Enabling component manager in gcloud CLI - kubernetes

I made a fresh install of gcloud for ubuntu as instructed here. I want to use the additional components offered by gcloud like kubectl and docker.
So, when I tried typing gcloud components install kubectl, I get an error saying that The component manager is disabled for this installation. Here is the full error message:

This is because you installed google-cloud-sdk with a package manager like apt-get or yum.
If you look here you can see how to install additional components. Basically sudo apt-get install kubectl.
If by docker you mean the docker-credential-gcr then I don't know if there's a way to install using a package manager, can't seem to find it. Perhaps ou can try the github repo. Mind you, you don't need this for commands like gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/your-project/your-image:version.
If you mean actual docker for building images and running them locally, that's standalone software which you need to install separately, instructions here.
Alternatively, you can uninstall google-cloud-sdk with apt-get and then reinstall with interactive installer, which will support the suggested gcloud components install *


what's the different between gcloud components tools and the original tools?

As the gcloud components doc said, we can install some tools like: minikube, kubectl using the below command:
gcloud components install minikube
What's the difference between the tools(minikube, kubectl) installed by gcloud components install command and the original tools minikube?
Does gcloud sdk have any customization or restrictions on these tools?
Can I use the original minikube and kubectl(e.g. installed by brew install kubectl command) to replace the gcloud component tools?
As far as I know, the only difference is the package manager and how you installed the component. Cloud SDK pulls the external components based on the latest version of the SDK. As example, by updating to the latest SDK (as of now 315.0.0), you'll be able to install Minikube 1.14.0. Checking the version of this component will also display a commit version that you can check on the official repository.
If you need to work on a feature that is available on the latest version, then I suggest that you continue using Homebrew. However if not, and you want your components managed by Google, then installing it via Cloud SDK is also a good choice.

Kubernetes installation with conjure up

I am trying to install kubernetes with conjure-up in my Mac. I installed conjure-up with the help of brew. Once I start conjure-up I am not getting the option to install in localhost. Why is that?
I only see commands requirement as below
brew install conjure-up
conjure-up kubernertes
I have tried with all flavours of kubernetes provided by conjure-up and didn't add any add on also.
THanks in advance
Before using conjure-up on Localhost you need to setup your LXD on local machine.
As mentioned in MacOs builds documentation you need to run:
brew install lxc
Then you need to run and configure LXD:
sudo lxd init
Then try again.

Can we install Kubernetes in a complete offline mode with kubeadm?

I need to install a Kubernetes cluster in complete offline mode. I can follow all the instructions at http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/scratch/ and install from binaries but that seems like an involved setup. The installation using kubeadm is pretty easy but I don't see any docs on whether I can install the cluster by downloading the .deb packages locally.
Any pointers to that direction are much appreciated.
I don't think that anyone has documented this yet. The biggest thing needed is to get the right images pre-loaded on every machine in the cluster. After that things should just work.
There was some discussion of this in this PR: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/36759.
If I had the bandwidth I'd implement a kubeadm list-images so we could do docker save $(kubeadm list-images) | gzip > kube-images.tar.gz. You could manually construct that list by reading code and such.
Can we install Kubernetes in a complete offline mode with kubeadm?
Yes, I've already set up several offline clusters (1.15.x) with ansible and kubeadm. Mainly you need to prepare the following things in a USB drive and bring it to your offline environment.
.deb/.rpm files to install ansible
.deb/.rpm files to install docker
.deb/.rpm files to install kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet
Docker images of kubernetes cluster (You can find that with kubeadm config images list)
Docker images of kubernetes addons (flannel/calico, dashboard, etc)
Your ansible playbooks
The installation steps are as follow:
Install ansible with dpkg or rpm (manully)
Install docker with dpkg or rpm (via ansible tasks)
Install kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet with dpkg or rpm (via ansible tasks)
docker load all the docker images (via ansible tasks)
Run kubeadm init and kubeadm join (via ansible tasks)
There may be lots of details here. Feel free to leave your comments.

How to install Hipchat Server on CentOS 6?

In my deep dive into the CentOS terminal, I was able to install and setup Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket servers. However, the Hipchat Server seems to be based on something completely different.
Is there a step by step guide to installing Hipchat; From what's needed (dependencies) to installing (which I'm not even sure is part of the process) to seeing it work (log-in, etc.)?
Atlassian's official guide is written in such a way, that I look at it confused - as if it's a riddle that will never be solved. lol
By HipChat4, I'm assuming you refer to the HipChat Client. If so, have you tried the instructions outlined here?
sudo bash -c ‘cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/hipchat.repo << EOF_hipchat
name=Atlassian Hipchat
sudo yum update
sudo yum install hipchat4
If what you're trying to install is the server, then keep in mind that HipChat Server is only supported on AWS (via the Atlassian provided AMI), or as a VM for private datacenters (via the Atlassian provided OVA). You can't install HipChat Server directly on a Linux box.
If your OS can run a virtualization platform (e.g. VirtualBox) then you can download the OVA from https://www.hipchat.com/server#get-hipchat-server, import it, start your VM and configure it. More thorough instructions are available here.

Cf application in Bluemix - install dependency package

I have a Spring Boot application deployed as a Cloud Foundry app on Bluemix. Unfortunately the core of this app depends on an external program (e.g. abc) which can be easily installed using apt-get install abc on a desktop environment.
Is there any way to install such a dependency in a cloud foundry environment?
Many thanks for your support
I'm working on a similar challenge with R and am using a soon-to-be-discontinued git repo which uses apt-get options to allow you to redirect your install into folders/directories where you have write authority during the staging process. You'll have to update your paths to ensure that you can access the installed code. The install process is multi-step,
define the alternate path for apt
define the path for your installation
update apt
use apt-get install ... to download the necessary packages and associated dependencies
use dpkg to install the downloaded packages