Joomla: post redirects to profile page or give 404 error - redirect

I know Joomla 1.6 is old, the site isn't mine.
The problem: after logging in as normal site user using a menu link, a redirect to a special info page should be performed. But, the post itself (apparently) redirects to the user's profile page, which is not desired.
When I try to call the post directly it's the same. If not logged in, 404 not found error pops up.
Any ideas?
Edit: the 404 says "Category not found". The post has the category "Uncategorised", like most of the other posts.

Using Joomla 3.8.10, and I recently hand the same problem. Log into Joomla, member sees 404 page. Clearing the Joomla cache solved the problem (at least for now). Thank you so much to Robert K. for posting his solution.
Update #1 -- Shree, good info. My primary purpose was to show that the solution of clearing the cache would still work for Joomla 3.8.10, which is many years newer that Joomla 1.6. Almost no one uses Joomla 1.6 anymore.
Update #2 - Clearing the Joomla cache was only a temporary solution, because the problem came back again. I had to disable the new Joomla extension of CJBlog, which I had just installed. And, then clearing Joomla cache cured my login-shows-404 problem.

Guess no one's interested in the answer, but I'll post it anyway.
The problem was the caching system (it used to work for like 15 min and break after that time). I deactivated it and everything works fine now.


Using wget to download page within Moodle

I understand that this might be too specific but I am still quite new and having some difficulty figuring this out. So, I am hoping someone can offer up a clear command which can achieve my goal.
My goal is to download a page from Moodle. Now, this is Moodle 3.9 but I don't think this matters. The page is a wiki which is part of Moodle. So, there are child pages, links, images, etc. Now, each student gets their own wiki and it is available by URL. However, one must be logged in to access the URL or else a login page will show up.
I did review this question, which seemed like it would help. It even has an answer here which seems specific to Moodle.
By investigating each of the answers, I learned how to get the cookies from Firefox. So, I tried logging into Moodle in my browser, then getting the cookie for the session and using that in wget, according to the Moodle answer cited above.
Everything I try results in a response in Terminal like:
Redirecting output to 'wget-log.4'
I then found out where wget-log files are stored and checked the contents, which seemed to be the login page from Moodle. While I am quite sure I got the cookie correct (copy-and-paste) I am not sure I got everything else correct.
Try as I might (for a couple of hours), I could not get any of the answers to work.
My best guess for the command is as follows:
wget --no-cookies --header "Cookie: MoodleSession=3q00000000009nr8i79uehukm"
It just redirects me to the wget-log file (which has the Moodle login page).
I should not need any post data since once logged into my browser, I can simply paste this URL and it will take me to the page in question.
Any ideas what the command might be? If not, any idea how I could get some pretty clear (step-by-step) instructions how to figure it out?

My sitecore page is redirecting to a 404 page, but it exists in preview and is also verified as published

I have a single page which I built from the same blocks as other pages in the same category, which do work. This page redirects to the 404 page.
I checked to make sure the page was published- it is.
I am able to preview the page in the Experience area and it looks good.
From what I can tell, no other 301s have been set up to override this.
What else can I check?
Try Checking your log files. There are additional information about what is happening.
There were dependencies that were on the page that no longer existed. Apparently, whoever cloned the page used an older (previously working) page, which no longer worked.
The specific element in question was an object reference to an image in a gallery.
We removed the element in the editor, published the page, and it worked great.

Facebook Lint/Debugger 403 and 503 Response code. (Wordpress site.)

Humbly asking for any assistance people have time to give me on this one. Let me start by saying that I am aware there are previous questions about this on this site and elsewhere on the web; I have read a lot of them, and they are either unanswered/resolved, had a particular cause that doesn't apply to me, or suggests things I have already done.
Over the past few days, Facebook has suddenly stopped scraping my website posts successfully, so when I paste a link into Facebook it pulls nothing through - no thumb or description. I run the links through the FB lint/debugger, and it alternates between 403 and 503 response codes, but mainly 403. Previous links that Facebook has cached/successfully scraped still display with thumbs and desc, but still present as a 403 or 503 response.
My site is
One of the new URLs I have been testing is :
I have checked with the server/host people. Nothing has changed, everything fine.
I have tried with the default wordpress theme. No change.
I have read threads about Bullet Proof Security causing issues, although why it suddenly would I don't know. It was deactivated on my site anyway, but I went through the removal process to remove the htaccess file with the BPS code in it. I have then run debug without an htaccess file present, and with a very basic htaccess present. No change.
Hotlinking protection is disabled in my cpanel.
I have experimented with adding/removing www. and / when I paste the link into lint as someone suggested. No change.
I use Facebook OGP Wordpress plugin. I spoke to the creator and he says the plugin is working as it should and to contact my host/server. See bullet one.
I tried creating a new FB App and using the new App Id number with the OGP plugin. No change.
Checked the cpanel error log. This came up three times tonight:
[Fri Nov 01 21:47:53 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/**/public_html/403.shtml
There are a few other things I ruled out but I've been at this for so long I can't remember all of them, so if someone suggests something else I've tried then I apologise for not mentioning it here in advance.
If anyone can suggest anything else, I would really appreciate it. I manage to fix most technical problems I come up against, but this has stumped me and my much more experienced colleague and it is really affecting my clickthrough rates and site traffic. If it comes down to adding things to my htaccess file, I would appreciate guidance on what to add/remove. Many thanks in advance.
I had the same problem. Drove me crazy for hours (maybe days). In your FB app settings make sure that the top Facebook url has http://

Can't access WordPress wp-login.php from within Facebook app

I deleted WordPress and started afresh and even created another new app on Facebook but still the issue remains.
I have set up a Facebook app which points to my WordPress site.
All parts of the site work, except I cannot click the register or login buttons.
If I log in from outside Facebook and refresh the Facebook app/page then I appear logged in and can do what I want, including log out.
Any ideas please? Unfortunately, most Google searches think I am talking about third party Facebook connect plugins, which I'm not.
The page in question is here, which is just looking at
You can also do this without modifying any of the core code. Just put these 2 lines in your functions.php
remove_action( 'login_init', 'send_frame_options_header', 10, 0 ); // main site
remove_action( 'admin_init', 'send_frame_options_header', 10, 0 ); // admin
From what I can tell Brad, this seems to be less of a FB problem and more of a WP cookie issue. I tried framing your site in with an iframe and it reacted similarly to the problem you're experiencing. Looked around a bit and found others with similar problems; issue being that when you're serving a WP site to another domain via an iframe the cookies aren't able to be set properly.
Here's one forum topic I found:
It's not good news, but hopefully it helps you find a solution or at least get some level of closure. I'll try to think of a creative solution for your situation.
Thank you very much, Mike. I didn't know it was because of iFrames. Because of what you wrote I was able to change what I was searching for and then found, albeit perhaps not so desirable, a solution that now works. (Perhaps you could test on your end too?) I modified a few lines in the Wordpress code base:
open wp-includes/default-filters.php
find "frame"
you'll get two lines:
add_action( 'login_init', 'send_frame_options_header', 10, 0 );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'send_frame_options_header', 10, 0 );
comment those lines out, save and clear cache.

Stopped Working: FB.ui with method: 'feed' suddenly quit working

This question is similar to: Facebook Error 191 on canvas app using FB.ui() for the 'feed' dialog (worked before, stopped working last week) which was never answered.
Starting today, after the user likes the page and enters the contest, the share dialog which presented itself stopped working and gave:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
when logged in as an admin and just an error occurred for other users. This tab has been running well for a while now. I have confirmed it with an associate of mine. They did make a change to another part of the app (yesterday and today) but the sharing was still working until this afternoon. They did not change the part that generates the dialog.
The tab is:
Anyone have any insight? Feel free to use 'cancel' rather than sharing and fake data to sign up, then unlike the page if you wish.
Thanks in advance.
Same problem here, there is a bug posted on Facebook Developes here:
Can't help much without seeing your code.
One thing to check, make sure your redirection_uri is exactly as your domain registered with FB and that you include a trailing / ie rather than
I can't answer why it changed, but I had that error fixed by the above change before.
I am having the same issue. Am developing a new app with FB.ui feed functionality, which worked OK yesterday and today it gives the same error as OP.
Went back and checked an > 1 year old app with the same functionality; same error. I cannot see any other solution, than the FB dev team has changed something and not given notice.