Windows 10 Store app deployment failed, Invalid URI - deployment

DEP0600: Deployment failed. UriFormatException - Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined. [0x80131537]
I have a MonoGame UWP app, that will not deploy to the local machine for debugging. I can however, deploy to a remote machine.
I pulled my repository into a new, duplicate folder. This, I was able to successfully deploy and run. This means there is some sort of build related file/s that can cause this.
I need to know what this is, because this will happen again.


Web Deployment runs with error, but does nothing

I'm running a CI pipeline on Azure DevOps. Part of the release pipeline is deploying a website to our web server (running IIS).
We changed hardware recently and did a fresh install of Windows. Of course I also installed the WebDeploy handlers and everything. But since then, the deployment runs without error, but it doesn't actually update any files. If I publish the website from VS2019, everything is fine.
How would I troubleshoot this?
I forgot to include the new server into the deployment group. Only noticed it when we finally turned off the old server and got the error message that the target was offline.

Failed to deploy web package to IIS website. By the Self-hosted Windows agent

Failed to deploy web package to IIS website
I have created one ASP.NET Core application and Azure DevOps continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipeline.
I have created and configure the Self-hosted Windows agents in my local machine as a service. It is working as expected.
When I run the CI/CD pipeline for the first time it is working successfully, and the web application published to my local IIS successfully.
The issue is when I commit another update to Azure DevOps git repository it is failed to deploy web package to my local IIS website with the following errors and warnings
2019-08-21T10:56:59.1480862Z ##[error]Failed to deploy web package to IIS website.
2019-08-21T10:56:59.1492670Z ##[warning]Can\'t find loc string for key: Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected
2019-08-21T10:56:59.1493093Z ##[warning]Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected
2019-08-21T10:56:59.1493421Z ##[error]Error Code: ERROR_FILE_IN_USE
More Information: Web Deploy cannot modify the file 'DemoWebApp.dll' on the destination because it is locked by an external process. In order to allow the publish operation to succeed, you may need to either restart your application to release the lock, or use the AppOffline rule handler for .Net applications on your next publish attempt. Learn more at:
Error count: 1.
I have configured the appOffline rule in the publishing profile (.pubxml) and add the EnableMSDeployAppOffline element to the PropertyGroup like this:
As described in More Information’s learn more URL
Still it is failed to deploy web package to my local IIS website with the same errors and warnings.
When I trying to redeploy manually few times then it is working successfully other wise failed with same errors and warnings. Because I think the file is locked for some time in my local machine process.
It is also working successfully when I manually delete all the files from IIS release folder with that locked file.
Needs help, the file is locked by any one local process. I couldn’t find that local process. I couldn’t figure out the issue. I also don’t know if I found that process any how then how to figure out the issue. Is this just local issue?
Can anyone help me out?
Recycle the application pool immediately before your 'Deploy IIS App' task.
Add a 'WinRM - IIS Web App Management' task to you release pipeline. Set the Configuration type to 'IIS Application Pool', set the 'Action' to Recycle, and type in the app pool name in the 'Application pool name' field.
The recycle should unlock the dll and allow it to be deleted and replaced in the deployment step.
I encountered this same error despite having the Take App Offline option set for ages. That can't be the solution. There's some phantom bug going on here, but I did get it resolved without rebooting the server.
In PROCMON, I searched Associated Handles for the file in use. There were none.
I tried deleting the app's DLL file outright; an error message said it was in use by w3wp.exe even though the website was offline and the app pool stopped.
I confirmed this by opening IIS and looking at the worker processes panel. None of the active w3wp.exe PIDs were related to the application I was trying to update.
I opened PROCMON and sorted by Image name to find any W3WP.exe instances still running. There was one Suspended instance that it wouldn't let me terminate (despite running PROCMON as an admin/with elevation). It simply said "Access is denied."
I restarted the Agent on the server via the Services window.
At that point, I was able to delete the application DLL from the target directory and deploy normally from DevOps pipelines.
Hopefully this doesn't happen in production.
I had the same error .
I splved by checking the "enable IIS" to my task , like this :
Now my lob suuccseded
I was deploying my web app on local iis using IIS Web App Deploy task.I was able to reproduce the same error. I found this error occurred if i was visiting my website when i was trying to deploy a new version. And the deploy task failed to update the .dll file, since it was in use.
I fixed this error by checking this option “Take App Offline”, See below pic.
Please let me know If you are using different tasks to deploy your web app.

network deployed in IBM cloud, but having an issue instantiating the chaincode

I deployed a bna archive file to my ibm cloud instance. It has all the files you'd expect including the package.json. This was done following the tutorial here:
The last step in the process is a ping issued to ensure the network is up and running. I am getting an error telling me that the "chaincode is not instantiated".
I went to the web interface ( ) and under My Code / Install Code section I can see my network. Under Actions there is an option to instantiate it on a peer. Clicking that gives me this error : Unknown error occurred when instantiating chaincode, check your peer logs.
Looking at the logs on the peer I can see this:
{"log":"npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/local/src/package.json'\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2018-06-19T13:20:48.455812355Z"}
That particular file IS part of my bna archive.
I can deploy the bna file to both my local composer-playground and also IBM's one ( ) and it works fine in both environments.
The same issue happens if I deploy the bna using the web interface, I simply can't instantiate it.
Any suggestions what I can do to get this network running?
In the end it was a software version issue.
The original documentation specified using composer 0.18.1 as the only one compatible with the IBM cloud infrastructure.
This has recently been updated to 0.19.x.
In the IBM cloud, I removed the original peer with all the old chaincode, removed the old certificate as well.
On my local machine I started from scratch:
reinstalled latest composer,
recreated the bna file
I then re-did all the steps as in the original documentation and this time everything worked and I managed to start the network and ping it.
Everything is up and running now. There was one last timeout issue when I tried to start the network, but I simply ran the command again and the problem went away.

Deployer user does not have Access to the file

I Try to deploy a application using Microsoft Release Management for Visual Studio or better known as "InRelease". But i face unexpected Problems using the MSI-Deployer.
The deployment fails with the flowing error:
Setup.msi XXX139W8 10/1/2014 11:19:18 AM 00:00:00 Package location '\\Server\drop\Application\Build_20140930.5\Setup.msi' does not exist or Deployer user does not have access. Failed
First suggestion(incorrect Path) is not the case, i double checked that.
So why does my Deployer user not have access to my server? And how to fix that?
I tried out running the DeploymentAgent as Administrator, as Local Service adding XXX139W8$ permissions to the drop folder, running as domain user with admin rights on the drop folder.
Sadly the deployment agent is totally unreachable or the error mentioned above shows up.
Here are some system specs:
TFS and RM Server run on a Windows Server 2012 R2 with SQL Server Express 2012 Installed.
The client i am Working on uses the Release Management Client for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
The Target Machine is a Windows 8.1.
The deployer user is defined in the MS Deployment Service, ensure that this account has access to your Drop folder. I give the domain\EVERYONE account read access to the drop folder so that anyone can read the data
I resolved this Problem.
The cause was that i specified a File as Package (quite confusing if you try to deploy a single msi file) but the Component should only specify a Folder "Package".
The deployment agent fails to access the Folder (Setup.msi) and fails with the error i showed above.
Then i wasted hours in trying to fix my access problem, because if i enter the "Package location" everything worked fine._.

How to deploy WorkerRole project, How to get the exact error during uploading

I have to Work with WorkerRole project to deploy some services to perform the data sync with the other databses. i tried to publish but stuck, Internalization, Starting, Preparing, Recovering and finally aborted.
After getting the above stituation i build a simple workerrole project and tried to upload the result is same.
And i am not able to find out the problem with the same.
Please provide some help.
A typical problem, when deploying, is having a connection string pointing to the local emulated storage. This is the first thing I'd check if the worker role code runs locally in the emulator but fails when being published to Windows Azure.