glassfish 4, GlassFish Server: Administrator port is occupied by null

I just downloaded Netbeans IDE7 with the Glassfish 4.
I just made a project to test it out and see how it goes, and I got this error right from the start:
Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
[location]: Deployment error: Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
I have reinstalled it three times, with the Glassfish and without and then later add it to Netbeans, i changed the domain.xml name="admin-listener" port="4848" to something different
i did this cmd code netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING" and closed the programm.
i ran as administrator i think i did almost everyting but it wont simply run, and it keeps returning to the same error
usually i would have given up but this software is required for a school project.
i will try everything.
i hope someone can help me.
Thx in advance
You have to find the process that has taken the port you need. You can try finding it by running the terminal with the command:
netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING"
Find the information you need and than kill the process with specific PID in Task Manager.
I hope you find this useful,
A few points:
Why not download NetBeans 8 that also includes GlassFish 4?
Assuming that you have successfully figured out that no other process is listening on port 4848, then Which version of the JDK are you using? Can you try JDK 7 if you are using JDK 8?
Looks like you are not alone - see NetBeans bug 237477.
Note that this isn't the only problem. I run on a Mac and can use the asadmin start command successfully on the remote server. IF I try to start it from NetBeans, it gives me this message.
One hint might be that the domain.xml file is set so that the listening port is 9090, the properties screen for the remote server, which I entered 9090 for, tells me the HTTP port is 23043. I can't edit it. Everytime I try to create that remote server it sets it to this value. The server will run fine if I start it by hand on the remote server, but NetBeans doesn't think it is running.
This occurs because I had to select domain2 because NetBeans says domain1 is already registered on my local machine. I wanted to have a local domain1 and a remote domain1 that are identical so I can test locally, and then deploy remotely.
This error message could be misleading, because it is the same when IP adress of glassfish server in netbeans settings is wrong (not port).
By my experience with this over win 8.1 + Netbeans 8.0 + Glassfish 4.0
The problem resides in permission of folder in windows that block the server execution
I solve the problem changing the permission of the glassfish/domain/domain1 folder for xxxx/user to totalcontrol
If this not solve your problem, try launch the server over console:
asadmin start-domain --verbose
And read the exceptions to try solve the problem.
Reading other post to try help:
like this: Glassfish server started failed in netbeans 6.9
Or check your firewall:
allow >> C:\Program
In my case when using the command
netstat -aon | find ":4848" | find "LISTENING"
I noticed that one process was occupying this port. When checked what it was I noticed it was VMWare NAT controller, because I previously had configured a network adapter to listen to this port.
Just stopped all VMWare related services (in my case I didn't need them for development purposes), and solved the problem.
Go to Task Manager -> Services -> Stop Process whose PID IS 3136,2268,2468 ,23.... and near Range in PID. All processes near to the web server's PID.
It works for me on Windows 8.1 pro & Windows 7.
I had the same error message.
Turned out it was caused because my firewall blocked port 4848
May be late but I solved this issue by deleting the app server from the Netbeans and by adding it again. In my case Netbeans 8.2 and Payara 4.1 instead of Glassfish.
If you changed the host of Glassfish server then set it to localhost it should work.

Resolve hostnames with arch linux on a RaspberryPi

I have a Pi that runs hostapd and dhcpd on arch linux to create it's own land with the Pi's (routers) IP being This uses the wlan0 interface and it only serves as a standalone router running a web server.
Once I connect to the Pi, I use to display the web pages, but I want to use a hostname such as firepi. I have tried using dnsmasq, but I haven't been successful. Any help would be greatly appreciated especially if you can give me some detailed examples as I am a novice.
The purpose of this system is that I have created a web app that you can use to ignite fireworks over WiFi at a safe distance. I would just like the convenience of using a hostname instead of the IP address.
I must add that I will more than likely be using an iPhone to connect to the server, should this affect anything.
Not too sure how or why but this is what I did and it is successfully working now, so this is just for future users who may need a similar setup to mine.
First I installed hostapd and dhcpd and made sure they were working. Next I changed '/etc/hostname' to firepi and the '/etc/hosts' and added ' firepi'. Then I installed dnsmasq, and set the interface to wlan0, and finally added ' firepi' to '/etc/resolv.conf'.
After a full reboot, I joined the network on my iPhone, navigated to firepi and sure enough, it worked!
Thanks to the other users for their advice and tips.
You can use avahi on Arch as well to resolve your hostname:
sudo pacman -S avahi nss-mdns
Start the avahi daemon:
sudo systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service
sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon.service
Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf
sudo vim /etc/nsswitch.conf
Change the line:
hosts: files myhostname dns
hosts: files myhostname mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
Note: don't forget to add .local to your hostname.
See also:
If you just want to be able to use "firepi" as hostname to connect to it, you can simply add it to your /etc/hosts file using the syntax "IP host".
To make it as easy as possible, run this command as root:
echo " firepi" >> /etc/hosts
That'll do the trick.
Can you try avahi ?
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon and
sudo apt-get install avahi-browse
I've successfully used that on Raspian. Unless you change the hostname using
sudo raspi-config you will access via raspberrypi.local
Note that if you plan to access the RPi from Windows you will need to install Bonjour Service first(if you have iTunes intalled, you might have those, run services.msc and check if the Bonjour Service is started)
Another note: On a friend's iphone I've installed a generic vnc client and had x11vnc running on the RPi and succesfully managed to connect to the RPi (since avahi-daemon was installed)

vagrant cannot access webserver on localhost:8080

I am running CentOS 6.4 through vagrant.
I have put this line inside my Vagrantfile: :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080
Then I have installed nginx in the VM and verified it's working with:
wget http://locahost/
Works fine.
But from my host machine (Macbook Air, Mountain Lion) when I go to:
It times out. Did I miss any configuration in Vagrantfile?
I have used this box:
Have you checked your iptables?
It's a common mistake: when you use provisioning you also have to configure your iptables. (For puppet you have this module.) If you don't want to work with a firewall you can just do vagrant ssh followed by sudo service iptables stop.
What do you see when you go to your browser? Does it say Data not received or it never stops reloading? Do you get any messages in your browser? The server config file must be a bit messed up. Try reloading the server configuration, and restarting it.
Also, try changing the port number to something else. With the newer version of Vagrant, the syntex looks a bit different. So you have to do:
config.vm.forward_port 80, 2759
This is the config file that I use for one of my instances: do |config| = 'rails-dev-ready'
config.vm.host_name = 'rails-dev-ready'
config.vm.forward_port 5800, 5800
config.vm.forward_port 1080, 1090
config.vm.forward_port 80, 2759
config.vm.provision :puppet,
:manifests_path => 'puppet/manifests',
:module_path => 'puppet/modules'
config.vm.share_folder "sharedapps", "/home/vagrant/sharedapps", "sharedapps"
I recently set up a CentOS 6.4 box. My ports got all messed up because of iptables. I just disabled the service. It's in /sbin/sevices.
You may run the following command to find out if any other process (such as Tomcat) is bind to port 8080:
lsof -i :8080
If so, that may cause the problem.
I have found a solution,
I have found that there is an issue with Apache + vagrant, and sometimes Apache won't start automatically.
Please try: sudo service apache2 start once logged in via ssh.
I was having issues with Vagrant and all the error messages indicated a networking problem, but in reality my Apache service just wasn't starting on vagrant up

redis server does not start

Hi I have the following problem with redis,
I have installed redis on Ubuntu 12.10 with
sudo apt-get install redis-server
However, then comes the start of the message server
[6793] February 6 21:46:54 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use 'redis-server / path / to / redis.conf'
[6793] 6 February 6379 21:46:54 # Opening port: bind: Address already in use
What can I do that the server starts?
You should stop the current instance by using the following command.
/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
The default port for Redis, 6793, is already being used, so you'll need to find out what is using that port.
You can check by running: lsof -i :6793
You'll then need to either kill whatever is using that port or specify a different port for Redis using a config file.
pidof redis-server can get you the process id of redis-server;
OR lsof -i:6379 can get you the process id of the running instance with the default listening port 6379.
I would recommend you to check the log file for the troubleshooting possible errors.
Usually located at /var/log/redis/redis.log