NodePort service is not externally accessible via `port` number - kubernetes

I have following service configuration:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: web-srv
type: NodePort
app: userapp
tier: web
- protocol: TCP
port: 8090
targetPort: 80
nodePort: 31000
and an nginx container is behind this service. Although I can access to the service via nodePort, service is not accessible via port field. I'm able to see the configs with kubectl and Kubernetes dashboard but curling to that port (e.g. curl raises a Connection Refused error.
I'm not sure what is the problem here. Do I need to make sure any proxy services is running inside the Node or Container?

Get the IP of the kubernetes service and then hit 8090; it will work.
nodePort implies that the service is bound to the node at port 31000.
These are the 3 things that will work:
curl <node-ip>:<node-port> # curl <node-ip>:31000
curl <service-ip>:<service-port> # curl <svc-ip>:8090
curl <pod-ip>:<target-port> # curl <pod-ip>:80
So now, let's look at 3 situations:
1. You are inside the kubernetes cluster (you are a pod)
<service-ip> and <pod-ip> and <node-ip> will work.
2. You are on the node
<service-ip> and <pod-ip> and <node-ip> will work.
3. You are outside the node
Only <node-ip> will work assuming that <node-ip> is reachable.

The behavior is as expected since I assume you are trying to access the service from outside the cluster. That means only the nodePort exposes the service to the world outside the cluster. The port refers to the port on the pod, as exposed by the container inside the pod. This is generally desired behavior as to support clusters of services that are represented by a loadbalancer typically. So the load balancer will expose the port you want for your service (e.g. load-balancer:80) and forward to the nodePort on all nodes as to distribute the load.
If you accessing the service from inside the cluster you should be able to reach it via service-name:service-port thanks to the built in DNS.
More detailed information can be found at the docs.


Connect to gRPC service via Kubernetes API server proxy?

Let's say we have a Kubernetes service which serves both a RESTful HTTP API and a gRPC API:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
namespace: mynamespace
name: myservice
type: ClusterIP
app: my-app
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP
name: http
- port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
name: grpc
We want to be able to reach those service endpoints externally, for example from another Kubernetes cluster.
This could be achieved by changing the service type from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer. However, let's assume that this is not desirable, for example because it requires additional public IP addresses.
An alternative approach would be to use the apiserver proxy which
connects a user outside of the cluster to cluster IPs which otherwise might not be reachable
This works with the http endpoint. For example, if the http API exposes an endpoint /api/foo, it can be reached like this:
Is it somehow possible to also reach the gRPC service via the apiserver proxy? It would seem that since gRPC uses HTTP/2, the apiserver proxy won't support it out of the box. e.g. doing something like this on the client side...
... won't work.
Is there a way to connect to a gRPC service via the apiserver proxy?
If not, is there a different way to connect to the gRPC service from external, without using a LoadBalancer service?
You can use NodePort service. Each of your k8s workers will start listening on some high port. You can connect to any of the workers and your traffic would be routed to the target service.
apiserver-proxy solution looks like workaround to me and is far from production grade solution. You shouldn't route the traffic to your services through k8s API servers (even though it's technically possible). Control plane should be doing just control plane things and not data plane (traffic routing, running workloads, ...)
LoadBalancer service can be typically configured to create Internal LB (with internal IP from your VPC) instead External LB. This frankly the only 'correct' solution.
...not to require an additional public IP
NodePort is not bound to public IP. That is, your worker node can sits in the private network and reachable at the node private IP:nodePort#. The meantime, you can use kubectl port-forward --namespace mynamespace service myservice 8080:8080 and connect thru localhost.

Why Do I Need a NodePort in My Local Kubernetes Cluster?

Excuse my relative networking ignorance, but I've read a lot of docs and still have trouble understanding this (perhaps due to lack of background in networks).
Given this Dockerfile:
from node:lts-slim
RUN mkdir /code
COPY package.json /code/
RUN npm install
COPY server.js /code/
CMD ["node", "server.js"]
...this deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: web-deployment
replicas: 2
app: web-pod
app: web-pod
- name: web
image: kahunacohen/hello-k8s
- containerPort: 3000
protocol: TCP
and this service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: web-service
type: NodePort
app: web-pod
- port: 80
targetPort: 3000
protocol: TCP
name: http
My understanding is that:
The app in my container is exposing itself to the outside world on 3000
my deployment yaml is saying, "the container is listening on 3000"
my service is saying map 3000 internally to port 80, which is the default port, so you don't have to add the port to the host.
I'm using the NodePort type because on local clusters like Docker Desktop it works out of the box instead of LoadBalancer. It opens up a random port on every node (pod?) to the outside in the cluster between 30000–32767. That node port is how I access my app from outside. E.g. localhost:30543.
Are my assumptions correct? I am unclear why I can't access my app at localhost:80, or just localhost, if the service makes the mapping between the container port and the outside world? What's the point of the mapping between 3000 and 80 in the service?
In short, why do I need NodePort?
There are two networking layers, which we could call "inside the cluster" and "outside the cluster". The Pod and the Service each have their own IP address, but these are only inside the cluster. You need the NodePort to forward a request from outside the cluster to inside the cluster.
In a "real" Kubernetes cluster, you'd make a request..., with a "normal" IP address in the way you'd expect a physical system to have, connecting to the NodePort port, which forwards... http://web-service.default.svc.cluster.local:80/, with a cluster-internal IP address and the service port, which looks at the pods it selects and forwards..., using the cluster-internal IP address of any of the matching pods and the target port from the service.
The containerPort: in the pod spec isn't strictly required (but if you give it name: http then you can have the service specify targetPort: http without knowing the specific port number). EXPOSE in the Dockerfile means pretty much nothing in this sequence.
This sequence also gives you some flexibility in not needing to know where things are running. Say you have 100 nodes and 3 replicas of your pod; the initial connection can be to any node, and the service will forward to all of the target pods, without you needing to know any of these details from the caller.
(For completeness, a LoadBalancer type service requests that a load balancer be created outside the cluster; for example, an AWS ELB. This forwards to any of the cluster nodes as in step 1 above. If you're not in a cloud environment and the cluster doesn't know how to create the external load balancer automatically, it's the same as NodePort.)
If we reduce this to a local Kubernetes installation (Docker Desktop, minikube, kind) the only real difference is that there's only one node; the underlying infrastructure is still built as though it were a multi-node distributed cluster. How exactly you access a service differs across these installations. In Docker Desktop, from the host system, you can use localhost as the "normal" "external" node IP address in the first step.

Kubernetes / Metallb single entrypoint

I'm building a K8 cluster for a school project.
It's bare metal and uses metallb as a loadbalancer.
Each service works in a separate pod:
Mysql (mariadb)
In the phpmyadmin file, I need to link my mysql server with something like this:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = "mysql-server-name";
I've tried to use the node's IP:
kubectl get node -o=custom-columns='DATA:status.addresses[0].address' | sed -n 2p
adding the port :3306 but I realised that none of my services could be reached through the browser with this method.
For instance the node's Ip:5050 should redirect me to my wordpress but it doesn't.
Is there any way to get a single IP that I can use to make my pods communicate between them ?
I must add that each service works appart when I use the svc IP instead of the nodes.
Here's the configmap I use for metallb:
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: default
protocol: layer2
The reason the node IP doesn't expose your application to other apps is that the pods in the kubernetes cluster don't listen to the requests coming to the node by default. In other words, the port on the pod is not connected to the port on the node.
The service resource is what you need to make that connection.
Services have different types. A service of type cluster IP will assign an IP internal to the cluster to the app. If you don't want to access your mysql database directly from the internet, this is what you would want.
Here is an example service of type cluster IP for your project.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mysql-service
namespace: metallb-system
app: Mysql
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 3306
Selector selects pods that carry the label app=mysql.
Port is the port that the service will listen to.
TargetPort is the port that mysql is listening to.
When you create the service you can find it's IP by running this command
kubectl get services -n metallb-system
Under CLUSTER-IP column note the IP of the service you created.
So in this case, if mysql is listening to 3306, you can reach it through this service on the service IP on port 80.
If you want to expose your wordpress app to the internet, use either the NodePort or LoadBalancer service types. Here is the reference for service types.

GKE LoadBalancer Static IP

I created a regional static IP in the same region of the cluster and I'm trying to use it with a LoadBalancer:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: ambassador
type: LoadBalancer
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
service: ambassador
loadBalancerIP: "x.x.x.x"
However, I don't know why I am getting this error:
Error creating load balancer (will retry): failed to ensure load balancer for service default/ambassador: requested ip "x.x.x.x" is neither static nor assigned to the LB
Edit: Problem solved but ..
When I created the static IP address, I used:
gcloud compute addresses create regional-ip --region europe-west1
I used this address with the Service.
It didn't work like I said.
However, when I created an external static regional IP using the web console, the IP worked fine with my Service and it was attached without problems.
My bet is that the source IP service is not exposed then. As the official docs say:
As of Kubernetes 1.5, packets sent to Services with Type=LoadBalancer are source NAT’d by default, because all schedulable Kubernetes nodes in the Ready state are eligible for loadbalanced traffic. So if packets arrive at a node without an endpoint, the system proxies it to a node with an endpoint, replacing the source IP on the packet with the IP of the node (as described in the previous section).
Try this command to expose the source IP service to the loadbalancer:
kubectl expose deployment <source-ip-app> --name=loadbalancer --port=80 --target-port=8080 --type=LoadBalancer
On this page, you will find more guidance and a number of diagnostic commands for sanity check.

Kubernetes: How to map service to a local port inside pod

Is it possible to map Kubernetes service to a specific port for a group of pods (deployement)?
E.g. I have service (just as an example)
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
app: MyApp
- protocol: TCP
port: 8081
targetPort: 8081
And I want this service be available as http://localhost:8081/ in my pods from some specific deployment.
It seems to me that I saw this in K8S docs several days ago, but I can not find this right now.
It may be beneficial to review your usage of K8s services. If you had exposed a deployment of pods as a service, then your service will define the port mappings, and you will be able to access your service on its cluster DNS name on the service port.
If you must access your service via localhost, I am assuming your use case is some tightly coupled containers in your pod. In which case, you can define a "containerPort" in your deployment yaml, and add the containers that need to communicate with each other on localhost in the same pod.
If by localhost you are referring to your own local development computer, you can do a port-forward. As long as the port-forwarding process is running, you can access the pods' ports from your localhost. Find more on port-forwarding. Simple example:
kubectl port-forward redis-master-765d459796-258hz 6379:6379
# or
kubectl port-forward service/redis 6379:6379
Hope this helps!