MongoTemplate Update document with dotted fields - spring-data

I've inserted some documents containing dotted field. Dots are converted using configuration.
((MappingMongoConverter) mongoTemplate.getConverter())
final MyBean bean = networkDataRepository.insert(networkData());
private MyBean networkData() {
return MyBean.builder().property("dotted.key", true).build();
Property is a Map
This works.
Now I'd like to update it using :
final Update update = new Update();
update.set("properties", ImmutableMap.of("dotted.key", false));
final WriteResult updateFirst =
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, MyBean.class);
But this throws an exception:
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: Write failed with
error code 57 and error message 'The dotted field 'dotted.key'
in 'properties.dotted.key' is not valid for storage.
Thanks for your answers


Trying to persist data if no duplicate record is found on collection

I'm using Quarkus Reactive and I'm trying to insert data to DB if duplicate record is not found on DB, here's my line of code
public class MovieRepositories implements IMovieRepositories {
MovieMapper mapper;
public Uni<Object> create(MovieEntity entity) {
final var data = mapper.toEntity(entity);
final var dataMovie = MovieEntity
.find("name=?1 and deleted_at is null", entity.getName());
return dataMovie.firstResult().onItem().ifNotNull()
.failWith(new ValidationException("Movie already exist"))
.call(c -> MovieEntity.persist(data))
.chain(d -> Uni.createFrom().item(data.getId()));
however, this code terminates after failure on this line of code
.failWith(new ValidationException("Movie already exist"))
and persist is never executed.
How to make this code insert data if no duplicate record is found on?
Thanks in advance
Solved by adding a return value to incoming message method that is calling this insert. This happens due to uncommited transaction to mongodb. By simply adding return commited the transaction to mongodb

How to read a collection property with JPA?

I have two classes, Account and Admin, with many to many mapping.
The Admin class has a collection of Account class and vise versa.
I want to write a query, that given the account id, will return all the account admins.
Here is the relevant fields of the Account class:
public class Account {
public Long id;
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "account", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
public List<Admin> users = new ArrayList<>();
I have tried a regular query for Admin.class with multiselect as each account has a collection of admins, but trying to get a TypedQuery<Admin> out of my CriteriaQuery<Admin> I got an IllegalArgumentException with the message "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [models.Admin]. Expected arguments are: java.util.Collection [select new models.Admin(generatedAlias0.users) from models.Account as generatedAlias0 where]" (1L here probably since I called this function with 1 as accountId), caused by QuerySyntaxException with the message "Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [models.Admin]. Expected arguments are: java.util.Collection".
private static List<Admin> readAccountAdmins(Long accountId) {
CriteriaBuilder cb = JPA.em().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Admin> cq = cb.createQuery(Admin.class);
Root<Account> root = cq.from(Account.class);
Predicate idPredicate = cb.equal(root.get(, accountId);
TypedQuery<Admin> typedQuery = JPA.em().createQuery(cq); // exception thrown here
return typedQuery.getResultList();
After that I tried running a TypedQuery<List<Admin>>, as I am trying to read a list. This is the first iteration of trying a query of list:
private static List<Admin> readAccountAdmins(Long accountId) {
CriteriaBuilder cb = JPA.em().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<List<Admin>> cq = cb.createQuery((Class<List<Admin>>)(Class<?>)(Collection.class));
Root<Account> root = cq.from(Account.class);
Predicate idPredicate = cb.equal(root.get(, accountId);;
TypedQuery<List<Admin>> typedQuery = JPA.em().createQuery(cq);
return typedQuery.getSingleResult(); // exception thrown here
I used getSingleResult as getResultList caused a compilation error, saying the actual return value is List<List<Admin>>> and doesn't match the signature.
This method threw a different exception, a NonUniqueResultException with the message: "result returns more than one elements".
While debugging, I tried to evaluate the expression typedQuery.getResultList() and saw that it actually returns List<Admin> and not List<List<Admin>>, so I got to my final iteration of this function:
private static List<Admin> readAccountAdmins(Long accountId) {
CriteriaBuilder cb = JPA.em().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<List<Admin>> cq = cb.createQuery((Class<List<Admin>>)(Class<?>)(Collection.class));
Root<Account> root = cq.from(Account.class);
Predicate idPredicate = cb.equal(root.get(, accountId);;
TypedQuery<List<Admin>> typedQuery = JPA.em().createQuery(cq);
return (List) typedQuery.getResultList();
Now, this function works, but my question is why?
Why did the compiler decide that getResultList returns a different value than the actual return value?
Maybe it makes sense when you take a closer look at your database. A TypeQuery returns entities, so basically rows from tables. List<Admin> is a collection of Entities, so eventhough your Account has a List<Admin> as a field, the Query will still return List<Admin> entities, not List<List<Admin>> as List<Admin> is not an entity.
I hope that makes sense.

Customising Spring Boot Exception Handling to Prevent Stacktraces Being Returned in Rest Response

How do I configure my spring boot service so that errors such as 500 don't potentially leak implementation details such as stacktraces.
"timestamp": "2019/05/01 15:06:17",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "Type definition error: [simple type, class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.ed25519.Ed25519LittleEndianEncoding]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: No serializer found for class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.ed25519.Ed25519LittleEndianEncoding and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) (through reference chain: java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList[0]->........)",
"path": "/api/test"
Note: here the stacktrace is in the message and not the exception part of the json.
As you can see I am already formatting the timestamp with:
public class CustomErrorAttributes extends DefaultErrorAttributes {
private static final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
private static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
public Map<String, Object> getErrorAttributes(WebRequest webRequest, boolean includeStackTrace) {
//Let Spring handle the error first
Map<String, Object> errorAttributes = super.getErrorAttributes(webRequest, includeStackTrace);
//Format & update timestamp
Object timestamp = errorAttributes.get(TIMESTAMP);
if(timestamp == null) {
errorAttributes.put(TIMESTAMP, dateFormat.format(new Date()));
} else {
errorAttributes.put(TIMESTAMP, dateFormat.format((Date)timestamp));
return errorAttributes;
But I need to handle the message too.
If this 500 was the only error I could just do:
errorAttributes.put("message", "Server error. Contact support.");
However, all the errors go through here and that would override all the messages.
I could check if the status is 500 and only modify it then. However, there are other errors that can be generated that also might leak stacktraces.
Using #RestControllerAdvice seems to require knowing every exception that is generated and having an #ExceptionHandler for each and knowing which status code to respond with.
Is there a cleaner way to handle this?
It may not be the "cleanest" approach, but with projects I've been on we had a "standard format" for our Error Responses across projects, so we had a custom object with the fields that matched our orgs standard (HttpStatus, Reason, ect.) that extended RuntimeException. Then in our controllers, services, repos, ect we would catch exceptions and create this object accordingly and throw the custom one up instead. Based upon where it happened in the app (repo, service, controller, ect.) we could give our own custom verbage to it, but still log out the full exception in our server logs so we could investigate later
For example if we caught an error in our repository we would create our custom error object, set the Reason to DB unavailable (really all the consumer needs to know), set the status to HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE (we tracked these with reasons and httpstatus with enums to keep status the same across modules), and throw the custom object up to the controller to be returned.
Sorry if this was a longwinded answer that may not give you what you want, I'm not too familiar with how you're trying to do it so figured I'd just give an example of other methods. I'll put some sample code as well
Custom Exception:
data class MyException(
val reason: String,
val httpStatus: HttpStatus? = null
) : RuntimeException(reason)
Method for creation:
fun createApiException(errorCode: ErrorCodeEnum) = MyException(
reason = errorCode.reason,
httpStatus = errorCode.httpStatus,
Spring-boot provides us with a standard method to handle exceptions using spring aop concept. You can use the #ControllerAdvice and #Exceptionhandled annotations to handle exceptions from a spring-boot rest endpoint so that a custom exception is always thrown from a rest endpoint with proper error code and error response.
The #ResponseStatus() annotation can be used to customize the response code being thrown.
For example consider the custom exception :
public class DataNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
public DataNotFoundException(String exception) {
We can throw this error from a rest GET mapping when a data is not found like :
public Resource<Student> retrieveTrains(#PathVariable long id) {
Optional<Trains> trains = trainRepository.findById(id);
if (!train.isPresent())
throw new DataNotFoundException("id-" + id);
Resource<Trains> resource = new Resource<Trains>(train.get());
ControllerLinkBuilder linkTo = linkTo(methodOn(this.getClass()).retrieveAllTrains());
return resource;
Default error response provided by Spring Boot contains all the details that are typically needed.
However, you might want to create a framework independent response structure for your organization. In that case, you can define a specific error response structure.
For example :
public class ErrorDetails {
private Date timestamp;
private String message;
private String details;
public ErrorDetails(Date timestamp, String message, String details) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.message = message;
this.details = details;
To use this error node we use :
public class CustomizedResponseEntityExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
public final ResponseEntity<ErrorDetails> handleUserNotFoundException(DataNotFoundException ex, WebRequest request) {
ErrorDetails errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(new Date(), ex.getMessage(),
return new ResponseEntity<>(errorDetails, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
#ExceptionHandler(DataNotFoundException.class) indicates that this
method would handle exceptions of the specific type.
new ResponseEntity<>(errorDetails, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) - Create an
error response object and return it with a specific Http Status.
For a more generalized exception handler you can define a method that handles exception of the type Exception.class, that way you don't have to know every exception.
Like :
public final ResponseEntity<ErrorDetails> handleAllExceptions(Exception ex, WebRequest request) {
ErrorDetails errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(new Date(), ex.getMessage(),
return new ResponseEntity<>(errorDetails, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
Reference from :

Error: Parameter value did not match expected type

I am trying to retrieve a USER from my database using the ID in the WHERE clause. However I am receiving an error and my program is failing.
This is the error I'm receiving when I run my program:
ERROR [] (default task-19)
JBAS014134: EJB Invocation failed on component CustomerServiceBeanImpl
for method public abstract
javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Parameter value [19533] did not match expected type [ (n/a)]
Note: [19533] is a test value I used.
This is the method that is having the error in the
public Customer getCustomerById (final long id)
return Customer.getById (this.em, id);
This is the method that's being called by the component CustomerServiceBeanImpl:
public static Customer getById (final EntityManager em, final long id)
for (final Customer c : em.createNamedQuery ("Customer.getById", Customer.class)
.setParameter ("id", id).setMaxResults (1).getResultList ())
return c;
return null;
The name query is this:
#NamedQuery (name = "Customer.getById",
query = "SELECT o FROM gnf.Customer o WHERE o.user = :id")
In the class itself the relevant column is this one:
#ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn (name = "user_id")
private User user;
Doing a quick check of my ERD the "id" column in my "customer" table has a data type of BIGINT. However I'm not sure if that matters. (PostgreSQL database by the way.)
How can I fix this error?
The WHERE clause in your named query seems to be the problem. The attribute user in your Customer.class is of type User and your query expects it to be a type compatible to long.
Parameter value [19533] did not match expected type [ ...
So if you need more help on this it would be great to see the complete entities User and Customer.
It is happening because in your database the parameter will be a #oneToOne object and you have to call the id inside the Object so you have to give the query as following :
"select user from User user where"

Using an Analyzer within a custom FieldBridge

I have a List getter method that I want to index (tokenized) into a number of fields.
I have a FieldBridge implementation that iterates over the list and indexes each string into a field with the index appended to the field name to give a different name for each.
I have two different Analyzer implementations (CaseSensitiveNGramAnalyzer and CaseInsensitiveNGramAnalyzer) that I want to use with this FieldBridge (to make a case-sensitive and a case-insensitive index of the field).
This is the FieldBridge I want to apply the Analyzers to:
public class StringListBridge implements FieldBridge
public void set(String name, Object value, Document luceneDocument, LuceneOptions luceneOptions)
List<String> strings = (List<String>) value;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++)
addStringField(name + 1, strings.get(i), luceneDocument, luceneOptions);
private void addStringField(String fieldName, String fieldValue, Document luceneDocument, LuceneOptions luceneOptions)
Field field = new Field(fieldName, fieldValue, luceneOptions.getStore(), luceneOptions.getIndex(), luceneOptions.getTermVector());
Is it possible to apply an Analyzer to a field that uses a FieldBridge?
If so, can this be done with annotations, or does it have to be done programatically?
If the latter, can I inject the Analyzer as a parameter?
I am thinking along the lines of the following, but am not at all familiar with field token streams etc.:
private void addStringField(String fieldName, String fieldValue, Document luceneDocument, LuceneOptions luceneOptions)
Field field = new Field(fieldName, fieldValue, luceneOptions.getStore(), luceneOptions.getIndex(), luceneOptions.getTermVector());
field.setTokenStream(new CaseSensitiveNGramAnalyzer().reusableTokenStream(fieldName, new StringReader(fieldValue)));
catch (IOException e)
Is this a sane approach?
EDIT I have tried specifying the Analyzer and FieldBridge within a #Field annotation (without including the above analyzer code) as follows, but it appears to be using the default analyzer rather than those specified with analyzer = .
index = Index.TOKENIZED,
analyzer = #Analyzer(impl = CaseInsensitiveNgramAnalyzer.class),
bridge = #FieldBridge(impl = StringListBridge.class)),
#Field(name = "content-case",
index = Index.TOKENIZED,
analyzer = #Analyzer(impl = CaseSensitiveNgramAnalyzer.class),
bridge = #FieldBridge(impl = StringListBridge.class)),
public List<String> getContents()
The solution atm is via a custom scoped analyzer or using #AnalyzerDiscriminator together with #AnalyzerDef. This is also discussed on the Hibernate Search forum -
I managed to get this working. Hibernate Search appears not to use the specified Analyzer when both analyzer = and bridge = are specified, at least if the specified bridge creates multiple fields.
Manually passing the TokenStream from the desired analyzer to the generated Fields in the bridge got me the expected result:
private void addStringField(String fieldName, String fieldValue, Document luceneDocument, LuceneOptions luceneOptions)
Field field = new Field(fieldName, fieldValue, luceneOptions.getStore(), luceneOptions.getIndex(), luceneOptions.getTermVector());
// manually apply token stream from analyzer, as hibernate search does not
// apply the specified analyzer properly
field.setTokenStream(analyzer.reusableTokenStream(fieldName, new StringReader(fieldValue)));
catch (IOException e)
ParameterizedBridge is implemented to specify which analyzer to use (analyzer is instantiated and stored in a field before this method is called).