Can Spring-Data-Cassandra support Specification interface? - spring-data-jpa

Can Spring-Data-Cassandra support Specification interface?
If yes, can you please give me a simple example.


Access Neustar API using scalasca

I am new to both scala and Neustar. I currently have this documentation as my reference: but this does not mention any sample code on how to call this API using scala.
Does anyone have any pointers on this? Or maybe just in general on how to access a rest api using scala?
You can use STTP Client. This blogpost is a good start:
DISCLAIMER: I work for SoftwareMill, which is creator of STTP.

UML / API : How to model a RESTful API

I need to create a UML class diagram and a use case diagram for a RESTFul API that I developed using API Platform and Symfony 3.2 (backend) and Ionic 2 (frontend).
But i dont exactly know how to describe the structure of my backend API through the class diagram.
If anyone has any idea or could be of any help, i'd truly appreciate it. Thank you!
So the solution to my problem was a bit of all of the following : :
I concluded from this that, although it's difficult to model a restful api in a class diagram (since it's basically just a bunch of methods), consider the classes like "Resources", add the methods (basically the HTTP methods), and the paths to each resource.
This was also of huge help:
Another (simpler) way was to use tools like Pikturr, which transform your Swagger into a UML diagram.
Softwares for designing REST APIs :
Visual Paradigm
IBM Rational Software Architect
I hope this helps.
Api Platform automatically generates a Swagger documentation for your API at the URL http://localhost/docs.json.
You can generate an UML diagram from the Swagger documentation using tools like
It is too late, but this is another approach.
If you do not know about Visual Paradigm you can give it a try.
You can use this content, Visual Paradigm - How to Design REST API with UML?. It is easy, to represent your REST API. I prefer Postman Collections BTW (it is not UML).
But if you are doing some other kinds UML artifacts for documentation purposes. Well, Visual Paradigm gives you a bunch of UML diagrams to do that. So you keep that ecosystem of diagrams.
See ya.
The real answer for the question is to use an UML Component Diagram, since its very purpose is to model architectures based on services. Check this link for more info:

How to describe WebSocket interface?

For restful services Swagger is a standardized way to describe the interface. Is there already a way to describe Websocket interfaces?
Not at the moment. You may want to join the following discussion about supporting Websocket in the next version of OpenAPI/Swagger spec:
Possibly ASyncAPI? I haven't tried it myself yet, but:
AsyncAPI provides a specification that allows you to define
Message-Driven APIs in a machine-readable format. It’s
protocol-agnostic, so you can use it for APIs that work over MQTT,
AMQP, WebSockets, STOMP, etc. The spec is very similar to
OpenAPI/Swagger so, if you’re familiar with them, AsyncAPI should be
easy for you.
What about swagger-socket project?

play framework atmosphere

There is a list of usable frameworks in the creators blog of Atmosphere. I want to use scala and the Play Framework included with Atmosphere. In the blog he writes that Atmosphere works with "every" framework. Could it be that easy to integrate Atmosphere, and how?
I understand that this isn't necessarily the answer you were looking for, but I would suggest you look at Play's native comet support.$.html
Do you have a particular use case that Atmosphere can solve more elegantly? If so, here's a thread that might help.!topic/atmosphere-framework/GM6fC6-eSLE
Yes, take a look at this project - it's a native implementation of Atmosphere running on top of Play!
I'm looking for this too. The benefits it would give are graceful degradation from websocket to long polling and a common api for these both client and server side.

Any popular and good Scala library for Apache Cassandra?

Actually I know good Java high level API and ORM for Apache Cassandra - Hector.
But can't find any native good solution for Scala. Anybody know any actual project with good quality, activity and ORM support for SuperColumns?
Phantom is actively developed and very well designed Scala DSL built on top of Datastax client.
Take a look at Scalandra a wrapper for Cassandra's Thrift API.
Besides scalandra there is also cascal and scromium