About argument of PCA function in Matlab - matlab

I have a 115*8000 data where 115 is the number of features. When I use pca function of matlab like this
[coeff,score,latent,tsquared,explained,mu] = pca(data);
on my data. I get some values. I read on here that how can I reduce my data but one thing confuses me. The explained data shows how much a feature weighs on calculation but do features get reorganized in this proces or features are exactly in same order as I give it to function?
Also I give 115 features but explained shows 114. Why does it happen?

The data is not "reorganized" in PCA, is transformed to a new space. When you crop the PCA space, that is your data, but you are not going to be able to visualize/understand it there, you need to convert it back to "normal" space, using eigenvectors and such.
explained gives you 114 because you now what is the answer with 115! 100% of the data can be explained with the whole data!
Read about it further in this answer: Significance of 99% of variance covered by the first component in PCA

PCA does not "choose" some of your features and remove the rest.
So you should not still be thinking about the original features after running PCA.
It is well-explained here on Wikipedia. You are converting your samples from the space defined by your original features to a space where features are linearly uncorrelated and called "principal components". Note: these components are no longer the original features.
An example of this in 2D could be: you have a vector z=(2,3) defined in your Euclidean space. It needs 2 features (the x and the y). If we change the space and define it using the coordinate vectors v=(2,3) and w an orthogonal vector to v, then z=(1,0) i.e. z=1.v+0.w and can now be represented with only 1 feature (the first coordinate!).
The link that you shared explains exactly (in the selected answer) how you can go about using the outputs of the pca function to reduce your dimensionality.
(As noted by Ander you do not care about the last components since these are the weakest anyway and you want to drop them)


Principal component analysis and feature reductions

I have a matrix composed of 35 features, I need to reduce those
feature because I think many variable are dependent. I undertsood PCA
could help me to do that, so using matlab, I calculated:
[coeff,score,latent] = pca(list_of_features)
I notice "coeff" contains matrix which I understood (correct me if I'm wrong) have column with high importance on the left, and second column with less importance and so on. However, it's not clear for me which column on "coeff" relate to which column on my original "list_of_features" so that I could know which variable is more important.
PCA doesn't give you an order relation on your original features (which feature is more 'important' then others), rather it gives you directions in feature space, ordered according to the variance, from high variance (1st direction, or principle component) to low variance. A direction is generally a linear combination of your original features, so you can't expect to get information about a single feature.
What you can do is to throw away a direction (one or more), or in other words project you data into the sub-space spanned by a subset of the principle components. Usually you want to throw the directions with low variance, but that's really a choice which depends on what is your application.
Let's say you want to leave only the first k principle components:
x = score(:,1:k) * coeff(:,1:k)';
Note however that pca centers the data, so you actually get the projection of the centered version of your data.

How to ensure consistency in SIFT features?

I am working with a classification algorithm that requires the size of the feature vector of all samples in training and testing to be the same.
I am also to use the SIFT feature extractor. This is causing problems as the feature vector of every image is coming up as a different sized matrix. I know that SIFT detects variable keypoints in each image, but is there a way to ensure that the size of the SIFT features is consistent so that I do not get a dimension mismatch error.
I have tried rootSIFT as a workaround:
[~, features] = vl_sift(single(images{i}));
double_features = double(features);
root_it = sqrt( double_features/sum(double_features) ); %root-sift
feats{i} = root_it;
This gives me a consistent 128 x 1 vector for every image, but it is not working for me as the size of each vector is now very small and I am getting a lot of NaN in my classification result.
Is there any way to solve this?
Using SIFT there are 2 steps you need to perform in general.
Extract SIFT features. These points (first output argument of
size NPx2 (x,y) of your function) are scale invariant, and should in
theory be present in each different image of the same object. This
is not completely true. Often points are unique to each frame
(image). These points are described by 128 descriptors each (second
argument of your function).
Match points. Each time you compute features of a different image the amount of points computed is different! Lots of them should be the same point as in the previous image, but lots of them WON'T. You will have new points and old points may not be present any more. This is why you should perform a feature matching step, to link those points in different images. usually this is made by knn matching or RANSAC. You can Google how to perform this task and you'll have tons of examples.
After the second step, you should have a fixed amount of points for the whole set of images (considering they are images of the same object). The amount of points will be significantly smaller than in each single image (sometimes 30~ times less amount of points). Then do whatever you want with them!
Hint for matching: http://www.vlfeat.org/matlab/vl_ubcmatch.html
You seem to be trying to train some kind of OCR. You would need to probably match SIFT features independently for each character.
How to use vl_ubcmatch:
[~, features1] = vl_sift(I1);
[~, features2] = vl_sift(I2);
You can apply a dense SIFT to the image. This way you have more control over from where you get the feature descriptors. I haven't used vlfeat, but looking at the documentation I see there's a function to extract dense SIFT features called vl_dsift. With vl_sift, I see there's a way to bypass the detector and extract the descriptors from points of your choice using the 'frames' option. Either way it seems you can get a fixed number of descriptors.
If you are using images of the same size, dense SIFT or the frames option is okay. There's a another approach you can take and it's called the bag-of-features model (similar to bag-of-words model) in which you cluster the features that you extracted from images to generate codewords and feed them into a classifier.

Simple Sequential feature selection in Matlab

I have a 40X3249 noisy dataset and 40X1 resultset. I want to perform simple sequential feature selection on it, in Matlab. Matlab example is complicated and I can't follow it. Even a few examples on SoF didn't help. I want to use decision tree as classifier to perform feature selection. Can someone please explain in simple terms.
Also is it a problem that my dataset has very low number of observations compared to the number of features?
I am following this example: Sequential feature selection Matlab and I am getting error like this:
The pooled covariance matrix of TRAINING must be positive definite.
I've explained the error message you're getting in answers to your previous questions.
In general, it is a problem that you have many more variables than samples. This will prevent you using some techniques, such as the discriminant analysis you were attempting, but it's a problem anyway. The fact is that if you have that high a ratio of variables to samples, it is very likely that some combination of variables would perfectly classify your dataset even if they were all random numbers. That's true if you build a single decision tree model, and even more true if you are using a feature selection method to explicitly search through combinations of variables.
I would suggest you try some sort of dimensionality reduction method. If all of your variables are continuous, you could try PCA as suggested by #user1207217. Alternatively you could use a latent variable method for model-building, such as PLS (plsregress in MATLAB).
If you're still intent on using sequential feature selection with a decision tree on this dataset, then you should be able to modify the example in the question you linked to, replacing the call to classify with one to classregtree.
This error comes from the use of the classify function in that question, which is performing LDA. This error occurs when the data is rank deficient (or in other words, some features are almost exactly correlated). In order to overcome this, you should project the data down to a lower dimensional subspace. Principal component analysis can do this for you. See here for more details on how to use pca function within statistics toolbox of Matlab.
[basis, scores, ~] = pca(X); % Find the basis functions and their weighting, X is row vectors
indices = find(scores > eps(2*max(scores))); % This is to find irrelevant components up to machine precision of the biggest component .. with a litte extra tolerance (2x)
new_basis = basis(:, indices); % This gets us the relevant components, which are stored in variable "basis" as column vectors
X_new = X*new_basis; % inner products between the new basis functions spanning some subspace of the original, and the original feature vectors
This should get you automatic projections down into a relevant subspace. Note that your features won't have the same meaning as before, because they will be weighted combinations of the old features.
Extra note: If you don't want to change your feature representation, then instead of classify, you need to use something which works with rank deficient data. You could roll your own version of penalised discriminant analysis (which is quite simple), use support vector machines, or other classification functions which don't break with correlated features as LDA does (by virtue of requiring matrix inversion of the covariance estimate).
EDIT: P.S I haven't tested this, because I have rolled my own version of PCA in Matlab.

Essential philosophy behind Support Vector Machine

I am studying Support Vector Machines (SVM) by reading a lot of material. However, it seems that most of it focuses on how to classify the input 2D data by mapping it using several kernels such as linear, polynomial, RBF / Gaussian, etc.
My first question is, can SVM handle high-dimensional (n-D) input data?
According to what I found, the answer is YES!
If my understanding is correct, n-D input data will be
constructed in Hilbert hyperspace, then those data will be
simplified by using some approaches (such as PCA ?) to combine it together / project it back to 2D plane, so that
the kernel methods can map it into an appropriate shape such a line or curve can separate it into distinguish groups.
It means most of the guides / tutorials focus on step (3). But some toolboxes I've checked cannot plot if the input data greater than 2D. How can the data after be projected to 2D?
If there is no projection of data, how can they classify it?
My second question is: is my understanding correct?
My first question is, does SVM can handle high-dimensional (n-D) input data?
Yes. I have dealt with data where n > 2500 when using LIBSVM software: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/. I used linear and RBF kernels.
My second question is, does it correct my understanding?
I'm not entirely sure on what you mean here, so I'll try to comment on what you said most recently. I believe your intuition is generally correct. Data is "constructed" in some n-dimensional space, and a hyperplane of dimension n-1 is used to classify the data into two groups. However, by using kernel methods, it's possible to generate this information using linear methods and not consume all the memory of your computer.
I'm not sure if you've seen this already, but if you haven't, you may be interested in some of the information in this paper: http://pyml.sourceforge.net/doc/howto.pdf. I've copied and pasted a part of the text that may appeal to your thoughts:
A kernel method is an algorithm that depends on the data only through dot-products. When this is the case, the dot product can be replaced by a kernel function which computes a dot product in some possibly high dimensional feature space. This has two advantages: First, the ability to generate non-linear decision boundaries using methods designed for linear classifiers. Second, the use of kernel functions allows the user to apply a classifier to data that have no obvious fixed-dimensional vector space representation. The prime example of such data in bioinformatics are sequence, either DNA or protein, and protein structure.
It would also help if you could explain what "guides" you are referring to. I don't think I've ever had to project data on a 2-D plane before, and it doesn't make sense to do so anyway for data with a ridiculous amount of dimensions (or "features" as it is called in LIBSVM). Using selected kernel methods should be enough to classify such data.

How to obtain the gradient of a scipy interpolant directly?

I have a largish 3D numpy array of scalar values (OK call it a "volume" if you must). I want to interpolate a smooth scalar field over this at a succession of irregular, not all
known up-front non-integral xyz coordinates.
Now Scipy's support for this is just excellent: I filter the volume with
filtered_volume = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.spline_filter(volume)
and invoke
for (x,y,z) of interest to obtain apparently nicely behaved (smooth etc) interpolated values.
So far so good. However, my application also needs the local derivatives of the interpolated field. Currently I obtain these by central-differencing: I also sample the volume at 6 additional points (this can at least be done with just one call to map_coordinates) and calculate e.g the x derivative from (i(x+h,y,z)-i(x-h,y,z))/(2*h). (Yes I know I could reduce the number of additional taps to 3 and do "one sided" differences, but the asymmetry would annoy me.)
My instinct is that there ought to be a more direct way of obtaining the gradient
but I don't know enough spline math (yet) to figure it out, or understand what's
going on in the guts of the Scipy implementation: scipy/scipy/ndimage/src/ni_interpolation.c.
Is there a better way of obtaining my gradients "more directly" than central differencing ? Preferably one which allows them to be obtained using the existing functionality rather than hacking on Scipy's innards.
Aha: according to the classic paper on splines cited in the numpy code, splines of order n and their derivatives are related by
n n-1 n-1
dB (x)/dx = B (x+1/2) - B (x-1/2)
So using SciPy's spline interpolation I could get my derivatives by also maintaining a lower-order prefiltered volume and querying that a couple of times per derivative. This means adding a fair amount of memory (maybe competition with the "main" volume for cache), but presumably evaluation of the lower order splines is faster, so it's not obvious to me whether it would be faster or not overall than the central differencing using small offsets I'm doing currently. Haven't tried it yet.