Tail recursion - Scala (any language else) - scala

i have a question about Tail recursion. As i know Tail recursion is when the last recursive call from function will deliver the result of the function. But when i have a function like this
def func1(n: Int): Int = {
if (n > 100) {
n - 10
else {
func1(func1(n + 11))
would it be tail recursion ? For example
func1(100) = func1(func1(111)) = func1(101) = 91
so the last recursive call would be func1(101) and it should deliver the results so that would be tail recursion right? I'm a little confused. Thank you!

It's not tail-recursive. You could rewrite the code to look like this:
def func1(n: Int): Int = {
if (n > 100) {
n - 10
else {
val f = func1(n + 11)
You can see that there is a call to func1 on line 6 that is not in the tail position.

Any easy way to check would be to just try it. the #tailrec annotation (import scala.annotation.tailrec) will give you a compile-time error if your method is not tail recursive.
This is not tail recursive though because you have a recursive call in a non-tail position.
You have two recursive calls in your function, one is in a tail position, it's the last call in the method, but the other is the input to that call, which isn't tail recursive because something comes after it, the next call. It's not enough to have one recursive call in the tail position, every recursive call must be a tail call

No, your example is not a case of tail recursion.
func1(func1(n + 11)) is a case of non-linear recursion (particularly, nested recursion).
Tail recursion is a particular case of linear recursion that can be immediately converted into iteration (loop), which is why it is interesting, as it allows easy optimization.
In your case, the call to the inner function is not the last operation in the function (there is still pending the call to the outer function), thus, it is not tail recursion.

Actually tail recursive method is a method which 'returns' a result itself or next invocation. If you can rewrite your algorithm the following way - it can be tail recursive.
trait Recursive[R] {
def oneIteration: Either[R, Recursive[R]]
object Recursive {
def interpret[R](fn: Recursive[R]): R = {
var res: Either[R, Recursive[R]] = Right(fn)
while(res.isRight) {
res = res.right.get.oneIteration
object Factorial extends App {
def factorial(acc: BigDecimal, n: Int): Recursive[BigDecimal] = new Recursive[BigDecimal] {
override def oneIteration(): Either[BigDecimal, Recursive[BigDecimal]] = {
if(n == 1 ){
else {
Right(factorial(acc * n, n - 1))
val res = Recursive.interpret(factorial(1 , 5))


Why does Scala fail to compile this function as tail recursive?

If I replace the first line of the following recursive depth first search function with the lines commented out within the foreach block, it will fail to compile as a tail recursive function (due to the #tailrec annotation) even though the recursion is still clearly the last action of the function. Is there a legitimate reason for this behavior?
#tailrec def searchNodes(nodes: List[Node], visitedNodes: List[Node], end: String, currentLevel: Int) : Int = {
if (nodes.exists(n => n.id == end)) return currentLevel
val newVisitedNodes = visitedNodes ::: nodes
var nextNodes = List[Node]()
nodes.foreach(n => {
if (n.id == end){
return currentLevel
nextNodes = nextNodes ::: n.addAdjacentNodes(visitedNodes)
if (nextNodes.size == 0) return -1
return searchNodes(nextNodes, newVisitedNodes, end, currentLevel + 1)
As the other answer explains, using return in scala is a bad idea, and an anti-pattern. But what is even worse is using a return inside a lambda function (like your commented out code inside foreach): that actually throws an exception, that is then caught outside to make the main function exit.
As a result, the body of your function is compiled into something like:
def foo(nodes: List[Node]) = {
val handle = new AnyRef
try {
nodes.foreach { n =>
if(n.id == "foo") throw new NonLocalReturnControl(handle, currentLevel)
} catch {
case nlrc: NonLocalReturnControl[Int] if nlrc.key == handle => nlrc.value
As you can see, your recursive call is not in a tail position here, so compiler error is legit.
A more idiomatic way to write what you want would be to deconstruct the list, and use the recursion itself as the "engine" for the loop:
def searchNodes(nodes: List[Node], end: String) = {
#tailrec def doSearch(
nodes: List[(Node, Int)],
visited: List[Node],
end: String
) : Int = nodes match {
case Nil => -1
case (node, level) :: tail if node.id == end => level
case (node, level) :: tail =>
tail ::: node.addAdjacentNodes(visited).map(_ -> level+1),
node :: visited,
doSearch(nodes.map(_ -> 0), Nil, end)
I'm not sure exactly what the compiler is thinking, but I think all your return statements will be causing problems.
Using return is an antipattern in scala - you don't need to write it, and you shouldn't. To avoid it, you'll have to restructure your if ... return blocks as if ... value ... else ... other value blocks.
This shape is possible because everything is an expression (sort of). Your def has a value, which is defined by an if ... else block, where the if and the else both have values, and so on all the way down. If you want to ignore the value of something you can just put a new line after it, and the return value of a block is always the value of the last expression in it. You can do that to avoid having to rewrite your foreach, but it would be better to write it functionally, as a map.

Tail recursion and call by name / value

Learning Scala and functional programming in general. In the following tail-recursive factorial implementation:
def factorialTailRec(n: Int) : Int = {
def factorialRec(n: Int, f: => Int): Int = {
if (n == 0) f else factorialRec(n - 1, n * f)
factorialRec(n, 1)
I wonder whether there is any benefit to having the second parameter called by value vs called by name (as I have done). In the first case, every stack frame is burdened with a product. In the second case, if my understanding is correct, the entire chain of products will be carried over to the case if ( n== 0) at the nth stack frame, so we will still have to perform the same number of multiplications. Unfortunately, this is not a product of form a^n, which can be calculated in log_2n steps through repeated squaring, but a product of terms that differ by 1 every time. So I can't see any possible way of optimizing the final product: it will still require the multiplication of O(n) terms.
Is this correct? Is call by value equivalent to call by name here, in terms of complexity?
Let me just expand a little bit what you've already been told in comments.
That's how by-name parameters are desugared by the compiler:
def factorialTailRec(n: Int, f: => Int): Int = {
if (n == 0) {
val fEvaluated = f
} else {
val fEvaluated = f // <-- here we are going deeper into stack.
factorialTailRec(n - 1, n * fEvaluated)
Through experimentation I found out that with the call by name formalism, the method becomes... non-tail recursive! I made this example code to compare factorial tail-recursively, and factorial non-tail-recursively:
package example
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Factorial extends App {
val ITERS = 100000
def factorialTailRec(n: Int) : Int = {
def factorialTailRec(n: Int, f: => Int): Int = {
if (n == 0) f else factorialTailRec(n - 1, n * f)
factorialTailRec(n, 1)
for(i <-1 to ITERS) println("factorialTailRec(" + i + ") = " + factorialTailRec(i))
def factorial(n:Int) : Int = {
if(n == 0) 1 else n * factorial(n-1)
for(i <-1 to ITERS) println("factorial(" + i + ") = " + factorial(i))
Observe that the inner tailRec function calls the second argument by name. for which the #tailRec annotation still does NOT throw a compile-time error!
I've been playing around with different values for the ITERS variable, and for a value of 100,000, I receive a... StackOverflowError!
(The result of zero is there because of overflow of Int.)
So I went ahead and changed the signature of factorialTailRec/2, to:
def factorialTailRec(n: Int, f: Int): Int
i.e call by value for the argument f. This time, the portion of main that runs factorialTailRec finishes absolutely fine, whereas, of course, factorial/1 crashes at the exact same integer.
Very, very interesting. It seems as if call by name in this situation maintains the stack frames because of the need of computation of the products themselves all the way back to the call chain.

Find max value in a list recursively in scala

I'm new to Scala, there is a better way to express this with the most basic knowledge possible?
def findMax(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
xs match {
case x :: tail => (if (tail.length==0) x else (if(x>findMax(tail)) x else (findMax(tail))))
Thee are two problems here. First, you call tail.length which is an operation of order O(N), so in the worst case this will cost you N*N steps where N is the length of the sequence. The second is that your function is not tail-recursive - you nest the findMax calls "from outside to inside".
The usual strategy to write the correct recursive function is
to think about each possible pattern case: here you have either the empty list Nil or the non-empty list head :: tail. This solves your first problem.
to carry along the temporary result (here the current guess of the maximum value) as another argument of the function. This solves your second problem.
This gives:
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def findMax(xs: List[Int], max: Int): Int = xs match {
case head :: tail => findMax(tail, if (head > max) head else max)
case Nil => max
val z = util.Random.shuffle(1 to 100 toList)
assert(findMax(z, Int.MinValue) == 100)
If you don't want to expose this additional argument, you can write an auxiliary inner function.
def findMax(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
def loop(ys: List[Int], max: Int): Int = ys match {
case head :: tail => loop(tail, if (head > max) head else max)
case Nil => max
loop(xs, Int.MinValue)
val z = util.Random.shuffle(1 to 100 toList)
assert(findMax(z) == 100)
For simplicity we return Int.MinValue if the list is empty. A better solution might be to throw an exception for this case.
The #tailrec annotation here is optional, it simply assures that we indeed defined a tail recursive function. This has the advantage that we cannot produce a stack overflow if the list is extremely long.
Any time you're reducing a collection to a single value, consider using one of the fold functions instead of explicit recursion.
// 7
Even I too am new to Scala (am into Haskell though!).
My attempt at this would be as below.
Note that I assume a non-empty list, since the max of an empty list does not make sense.
I first define an helper method which simply returns the max of 2 numbers.
def maxOf2 (x:Int, y:Int): Int = {
if (x >= y) x
else y
Armed with this simple function, we can build a recursive function to find the 'max' as below:
def findMax(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
if (xs.tail.isEmpty)
maxOf2(xs.head, findMax(xs.tail))
I feel this is a pretty 'clear'(though not 'efficient') way to do it.
I wanted to make the concept of recursion obvious.
Hope this helps!
Elaborating on #fritz's answer. If you pass in an empty list, it will throw you a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: tail of empty list
So, keeping the algorithm intact, I made this adjustment:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
def maxOfTwo(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
if (x >= y) x else y
if (xs.isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("What man?")
else if (xs.size == 1) xs.head
else maxOfTwo(xs.head, max(xs.tail))
#fritz Thanks for the answer
Using pattern matching an recursion,
def top(xs: List[Int]): Int = xs match {
case Nil => sys.error("no max in empty list")
case x :: Nil => x
case x :: xs => math.max(x, top(xs))
Pattern matching is used to decompose the list into head and rest. A single element list is denoted with x :: Nil. We recurse on the rest of the list and compare for maximum on the head item of the list at each recursive stage. To make the cases exhaustive (to make a well-defined function) we consider also empty lists (Nil).
def maxl(xl: List[Int]): Int = {
if ( (xl.head > xl.tail.head) && (xl.tail.length >= 1) )
return xl.head
if(xl.tail.length == 1)

Why doesn't my recursive function return the max value of a List

I have the following recursive function in Scala that should return the maximum size integer in the List. Is anyone able to tell me why the largest value is not returned?
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
println("largest: " + largest)
if (!xs.tail.isEmpty) {
var next = xs.tail.head
println("next: " + next)
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
var remaining = List[Int]()
remaining = largest :: xs.tail.tail
println("remaining: " + remaining)
return largest
Print out statements show me that I've successfully managed to bring back the largest value in the List as the head (which was what I wanted) but the function still returns back the original head in the list. I'm guessing this is because the reference for xs is still referring to the original xs list, problem is I can't override that because it's a val.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
You should use the return value of the inner call to max and compare that to the local largest value.
Something like the following (removed println just for readability):
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
if (!xs.tail.isEmpty) {
var remaining = List[Int]()
remaining = largest :: xs.tail
var next = max(remaining)
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
return largest
I have an answer to your question but first...
This is the most minimal recursive implementation of max I've ever been able to think up:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Option[Int] = xs match {
case Nil => None
case List(x: Int) => Some(x)
case x :: y :: rest => max( (if (x > y) x else y) :: rest )
(OK, my original version was ever so slightly more minimal but I wrote that in Scheme which doesn't have Option or type safety etc.) It doesn't need an accumulator or a local helper function because it compares the first two items on the list and discards the smaller, a process which - performed recursively - inevitably leaves you with a list of just one element which must be bigger than all the rest.
OK, why your original solution doesn't work... It's quite simple: you do nothing with the return value from the recursive call to max. All you had to do was change the line
largest = max(remaining)
and your function would work. It wouldn't be the prettiest solution, but it would work. As it is, your code looks as if it assumes that changing the value of largest inside the recursive call will change it in the outside context from which it was called. But each new call to max creates a completely new version of largest which only exists inside that new iteration of the function. Your code then throws away the return value from max(remaining) and returns the original value of largest, which hasn't changed.
Another way to solve this would have been to use a local (inner) function after declaring var largest. That would have looked like this:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
def loop(ys: List[Int]) {
if (!ys.isEmpty) {
var next = ys.head
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
return largest
Generally, though, it is better to have recursive functions be entirely self-contained (that is, not to look at or change external variables but only at their input) and to return a meaningful value.
When writing a recursive solution of this kind, it often helps to think in reverse. Think first about what things are going to look like when you get to the end of the list. What is the exit condition? What will things look like and where will I find the value to return?
If you do this, then the case which you use to exit the recursive function (by returning a simple value rather than making another recursive call) is usually very simple. The other case matches just need to deal with a) invalid input and b) what to do if you are not yet at the end. a) is usually simple and b) can usually be broken down into just a few different situations, each with a simple thing to do before making another recursive call.
If you look at my solution, you'll see that the first case deals with invalid input, the second is my exit condition and the third is "what to do if we're not at the end".
In many other recursive solutions, Nil is the natural end of the recursion.
This is the point at which I (as always) recommend reading The Little Schemer. It teaches you recursion (and basic Scheme) at the same time (both of which are very good things to learn).
It has been pointed out that Scala has some powerful functions which can help you avoid recursion (or hide the messy details of it), but to use them well you really do need to understand how recursion works.
The following is a typical way to solve this sort of problem. It uses an inner tail-recursive function that includes an extra "accumulator" value, which in this case will hold the largest value found so far:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
def go(xs: List[Int], acc: Int): Int = xs match {
case Nil => acc // We've emptied the list, so just return the final result
case x :: rest => if (acc > x) go(rest, acc) else go(rest, x) // Keep going, with remaining list and updated largest-value-so-far
go(xs, Int.MinValue)
Nevermind I've resolved the issue...
I finally came up with:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = 0
var remaining = List[Int]()
if (!xs.isEmpty) {
largest = xs.head
if (!xs.tail.isEmpty) {
var next = xs.tail.head
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
remaining = largest :: xs.tail.tail
if (!remaining.tail.isEmpty) max(remaining) else xs.head
Kinda glad we have loops - this is an excessively complicated solution and hard to get your head around in my opinion. I resolved the problem by making sure the recursive call was the last statement in the function either that or xs.head is returned as the result if there isn't a second member in the array.
The most concise but also clear version I have ever seen is this:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
def maxIter(a: Int, xs: List[Int]): Int = {
if (xs.isEmpty) a
else a max maxIter(xs.head, xs.tail)
maxIter(xs.head, xs.tail)
This has been adapted from the solutions to a homework on the Scala official Corusera course: https://github.com/purlin/Coursera-Scala/blob/master/src/example/Lists.scala
but here I use the rich operator max to return the largest of its two operands. This saves having to redefine this function within the def max block.
What about this?
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
maxRecursive(xs, 0)
def maxRecursive(xs: List[Int], max: Int): Int = {
if(xs.head > max && ! xs.isEmpty)
maxRecursive(xs.tail, xs.head)
What about this one ?
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
if( !xs.tail.isEmpty ) {
if(xs.head < max(xs.tail)) largest = max(xs.tail)
My answer is using recursion is,
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int =
xs match {
case Nil => throw new NoSuchElementException("empty list is not allowed")
case head :: Nil => head
case head :: tail =>
if (head >= tail.head)
if (tail.length > 1)
max(head :: tail.tail)

Asserting #tailrec on Option.getOrElse

In the following, the line maybeNext.map{rec}.getOrElse(n) uses the Option monad to implement the recurse or escape pattern.
scala> #tailrec
| def rec(n: Int): Int = {
| val maybeNext = if (n >= 99) None else Some(n+1)
| maybeNext.map{rec}.getOrElse(n)
| }
Looks good, however:
<console>:7: error: could not optimize #tailrec annotated method:
it contains a recursive call not in tail position
def rec(n: Int): Int = {
I feel that the compiler should be able to sort out tail recursion in this case. It is equivalent to the following (somewhat repulsive, but compilable) sample:
scala> #tailrec
| def rec(n: Int): Int = {
| val maybeNext = if (n >= 99) None else Some(n+1)
| if (maybeNext.isEmpty) n
| else rec(maybeNext.get)
| }
rec: (n: Int)Int
Can anyone provide illumination here? Why can't the compiler figure it out? Is it a bug, or an oversight? Is the problem too difficult?
Edit: Remove the #tailrec from the first example and the method compiles; the loop terminates. The last call is always getOrElse which is equivalent to if option.isEmpty defaultValue else recurse. I think this could and should be inferred by the compiler.
It is not a bug, it is not an oversight, and it is not a tail recursion.
Yes, you can write the code in a tail recursive manner, but that doesn't mean every equivalent algorithm can be made tail recursive. Let's take this code:
First, the last call is to getOrElse(n). This call is not optional -- it is always made, and it is necessary to adjust the result. But let's ignore that.
The next to last call is to map{rec}. Not to rec. In fact, rec is not called at all in your code! Some other function calls it (and, in fact, it is not the last call on map either), but not your function.
For something to be tail recursive, you need to be able to replace the call with a "goto", so to speak. Like this:
def rec(n: Int): Int = {
val maybeNext = if (n >= 99) None else Some(n+1)
if (maybeNext.isEmpty) n
else {
n = maybeNext.get
How would that happen in the other code?
def rec(n: Int): Int = {
val maybeNext = if (n >= 99) None else Some(n+1)
maybeNext.map{x => n = x; goto BEGINNING}.getOrElse(n)
The goto here is not inside rec. It is inside an anonymous Function1's apply, which, by its turn, is inside an Option's map, so a branch here would leave two stack frames on each call. Assuming inter-method branching was possible in first place.