Is a JOB card necessary? - jcl

I guess Job Cards are such like global attributes of a Java Class. In my job, I never used these job cards attributes. So job card is necessary in a job ? Could you please look at the job card below and tell me if that's required and why I need it ?
Best Regards
//BJ03H03 JOB (BBO09272,0000),
// 'NHS-STAT $',
// TIME=270,

What is and isn't required on a job card will be system/installation dependent. The minimum requirement is that a JOB statement with a JOBNAME exist. i.e. //JOBNAME JOB (an EXEC statement is also required)
However, your installation will likely require other parameters, it may implement defaults. In short you need to either speak to the system programmers or alternately experiment by omitting parameters (this latter method could end up resulting in discussions with the Systems Programmers (perhaps angry ones)).
The system is designed to enable users to perform many types of job
control in many ways. To allow this flexibility, only two job entry
tasks are required:
Identification: The job must be identified in the jobname field of a JOB statement.
Execution: The program or procedure to be executed must be named in a PGM or PROC parameter on an EXEC statement.
Therefore, the following statements are the minimum needed to perform
a job control task:
//jobname JOB
// EXEC {PGM=program-name }
As from Task Charts z/OS MVS JCL Reference SA23-1385-00 which wouldn't be the worst starting place to find out more.


Should mill tasks with non-file products produce something analogous to PathRef?

I'm using mill to build a pipeline that
cleans up a bunch of CSV files (producing new files)
loads them into a database
does more work in the database (create views, etc)
runs queries to extract some files.
Should the tasks associated with steps 2 and 3 be producing something analogous to PathRef? If so, what? They aren't producing a file on the disk but nevertheless should not be repeated unless the inputs change. Similarly, tasks associated with step 3 should run if tasks in step 2 are run again.
I see in the documentation for targets that you can return a case class and that re-evaluation depends on the .hashCode of the target's return value. But I'm not sure what to do with that information.
And a related question: Does mill hash the code in each task? It seems to be doing the right thing if I change the code for one task but not others.
A (cached) task in mill is re-run, when the build file ( or it's dependencies/includes) or inputs/dependencies of that task change. Whenever you construct a PathRef, a checksum of the path content is calculated and used as hashCode. This makes it possible to detect changes and only act if anything has changed.
Of course there are exceptions, e.g. input tasks (created with T.input or T.sources) and commands (created with T.command) will always run.
It is in general a good idea to return something from a task. A simple String or Int will do, e.g. to show it in the shell with mill show myTask or post-process it later. Although I think a task running something in an external database should be implemented as a command or input task (which might check, when running, if it really needs something to do), you can also implement it as cached task. But please keep in mind, that the state will only be correct if no other process/user is changing the database in between.
That aside, You could return a current database schema/data version or a last change date in step 2. Make sure, it changes whenever the database was modified. Each change of that return value would trigger step 3 and other dependent tasks. (Of course, step 3 needs to depend on step 2.) As a bonus, you could return the same (previous/old) value in case you did not change the database, which would then avoid any later work in dependent tasks.

run azure pipeline task as per dynamic conditions

Can we run task of azure pipeline as per dynamic condition?
Actually i want to run some of the task from the listed task, and every time choice of the task to run maybe different as per user requirement.
For your issue,I think you can set conditions through Control Options in task to control the run of task. If this does not meet your needs, you can give a specific example, so that I can better understand your request.
Inside the Control Options of each task you can specify the conditions under which the task will run.
If the built-in conditions don't meet your needs, then you can specify custom conditions
Conditions are written as expressions. The agent evaluates the expression beginning with the innermost function and works its way out. The final result is a boolean value that determines if the task should run or not. See the expressions topic for a full guide to the syntax.
Here is a document provided some examples,you can refer to it.

How do i Re-run pipeline with only failed activities/Dataset in Azure Data Factory V2?

I am running a pipeline where i am looping through all the tables in INFORMATION.SCHEMA.TABLES and copying it onto Azure Data lake store.My question is how do i run this pipeline for the failed tables only if any of the table fails to copy?
Best approach I’ve found is to code your process to:
0. Yes, root cause the failure and identify if it is something wrong with the pipeline or if it is a “feature” of your dependency you have to code around.
1. Be idempotent. If your process ensures a clean state as the very first step, similar to Command Design pattern’s undo (but more naive), then your process can re-execute.
* with #1, you can safely use “retry” in your pipeline activities, along with sufficient time between retries.
* this is an ADFv1 or v2 compatible approach
2. If ADFv2, then you have more options and can have more complex logic to handle errors:
* for the activity that is failing, wrap this in an until-success loop, and be sure to include a bound on execution.
* you can add more activities in the loop to handle failure and log, notify, or resolve known failure conditions due to externalities out of your control.
3. You can also use asynchronous communication to future process executions that save success to a central store. Then later executions “if” I already was successful then stop processing before the activity.
* this is powerful for more generalized pipelines, since you can choose where to begin
4. Last resort I know (and I would love to learn new ways to handle) is manual re-execution of failed activities.
Hope this helps,

Quartz capabilities

I am trying to create a Quartz scheduler using Java which will be able to call an API and pass in data.
I am totally new to Quartz but now I understand the Job concept and how to create one. I understand the trigger concept and how to trigger one
and I understand how the scheduler works.
What I am having difficult with is how can I pass in the information which is required to be passed to the API. I have an example of an API being called and the data is entered into the DB but the information has been hard coded into the class be passed into the JobDetails.
Ie. the user passes a message to the system which needs to be sent to the user in 12 hours and not before, so what i was planning was create a Job and a trigger in to set the execute time to 12 hours. How to do i pass the message into the scheduler? Where should this message be stored? Is what I am trying to do possible? Have i misunderstood what Quartz is capable of doing?
Thank you for your time. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Take a look at JobDataMap. If you are creating a new job for each user action you can store the message in there which will be available during the execution.
JobDataMap Holds state information for Job instances.
JobDataMap instances are stored once when the Job is added to a scheduler. They are also re-persisted after every execution of jobs annotated with #PersistJobDataAfterExecution.
JobDataMap instances can also be stored with a Trigger. This can be useful in the case where you have a Job that is stored in the scheduler for regular/repeated use by multiple Triggers, yet with each independent triggering, you want to supply the Job with different data inputs.
The JobExecutionContext passed to a Job at execution time also contains a convenience JobDataMap that is the result of merging the contents of the trigger's JobDataMap (if any) over the Job's JobDataMap (if any).
In case you have a single job but for each user action you are creating a new trigger, you can follow the solution given here.
Third option will be, for each user action, persist the message and time to send email to the database. Have a job that runs periodically and scans through database for eligible records for which email has to be sent

quartz-scheduler depend jobs

I'm working on a project with Quartz and has been a problem with the dependencies with jobs.
we have a setup where A and B aren't dependent on eachother, though C is:
A and B can run at the same time, but C can only run when both A and B are complete.
Is there a way to set this kind of scenario up in Quartz, so that C will only trigger when A and B finish?
Not directly AFAIK, but it should be not too hard to use a TriggerListener to implement such a functionality (a TriggerListener is run both a start and end of jobs, and you can set them up for individual triggers or trigger groups).
EDIT: there is even a specific FAQ Topic about this problem:
There currently is no "direct" or "free" way to chain triggers with
Quartz. However there are several ways you can accomplish it without
much effort. Below is an outline of a couple approaches:
One way is to use a listener (i.e. a TriggerListener, JobListener or
SchedulerListener) that can notice the completion of a job/trigger and
then immediately schedule a new trigger to fire. This approach can get
a bit involved, since you'll have to inform the listener which job
follows which - and you may need to worry about persistence of this
information. See the listener
org.quartz.listeners.JobChainingJobListener which ships with Quartz -
as it already has some of this functionality.
Another way is to build a Job that contains within its JobDataMap the
name of the next job to fire, and as the job completes (the last step
in its execute() method) have the job schedule the next job. Several
people are doing this and have had good luck. Most have made a base
(abstract) class that is a Job that knows how to get the job name and
group out of the JobDataMap using pre-defined keys (constants) and
contains code to schedule the identified job. This abstract Job's
implementation of execute() delegates to an abstract template method
such as "doWork()" (where the extending Job class's real work goes)
and then it contains the code for scheduling the follow-up job. Then
they simply make extensions of this class that included the work the
job should do. The usage of 'durable' jobs, or the overloaded
addJob(JobDetail, boolean, boolean) method (added in Quartz 2.2) helps
the application define all the jobs at once with their proper data,
without yet creating triggers to fire them (other than one trigger to
fire the first job in the chain).
In the future, Quartz will provide a much cleaner way to do this, but
until then, you'll have to use one of the above approaches, or think
of yet another that works better for you.