Missing notification hub device registrations - azure-notificationhub

There were recently some issues with the availability of Azure Notification Hubs. While the service is back online now, multiple users have registered with our app in the meantime. These users have tags registered in our db, but it seems those tags are not registered with the actual Notification Hub.
How do I handle device registrations that came in to my service during Azure Notification Hub outage?

You can use Azure Notification Hubs server side SDK. Registering for Notifications using the WebAPI Backend is an example of how to do that.


Signalr update claims

I have an signalr hub with web socket transport and initially it is allowed for unauthenticated users to connect. What I am trying to achieve is to have events to be pushed from the hub to connected clients and user specific events only if there is an authenticated user on that connection.
The hub also exposes some methods that need authorization but the problem is that once hub connection is made there is no way to update current user/claims on that connection.
I am using Jwt Bearer tokens for authentication but I guess the authentication scheme don't play a role.

Can someone explain why local fulfillment action for google assistant still require a public https endpoint?

To give a little context, this about research using Home assistant and Google Assistant integration without exposing the service to the internet, relying only on local fulfillment. I know the fulfillment URL defined in an action need to be publicly accessible and secure for the Google Assistant to transfer the intent. But in the case of a local fulfillment, and if we don't want any cloud fallback option, why couldn't we configure a local unsecure webhook ?
The workflow would be :
Send an action request via Google Assistant (from phone app) to the cloud
Google cloud send the action to the local connected google home equipment
That action is handled by a local fulfillment script run on the Google home device so that it can now send the intent on the local network using the local IP of the device (home assistant)
The local device can still communicate back to google cloud (device not exposed but still connected to the internet)
I still don't know why we don't have that option available. Maybe I don't understand the Google Assistant stack well, so I need some enlightenment.

Multiple SignalR Client connections in one Xamarin app management

The problem:
Convenient centralized management of SignalR connections on client side.
What I have is a Xamarin app that authorizes with Azure B2C and connects to the SignalR hub using acquired token.
The idea is that server side will have a multiple hubs (as end points/services) and app should connect to them all.
What I've done is created a base class that has essential hub connection creation logic, hub method calling and async callbacks registration and in this way I create multiple hub clients.
Problem is that I cannot start them on dependency registration to DI container as I need to authorize the user first.
How this could be managed? Does starting all connections one by one is the only possible way?

Stop inactive Bluemix apps

We want to use a shared Bluemix org which contains a number of demo apps. Is there a way of detecting, which apps haven't been used (e.g few http requests) in order to stop inactive apps?
These cloud foundry docs state the following:
The Router emits RTR logs when it routes HTTP requests to the app. Router messages include the app name followed by a Router timestamp and then selections from the HTTP request.
You should get an idea of how many requests your apps are receiving by looking for RTR log entries.
Manually, you could check the console logs using the cf logs .. command, or by visiting the log page in the Bluemix console.
You could automate the check using the cloud foundry tools or using the cloud foundry apis to parse the applications logs.

Cloud-to-device Azure IoT REST API

I explored on sending data from Device to Cloud using Azure REST Apis. It is working seamlessly without any issues. I'm not finding good articles on sending Cloud-to-Device messages to Arduino board using "Azure IoT Hub REST Apis". Could some one provide suggestions on this
You could also send the request as the azure portal does it. All C2D from AZ Portal are sent through this Endpoint https://main.iothub.ext.azure.com/api/Service/SendMessage/ and the payload is a json that look like this:
"hostName": "iothub-hostname",
"owner": "twinUpdate",
"key": "key for the iothub",
"deviceID": "your device on that hub",
"body": "{\"test\": \"This is a test over postman\"}",
"properties": "[]"
Keep in mind that you need to add an Authorization Header with valid Bearer token. You can get this when you log in to AZ Portal.
As Peter Pan said, there isn't a RESTful API for send C2D messages currently. However, you still have some other chooses.
Use Azure Function App. You can create a HTTP trigger Azure Function App to use as RESTful proxy, and run IoT Hub SDK on Azure Function App to send C2D messages.
Use AMQP over WebSockets with 443 port if you cannot use 5671 port for AMQP to connect to IoT Hub on your service side. We have developed a web based IoT Hub devtool based on Rhea, and you can reference our code.
According to the offical document Send and receive messages with IoT Hub, and after I reviewed the source codes of Azure IoT Hub for sending cloud-to-device message using different languages, there is no REST API to support on sending Cloud-to-Device messages. To send c2d message from application to Azure IoT Hub, the recommended protocol is AMQP and the simple way is using Azure IoT Hub SDK. That you can refer to the section Communication protocol, as below.
However, if you want to receive the c2d message from Arduino, you can refer to the section Cloud-to-device messages and use the REST API Receive Device Bound Notification on Arduino.