Crm Dynamics web api 8.2 request filter grouping apparently broken - dynamics-crm-365

accordingly to MSDN documentation (LINK) it seems to be possible to apply grouping to our requests filter through parenthesis like that:
(contains(name,'sample') or contains(name,'test')) and revenue gt 5000
Unfortunately this seems to be completely broken and records are returned like i never put in there parenthesis at all.
Is this a WEB API bug or i'm missing something?
Thanks in advance.
This is my web API call:
I've modified it a bit to preserve customer privacy.


Created System Column Blank In API Call

I am making REST calls against the Reports API endpoint, and pulling that data into a separate application. I am able to pull all of the report columns with its data, with the exception of the Created (System Column), which always returns nothing/null.
To rule out the application being the issue, I used the built in Smartsheet connector in Power BI and am getting the same blank results there.
Are there any known limitation about pulling date system columns out of the API?
It looks like you discovered a bug in the Smartsheet API! Thanks for drawing attention to this. I've submitted a bug report to the dev team at Smartsheet.
Apologies for the inconvenience. What are you trying to accomplish with your application? I might be able to help you come up with a work-around.

Is there a way to get SmartSheet Forms using the REST API?

Using the SmartSheet REST API, is there any way to get the Forms associated with a Sheet (and their - the forms' - definition/metadata, such as questions, etc.)? There doesn't appear to be anything in the documentation, but I didn't know if I'm just missing it, or if it's perhaps called something else.
You're not missing anything. At this time, accessing form data through the Smartsheet API is not supported.
They said back in 2019 that it is in the nearby pipeline. Considering its mid 2021, I feel as though it has gotten lost somewhere in this pipe.

how to specify URL in filters pagePath core reporting api V3

I am building a web app that pulls data through the Core Reporting Api v3 from Google. I am using the client PHP library offered by Google.
I am currently trying to specify a page and retrieve its pageviews for a time range. Every other seems to be working okay except for the fact that if a specfy a filter with ga:pagePath==http://link/uri then I get 0 all the time no matter the time range.
I think the problem is got to do with the setting of value for this pagePath. I want to have spearate data for the desktop version of the site and the smartphone version denoted by s. subdomain
Can anyone hint me on some tips and or tricks to use to get the required data?
Example URL:
Thanks in advance!
for the the default implementation of Google Analytics, ga:pagePath doesn't include the scheme or hostname so in your case you'd actually want to filter using ga:hostname and ga:pagePath together.
I suggest you use the Query Explorer to build your queries and get familiar with what will work. You can also use this tool to at least get a sense for what type of data the ga:pagePath and ga:hostname dimensions return before trying to filter on them. Finally, once you have the query you want, you can easily get the exact Core Reporting API query by clicking on the Query URI button.
Also check out the Combining Filters section of GA API docs.
So if you want filter on ga:pagepath for and separately you could do something like

Bing search API with DisableLocationDetection not working

The Bing search API is using my (or my server's) location even when I set the appropriate option. I would like it to provide a location agnostic response.
Am I misunderstanding the documentation? Is this syntax right?<XXX>&query=microsoft&sources=news&options=DisableLocationDetection
Thanks in advance
The syntax is right. According to the doc, the DisableLocationDetection option prevents Bing from inferring location from the query itself ("microsoft" in your example), but not from the properties of the request, such as server's IP.
News requests can specify LocationOverride parameter to get news from a particular US state. Also, if you're having troubles with automatic market detection (if your server is in another country, for example), you can specify Market parameter to override the market detection.
If this still doesn't help you, can you update the question to provide an example of a query which gives you the bad result?

Jira RPC/SOAP GetCustomFields() can only be used by an administrator?

I'm currently using the Jira SOAP interface within a C# (I suppose the language used here isn't terribly important).
Basically, I'm creating an API and a Winform that wraps some of the functionality of the soap service so that our Devs can programmaticly add bugs when something goes wrong in our application.
As part of this, I need to know the custom field IDs that are in use in Jira, rather than hardcoding them (as they are still prone to the occasional change) I used the GetCustomFields() method in the jira-rpc api then filtered it, so that all the developer needs to know is the name of the field, then the ID is filled in for them automagically.
This all works fine, but with one quite important proviso: that you login to the SOAP/RPC service as a user with administrative privaliges.
The Jira documentation indicates that the soap/rpc service follows the usual workflows and security schemes, however I can't find anything anywhere that would appear to remove this restriction on enumerating custom fields (and quite why in any instance you would want someone to HAVE to be an administrator to gain this access, especially as the custom field id's tend to be in Jira's HTML source is beyond me)
Does anyone know if I've missed a setting somewhere? Or if there is some sort of work-around for this, short of hardcoding the custom field id's?
Or is this a case of having to delve in to Jira's RPC plugin and modifying the source for it in order to give me the functionality I require?
Edit for the sake of google/posterity
Wow, all this time on, and it looks like Atlassian still haven't changed this behavior.
Worked around this by creating a custom dictionary that logs in as an administrative user, grabs the custom fields and then logs out. Not ideal, but it should work 'til atlassian change things
You're not missing anything - there's no way to get custom fields via standard SOAP API.
In JIRA Client, we learn about custom fields in two ways:
We download issues via RSS view of the issue navigator, or via XML representation of a specific issue. If a custom field is set for an issue, the XML will have its id, class and value (values).
From time to time we inspect the content of IssueNavigator search page - looking for searchers for the custom fields. Screen-scraping the HTML gives us not only ids of the custom fields but also possible values for enum fields.
This is hackery, of course, and it may go wrong, so a good API would have been a lot better.
In your case, I can suggest two solutions:
Create your own SOAP (or REST) remote API plugin that will give you just that info that you miss from the standard API. Since you're seemingly in control of your JIRA, you can install anything there.
Screen-scrape the "New Bug" page for the project and type of issue you need to submit. You'll get all the info - fields, options, default values, which field is required.