Anonymous users can connect to MongoDB with security.authorization enabled - mongodb

I have enabled the security.authorization setting in /etc/mongod.conf
authorization: enabled
But I am still able to connect to the mongo shell without providing credentials.
Enabling security.authorization seems to enforce access control on the databases and the anonymous user doesn't seem to be able to perform any actions such as listing databases and/or collections.
I have attempted to enable auth in the /etc/mongodb.conf file, but this didn't seem to have any effect and I can still connect anonymously.
auth = true
How do I set the mongo shell to require authentication so that anonymous connections are blocked.

The authorization mode in mongodb does not work like mysql.
It will prevent non authorized or anonymous users to read or write the DB but it won't forbid people to connect to your DB.
Anonymous users will always be able to connect themselves but can't do anything.
If you want to block the connection from unknown users or server, you can enable the net.bindIp parameter to allow only the selected IP to connect to your database.


Mongodb --authentication

I used mongodb on my local without authentication by running mongod as server and connecting it by just mongo as a user.
Now after creating users and running the server as mongod --auth i can connect using user id and pwd assigned by me.
The problem is while connecting back mongo with mongod it again gets connected to the database and whole database is visible again,this should not happen as I have enabled the authentication.
Using mongod as a server should block the users from getting access. Same is the problem for my personal server.
Is there any solution to enable the security permanently that is enable mongod --auth and not just mongod.
If I understand correctly, your concern is that restarting a mongod process without access control enabled allows you to access data without authentication. This is the expected outcome: a user with direct access to restart services or copy MongoDB data files has greater permissions than the mongod process.
Authentication only verifies remote client access to the mongod service: it does not encrypt or protect data files if a user has direct local read access. If you have an environment allowing remote and/or multi-user access, you should take steps to appropropriately limit access to your data files and service management.
If you want to secure data files from direct access, it sounds like you may be looking for Encryption at Rest or Disk Encryption. These security measures prevent direct read access to your data files or filesystem without appropriate credentials, but you still have to limit access appropriately and protect those credentials.
For general measures see the MongoDB Security Checklist.

How to reset root password in Mongodb?

I have a mongodb sharded cluster, with mongos machines, mongo nodes in replicate sets and config servers. MongoDB version is 3.02
The guy that set this up left the company a while ago and now I cant do simple things like show dbs or show collections
I have OS root in all these Debian machines, so I want to know how to reset mongo's root password so I can admin the database.
The apps that access this db seem to be working fine, using a user that has low privileges. I know the password for this particular user.
This is a production setup, so I can't afford to keep it down for more than a few seconds, tops minutes.
It depends on the types of users. For example, if you are using SCRAM, the basic steps to reset password would be:
Stop the mongod nodes
Disable authorization in mongod.conf
Restart the Replica set nodes
Connect to the replica set primary node using the mongo shell
Reset the your password by db.changePassword
I think this may work:
Stop your MongoDB instance
Remove the --auth and/or --keyfile options from your MongoDB config to disable authentication
Start the instance without authentication
Edit the users as needed
Restart the instance with authentication enabled
This may not be the perfect answer, because I cannot test it. The base problem is of course that, that you cannot put your system into maintenance mode, where you can change admin password... But there is config file parameter security.transitionToAuth what you can add with rolling matter to your config file(s).
A mongod or mongos running with security.transitionToAuth does not enforce user access controls. Users may connect to your deployment without any access control checks and perform read, write, and administrative operations.
There are two options here
If you plan to upgrade to 3.4 this can be done without downtime:
MongoDB 3.4 allows Enforce Keyfile Access Control in a Replica Set without Downtime
You need to start all your members with --transitionToAuth(This will allow both authenticated and non-authenticated traffic for some duration)
Login to mongo shell on primary and create a userAdmin
Logout and login again using userAdmin
Create rootAdmin
Store the password in password manager
Disable transitionToAuth (Allow only authenticated traffic to replica set)
If you need to do this with existing MongoDB without upgrade:
Stop a secondaries in the replica set in a rolling manner. Disable authentication using keyFile options
Stepdown a primary and update its configuration to disable authentication.
Update you're the application to remove username and password from application config
Restart application
Create useradmin and rootAdmin in admin DB
Save passwords in the password manager
Enable authentication in the replica set
Start your application with the old config that includes username and password
Connect to the machine hosting your MongoDB instance
Open the MongoDB configuration file found in /etc/ folder using: sudo nano mongod.conf
Comment out the following code like so:
# security:
# authorization: enabled
Stop the MongoDB service: sudo service mongod stop
Start the MongoDB service: sudo service mongod start
Connect to the database using Robo3T or equivalent. With a connection to the admin collection, create a new admin superuser:
db.createUser({ user:"admin", pwd:"password", roles:[{role:"root", db:"admin"}] });
Go back and uncomment the lines from step 3. Then repeat steps 4 and 5.
You should now be able to authenticate with the new user you created in step 6 and have full access to the database.
If for whatever reason, after trying to restart your mongo service, you cannot connect to it, you can make sure the service properly started with: systemctl --type=service --state=active. If it has started, it will be in the list as mongod.service.
Mongo logs can also be found at /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log but this is less likely to be helpful in this situation.

How to set up MongoDB to be read-only for non-localhost connections

I have a MongoDB instance on my EC2 server that I want to be accessible both from the machine itself (on localhost) and also remotely.
I currently have it configured so that I can connect to my db from the machine itself on localhost:27017 (with read/write access). I want to make this db available (but only readonly) to other clients via my.ip.address:27017.
How would I go about setting this up?
If you turn on authentication as well as adding an local user with both read and write permissions you can also add a read-only user.
You would have to manage the authentication in your application / shell code but basically, anyone not from local host should authenticate as the read only user.

what's the easiest way to password protect mongodb database for remote user?

I have a mongodb running in my server, for local connections to the db I don't need any password to protect it(that is within the same physical machine, meaning connect to the server thru the ip address).
But I don't want other people in the network be able connect to my database without password, only the authorized user. So I want to do password protection for the remote user.
How to do it?
Right now monogdb does not support authentication mode based on the user location. So that means if you run mongod with --auth that will apply to everyone.
There are no (yet) advanced authentication schemas like IP, protocol source, etc. For now you can only define if the user has read only or write permissions on a database. So basically the only thing mongodb cares is if you typed the right password for the right user.
Personally in all production environment I would recommend to use the secure mode, because even if you allow only connection from a localhost any users who has access to the local server or any malicious script on the host can easily wipe all your data.
The MongoDB Security and Authentication page has information on configuring user authentication and firewall settings.
Note that when you enable password authentication for a database, the authentication requirement will apply to both local and remote users (so you will also need to connect with a password through the local IP).
MongoDb does not offer an easy way to protect the database. I assume this is the reason why there are tens of thousands of mongodb instances on the net that are unprotected for hackers

Mongos authentication

We have 9 mongo nodes in our environment with:
1 mongos
3 config servers (mongod --configSvr)
9 mongod servers (shards or members of sharded replica-sets)
and we are trying to implement authentication on them.
I have done this in the past with a single server and it was really easy:
just add the admin user to the admin database
add a user on each database
I had to restart mongod with --auth option, but here it doesn't seem to work.
I've added the admin account to our mongos and for our sharded databases; I tried to authenticate as the user I had just created, but it didn't work.
I've tried creating an admin user on each database, and the other user accounts that we need, but it still didn't work.
I also tried making sure all of our mongo servers were running with the --keyFile option specified either on the command-line or in their /etc/mongodb.conf files, but that didn't seem to help.
When I try to authenticate as a given user, like so:
it fails and returns 0, as in false; not non-zero.
I seriously need all the help I can get, so please at least leave some suggestions on things I could try--I can't overstress this, any help is more than welcome since I don't seem to be getting anywhere just from following the official docs on managing/administrating mongo sharded clusters.
In a sharded cluster you should use --keyFile to allow all the members of the cluster to authenticate to each other. When you use this option, --auth is "assumed". Since there've been several version changes since you asked this question, the roles assigned to users are more granular now - you would need to have a 'clusterAdmin', 'userAdmin', 'dbAdmin', etc.
This page has more details about how to configure security in MongoDB for a sharded cluster.