Background page is scrolling but not the popup Modal - popup

There is a link in the input form to a popup window to pickup subject categories. The popup window (modal) is a long list but it is not scrolling. If I am trying to scroll then the input form is scrolling and not the popup window. The popup window is moving up with the input form. I want the popup window to scroll, so that I can go through the list of 'subject categories' to select. I am trying to modified this open source software code for my local use.
//retrieve the dialog box
var $Result = $('<div></div>').html(resultingHtml);
var mainDialogDivision = $Result.find('div[id^=aspect_submission_ControlledVocabularyTransformer_div_vocabulary_dialog_]');
var vocabularyDialog = $('div#aspect_submission_ControlledVocabularyTransformer_div_vocabulary_dialog_' + vocabularyIdentifier);
autoOpen: true,
overflow: scroll,
height: 450,
width: 650,
modal: true,
title: $Result.find('title').html()

You should be able to accomplish this using CSS. Adding style overflow:auto to the main modal element should allow you to scroll through all the subject categories.
You don't mention which DSpace theme you are using, so I assume you are using theme Mirage (the default DSpace theme), then adding the following CSS to the style.css file of your theme should solve your scrolling problem:
overflow: auto


Fancybox 3: how to show the small close button for modal iframe?

I am using Fancybox 3 to display a modal iframe. Here is my code to initialize Fancybox:
modal: true,
smallBtn: true,
iframe: {
css: {
width : '900px',
height: '600px'
preload: false
If I remove modal: true, I am able to see the small button. However the small button does not show up if I set modal: true.
From the docs about modal option:
// Shortcut to make content "modal" - disable keyboard navigtion, hide buttons, etc
modal : false
So, if you set it to true, there is no button displayed as expected.
Some demo demonstrating small close button -

Jumpy transitions on Chrome and Safari using FullScreen API (or resize)

I have created a portfolio-type (WordPress-based) website, using FullPage and Flexslider (as a absolute positioned pop-up), and it has a FullScreen button, which is currently giving me some nightmares, but only on the second ".section" in of the FullPage (it only has two sections).
I am also using SlimScroll.js as advised on the FullPage documentation as it can be taller than the window.
For Chrome the animation is "clunky", and when it goes fullscreen it waits like a second until it actually does. Please see the image below:
Screenshot of transition happening
I have added the following code and it worked for the first section, but not to the second section...:
html:not(.ios) {
height: 100vh !important;
html:not(.ios) .fp-tableCell {
height: 100vh !important;
On Safari, though, the transition is smooth but, every now and then, when it finishes it flickers...!
On Firefox there's not much problem as the fullscreen fades in and out. (Is there a way to replace it for a zoom-type animation?
My FullPage settings:
// Navigation
slideNavigation: false,
// Scrolling
easingcss3: 'cubic-bezier(0.850, 0.000, 0.250, 1.000)', //easeInOutCirc
scrollingSpeed: 500,
scrollOverflow: true,
// Design
controlArrows: false,
// Events
afterLoad: function(anchorLink, index) { // after changing section
if (index == 1){
// Load scrollDown link so that you don't have to load it afterwards
$('#main').load(scrollDown + ' .main-content', function(){
// Hide menu
if ( $( '#site-navigation' ).hasClass( 'toggled' ) ) {
$( '#site-navigation' ).removeClass('toggled');
$( '#site-navigation .menu-toggle').attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
$( '#site-navigation ul').attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
afterRender: function() { // so that it applies to first section too
afterSlideLoad: function( anchorLink, index, slideAnchor, slideIndex) { // after changing slide
My FlexSlider settings:
animation: 'slide',
slideshow: false,
easing: 'easeInOutExpo',
animationSpeed: 0,
customDirectionNav: $(".flex-direction-nav a"),
// Usability features
video: true,
// Special Properties
manualControls: '.popup-slider-link',
// Callback API
start: function(slider){
$('.slides li *').click(function(event){
after: function(){ // After each slider animation completes
flexslideColorInversion(); // Check for color inversion
$('#popup-slider').data('flexslider').vars.animationSpeed = 500; // Put animation speed back to 500
(Flexslider is initialised inside the popupslider() function.)
Is there a way to "fix" these issues?
Thank you so much in advance to anyone who may be able to help me with this.
I have seen that the lag in Chrome was because the popup was over the thumbnails and therefore was still resizing them even though they weren't in view; my solution to this was to apply a "display: none" to when the popup slider was on.
The Flicker in Safari is because FullPage.js changes the sections' sizes and their "translate3d", so there is a flicker when that adjustment occurs. The default Fullpage.js characteristic is to actually show part of the section above while it's adjusting, but as I am using 100vh for the .active section it doesnt show on Chrome, Opera or Firefox and only flickers in Safari (hence me wondering what the flicker was!)
Probably the only way around it is to recode Fullpage.js's translate3d (and height/width) codes also with "vh" so that it doesn't have to adjust the size. If any one has a ready code of this, that would be really appreciated! (IE8 is support is not required).

Prevent Mobile Safari from scrolling address bar into view when clicking on top of the page

I have a webapp that on load performs window.scrollTo(0, 1); to hide the address bar which is working.
One of the elements is a header with fixed positioning of top: 0, causing it to stay topmost of the viewport. On this header there are a few clickable buttons, when you try to click them, instead of performing the action it scrolls the address bar into view.
This is a default safari behavior for the click on the top 15-20 pixels of the screen.
I have tried to capture the clicks and cancel the event, cancel bubbling, prevent default etc. None of which seemed to work.
The code I tried was adding a div with id test:
#test {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 20px;
document.getElementById("test").addEventListener("click", function (event) {
}, false);
Any ideas?
I use this for preventing default on mobile:
$('#your-button').fastClick(function(e) {
No address bar is shown. Pretty neat for UX also

Make Firefox Panel fit content

I'm manually porting an extension I wrote in Chrome over to Firefox. I'm attaching a panel to a widget, and setting the content of that panel as an HTML file. How can I make the panel shrink and grow with the content? There's a lot of unsightly scroll bars and grey background right now.
var data = require("self").data;
var text_entry = require("panel").Panel({
width: 320,
height: 181,
contentURL: data.url("text-entry.html"),
contentScriptFile: data.url("get-text.js")
label: "Text entry",
id: "text-entry",
contentURL: "",
panel: text_entry
Not setting the height property of the panel makes it quite tall.
You might want to check out this example that resizes the panel based on the document loaded. If you want to resize based on changes to the content size, at least on initial load:
( sorry for the delay in respinding, been afk travelling )

Sencha Fullscreen Panel that detects Home Screen Bookmark?

When using Sencha Touch to create a panel - you can tell the panel to enable a fullscreen property. THe panel will fill the space available by the device.
It seems to have a bug or not deal with a bookmark that has been saved to the home screen - and floats underneath the status bar at the top.
Is there a property or setting to manage this behaviour OR are am I going to have to program the logic to determine how much padding is required dependent on device and orientation ?
Example below will fit nicely in mobile Safari, but if you save to Home Screen and load it up - the Toolbar sits underneath the Status Bar.
var buttons = [
{text: 'Button'},
{xtype: 'spacer'},
{text: 'Blue', ui: 'action'},
var toolbar1 = new Ext.Toolbar({
dock: 'top',
title: 'Panel',
items: buttons
var windowHeight = Ext.Element.getViewportHeight();
var windowWidth = Ext.Element.getViewportWidth();
var homePage = new Ext.Panel ({
fullscreen: true,
cls: 'homePage',
dockedItems: [toolbar1],
layout: 'fit',
html: '<h2>Testing Ext.js Panel</h2><p>Height:' + windowHeight +'</p><p> Width:' + windowWidth +'</p>',
animation: 'slide'
Thanks in advance.
Hi Ket — This is actually the default behavior... The status bar is always visible, even in a fullscreen web app. There are three tips you may find useful:
You can use a translucent statusbar, which is still there but will overlay your content. To do this, in Ext.setup(), you can use "statusBarStyle: 'black-translucent'"
"window.navigator.standalone" will detect whether you're in fullscreen mode or not.
Instead of measuring window width/height, you could break your H2 and P into separate components, and give the P area a layout of 'fit'
Hope that helps-