iTextSharp 5 generated PDF-Document AdobeReader-compatibility [duplicate] - itext

This question already has answers here:
iTextSharp-generated PDFs now cause Save dialog in Adobe Reader X
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am generating some reports with iTextSharp 5.
Opening the generated .PDF-file, everything looks and actually is fine with most PDF-readers.
When I open the PDF using AdobeReader(DC) however, it asks me if i want to save the changes on close. Although I didn't change anything.
Hitting 'Cancel' sure makes the message window go away, but hitting save causes the file to actually shrinks in size.
Now what is happening there? And why? How can I disable it?
The users of the application are most likely gonna use AdobeReader as well.
I don't want them to see the save dialog anytime they open a report.
Here is my BaseReport class
public abstract class BaseReport : PdfPageEventHelper
protected const string SPACE = " ";
protected const string COLON = ":";
protected static string NEWLINE = Environment.NewLine;
protected Document document;
protected PdfTemplate footerTemplate;
protected PdfContentByte contentByte;
protected PdfWriter writer;
private PdfTemplate totalPageNoTemplate;
private int lastPageNumber;
// properties for header
private bool done;
// needs to be overriden in subclass order to use header feature
protected string kundeHeader { get; set; }
// font definitions
protected BaseFont baseFont;
protected Font fontFooter;
protected Font fontGeneralText;
protected Font fontLabelText;
protected Font fontBoldLabelText;
protected Font fontBoldText;
protected Font fontSpace;
protected Font fontLargeBoldText;
protected int language;
protected bool useLogo = false;
protected bool usePageNumbers = false;
protected bool usePrintDate = false;
protected const string PRINT_FULLDATE_FORMAT = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm";
protected const string PRINT_DATE_ONLY_FORMAT = "dd.MM.yyyy";
protected Rectangle pagesize = PageSize.A4;
protected float marginLeft = 80;
protected float marginRight = 35;
protected float marginTop = 40;
protected float marginBottom = 40;
private MemoryStream PDFStream { get; set; } = new MemoryStream();
private DateTime printDate;
public BaseReport(int language = Languages.DE, bool landscape = false)
this.language = language;
if (landscape)
pagesize = pagesize.Rotate();
public byte[] GenerateReport()
CultureInfo cultureBefore = Resources.Culture;
Resources.Culture = SelectCultureForLangauge();
document = new Document(pagesize, marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom);
return PDFStream.GetBuffer();
} finally
Resources.Culture = cultureBefore;
public void GenerateReport(string filename)
byte[] report = GenerateReport();
using (FileStream f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create))
f.Write(report, 0, report.Length);
protected CultureInfo SelectCultureForLangauge()
string languageCode = GetLanguageCode();
return CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(languageCode);
protected string GetLanguageCode()
string languageCode = string.Empty;
switch (language)
case Languages.FR: languageCode = "FR"; break;
case Languages.IT: languageCode = "IT"; break;
case Languages.EN: languageCode = "EN"; break;
default: languageCode = "DE"; break;
return languageCode;
protected virtual void PrepareReport() { }
protected virtual void PrepareDocument() { }
protected abstract void GenerateContent();
private void BuildFonts()
baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
fontFooter = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 11, Font.ITALIC, BaseColor.DARK_GRAY);
fontGeneralText = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 11, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontLabelText = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8.5f, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontBoldLabelText = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8.5f, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontBoldText = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 11, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontSpace = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 3.5f, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontLargeBoldText = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 17, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
private void GetFontIfAvailable()
string fileName = "IF_Rg";
baseFont = LoadFontFromFile(fileName, true);
fontFooter = new Font(baseFont, 11, Font.ITALIC, BaseColor.DARK_GRAY);
fontGeneralText = new Font(baseFont, 11, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontLabelText = new Font(baseFont, 8.5f, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontBoldLabelText = new Font(baseFont, 8.5f, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontBoldText = new Font(baseFont, 11, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontSpace = new Font(baseFont, 3.5f, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
fontLargeBoldText = new Font(baseFont, 17, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
} catch (FileNotFoundException)
LogWrapper.Warn("Font not found - using default.");
protected BaseFont LoadFontFromFile(string fileName, bool embedded)
string fontPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + "\\fonts\\" + fileName + ".ttf";
if (File.Exists(fontPath))
return BaseFont.CreateFont(fontPath, BaseFont.WINANSI, embedded);
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Fontfile {fileName} was not found!");
protected Image HeaderLogo()
Image logo = Image.GetInstance(Resources.logo, BaseColor.BLACK);
// TODO msc pick logo from debitor
logo.ScaleToFit(100f, 100f);
return logo;
protected void OpenDocument()
writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, PDFStream);
writer.PageEvent = this;
contentByte = writer.DirectContent;
protected void AddLabelAt(string label, float posX, float posY)
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
ColumnText column = new ColumnText(cb);
column.SetText(new Paragraph(label + NEWLINE, fontLabelText));
column.SetSimpleColumn(posX, 20, posX + 200, posY);
protected void AddLabelOnMargin(string label)
AddLabelAt(label, document.LeftMargin - 40, writer.GetVerticalPosition(false));
protected Phrase ParaLine(string Text, Font textfont)
return new Phrase(Text, textfont);
public override void OnOpenDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document)
if (usePageNumbers)
totalPageNoTemplate = writer.DirectContentUnder.CreateTemplate(50, 50);
if (usePrintDate)
printDate = DateTime.Now;
public override void OnStartPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document)
if (useLogo || (document.PageNumber > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(kundeHeader)))
PdfContentByte canvas = writer.DirectContentUnder;
if (document.PageNumber > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(kundeHeader))
//showtextaligned only shows a single line
//therefor the header needs to be split and its parts need to be added seperately
string[] headerParts = kundeHeader.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
Phrase header = new Phrase(kundeHeader, fontLabelText);
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT,
ParaLine(headerParts[0], fontLabelText),
document.Top + 30, 0);
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT,
ParaLine(headerParts[1], fontLabelText),
document.Top + 20, 0);
if (useLogo)
Image logo = HeaderLogo();
logo.SetAbsolutePosition(marginLeft - 17.5f, document.Top + document.TopMargin - 50);
public override void OnEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document)
if (usePageNumbers || usePrintDate)
PdfContentByte canvas = writer.DirectContentUnder;
if (usePageNumbers)
// adds current page number to the footer section of the document
int pageN = writer.PageNumber;
string text = Resources.LabelSeite + SPACE + pageN + "/";
float len = fontLabelText.BaseFont.GetWidthPoint(text, fontLabelText.Size);
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT,
ParaLine(text, fontLabelText),
document.Bottom - 10, 0);
// adds template to fill in total page number (see OnCloseDocument method)
canvas.AddTemplate(totalPageNoTemplate, document.LeftMargin + len, document.Bottom - 10);
lastPageNumber = pageN;
if (usePrintDate)
// adds the printdate to the footer secdtion of the document
string dateFormatted = printDate.ToString(PRINT_FULLDATE_FORMAT);
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT,
ParaLine(dateFormatted, fontLabelText),
document.Bottom - 10, 0);
public override void OnCloseDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document)
if (usePageNumbers)
// fills in the total page number to the prepared template in the footer section of the document
string text = lastPageNumber + "";
float widthPoint = fontLabelText.BaseFont.GetWidthPoint(text, fontLabelText.Size);
totalPageNoTemplate.Width = widthPoint;
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(totalPageNoTemplate, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, ParaLine(text, fontLabelText), 0, 0, 0);

iTextSharp-generated PDFs now cause Save dialog in Adobe Reader X
I had to switch PDFStream.GetBuffer() with PDFStream.ToArray(); problem solved.


Multi-Line Text Fitting in IText 7

This question is a follow-up from this
After the previous post I managed to create the following method that fits text in certain spaces in paragraphs.
public static void getPlainFill2(String str, Document doc, PdfDocument document, Paragraph root,
Paragraph space, boolean isCentred) {
// System.out.println("prevText: "+prev.getText());
float width = doc.getPageEffectiveArea(PageSize.A4).getWidth();
float height = doc.getPageEffectiveArea(PageSize.A4).getHeight();
if (str.isEmpty() || str.isBlank()) {
str = "________";
IRenderer spaceRenderer = space.createRendererSubTree().setParent(doc.getRenderer());
LayoutResult spaceResult = spaceRenderer
.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(width, height))));
Rectangle rectSpaceBox = ((ParagraphRenderer) spaceRenderer).getOccupiedArea().getBBox();
float writingWidth = rectSpaceBox.getWidth();
float writingHeight = rectSpaceBox.getHeight();
Rectangle remaining = doc.getRenderer().getCurrentArea().getBBox();
float yReal = remaining.getTop() + 2f;// orig 4f
float sizet = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildren().size(); i++) {
IElement e = root.getChildren().get(i);
if (e.equals(space)) {
IRenderer ss = e.createRendererSubTree().setParent(doc.getRenderer());
LayoutResult ss2 = ss.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(width, height))));
sizet += ss.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
System.out.println("width: " + width + " current: " + sizet);
float start = sizet+doc.getLeftMargin();
start = (width - getRealWidth(doc, root,width,height))/2+doc.getLeftMargin()+sizet;
Rectangle towr = new Rectangle(start, yReal, writingWidth, writingHeight);// sizet+doc.getLeftMargin()
PdfCanvas pdfcanvas = new PdfCanvas(document.getFirstPage());
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(pdfcanvas, towr);
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(str).setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER).setBold();//.setMultipliedLeading(0.9f);
Div lineDiv = new Div();
float fontSizeL = 1f;
float fontSizeR = 12;
int adjust = 0;
while (Math.abs(fontSizeL - fontSizeR) > 1e-1) {
float curFontSize = (fontSizeL + fontSizeR) / 2;
// It is important to set parent for the current element renderer to a root
// renderer
IRenderer renderer = lineDiv.createRendererSubTree().setParent(canvas.getRenderer());
LayoutContext context = new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, towr));
if (renderer.layout(context).getStatus() == LayoutResult.FULL) {
// we can fit all the text with curFontSize
fontSizeL = curFontSize;
} else {
fontSizeR = curFontSize;
if(adjust>=2) {
writingHeight -=1.3f;
yReal += 1.4f;
adjust= 0;
// border
// PdfCanvas(document.getFirstPage()).rectangle(towr).setStrokeColor(ColorConstants.BLACK).stroke();
public static float getRealWidth (Document doc, Paragraph root,float width,float height) {
float sizet = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<root.getChildren().size();i++) {
IElement e = root.getChildren().get(i);
IRenderer ss = e.createRendererSubTree().setParent(doc.getRenderer());
LayoutResult ss2 = ss.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(width,height))));
sizet +=ss.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
return sizet;}
Now this works almost decent, there are minor issues when text scales to lower sizes and it goes like: (I can't post images because I have no rep.)
but the main issue is that you have to write Paragraphs line by line to work. As next example:
Cell cell3 = new Cell();
LineCountingParagraph line3 = new LineCountingParagraph("");
Text ch07 = new Text("Paragraph Prev ");
Paragraph nrZile = getEmptySpace(15);
Text ch08 = new Text("afterStr, textasdsadasdas ");
Paragraph data = getEmptySpace(18);
Text ch09 = new Text(".\n");
getPlainFill2("thisisalongstring", doc, document, line3, nrZile, true);
getPlainFill2("1333", doc, document, line3, data, true);
Cell cell4 = new Cell();
LineCountingParagraph line4 = new LineCountingParagraph("");
Paragraph loc2 = getEmptySpace(30);
Text pr32 = new Text(" aasdbsadasd ");
Paragraph nr2 = getEmptySpace(8);
Text pr33 = new Text(" asdasdasdasd.\n");
getPlainFill2("1333", doc, document, line4, nr2, true);
If you need more code, I'll upload it somewhere.
Now is there a way to insert text within the same paragraph on multiple lines ? because there seems I cannot find a way to detect line break in IText 7.1.11.
Full code:
package pdfFill;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.colors.ColorConstants;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.PageSize;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfWriter;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.canvas.PdfCanvas;
import com.itextpdf.layout.Canvas;
import com.itextpdf.layout.Document;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Cell;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Div;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.IElement;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Paragraph;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.Text;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LayoutArea;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LayoutContext;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LayoutResult;
import com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.DrawContext;
import com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.IRenderer;
import com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.ParagraphRenderer;
public class Newway4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PdfWriter writer;
try {
writer = new PdfWriter(new File("test4.pdf"));
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(writer);
Document doc = new Document(document);
final Paragraph titlu = new Paragraph();
final Text t1 = new Text("\n\n\n\nTest Stackoverflow\n\n\n").setBold().setUnderline();
Cell cell1 = new Cell();
LineCountingParagraph line1 = new LineCountingParagraph("");
line1.add( addTab());
Text ch01 = new Text("This is the 1st example ");
Paragraph name = getEmptySpace(42);
line1.add(name);// cnp new line
Text ch02 = new Text(" that works ");
Paragraph domiciliu = getEmptySpace(63);
/* Text ch03 = new Text("\njudet");
Paragraph judet = getEmptySpace(12);
Text ch031 = new Text("\n");
getPlainFill2("with insertion str", doc, document, line1, name, false);
getPlainFill2("because is writtin line by line", doc, document, line1, domiciliu, false);
Cell cell2 = new Cell();
LineCountingParagraph line2 = new LineCountingParagraph("");
Text p51 = new Text("as you can see in this");
Paragraph localitatea = getEmptySpace(30);
Text p7 = new Text(" and ");
Paragraph nrCasa =getEmptySpace(8);
Text p09 = new Text(" of text scalling ");
Paragraph telefon = getEmptySpace(22);
Text p11 = new Text(".");
getPlainFill2("sentence", doc, document, line2, localitatea, true);
getPlainFill2("example", doc, document, line2, nrCasa, true);
getPlainFill2("text scalling bla bla", doc, document, line2, telefon, true);
doc.add(new Paragraph("\n\n\n"));
LineCountingParagraph paragraphTest = new LineCountingParagraph("");
Text testch01 = new Text("This is the 2nd example ");
Paragraph emptyTest01 = getEmptySpace(42);
Text testch02 = new Text(" that doesn't work ");
Paragraph emptyTest02 = getEmptySpace(53);
Text testch04 = new Text(" this next goes to the next line but ");
Paragraph emptyTest03 = getEmptySpace(42);
Text testch05 = new Text(" won't appear !!");
getPlainFill2("with insertion str", doc, document, paragraphTest, emptyTest01, false);
getPlainFill2("because next text goes next line", doc, document, paragraphTest, emptyTest02, false);
getPlainFill2("this text", doc, document, paragraphTest, emptyTest03, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static String getStrWithDots(final int dots, final String str) {
final int strSize = str.length();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int dotsRemained;
if (strSize > dots) {
dotsRemained = 0;
} else {
dotsRemained = dots - strSize;
for (int i = 0; i < dotsRemained; ++i) {
if (i == dotsRemained / 2) {
return sb.toString();
public static void getPlainFill2(String str, Document doc, PdfDocument document, Paragraph root,
Paragraph space, boolean isCentred) {
// System.out.println("prevText: "+prev.getText());
float width = doc.getPageEffectiveArea(PageSize.A4).getWidth();
float height = doc.getPageEffectiveArea(PageSize.A4).getHeight();
if (str.isEmpty() || str.isBlank()) {
str = "________";
IRenderer spaceRenderer = space.createRendererSubTree().setParent(doc.getRenderer());
LayoutResult spaceResult = spaceRenderer
.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(width, height))));
Rectangle rectSpaceBox = ((ParagraphRenderer) spaceRenderer).getOccupiedArea().getBBox();
float writingWidth = rectSpaceBox.getWidth();
float writingHeight = rectSpaceBox.getHeight();
Rectangle remaining = doc.getRenderer().getCurrentArea().getBBox();
float yReal = remaining.getTop() + 2f;// orig 4f
float sizet = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildren().size(); i++) {
IElement e = root.getChildren().get(i);
if (e.equals(space)) {
IRenderer ss = e.createRendererSubTree().setParent(doc.getRenderer());
LayoutResult ss2 = ss.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(width, height))));
sizet += ss.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
float start = sizet+doc.getLeftMargin();
start = (width - getRealWidth(doc, root,width,height))/2+doc.getLeftMargin()+sizet;
Rectangle towr = new Rectangle(start, yReal, writingWidth, writingHeight);// sizet+doc.getLeftMargin()
PdfCanvas pdfcanvas = new PdfCanvas(document.getFirstPage());
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(pdfcanvas, towr);
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(str).setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER).setBold();//.setMultipliedLeading(0.9f);//setbold oprtional
Div lineDiv = new Div();
float fontSizeL = 0.0001f, fontSizeR= 10000;
int adjust = 0;
while (Math.abs(fontSizeL - fontSizeR) > 1e-1) {
float curFontSize = (fontSizeL + fontSizeR) / 2;
// It is important to set parent for the current element renderer to a root
// renderer
IRenderer renderer = lineDiv.createRendererSubTree().setParent(canvas.getRenderer());
LayoutContext context = new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, towr));
if (renderer.layout(context).getStatus() == LayoutResult.FULL) {
// we can fit all the text with curFontSize
fontSizeL = curFontSize;
if (++adjust>1)
} else {
fontSizeR = curFontSize;
new PdfCanvas(document.getFirstPage()).rectangle(towr).setStrokeColor(ColorConstants.BLACK).stroke();
public static Text addTab() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0;i<8;i++)
return new Text(sb.toString());
public static float getRealWidth (Document doc, Paragraph root,float width,float height) {
float sizet = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<root.getChildren().size();i++) {
IElement e = root.getChildren().get(i);
IRenderer ss = e.createRendererSubTree().setParent(doc.getRenderer());
LayoutResult ss2 = ss.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(width,height))));
sizet +=ss.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
return sizet;
private static Paragraph getEmptySpace(int size) {
Paragraph space = new Paragraph();
for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
// par.add("\u00a0");
return space;
private static class LineCountingParagraph extends Paragraph {
private int linesWritten = 0;
public LineCountingParagraph(String text) {
public void addWrittenLines(int toAdd) {
linesWritten += toAdd;
public int getNumberOfWrittenLines() {
return linesWritten;
protected IRenderer makeNewRenderer() {
return new LineCountingParagraphRenderer(this);
private static class LineCountingParagraphRenderer extends ParagraphRenderer {
public LineCountingParagraphRenderer(LineCountingParagraph modelElement) {
public void drawChildren(DrawContext drawContext) {
public IRenderer getNextRenderer() {
return new LineCountingParagraphRenderer((LineCountingParagraph) modelElement);
The issue: in the top half of the PDF you can see the result of two LineCountingParagraph instances being created, one per line. In the bottom half of the PDF you can see the result when only one instance of LineCountingParagraph is created. So fitting the text in boxes does not work well in case content of the paragraph wraps to the next line.
You have unnecessarily complicated things in such a way that we have to start from scratch :)
So the goal is to be able to create paragraphs with boxed intrusions of fixed width, where we need to copy-fit (place) some text, making sure the font size is selected in such a way that the text fits into that box.
The result should look similar to this picture:
The idea is that we will add paragraphs of fixed width into our main paragraph (iText allows adding block elements and a paragraph is a block element - into paragraphs). The fixed width will be guaranteed by the contents of our paragraph - it will just contain non-breakable spaces. Our paragraph will actually be backed by another paragraph with the actual content we want to fit into our wrapping paragraph. During the layout of the wrapping paragraph we will know its effective boundary and we will just use that area to determine the right font size for our content paragraph using binary search algorithm. Once the right font size has been determined we will just make sure the paragraph with the content gets drawn right next to our wrapping paragraph.
The code for our wrapping paragraph is pretty simple. It just expects the underlying paragraph with real content as the parameter. As always with iText layout, we should customize the renderer of our autoscaling paragraph:
private static class AutoScalingParagraph extends Paragraph {
Paragraph innerParagraph;
public AutoScalingParagraph(Paragraph innerParagraph) {
this.innerParagraph = innerParagraph;
protected IRenderer makeNewRenderer() {
return new AutoScalingParagraphRenderer(this);
private static class AutoScalingParagraphRenderer extends ParagraphRenderer {
private IRenderer innerRenderer;
public AutoScalingParagraphRenderer(AutoScalingParagraph modelElement) {
public LayoutResult layout(LayoutContext layoutContext) {
LayoutResult baseResult = super.layout(layoutContext);
this.innerRenderer = ((AutoScalingParagraph)modelElement).innerParagraph.createRendererSubTree().setParent(this);
if (baseResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.FULL) {
float fontSizeL = 0.0001f, fontSizeR= 10000;
while (Math.abs(fontSizeL - fontSizeR) > 1e-1) {
float curFontSize = (fontSizeL + fontSizeR) / 2;
this.innerRenderer.setProperty(Property.FONT_SIZE, UnitValue.createPointValue(curFontSize));
if (this.innerRenderer.layout(new LayoutContext(getOccupiedArea().clone())).getStatus() == LayoutResult.FULL) {
// we can fit all the text with curFontSize
fontSizeL = curFontSize;
} else {
fontSizeR = curFontSize;
this.innerRenderer.setProperty(Property.FONT_SIZE, UnitValue.createPointValue(fontSizeL));
this.innerRenderer.layout(new LayoutContext(getOccupiedArea().clone()));
return baseResult;
public void drawChildren(DrawContext drawContext) {
public IRenderer getNextRenderer() {
return new AutoScalingParagraphRenderer((AutoScalingParagraph) modelElement);
Now we add the helper function for creating our wrapper paragraphs that just accepts the desired paragraph width in spaces and the underlying content we want to fit into that space:
private static Paragraph createAdjustableParagraph(int widthInSpaces, Paragraph innerContent) {
AutoScalingParagraph paragraph = new AutoScalingParagraph(innerContent);
paragraph.setBorder(new SolidBorder(1));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i<widthInSpaces;i++) {
return paragraph;
Finally, the main code:
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(new File("test4.pdf"));
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(writer);
Document doc = new Document(document);
Paragraph paragraphTest = new Paragraph();
Text testch01 = new Text("This is the 2nd example ");
paragraphTest.add(createAdjustableParagraph(42, new Paragraph("with insertion str")));
Text testch02 = new Text(" that doesn't work ");
paragraphTest.add(createAdjustableParagraph(53, new Paragraph("because next text goes next line")));
Text testch04 = new Text(" this next goes to the next line but ");
paragraphTest.add(createAdjustableParagraph(42, new Paragraph("this text")));
Text testch05 = new Text(" won't appear !!");
Which gives us the following result:
So we just have the one main paragraph which contains some content and our paragraph wrappers, which in tern have the underlying content we want to fit.
Hint: centering the text is very easy, you don't need to calculate coordinates etc. Just set the right property to the paragraph with the content that you feed to your wrapper paragraph:
paragraphTest.add(createAdjustableParagraph(42, new Paragraph("this text").setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER)));
And you get the result:

How to replace text of Paragraph in Itext?

I want to set page number when I merge pdf files. The page number paragraph will defind by someone to custom style what he want. Now I can add text to the paragraph(like doc.add(paragraph.add(text))), but I can not replace it.
public static byte[] mergePdf(Map<String, PdfDocument> filesToMerge, Paragraph paragraph) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(baos));
Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc);
PdfPageFormCopier formCopier = new PdfPageFormCopier();
int page = 1;
for (Map.Entry<String, PdfDocument> entry : filesToMerge.entrySet()) {
String title = entry.getKey();
PdfDocument srcDoc = entry.getValue();
int numberOfPages = srcDoc.getNumberOfPages();
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfPages; i++, page++) {
Text text = new Text(String.format("page %d", page));
srcDoc.copyPagesTo(i, i, pdfDoc, formCopier);
if (i == 1) {
text.setDestination("p" + page);
PdfOutline rootOutLine = pdfDoc.getOutlines(false);
PdfOutline outline = rootOutLine.addOutline(title);
outline.addDestination(PdfDestination.makeDestination(new PdfString("p" + page)));
// I want do like "doc.add(paragraph.set(text))";
// paragraph already have been set position,font,fontSize and so on. SO I dont want to "new Paragraph(text)"
for (PdfDocument srcDoc : filesToMerge.values()) {
return baos.toByteArray();
I am the questioner. At last I resolve the question do like this:
public class MyParagraph extends Paragraph {
public MyParagraph() {
public void setContent(Text text) {
List<IElement> children = this.getChildren();
if (!children.isEmpty()) {

ITEXTPDF 5 : Print svg with specifical fonts

I'm using ItextPdf 5.
I have an SVG file with specifical font (integrated in svg).
When I print my SVG (using batik 1.8) the graphic is print on my document, but fonts are blocked, so, can't select them.
see below my java code :
public class ItextPdfSmallTests {
public void svgFontsTest() throws IOException, DocumentException, URISyntaxException {
String RESULT = "C:\\test\\svgFontsTest.pdf";
Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 36, 36, 54, 36);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(RESULT));;
document.add(new Paragraph("SVG Example"));
int width = 250;
int height = 250;
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
PdfTemplate template = cb.createTemplate(width, height);
PdfPrinterGraphics2D g2 = new PdfPrinterGraphics2D(cb, width, height, new MyFontMapper(), PrinterJob.getPrinterJob());
PrintTranscoder prm = new PrintTranscoder();
URI svgFileURI = getClass().getResource("myfont.svg").toURI();
TranscoderInput ti = new TranscoderInput(svgFileURI.toString());
prm.transcode(ti, null);
PageFormat pg = new PageFormat();
Paper pp = new Paper();
pp.setSize(width, height);
pp.setImageableArea(0, 0, width, height);
prm.print(g2, pg, 0);
ImgTemplate img = new ImgTemplate(template);
class MyFontMapper extends DefaultFontMapper {
public BaseFont awtToPdf(java.awt.Font font) {
try {
return BaseFont.createFont("AmaticSC-Regular.ttf", BaseFont.WINANSI, false);
} catch (DocumentException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
is it possible make it editable ?
thanks for your helps

Create PDF with iText on iSeries leads to error "The document has no pages."

We use the nice library iText for one of my customer's project to generate a pdf from a string representing a html page. The iText version is 5.5.10.
The following piece of code works well on the development environments and servers running on Windows, but it is not working on the customer's server running on iSeries.
public class GeneratePDFCmdImpl extends ControllerCommandImpl implements
GeneratePDFCmd {
private String charsetStr = null;
private Charset charset = null;
private BaseFont bf = null;
private String destFile = null;
private String destFilename = null;
private String srcContent = null;
private String docName = null;
public void setDocName(String docname) {
this.docName = docname;
public void setSrcContent(String srcContent) {
this.srcContent = srcContent;
private void prepareDefaultsAndSettings() {
/* srcContent may be more complex html but even this simple one is not working */
srcContent = "<html><head></head><body>This is just a test</body></html>";
docName = "mypdf";
charsetStr = "UTF-8";
destFilename = docName+".pdf";
Date timestamp = new Date();
/* destFile = "/" is just for the sample. In my real project, the value is a folder where my app has full rights
destFile = "/" + destFilename;
charset = Charset.forName(charsetStr);
bf = FontFactory.getFont("Arial").getBaseFont();
public void performExecute() throws ECException {
Document document = null;
OutputStream os = null;
try {
InputStream srcInputStream;
srcInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(srcContent.getBytes(charset));
document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 20, 20, 75, 80);
FileOutputStream destOutput = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,destOutput);
writer.setPageEvent( new HeaderFooterPageEvent(bf));;
XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(writer, document, srcInputStream, charset);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (DocumentException e) {
} finally {
if(document != null) {
document = null;
try {
if (os != null) {
} catch(IOException e) {
os = null;
private class HeaderFooterPageEvent extends PdfPageEventHelper {
PdfContentByte cb;
PdfTemplate template;
BaseFont bf;
Font f;
float fs;
public HeaderFooterPageEvent(BaseFont _bf) {
bf = _bf;
f = new Font(bf);
public void onOpenDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
cb = writer.getDirectContent();
template = cb.createTemplate(50, 50);
public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
Date dat = new Date();
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(writer.getDirectContent());
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm");
ct.showTextAligned(writer.getDirectContent(), Element.ALIGN_CENTER, new Phrase(sdf.format(dat) ), 100, 30, 0);
String text = "Page " +writer.getPageNumber() + " to ";
float len = bf.getWidthPoint(text, 12);
cb.setFontAndSize(bf, 12);
cb.setTextMatrix(450, 30);
cb.addTemplate(template, 450 + len, 30);
public void onCloseDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
template.setFontAndSize(bf, 12);
When executed on the iSeries, we have the error message executeCommand CMN0420E: The following command exception has occurred during processing: "ExceptionConverter: The document has no pages.". ExceptionConverter: The document has no pages.
at com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPages.writePageTree(
at com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter.close(
at com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfDocument.close(
at com.itextpdf.text.Document.close(
at be.ourcustomer.package.GeneratePDFCmdImpl.performExecute(
I don't have much idea about what we do wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Copying fields in iTextSharp

I was under the impression that it is now possible to copy AcroFields using PdfCopy. In the release notes for iText this is listed as possible now. However, when I try to do so it appears all the annotations (I think I am using that term correctly, still fairly new to iText...) for the fields are stripped out. It looks like the fields are there (meaning I can see the blue boxes that indicate an editable field), but they are not editable. If I try to bring the PDF up in Acrobat I get a message saying that "there are no fields, would you like Acrobat to discover them?" and most are found and marked and fields properly (check boxes aren't, but the text fields are).
I assume there is an additional step somewhere along the lines to re-add the annotations to the PdfCopy object, but I do not see a way to get the annotations from the PdfReader. I also cannot seem to find any documentation on how to do this (since AcroFields were for so long not supported in PdfCopy most of what I find is along that vein).
Due to sensitivity I cannot provide a copy of the PDF's in question, but using an altered version of a test program used earlier you can see the issue with the following code. It should generate a table with some check boxes in the four right columns. If I use the exact same code with PdfCopyFields in the MergePdfs method instead of PdfCopy it works as expected. This code does not produce any text fields, but in my main project they are part of the original parent PDF that is used as a template.
(Sorry for the long example, it has been cherry picked from a much larger application. You will need a PDF with a field named "TableStartPosition" somewhere in it and update RunTest with the correct paths for your local machine to get this to work.)
Has the PdfCopy functionality not made it into iTextSharp yet? I am using version
class Program
Stream _pdfTemplateStream;
MemoryStream _pdfResultStream;
PdfReader _pdfTemplateReader;
PdfStamper _pdfResultStamper;
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
catch (Exception f)
internal void RunTest()
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(#"C:\temp\a\RenameFieldTest\RenameFieldTest\Library\CoverPage.pdf");
_pdfTemplateStream = fs;
_pdfResultStream = new MemoryStream();
//PDFTemplateStream = new FileStream(_templatePath, FileMode.Open);
_pdfTemplateReader = new PdfReader(_pdfTemplateStream);
_pdfResultStamper = new PdfStamper(_pdfTemplateReader, _pdfResultStream);
#region setup objects
List<CustomCategory> Categories = new List<CustomCategory>();
CustomCategory c1 = new CustomCategory();
CustomCategory c2 = new CustomCategory();
List<CustomObject> Items = new List<CustomObject>();
CustomObject co1 = new CustomObject();
co1.Category = c1;
co1.Title = "Object 1";
CustomObject co2 = new CustomObject();
co2.Category = c2;
co2.Title = "Object 2";
List<MemoryStream> pdfStreams = new List<MemoryStream>();
pdfStreams.Add(new MemoryStream(_pdfResultStream.ToArray()));
MergePdfs(#"C:\temp\a\RenameFieldTest\RenameFieldTest\Library\Outfile.pdf", pdfStreams);
internal void FillCoverPage(List<CustomObject> Items)
//Before we start we need to figure out where to start adding the table
var fieldPositions = _pdfResultStamper.AcroFields.GetFieldPositions("TableStartPosition");
if (fieldPositions == null)
{ throw new Exception("Could not find the TableStartPosition field. Unable to determine point of origin for the table!"); }
var fieldPosition = fieldPositions[0];
// Get the position of the field
var targetPosition = fieldPosition.position;
//First, get all the available card sizes
List<string> availableSizes = CustomCategory.AvailableSizes;
//Generate a table with the number of available card sizes + 1 for the device name
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(availableSizes.Count + 1);
float[] columnWidth = new float[availableSizes.Count + 1];
for (int y = 0; y < columnWidth.Length; y++)
if (y == 0)
{ columnWidth[y] = 320; }
{ columnWidth[y] = 120; }
table.WidthPercentage = 100;
PdfContentByte canvas;
List<PdfFormField> checkboxes = new List<PdfFormField>();
//Build the header row
table.Rows.Add(new PdfPRow(this.GetTableHeaderRow(availableSizes)));
//Insert the global check boxes
PdfPCell[] globalRow = new PdfPCell[availableSizes.Count + 1];
Phrase tPhrase = new Phrase("Select/Unselect All");
PdfPCell tCell = new PdfPCell();
tCell.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY;
globalRow[0] = tCell;
for (int x = 0; x < availableSizes.Count; x++)
tCell = new PdfPCell();
tCell.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY;
PdfFormField f = PdfFormField.CreateCheckBox(_pdfResultStamper.Writer);
string fieldName = string.Format("InkSaver.Global.chk{0}", availableSizes[x].Replace(".", ""));
//f.FieldName = fieldName;
string js = string.Format("hideAll(, '{0}');", availableSizes[x].Replace(".", ""));
f.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(js, _pdfResultStamper.Writer);
tCell.CellEvent = new ChildFieldEvent(_pdfResultStamper.Writer, f, fieldName);
globalRow[x + 1] = tCell;
table.Rows.Add(new PdfPRow(globalRow));
int status = 0;
int pageNum = 1;
for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < Items.Count; itemIndex++)
tCell = new PdfPCell();
Phrase p = new Phrase(Items[itemIndex].Title);
tCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
PdfPCell[] cells = new PdfPCell[availableSizes.Count + 1];
cells[0] = tCell;
for (int availCardSizeIndex = 0; availCardSizeIndex < availableSizes.Count; availCardSizeIndex++)
if (Items[itemIndex].Category.CategorySizesInUse.Contains(availableSizes[availCardSizeIndex]))
string str = availableSizes[availCardSizeIndex];
tCell = new PdfPCell();
tCell.PaddingLeft = 10f;
tCell.PaddingRight = 10f;
cells[availCardSizeIndex + 1] = tCell;
cells[availCardSizeIndex].HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
PdfFormField f = PdfFormField.CreateCheckBox(_pdfResultStamper.Writer);
string fieldName = string.Format("InkSaver.chk{0}.{1}", availableSizes[availCardSizeIndex].Replace(".", ""), itemIndex + 1);
//f.FieldName = fieldName; <-- This causes the checkbox to be double-named (i.e. InkSaver.Global.chk0.InkSaver.Global.chk0
string js = string.Format("hideCardSize(, {0}, '{1}');", itemIndex + 1, availableSizes[availCardSizeIndex]);
f.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(js, _pdfResultStamper.Writer);
tCell.CellEvent = new ChildFieldEvent(_pdfResultStamper.Writer, f, fieldName);
//Add a blank cell
tCell = new PdfPCell();
cells[availCardSizeIndex + 1] = tCell;
//Test if the column text will fit
table.Rows.Add(new PdfPRow(cells));
canvas = _pdfResultStamper.GetUnderContent(pageNum);
ColumnText ct2 = new ColumnText(canvas);
ct2.AddElement(new PdfPTable(table));
ct2.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
ct2.SetSimpleColumn(targetPosition.Left, 0, targetPosition.Right, targetPosition.Top, 0, 0);
status = ct2.Go(true);
if ((status != ColumnText.NO_MORE_TEXT) || (itemIndex == (Items.Count - 1)))
ColumnText ct3 = new ColumnText(canvas);
ct3.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
ct3.SetSimpleColumn(targetPosition.Left, 0, targetPosition.Right, targetPosition.Top, 0, 0);
foreach (PdfFormField f in checkboxes)
_pdfResultStamper.AddAnnotation(f, pageNum);
if (itemIndex < (Items.Count - 1))
_pdfResultStamper.InsertPage(pageNum, _pdfTemplateReader.GetPageSize(1));
table = new PdfPTable(availableSizes.Count + 1);
table.WidthPercentage = 100;
table.Rows.Add(new PdfPRow(this.GetTableHeaderRow(availableSizes)));
private PdfPCell[] GetTableHeaderRow(List<string> AvailableSizes)
PdfPCell[] sizeHeaders = new PdfPCell[AvailableSizes.Count + 1];
Phrase devName = new Phrase("Device Name");
PdfPCell deviceHeader = new PdfPCell(devName);
deviceHeader.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
deviceHeader.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.GRAY;
sizeHeaders[0] = deviceHeader;
for (int x = 0; x < AvailableSizes.Count; x++)
PdfPCell hCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(AvailableSizes[x]));
hCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
hCell.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.GRAY;
sizeHeaders[x + 1] = hCell;
return sizeHeaders;
public void MergePdfs(string filePath, List<MemoryStream> pdfStreams)
//Create output stream
FileStream outStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
Document document = null;
if (pdfStreams.Count > 0)
int PageCounter = 0;
//Create Main reader
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdfStreams[0]);
PageCounter = reader.NumberOfPages;//This is if we have multiple pages in the cover page, we need to adjust the offset.
//rename fields in the PDF. This is required because PDF's cannot have more than one field with the same name
RenameFields(reader, PageCounter++);
//Create Main Doc
document = new Document(reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1));
//Create main writer
PdfCopy Writer = new PdfCopy(document, outStream);
//PdfCopyFields Writer = new PdfCopyFields(outStream);
//Open document for writing
////Add pages
//For each additional pdf after first combine them into main document
foreach (var PdfStream in pdfStreams.Skip(1))
PdfReader reader2 = new PdfReader(PdfStream);
//rename PDF fields
RenameFields(reader2, PageCounter++);
// Add content
catch (Exception ex)
if (document != null)
foreach (var Strm in pdfStreams)
try { if (null != Strm) Strm.Dispose(); }
catch { }
private void RenameFields(PdfReader reader, int PageNum)
int tempPageNum = 1;
//rename all fields
foreach (string field in reader.AcroFields.Fields.Keys)
if (((reader.AcroFields.GetFieldType(field) == 1) || (reader.AcroFields.GetFieldType(field) == 2)) && (field.StartsWith("InkSaver")))
//This is a InkSaver button, set the name so its subclassed
string classPath;
if (reader.AcroFields.GetFieldType(field) == 2)
classPath = field.Substring(0, field.LastIndexOf("."));
if (field.StartsWith("InkSaver.chk"))
int a = field.LastIndexOf(".");
string sub = field.Substring(a + 1, (field.Length - a - 1));
int pageNum = int.Parse(sub);
int realPageNum = pageNum + tempPageNum;//PostProcessing.Instance.CoverPageLength;
PageNum = realPageNum;
classPath = field.Substring(0, field.LastIndexOf("."));
string newID = classPath + ".page" + PageNum.ToString();
bool ret = reader.AcroFields.RenameField(field, newID);
reader.AcroFields.RenameField(field, field + "_" + PageNum.ToString());// field + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
public class ChildFieldEvent : IPdfPCellEvent
protected PdfWriter writer;
protected PdfFormField parent;
protected string checkBoxName;
internal ChildFieldEvent(PdfWriter writer, PdfFormField parent, string CheckBoxName)
this.writer = writer;
this.parent = parent;
this.checkBoxName = CheckBoxName;
public void CellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle rect, PdfContentByte[] cb)
private void createCheckboxField(Rectangle rect)
RadioCheckField bt = new RadioCheckField(this.writer, rect, this.checkBoxName, "Yes");
bt.CheckType = RadioCheckField.TYPE_SQUARE;
bt.Checked = true;
internal class CustomCategory
internal static List<string> AvailableSizes
List<string> retVal = new List<string>();
return retVal;
internal CustomCategory()
CategorySizesInUse = new List<string>();
internal List<string> CategorySizesInUse { get; set; }
internal class CustomObject
internal string Title { get; set; }
internal CustomCategory Category { get;set; }
Please take a look at the MergeForms example. Your example is too long for me to read, but at first sight, I'm missing the following line:
By the way, in MergeForms2, the fields are also renamed before the form is merged.